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175 lines
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#include <mystdlib.h>
#include "meshing.hpp"
// not yet working ....
namespace netgen
void Meshing2 :: BlockFillLocalH (Mesh & mesh, const MeshingParameters & mp)
double filldist = mp.filldist;
cout << "blockfill local h" << endl;
cout << "rel filldist = " << filldist << endl;
PrintMessage (3, "blockfill local h");
Array<Point<3> > npoints;
// adfront -> CreateTrees();
Box<3> bbox ( Box<3>::EMPTY_BOX );
double maxh = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < adfront->GetNFL(); i++)
const FrontLine & line = adfront->GetLine (i);
const Point<3> & p1 = adfront->GetPoint(line.L().I1());
const Point<3> & p2 = adfront->GetPoint(line.L().I2());
double hi = Dist (p1, p2);
if (hi > maxh) maxh = hi;
bbox.Add (p1);
bbox.Add (p2);
cout << "bbox = " << bbox << endl;
// Point<3> mpc = bbox.Center();
bbox.Increase (bbox.Diam()/2);
Box<3> meshbox = bbox;
LocalH loch2 (bbox, 1);
if (mp.maxh < maxh) maxh = mp.maxh;
bool changed;
for (int i = 0; i < adfront->GetNFL(); i++)
const FrontLine & line = adfront->GetLine(i);
Box<3> bbox (adfront->GetPoint (line.L().I1()));
bbox.Add (adfront->GetPoint (line.L().I2()));
double filld = filldist * bbox.Diam();
bbox.Increase (filld);
mesh.LocalHFunction().CutBoundary (bbox);
mesh.LocalHFunction().FindInnerBoxes (adfront, NULL);
mesh.LocalHFunction().GetInnerPoints (npoints);
changed = false;
for (int i = 0; i < npoints.Size(); i++)
if (mesh.LocalHFunction().GetH(npoints[i]) > 1.5 * maxh)
mesh.LocalHFunction().SetH (npoints[i], maxh);
changed = true;
while (changed);
if (debugparam.slowchecks)
(*testout) << "Blockfill with points: " << endl;
*testout << "loch = " << mesh.LocalHFunction() << endl;
*testout << "npoints = " << endl << npoints << endl;
for (int i = 1; i <= npoints.Size(); i++)
if (meshbox.IsIn (npoints.Get(i)))
PointIndex gpnum = mesh.AddPoint (npoints.Get(i));
adfront->AddPoint (npoints.Get(i), gpnum);
if (debugparam.slowchecks)
(*testout) << npoints.Get(i) << endl;
Point<2> p2d (npoints.Get(i)(0), npoints.Get(i)(1));
if (!adfront->Inside(p2d))
cout << "add outside point" << endl;
(*testout) << "outside" << endl;
// find outer points
for (int i = 0; i < adfront->GetNFL(); i++)
const FrontLine & line = adfront->GetLine(i);
Box<3> bbox (adfront->GetPoint (line.L().I1()));
bbox.Add (adfront->GetPoint (line.L().I2()));
loch2.SetH (bbox.Center(), bbox.Diam());
for (int i = 0; i < adfront->GetNFL(); i++)
const FrontLine & line = adfront->GetLine(i);
Box<3> bbox (adfront->GetPoint (line.L().I1()));
bbox.Add (adfront->GetPoint (line.L().I2()));
bbox.Increase (filldist * bbox.Diam());
loch2.CutBoundary (bbox);
loch2.FindInnerBoxes (adfront, NULL);
loch2.GetOuterPoints (npoints);
for (int i = 1; i <= npoints.Size(); i++)
if (meshbox.IsIn (npoints.Get(i)))
PointIndex gpnum = mesh.AddPoint (npoints.Get(i));
adfront->AddPoint (npoints.Get(i), gpnum);
void Meshing2 :: Delaunay (Mesh & mesh, int domainnr, const MeshingParameters & mp)
cout << "2D Delaunay meshing (in progress)" << endl;
// int oldnp = mesh.GetNP();
cout << "np, old = " << mesh.GetNP() << endl;
BlockFillLocalH (mesh, mp);
cout << "np, now = " << mesh.GetNP() << endl;