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synced 2025-01-11 21:50:34 +05:00
-> no need to call Compress() everytime the mesh changes
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176 lines
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inline void AppendEdges( const Element2d & elem, PointIndex pi, Array<std::tuple<PointIndex,PointIndex>> & edges )
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
PointIndex pi0 = elem[j];
PointIndex pi1 = elem[(j+1)%3];
if (pi1 < pi0) Swap(pi0, pi1);
edges.Append(std::make_tuple(pi0, pi1));
inline void AppendEdges( const Element & elem, PointIndex pi, Array<std::tuple<PointIndex,PointIndex>> & edges )
static constexpr int tetedges[6][2] =
{ { 0, 1 }, { 0, 2 }, { 0, 3 },
{ 1, 2 }, { 1, 3 }, { 2, 3 } };
for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
PointIndex pi0 = elem[tetedges[j][0]];
PointIndex pi1 = elem[tetedges[j][1]];
if (pi1 < pi0) Swap(pi0, pi1);
edges.Append(std::make_tuple(pi0, pi1));
template<typename TINDEX>
void BuildEdgeList( const Mesh & mesh, const Table<TINDEX, PointIndex> & elementsonnode, Array<std::tuple<PointIndex, PointIndex>> & edges )
static_assert(is_same_v<TINDEX, ElementIndex>||is_same_v<TINDEX,SurfaceElementIndex>, "Invalid type for TINDEX");
static Timer tbuild_edges("Build edges"); RegionTimer reg(tbuild_edges);
int ntasks = 4*ngcore::TaskManager::GetMaxThreads();
Array<Array<std::tuple<PointIndex,PointIndex>>> task_edges(ntasks);
ParallelFor(IntRange(ntasks), [&] (int ti)
auto myrange = mesh.Points().Range().Split(ti, ntasks);
ArrayMem<std::tuple<PointIndex,PointIndex>, 100> local_edges;
for (auto pi : myrange)
for(auto ei : elementsonnode[pi])
const auto & elem = mesh[ei];
if (elem.IsDeleted()) continue;
AppendEdges(elem, pi, local_edges);
auto edge_prev = std::make_tuple<PointIndex, PointIndex>(-1,-1);
for(auto edge : local_edges)
if(edge != edge_prev)
edge_prev = edge;
}, ntasks);
int num_edges = 0;
for (auto & edg : task_edges)
num_edges += edg.Size();
for (auto & edg : task_edges)
class Neighbour
int nr[3];
int orient[3];
Neighbour () { ; }
void SetNr (int side, int anr) { nr[side] = anr; }
int GetNr (int side) { return nr[side]; }
void SetOrientation (int side, int aorient) { orient[side] = aorient; }
int GetOrientation (int side) { return orient[side]; }
class MeshOptimize2d
int faceindex = 0;
int improveedges = 0;
double metricweight = 0.;
int writestatus = 1;
Mesh& mesh;
const NetgenGeometry& geo;
MeshOptimize2d(Mesh& amesh) : mesh(amesh), geo(*mesh.GetGeometry())
virtual ~MeshOptimize2d() { ; }
void ImproveMesh (const MeshingParameters & mp);
void ImproveMeshJacobian (const MeshingParameters & mp);
void ImproveVolumeMesh ();
void ProjectBoundaryPoints(NgArray<int> & surfaceindex,
const NgArray<Point<3>* > & from, NgArray<Point<3>* > & dest);
bool EdgeSwapping (const int usemetric, Array<Neighbour> &neighbors, Array<bool> &swapped,
const SurfaceElementIndex t1, const int edge, const int t, Array<int,PointIndex> &pdef, const bool check_only=false);
void EdgeSwapping (int usemetric);
void CombineImprove ();
void SplitImprove ();
void GenericImprove ();
void SetFaceIndex (int fi) { faceindex = fi; }
void SetImproveEdges (int ie) { improveedges = ie; }
void SetMetricWeight (double mw) { metricweight = mw; }
void SetWriteStatus (int ws) { writestatus = ws; }
/// liefert zu einem 3d-Punkt die geominfo (Dreieck) und liefert 1, wenn erfolgreich,
/// 0, wenn nicht (Punkt ausserhalb von chart)
void CheckMeshApproximation (Mesh & mesh);
friend class Opti2SurfaceMinFunction;
friend class Opti2EdgeMinFunction;
friend double Opti2FunctionValueGrad (const Vector & x, Vector & grad);
friend double Opti2EdgeFunctionValueGrad (const Vector & x, Vector & grad);
extern void CalcTriangleBadness (double x2, double x3, double y3,
double metricweight,
double h, double & badness,
double & g1x, double & g1y);
extern double CalcTriangleBadness (const Point<3> & p1,
const Point<3> & p2,
const Point<3> & p3,
double metricweight,
double h);
extern double CalcTriangleBadness (const Point<3> & p1,
const Point<3> & p2,
const Point<3> & p3,
const Vec<3> & n,
double metricweight,
double h);