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2015-10-10 20:38:02 +02:00

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# Creates a drawing frame, and binds mouse events
set oldmousex 0
set oldmousey 0
# if { 1 } {
# use this one for Togl 2.0
# if {[catch {togl .ndraw -width 400 -height 300 -rgba true -double true -depth true -privatecmap false -stereo false -indirect false -create init -display draw -reshape reshape }] } {
if {[catch {togl .ndraw -width 400 -height 300 -rgba true -double true -depth true -privatecmap false -stereo false -indirect false }] } { puts "no OpenGL"
} {
pack .ndraw -expand true -fill both -padx 10 -pady 10
bind .ndraw <Button-1> {
set oldmousex %x; set oldmousey %y;
bind .ndraw <Button-2> {
set oldmousex %x; set oldmousey %y;
bind .ndraw <Button-3> {
set oldmousex %x; set oldmousey %y;
bind .ndraw <B1-Motion> {
Ng_MouseMove $oldmousex $oldmousey %x %y $drawmode
.ndraw render
set oldmousex %x; set oldmousey %y;
bind .ndraw <Double-1> {
Ng_MouseDblClick %x %y
.ndraw render
if { [winfo exists .bcprop_dlg] } { bcpropdialog }
if { [winfo exists .surfacemeshsize_dlg] } { surfacemeshsizedialog }
if { [winfo exists .fieldlines_dlg] } { fieldlinesdialog }
bind .ndraw <B2-Motion> {
Ng_MouseMove $oldmousex $oldmousey %x %y move
.ndraw render
set oldmousex %x; set oldmousey %y;
bind .ndraw <B3-Motion> {
if { $tcl_platform(os) == "Darwin" } {
Ng_MouseMove $oldmousex $oldmousey %x %y move
} {
Ng_MouseMove $oldmousex $oldmousey %x %y zoom
.ndraw render
set oldmousex %x; set oldmousey %y;
proc popupcheckredraw { vari { x 0 } } {
upvar $vari varname
if { $varname == 1 } {
set varname 0
} {
# puts "popup-redraw $vari"
Ng_Vis_Set parameters
proc popupcheckredraw2 { vari boolvar { x 0 } } {
upvar $vari varname
if { $varname == 1 } {
set varname 0
} {
Ng_Vis_Set parameters
if { $boolvar == 1 } { redraw }
proc popupcheckredraw3 { vari { x 0 } } {
upvar $vari varname
if { $varname == 1 } {
set varname 0
} {
Ng_Vis_Set parameters
proc redraw { {x 0} } {
if {[winfo exists .ndraw]} { .ndraw render }
bind . <Left> { Ng_MouseMove 0 0 -10 0 rotate; redraw }
bind . <Right> { Ng_MouseMove 0 0 10 0 rotate; redraw }
bind . <Up> { Ng_MouseMove 0 0 0 -10 rotate; redraw }
bind . <Down> { Ng_MouseMove 0 0 0 10 rotate; redraw }
bind . <Shift-Left> { Ng_MouseMove 0 0 -10 0 move; redraw }
bind . <Shift-Right> { Ng_MouseMove 0 0 10 0 move; redraw }
bind . <Shift-Up> { Ng_MouseMove 0 0 0 -10 move; redraw }
bind . <Shift-Down> { Ng_MouseMove 0 0 0 10 move; redraw }
bind . <Control-Up> { Ng_MouseMove 0 0 0 -10 zoom; redraw }
bind . <Control-Down> { Ng_MouseMove 0 0 0 10 zoom; redraw }
bind . <Button-4> \
{event generate [focus -displayof %W] <MouseWheel> -delta 120}
bind . <Button-5> \
{event generate [focus -displayof %W] <MouseWheel> -delta -120}
bind . <MouseWheel> { Ng_MouseMove 0 0 0 [expr {%D/-5}] zoom; redraw }