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namespace netgen
class Revolution;
class RevolutionFace : public Surface
bool isfirst, islast;
const SplineSeg<2> * spline;
bool deletable;
Point<3> p0;
Vec<3> v_axis;
int id;
// coefficient for implicizt polynomial
mutable Vector spline_coefficient;
mutable Vector spline_coefficient_shifted;
NgArray < Vec<2>* > checklines_vec;
NgArray < Point<2>* > checklines_start;
NgArray < Vec<2>* > checklines_normal;
void Init (void);
void CalcProj(const Point<3> & point3d, Point<2> & point2d) const;
void CalcProj(const Point<3> & point3d, Point<2> & point2d,
const Vec<3> & vector3d, Vec<2> & vector2d) const;
void CalcProj0(const Vec<3> & point3d_minus_p0, Point<2> & point2d) const;
RevolutionFace(const SplineSeg<2> & spline_in,
const Point<3> & p,
const Vec<3> & vec,
bool first = false,
bool last = false,
const int id_in = 0);
RevolutionFace(const NgArray<double> & raw_data);
// default constructor for archive
RevolutionFace() {}
virtual void DoArchive(Archive& ar)
ar & isfirst & islast & spline & deletable & p0 & v_axis & id & spline_coefficient
& spline_coefficient_shifted & checklines_vec & checklines_start & checklines_normal;
virtual int IsIdentic (const Surface & s2, int & inv, double eps) const;
virtual double CalcFunctionValue (const Point<3> & point) const;
virtual void CalcGradient (const Point<3> & point, Vec<3> & grad) const;
virtual void CalcHesse (const Point<3> & point, Mat<3> & hesse) const;
virtual double HesseNorm () const;
virtual double MaxCurvature () const;
//virtual double MaxCurvatureLoc (const Point<3> & /* c */ ,
// double /* rad */) const;
Point<3> P0() const { return p0; }
Vec<3> Axis() const { return v_axis; }
virtual void Project (Point<3> & p) const;
virtual Point<3> GetSurfacePoint () const;
virtual void Print (ostream & str) const;
virtual void GetTriangleApproximation (TriangleApproximation & tas,
const Box<3> & boundingbox,
double facets) const;
bool BoxIntersectsFace (const Box<3> & box) const;
bool BoxIntersectsFace (const BoxSphere<2> & box, bool & uncertain) const;
bool BoxIntersectsFace (const BoxSphere<3> & box, bool & uncertain) const;
const SplineSeg<2> & GetSpline(void) const {return *spline;}
/* INSOLID_TYPE */ bool PointInFace (const Point<3> & p, const double eps) const;
void GetRawData(NgArray<double> & data) const;
Primitive of revolution
class Revolution : public Primitive
Point<3> p0,p1;
Vec<3> v_axis;
// 1 ... torus-like
// 2 ... sphere-like
int type;
Array<RevolutionFace*> faces;
shared_ptr<SplineGeometry<2>> splinegeo;
mutable int intersecting_face;
Revolution(const Point<3> & p0_in,
const Point<3> & p1_in,
shared_ptr<SplineGeometry<2>> spline_in);
// default constructor for archive
Revolution() {}
virtual void DoArchive(Archive& ar)
ar & p0 & p1 & v_axis & type & faces & intersecting_face;
Check, whether box intersects solid defined by surface.
return values:
0 .. box outside solid \\
1 .. box in solid \\
2 .. can't decide (allowed, iff box is close to solid)
virtual INSOLID_TYPE BoxInSolid (const BoxSphere<3> & box) const;
virtual INSOLID_TYPE PointInSolid (const Point<3> & p,
double eps) const;
virtual void GetTangentialSurfaceIndices (const Point<3> & p,
NgArray<int> & surfind, double eps) const;
virtual INSOLID_TYPE VecInSolid (const Point<3> & p,
const Vec<3> & v,
double eps) const;
// checks if lim s->0 lim t->0 p + t(v1 + s v2) in solid
virtual INSOLID_TYPE VecInSolid2 (const Point<3> & p,
const Vec<3> & v1,
const Vec<3> & v2,
double eps) const;
virtual void GetTangentialVecSurfaceIndices2 (const Point<3> & p, const Vec<3> & v1, const Vec<3> & v2,
NgArray<int> & surfind, double eps) const;
virtual int GetNSurfaces() const;
virtual Surface & GetSurface (int i = 0);
virtual const Surface & GetSurface (int i = 0) const;
virtual void Reduce (const BoxSphere<3> & box);
virtual void UnReduce ();