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/* File: stlline.hh */
/* Author: Joachim Schoeberl */
/* Author2: Johannes Gerstmayr */
/* Date: 20. Nov. 99 */
class STLGeometry;
class STLTopology;
class STLEdge
int pts[2];
int trigs[2]; //left and right trig
STLEdge (const int * apts) {pts[0] = apts[0]; pts[1] = apts[1];}
STLEdge (int v1, int v2) {pts[0] = v1; pts[1] = v2;}
STLEdge () {pts[0]=0;pts[1]=0;}
int PNum(int i) const {return pts[(i-1)];}
int LeftTrig() const {return trigs[0];}
int RightTrig() const {return trigs[1];}
void SetLeftTrig(int i) {trigs[0] = i;}
void SetRightTrig(int i) {trigs[1] = i;}
class STLEdgeData
// float angle;
int p1;
int p2;
int lt; //left trig
int rt; //right trig
// int status;
STLTopology * top; // pointer to stl topology
int topedgenr; // number of corresponding topology edge
STLEdgeData() {};
STLEdgeData(float anglei, int p1i, int p2i, int lti, int rti)
// angle = anglei;
p1 = p1i; p2 = p2i;
lt = lti; rt = rti;
int GetStatus () const;
void SetStatus (int stat);
void SetExcluded() { SetStatus (ED_EXCLUDED); }
void SetConfirmed() { SetStatus (ED_CONFIRMED); }
void SetCandidate() { SetStatus (ED_CANDIDATE); }
void SetUndefined() { SetStatus (ED_UNDEFINED); }
int Excluded() const {return GetStatus() == ED_EXCLUDED;}
int Confirmed() const {return GetStatus() == ED_CONFIRMED;}
int Candidate() const {return GetStatus() == ED_CANDIDATE;}
int Undefined() const {return GetStatus() == ED_UNDEFINED;}
int ConfCand() const {return GetStatus() == ED_CONFIRMED || GetStatus() == ED_CANDIDATE;}
float CosAngle() const;
void Write(ofstream& of) const;
void Read(ifstream& ifs);
class STLEdgeDataList
INDEX_2_HASHTABLE<int> hashtab;
Array<STLEdgeData> edgedata;
TABLE<int> edgesperpoint;
STLEdgeDataList():edgedata(),hashtab(1),edgesperpoint() {};
const STLEdgeDataList& operator=(const STLEdgeDataList& edl);
void SetSize(int size)
void Clear() {SetSize(0);}
int Size() const {return edgedata.Size();}
const STLEdgeData& Get(int i) const {return edgedata.Get(i);}
STLEdgeData& Elem(int i) {return edgedata.Elem(i);}
void Add(const STLEdgeData& ed, int i);
int GetNEPP(int pn) const
return edgesperpoint.EntrySize(pn);
int GetEdgePP(int pn, int vi) const
return edgesperpoint.Get(pn,vi);
void AddEdgePP(int pn, int vn) {edgesperpoint.Add(pn,vn);};
void ResetAll();
void ResetCandidates();
void ConfirmCandidates();
int GetEdgeNum(int np1, int np2) const;
int GetNConfEdges() const;
void Write(ofstream& of) const;
void Read(ifstream& ifs);
void BuildLineWithEdge(int ep1, int ep2, Array<twoint>& line);
int GetNEPPStat(int p, int status) const;
int GetNConfCandEPP(int p) const;
//a line defined by several points (polyline)
class STLLine
const STLGeometry * geometry;
Array<int> pts;
Array<int> lefttrigs;
Array<int> righttrigs;
Array<double> dists;
int split;
STLLine(const STLGeometry * ageometry);
void AddPoint(int i) {pts.Append(i);}
int PNum(int i) const {return pts.Get(i);}
int NP() const {return pts.Size();}
int GetNS() const;
void GetSeg(int nr, int& p1, int& p2) const;
double GetSegLen(const Array<Point<3> >& ap, int nr) const;
int GetLeftTrig(int nr) const;
int GetRightTrig(int nr) const;
double GetDist(int nr) const { return dists.Get(nr);};
void GetBoundingBox (const Array<Point<3> > & ap, Box<3> & box) const;
void AddLeftTrig(int nr) {lefttrigs.Append(nr);}
void AddRightTrig(int nr) {righttrigs.Append(nr);}
void AddDist (double dist) {dists.Append(dist); }
int StartP() const {return pts.Get(1);}
int EndP() const {return pts.Get(pts.Size());}
double GetLength(const Array<Point<3> >& ap) const;
//suche punkt in entfernung (in linienkoordinaten) dist
//in index ist letzter punkt VOR dist (d.h. max pts.Size()-1)
Point<3> GetPointInDist(const Array<Point<3> >& ap, double dist, int& index) const;
//return a meshed polyline
STLLine* Mesh(const Array<Point<3> >& ap,
Array<Point3d>& mp, double ghi,
class Mesh& mesh) const;
void DoSplit() {split = 1;}
int ShouldSplit() const {return split;}