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194 lines
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// Write Fluent file
// Johannes Gerstmayr, University Linz
#include <mystdlib.h>
#include <myadt.hpp>
#include <linalg.hpp>
#include <csg.hpp>
#include <meshing.hpp>
namespace netgen
#include "writeuser.hpp"
void WriteFluentFormat (const Mesh & mesh,
const string & filename)
cout << "start writing fluent export" << endl;
int np = mesh.GetNP();
int ne = mesh.GetNE();
int nse = mesh.GetNSE();
int i, j;
ofstream outfile (filename.c_str());
char str[100];
//outfile.setf (ios::fixed, ios::floatfield);
//outfile.setf (ios::showpoint);
outfile << "(0 \"Exported file from NETGEN \")" << endl;
outfile << "(0 \"Dimension:\")" << endl;
outfile << "(2 3)" << endl << endl;
outfile << "(0 \"Nodes:\")" << endl;
//number of nodes:
sprintf(str,"(10 (0 1 %x 1))",np); //hexadecimal!!!
outfile << str << endl;
//nodes of zone 1:
sprintf(str,"(10 (7 1 %x 1)(",np); //hexadecimal!!!
outfile << str << endl;
for (i = 1; i <= np; i++)
const Point3d & p = mesh.Point(i);
outfile << p.X() << " ";
outfile << p.Y() << " ";
outfile << p.Z() << "\n";
outfile << "))" << endl << endl;
//write faces with elements
outfile << "(0 \"Faces:\")" << endl;
Element2d face, face2;
int i2, j2;
NgArray<INDEX_3> surfaceelp;
NgArray<int> surfaceeli;
NgArray<int> locels;
//no cells=no tets
//no faces=2*tets
int noverbface = 2*ne-nse/2;
sprintf(str,"(13 (0 1 %x 0))",(noverbface+nse)); //hexadecimal!!!
outfile << str << endl;
sprintf(str,"(13 (4 1 %x 2 3)(",noverbface); //hexadecimal!!!
outfile << str << endl;
const_cast<Mesh&> (mesh).BuildElementSearchTree();
for (i = 1; i <= ne; i++)
if (ne > 2000)
if (i%2000 == 0)
cout << (double)i/(double)ne*100. << "%" << endl;
Element el = mesh.VolumeElement(i);
//if (inverttets)
// el.Invert();
//outfile << el.GetIndex() << " ";
if (el.GetNP() != 4) {cout << "only tet-meshes supported in write fluent!" << endl;}
Box3d box;
el.GetBox(mesh.Points(), box);
int nel = locels.Size();
int locind;
//cout << "nel=" << nel << endl;
for (j = 1; j <= el.GetNFaces(); j++)
el.GetFace(j, face);
int eli2 = 0;
int stopsig = 0;
for (i2 = 1; i2 <= nel; i2++)
locind = locels.Get(i2);
//cout << " locind=" << locind << endl;
Element el2 = mesh.VolumeElement(locind);
//if (inverttets)
// el2.Invert();
for (j2 = 1; j2 <= el2.GetNFaces(); j2++)
el2.GetFace(j2, face2);
if (face2.HasFace(face)) {eli2 = locind; stopsig = 1; break;}
if (stopsig) break;
if (eli2==i) cout << "error in WRITE_FLUENT!!!" << endl;
if (eli2 > i) //don't write faces two times!
//i: left cell, eli: right cell
outfile << hex << face.PNum(2) << " "
<< hex << face.PNum(1) << " "
<< hex << face.PNum(3) << " "
<< hex << i << " "
<< hex << eli2 << "\n";
if (eli2 == 0)
outfile << "))" << endl;
sprintf(str,"(13 (2 %x %x 3 3)(",(noverbface+1),noverbface+nse); //hexadecimal!!!
outfile << str << endl;
for (i = 1; i <= surfaceelp.Size(); i++)
outfile << hex << surfaceelp.Get(i).I1() << " "
<< hex << surfaceelp.Get(i).I2() << " "
<< hex << surfaceelp.Get(i).I3() << " "
<< hex << surfaceeli.Get(i) << " " << 0 << "\n";
outfile << "))" << endl << endl;
outfile << "(0 \"Cells:\")" << endl;
sprintf(str,"(12 (0 1 %x 0))",ne); //hexadecimal!!!
outfile << str << endl;
sprintf(str,"(12 (1 1 %x 1 2))",ne); //hexadecimal!!!
outfile << str << endl << endl;
outfile << "(0 \"Zones:\")\n"
<< "(45 (1 fluid fluid)())\n"
// << "(45 (2 velocity-inlet velocity_inlet.1)())\n"
// << "(45 (3 pressure-outlet pressure_outlet.2)())\n"
<< "(45 (2 wall wall)())\n"
<< "(45 (4 interior default-interior)())\n" << endl;
cout << "done" << endl;