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/* *************************************************************************/
/* File: geomtest3d.hh */
/* Author: Joachim Schoeberl */
/* Date: 13. Feb. 98 */
/* *************************************************************************/
namespace netgen
extern int
IntersectTriangleLine (const Point<3> ** tri, const Point<3> ** line);
Returns 0, iff
closure (tet) cup closure (tri) is empty, one corner point of tet,
one edge of tet or one face of tet
extern int
IntersectTetTriangle (const Point<3> ** tet, const Point<3> ** tri,
const int * tetpi = NULL, const int * tripi = NULL);
Same test as above, but tet int reference position (0, ex, ey, ez),
tetpi = 1, 2, 4, 5
extern int
IntersectTetTriangleRef (const Point3d ** tri, const int * tripi = NULL);
// 1, iff not regular triangulation
extern int
IntersectTriangleTriangle (const Point<3> ** tri1, const Point<3> ** tri2);
extern void
LocalCoordinates (const Vec3d & e1, const Vec3d & e2,
const Vec3d & v, double & lam1, double & lam2);
/// return 1 = degenerated sphere
extern int
CalcSphereCenter (const Point<3> ** pts, Point<3> & c);
/// return 1 = degenerated triangle
extern int
CalcTriangleCenter (const Point3d ** pts, Point3d & c);
Compute radius of cylinder fitting 4 points.
cylinder axis is in the direction of p1-p2
extern double ComputeCylinderRadius (const Point3d & p1, const Point3d & p2,
const Point3d & p3, const Point3d & p4);
Two triangles T1 and T2 have normals n1 and n2.
The height over the common edge is h1, and h2.
Radius of cylinder fitting both triangles
extern double ComputeCylinderRadius (const Vec3d & n1, const Vec3d & n2,
double h1, double h2);
/// Minimal distance of point p to the line segment [lp1,lp2]
extern double MinDistLP2 (const Point2d & lp1, const Point2d & lp2, const Point2d & p);
/// Minimal distance of point p to the line segment [lp1,lp2]
extern double MinDistLP2 (const Point3d & lp1, const Point3d & lp2, const Point3d & p);
/// Minimal distance of point p to the triangle segment [tp1,tp2,pt3]
extern double MinDistTP2 (const Point3d & tp1, const Point3d & tp2,
const Point3d & tp3, const Point3d & p);
inline double MinDistTP2 (const Point<2> & tp1, const Point<2> & tp2,
const Point<2> & tp3, const Point<2> & p)
return MinDistTP2 (Point<3> (tp1(0), tp1(1),0),
Point<3> (tp2(0), tp2(1),0),
Point<3> (tp3(0), tp3(1),0),
Point<3> (p(0), p(1),0));
/// Minimal distance of the 2 lines [l1p1,l1p2] and [l2p1,l2p2]
extern double MinDistLL2 (const Point3d & l1p1, const Point3d & l1p2,
const Point3d & l2p1, const Point3d & l2p2);