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.ngmenu.geometry add command -label "Scan CSG Geometry" -command { Ng_ParseGeometry }
.ngmenu.geometry add command -label "CSG Options..." -command geometryoptionsdialog
# only intern version !
# .ngmenu.geometry add separator
# .ngmenu.geometry add command -label "New Primitive" \
# -command newprimitivedialog -accelerator "<n><p>"
# .ngmenu.geometry add command -label "Edit Primitive" \
# -command editprimitivedialog -accelerator "<e><p>"
# .ngmenu.geometry add command -label "Edit Solid" \
# -command newsoliddialog -accelerator "<e><s>"
# .ngmenu.geometry add command -label "Choose Top Level " \
# -command topleveldialog
# .ngmenu.geometry add command -label "Identify" \
# -command identifydialog
.ngmenu.geometry add command -label "CSG Properties..." \
-command topleveldialog2
proc geometryoptionsdialog { } {
set w .geometry_dlg
if {[winfo exists .geometry_dlg] == 1} {
wm withdraw $w
wm deiconify $w
focus $w
} {
toplevel $w
global geooptions
Ng_GeometryOptions get
checkbutton $w.drawcsg -text "Draw Geometry" \
-variable geooptions.drawcsg
pack $w.drawcsg
frame $w.fac
pack $w.fac -pady 5
ttk::label $w.fac.lab -text "Facets:";
entry $w.fac.ent -width 8 -relief sunken \
-textvariable geooptions.facets
pack $w.fac.lab $w.fac.ent -side left
frame $w.det
pack $w.det -pady 5
ttk::label $w.det.lab -text "Detail:";
entry $w.det.ent -width 8 -relief sunken \
-textvariable geooptions.detail
pack $w.det.lab $w.det.ent -side left
frame $w.cox
pack $w.cox -pady 5
ttk::label $w.cox.lab -text "min/max x:";
entry $w.cox.ent1 -width 8 -relief sunken \
-textvariable geooptions.minx
entry $w.cox.ent2 -width 8 -relief sunken \
-textvariable geooptions.maxx
pack $w.cox.lab $w.cox.ent1 \
$w.cox.ent2 -side left
frame $w.coy
pack $w.coy -pady 5
ttk::label $w.coy.lab -text "min/max y:";
entry $w.coy.ent1 -width 8 -relief sunken \
-textvariable geooptions.miny
entry $w.coy.ent2 -width 8 -relief sunken \
-textvariable geooptions.maxy
pack $w.coy.lab $w.coy.ent1 \
$w.coy.ent2 -side left
frame $w.coz
pack $w.coz -pady 5
ttk::label $w.coz.lab -text "min/max z:";
entry $w.coz.ent1 -width 8 -relief sunken \
-textvariable geooptions.minz
entry $w.coz.ent2 -width 8 -relief sunken \
-textvariable geooptions.maxz
pack $w.coz.lab $w.coz.ent1 \
$w.coz.ent2 -side left
# tixButtonBox $w.bbox -orientation horizontal
# $w.bbox add ok -text Apply -underline 0 -width 5 \
# -command { Ng_GeometryOptions set }
# $w.bbox add close -text Done -underline 0 -width 5 \
# -command {
# Ng_GeometryOptions set
# destroy .geometry_dlg
# }
# pack $w.bbox -side bottom -fill x
frame $w.bu
pack $w.bu -fill x -ipady 3
ttk::button $w.bu.app -text "Apply" -command {
Ng_GeometryOptions set
ttk::button $w.bu.ok -text "Done" -command {
Ng_GeometryOptions set
destroy .geometry_dlg
pack $w.bu.app $w.bu.ok -side left -expand yes
wm withdraw $w
wm geom $w +100+100
wm deiconify $w
wm title $w "Geometry options"
focus $w
# Edit primitive
proc editprimitivedialog2 { name } {
global w classname
set w .ep_dlg
toplevel .$w
Ng_GetPrimitiveData $name classname valuelist
ttk::label $w.lab1 -text "Primitive Name: $name";
ttk::label $w.lab2 -text "Primitive Class: $classname";
pack $w.lab1 $w.lab2 -fill x -pady 1m -padx 5m
frame $w.specific -relief groove
global spec
set spec(sphere) { cx cy cz rad }
set spec(cylinder) { ax ay az bx by bz rad }
set spec(plane) { px py pz nx ny nz }
set spec(cone) { ax ay az bx by bz ra rb }
set spec(brick) { p1x p1y p1z p2x p2y p2z p3x p3y p3z p4x p4y p4z }
set cnt 0
foreach field $spec($classname) {
frame $w.specific.f$cnt
pack $w.specific.f$cnt -side top -anchor ne
ttk::label $w.specific.f$cnt.lab -text "$field"
entry $w.specific.f$cnt.ent -textvariable dataval($cnt) \
-width 6 -relief sunken
pack $w.specific.f$cnt.ent $w.specific.f$cnt.lab -side right
$w.specific.f$cnt.ent delete 0 end
$w.specific.f$cnt.ent insert 0 [lindex $valuelist $cnt]
set cnt [expr $cnt + 1]
pack $w.specific
ttk::button $w.cancel -text "cancel" -command {
destroy $w
ttk::button $w.ok -text "ok" -command {
set valuelist ""
set cnt 0
foreach field $spec($classname) {
lappend valuelist $dataval($cnt)
set cnt [expr $cnt + 1]
Ng_SetPrimitiveData $name $valuelist
destroy $w
pack $w.cancel $w.ok -side left -expand yes
bind $w <Return> { $w.ok invoke}
bind $w <Escape> { $w.cancel invoke}
wm withdraw $w
wm geom $w +100+100
wm deiconify $w
# grab $w
focus $w.specific.f0.ent
# Select primitve to edit
proc editprimitivedialog { } {
global w
set w .ep_dlg
toplevel $w
frame $w.frame -borderwidth 5m
pack $w.frame -side top -expand yes -fill y
listbox $w.frame.list -yscroll "$w.frame.scroll set" -setgrid 1 -height 12
scrollbar $w.frame.scroll -command "$w.frame.list yview"
pack $w.frame.scroll -side right -fill y
pack $w.frame.list -side left -expand 1 -fill both
Ng_GetPrimitiveList primlist
foreach el $primlist {
$w.frame.list insert end $el }
ttk::button $w.cancel -text "cancel" -command { destroy $w }
ttk::button $w.ok -text "ok" -command {
set name [.ep_dlg.frame.list get active]
puts "name=($name)"
destroy $w
if { $name != "" } { editprimitivedialog2 $name }
bind $w <Escape> { $w.cancel invoke }
bind $w <Return> { $w.ok invoke }
pack $w.cancel $w.ok -side left -expand yes
wm withdraw $w
wm geom $w +100+100
wm deiconify $w
# grab $w
focus $w.frame.list
# Create new primitive
proc newprimitivedialog { } {
global w name
set w .ap_dlg
toplevel $w
set name ""
frame $w.f1
pack $w.f1 -pady 2m
ttk::label $w.f1.lab -text "Primitive Name: ";
entry $w.f1.ent -width 5 -relief sunken \
-textvariable name
pack $w.f1.lab $w.f1.ent -side left
frame $w.frame -borderwidth .5c
pack $w.frame -side top -expand yes -fill y
listbox $w.frame.list -yscroll "$w.frame.scroll set" -setgrid 1 -height 8
scrollbar $w.frame.scroll -command "$w.frame.list yview"
pack $w.frame.scroll -side right -fill y
pack $w.frame.list -side left -expand 1 -fill both
$w.frame.list insert 0 sphere cylinder plane cone brick
$w.frame.list activate 0
ttk::button $w.ok -text "ok" -command {
Ng_CreatePrimitive [$w.frame.list get active] $name
destroy $w
editprimitivedialog2 $name
ttk::button $w.cancel -text "cancel" -command {
destroy $w
pack $w.cancel $w.ok -side left -expand yes -pady 2m
bind $w <Escape> { $w.cancel invoke }
bind $w <Return> { $w.ok invoke }
wm withdraw $w
wm geom $w +100+100
wm deiconify $w
# grab $w
focus $w.f1.ent
proc newsoliddialog { } {
global w name val sollist
set w .ns_dlg
toplevel $w
set name ""
frame $w.f1
ttk::label $w.f1.lab -text "Solid Name: ";
entry $w.f1.ent -width 5 -relief sunken \
-textvariable name
$w.f1.ent delete 0 end
ttk::button $w.f1.getsel -text "Get Selected" -command {
$w.f1.ent delete 0 end
$w.f1.ent insert 0 [$w.f3.list get active]
$w.bu.get invoke
pack $w.f1.getsel -side bottom
pack $w.f1.ent $w.f1.lab -side right
frame $w.f3 -borderwidth .5c
listbox $w.f3.list -yscroll "$w.f3.scroll set" -setgrid 1 -height 12
scrollbar $w.f3.scroll -command "$w.f3.list yview"
pack $w.f3.scroll -side right -fill y
pack $w.f3.list -side left -expand 1 -fill both
Ng_GetSolidList sollist
foreach el $sollist {
$w.f3.list insert end $el }
frame $w.f2
ttk::label $w.f2.lab -text "Solid Description: ";
pack $w.f2.lab
entry $w.f2.ent -width 100 -relief sunken \
-textvariable val -xscrollcommand "$w.f2.scr set"
scrollbar $w.f2.scr -relief sunken -orient horiz -command \
"$w.f2.ent xview"
$w.f2.ent delete 0 end
pack $w.f2.ent $w.f2.scr -fill x
frame $w.bu
ttk::button $w.bu.close -text "close" -command {
destroy $w
ttk::button $w.bu.get -text "get data" -command {
Ng_GetSolidData $name val
ttk::button $w.bu.set -text "set data" -command {
Ng_SetSolidData $name $val
pack $w.bu.get $w.bu.set $w.bu.close -side left
pack $w.bu -pady 5 -side bottom ;# buttons
pack $w.f2 -pady 5 -side bottom ;# edit field
pack $w.f1 -pady 5 -side left ;# name
pack $w.f3 -side left -expand yes -fill y ;# listbox
bind $w <Escape> { $w.bu.close invoke }
wm withdraw $w
wm geom $w +100+100
wm deiconify $w
# grab $w
focus $w
# Edit top level objects
proc toplevelproperties { w solname surfname } {
global properties
Ng_TopLevel getprop $solname $surfname properties
set w .tlprop_dlg
if {[winfo exists $w] == 1} {
wm withdraw $w
wm deiconify $w
focus $w
} {
toplevel $w
ttk::label $w.lab1 -text "Red"
scale $w.scale1 -orient horizontal -length 300 -from 0 -to 1 \
-resolution 0.01 -tickinterval 0.2 \
-command { Ng_TopLevel setprop $solname $surfname properties; redraw } -variable properties(red)
ttk::label $w.lab2 -text "Green"
scale $w.scale2 -orient horizontal -length 300 -from 0 -to 1 \
-resolution 0.01 -tickinterval 0.2 \
-command { Ng_TopLevel setprop $solname $surfname properties; redraw } -variable properties(green)
ttk::label $w.lab3 -text "Blue"
scale $w.scale3 -orient horizontal -length 300 -from 0 -to 1 \
-resolution 0.01 -tickinterval 0.2 \
-command { Ng_TopLevel setprop $solname $surfname properties; redraw } -variable properties(blue)
pack $w.lab1 $w.scale1 $w.lab2 $w.scale2 $w.lab3 $w.scale3
checkbutton $w.cb4 -text "Visible" \
-command { Ng_TopLevel setprop $solname $surfname properties; redraw } \
-variable properties(visible)
checkbutton $w.cb5 -text "Transparent" \
-command { Ng_TopLevel setprop $solname $surfname properties; redraw } \
-variable properties(transp)
pack $w.cb4 $w.cb5
frame $w.bu
pack $w.bu -fill x
ttk::button $w.bu.ok -text "Ok" -command "destroy .tlprop_dlg"
pack $w.bu.ok -expand yes
wm withdraw $w
wm geom $w +100+100
wm deiconify $w
focus $w
wm title $w "Properties $solname $surfname"
proc topleveldialog { } {
global w name val sollist
set w .tl_dlg
toplevel $w
frame $w.sol -borderwidth .5c
listbox $w.sol.list -yscroll "$w.sol.scroll set" -setgrid 1 -height 12
scrollbar $w.sol.scroll -command "$w.sol.list yview"
pack $w.sol.scroll -side right -fill y
pack $w.sol.list -side left -expand 1 -fill both
Ng_GetSolidList sollist
foreach el $sollist {
$w.sol.list insert end $el }
Ng_GetPrimitiveList sollist
foreach el $sollist {
$w.sol.list insert end $el }
frame $w.sul -borderwidth .5c
listbox $w.sul.list -yscroll "$w.sul.scroll set" -setgrid 1 -height 12
scrollbar $w.sul.scroll -command "$w.sul.list yview"
pack $w.sul.scroll -side right -fill y
pack $w.sul.list -side left -expand 1 -fill both
Ng_GetSurfaceList sollist
foreach el $sollist {
$w.sul.list insert end $el }
frame $w.topl -borderwidth .5c
listbox $w.topl.list -yscroll "$w.topl.scroll set" -setgrid 1 -height 12 \
-command { puts hi }
scrollbar $w.topl.scroll -command "$w.topl.list yview"
pack $w.topl.scroll -side right -fill y
pack $w.topl.list -side left -expand 1 -fill both
Ng_TopLevel getlist sollist
puts $sollist
foreach el $sollist {
set hel "[ lindex $el 0 ]"
if { [ llength $el ] == 2 } {
set hel "[ lindex $el 1 ] on [ lindex $el 0 ]"
$w.topl.list insert end $hel
frame $w.bu
ttk::button $w.bu.close -text "close" -command {
destroy $w
ttk::button $w.bu.addsol -text "Add Solid" -command {
set solname [$w.sol.list get active]
Ng_TopLevel set $solname ""
$w.topl.list insert end $solname
ttk::button $w.bu.addsurf -text "Add Surface" -command {
set solname [$w.sol.list get active]
set surfname [$w.sul.list get active]
Ng_TopLevel set $solname $surfname
puts "$solname on $surfname"
$w.topl.list insert end "$surfname on $solname"
ttk::button $w.bu.remsol -text "Remove" -command {
set solname [$w.topl.list get active]
set surfname ""
if { [llength $solname] == 3 } {
set surfname [lindex $solname 0]
set solname [lindex $solname 2]
Ng_TopLevel remove $solname $surfname
$w.topl.list delete active
ttk::button $w.bu.prop -text "Properties" -command {
set solname [$w.topl.list get active]
set surfname ""
if { [llength $solname] == 3 } {
set surfname [lindex $solname 0]
set solname [lindex $solname 2]
toplevelproperties tlp $solname $surfname
pack $w.bu.close $w.bu.addsol $w.bu.addsurf $w.bu.remsol $w.bu.prop -side left
pack $w.bu -side bottom
pack $w.sol -side left -expand yes -fill y ;# listbox
pack $w.sul -side left -expand yes -fill y ;# listbox
pack $w.topl -side left -expand yes -fill y ;# listbox
bind $w <Escape> { $w.bu.close invoke }
wm withdraw $w
wm geom $w +100+100
wm deiconify $w
# grab $w
focus $w
proc topleveldialog2 { } {
set w .tl2_dlg
if {[winfo exists .tl2_dlg] == 1} {
wm withdraw $w
wm deiconify $w
focus $w
} {
toplevel $w
global name val sollist
frame $w.topl -borderwidth .5c
listbox $w.topl.list -yscroll "$w.topl.scroll set" -setgrid 1 -height 12
scrollbar $w.topl.scroll -command "$w.topl.list yview"
pack $w.topl.scroll -side right -fill y
pack $w.topl.list -side left -expand 1 -fill both
Ng_TopLevel getlist sollist
puts $sollist
set i 1
foreach el $sollist {
set hel "$i: [ lindex $el 0 ]"
if { [ llength $el ] == 2 } {
set hel "$i: [ lindex $el 1 ] on [ lindex $el 0 ]"
incr i
$w.topl.list insert end $hel }
frame $w.bu
ttk::button $w.bu.close -text "close" -command {
destroy .tl2_dlg
ttk::button $w.bu.prop -text "Properties" -command {
set solname [.tl2_dlg.topl.list get active]
set surfname ""
if { [llength $solname] == 2 } {
set solname [lindex $solname 1]
if { [llength $solname] == 4 } {
set surfname [lindex $solname 1]
set solname [lindex $solname 3]
toplevelproperties tlp $solname $surfname
pack $w.bu.close $w.bu.prop -side left
pack $w.bu -side bottom
pack $w.topl -side left -expand yes -fill y ;# listbox
bind .tl2_dlg.topl.list <Double-1> {
set solname [.tl2_dlg.topl.list get @%x,%y]
set surfname ""
if { [llength $solname] == 2 } {
set solname [lindex $solname 1]
if { [llength $solname] == 4 } {
set surfname [lindex $solname 1]
set solname [lindex $solname 3]
toplevelproperties tlp $solname $surfname
bind .tl2_dlg <Escape> { .tl2_dlg.bu.close invoke }
wm withdraw $w
wm geom $w +100+100
wm deiconify $w
wm title $w "Top-Level Options"
focus $w