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#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include <vector>
#include "logging.hpp" // for logger
#include "ngcore_api.hpp" // for NGCORE_API
#include "utils.hpp"
namespace ngcore
extern NGCORE_API class PajeTrace *trace;
class PajeTrace
using TClock = std::chrono::system_clock;
std::shared_ptr<Logger> logger = GetLogger("PajeTrace");
NGCORE_API static size_t max_tracefile_size;
NGCORE_API static bool trace_thread_counter;
NGCORE_API static bool trace_threads;
NGCORE_API static bool mem_tracing_enabled;
NGCORE_API static bool write_paje_file;
bool tracing_enabled;
TTimePoint start_time;
int nthreads;
size_t n_memory_events_at_start;
NGCORE_API void Write();
NGCORE_API void WritePajeFile( const std::string & filename );
NGCORE_API void WriteTimingChart();
NGCORE_API void WriteMemoryChart( std::string fname );
// Approximate number of events to trace. Tracing will
// be stopped if any thread reaches this number of events
unsigned int max_num_events_per_thread;
static void SetTraceMemory( bool trace_memory )
mem_tracing_enabled = trace_memory;
static void SetTraceThreads( bool atrace_threads )
trace_threads = atrace_threads;
static void SetTraceThreadCounter( bool trace_threads )
trace_thread_counter = trace_threads;
static void SetMaxTracefileSize( size_t max_size )
max_tracefile_size = max_size;
static void SetWritePajeFile( bool write )
write_paje_file = write;
std::string tracefile_name;
struct Job
int job_id;
const std::type_info *type;
TTimePoint start_time;
TTimePoint stop_time;
struct Task
int thread_id;
int id;
int id_type;
int additional_value;
TTimePoint time;
bool is_start;
static constexpr int ID_NONE = -1;
static constexpr int ID_JOB = 1;
static constexpr int ID_TIMER = 2;
struct TimerEvent
int timer_id;
TTimePoint time;
bool is_start;
int thread_id;
bool operator < (const TimerEvent & other) const { return time < other.time; }
struct UserEvent
TTimePoint t_start = 0, t_end = 0;
std::string data = "";
int container = 0;
int id = 0;
bool operator < (const UserEvent & other) const { return t_start < other.t_start; }
struct ThreadLink
int thread_id;
int key;
TTimePoint time;
bool is_start;
bool operator < (const ThreadLink & other) const { return time < other.time; }
struct MemoryEvent
TTimePoint time;
size_t size;
int id;
bool is_alloc;
bool operator < (const MemoryEvent & other) const { return time < other.time; }
std::vector<std::vector<Task> > tasks;
std::vector<Job> jobs;
std::vector<TimerEvent> timer_events;
std::vector<UserEvent> user_events;
std::vector<std::tuple<std::string, int>> user_containers;
std::vector<TimerEvent> gpu_events;
std::vector<std::vector<ThreadLink> > links;
NGCORE_API static std::vector<MemoryEvent> memory_events;
NGCORE_API void StopTracing();
PajeTrace() = delete;
PajeTrace(const PajeTrace &) = delete;
PajeTrace(PajeTrace &&) = delete;
NGCORE_API PajeTrace(int anthreads, std::string aname = "");
NGCORE_API ~PajeTrace();
void operator=(const PajeTrace &) = delete;
void operator=(PajeTrace &&) = delete;
int AddUserContainer(std::string name, int parent=-1)
if(auto pos = std::find(user_containers.begin(), user_containers.end(), std::tuple{name,parent}); pos != user_containers.end())
return pos - user_containers.begin();
int id = user_containers.size();
user_containers.push_back({name, parent});
return id;
void AddUserEvent(UserEvent ue)
if(!tracing_enabled) return;
void StartGPU(int timer_id = 0)
if(!tracing_enabled) return;
if(unlikely(gpu_events.size() == max_num_events_per_thread))
gpu_events.push_back(TimerEvent{timer_id, GetTimeCounter(), true});
void StopGPU(int timer_id)
if(!tracing_enabled) return;
if(unlikely(gpu_events.size() == max_num_events_per_thread))
gpu_events.push_back(TimerEvent{timer_id, GetTimeCounter(), false});
void StartTimer(int timer_id)
if(!tracing_enabled) return;
if(unlikely(timer_events.size() == max_num_events_per_thread))
timer_events.push_back(TimerEvent{timer_id, GetTimeCounter(), true});
void StopTimer(int timer_id)
if(!tracing_enabled) return;
if(unlikely(timer_events.size() == max_num_events_per_thread))
timer_events.push_back(TimerEvent{timer_id, GetTimeCounter(), false});
void AllocMemory(int id, size_t size)
if(!mem_tracing_enabled) return;
memory_events.push_back(MemoryEvent{GetTimeCounter(), size, id, true});
void FreeMemory(int id, size_t size)
if(!mem_tracing_enabled) return;
memory_events.push_back(MemoryEvent{GetTimeCounter(), size, id, false});
void ChangeMemory(int id, long long size)
AllocMemory(id, size);
FreeMemory(id, -size);
int StartTask(int thread_id, int id, int id_type = Task::ID_NONE, int additional_value = -1)
if(!tracing_enabled) return -1;
if(!trace_threads && !trace_thread_counter) return -1;
if(unlikely(tasks[thread_id].size() == max_num_events_per_thread))
int task_num = tasks[thread_id].size();
tasks[thread_id].push_back( Task{thread_id, id, id_type, additional_value, GetTimeCounter(), true} );
return task_num;
void StopTask(int thread_id, int id, int id_type = Task::ID_NONE)
if(!trace_threads && !trace_thread_counter) return;
tasks[thread_id].push_back( Task{thread_id, id, id_type, 0, GetTimeCounter(), false} );
void StartJob(int job_id, const std::type_info & type)
if(!tracing_enabled) return;
if(jobs.size() == max_num_events_per_thread)
jobs.push_back( Job{job_id, &type, GetTimeCounter()} );
void StopJob()
jobs.back().stop_time = GetTimeCounter();
void StartLink(int thread_id, int key)
if(!tracing_enabled) return;
if(links[thread_id].size() == max_num_events_per_thread)
links[thread_id].push_back( ThreadLink{thread_id, key, GetTimeCounter(), true} );
void StopLink(int thread_id, int key)
if(!tracing_enabled) return;
if(links[thread_id].size() == max_num_events_per_thread)
links[thread_id].push_back( ThreadLink{thread_id, key, GetTimeCounter(), false} );
void SendData(); // MPI parallel data reduction
} // namespace ngcore