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#include <mystdlib.h>
#include <meshing.hpp>
#include <csg.hpp>
Special Point calculation uses the global Flags:
relydegtest when to rely on degeneration ?
calccp calculate points of intersection ?
cpeps1 eps for degenerated poi
calcep calculate points of extreme coordinates ?
epeps1 eps for degenerated edge
epeps2 eps for axis parallel pec
epspointdist eps for distance of special points
// #define DEVELOP
namespace netgen
DLL_HEADER NgArray<Box<3> > boxes; // for visualization
void ProjectToEdge (const Surface * f1, const Surface * f2, Point<3> & hp);
enum { check_crosspoint = 5 };
SpecialPoint :: SpecialPoint (const SpecialPoint & sp)
p = sp.p;
v = sp.v;
s1 = sp.s1;
s2 = sp.s2;
s1_orig = sp.s1_orig;
s2_orig = sp.s2_orig;
layer = sp.layer;
unconditional = sp.unconditional;
SpecialPoint & SpecialPoint :: operator= (const SpecialPoint & sp)
p = sp.p;
v = sp.v;
s1 = sp.s1;
s2 = sp.s2;
s1_orig = sp.s1_orig;
s2_orig = sp.s2_orig;
layer = sp.layer;
unconditional = sp.unconditional;
return *this;
void SpecialPoint :: Print (ostream & str) const
str << "p = " << p << " v = " << v
<< " s1/s2 = " << s1 << "/" << s2;
str << " layer = " << layer
<< " unconditional = " << unconditional
<< endl;
// static NgArray<int> numprim_hist;
SpecialPointCalculation :: SpecialPointCalculation ()
ideps = 1e-9;
void SpecialPointCalculation ::
CalcSpecialPoints (const CSGeometry & ageometry,
NgArray<MeshPoint> & apoints)
// static int timer = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("CSG: find special points");
// NgProfiler::RegionTimer reg (timer);
geometry = &ageometry;
points = &apoints;
size = geometry->MaxSize();
(*testout) << "Find Special Points" << endl;
(*testout) << "maxsize = " << size << endl;
cpeps1 = 1e-6;
epeps1 = 1e-3;
epeps2 = 1e-6;
epspointdist2 = sqr (size * 1e-8);
relydegtest = size * 1e-4;
BoxSphere<3> box (Point<3> (-size, -size, -size),
Point<3> ( size, size, size));
PrintMessage (3, "main-solids: ", geometry->GetNTopLevelObjects());
// numprim_hist.SetSize (geometry->GetNSurf()+1);
// numprim_hist = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < geometry->GetNTopLevelObjects(); i++)
const TopLevelObject * tlo = geometry->GetTopLevelObject(i);
(*testout) << "tlo " << i << ":" << endl
<< *tlo->GetSolid() << endl;
if (tlo->GetSolid())
NgArray<Point<3> > hpts;
tlo->GetSolid()->CalcOnePrimitiveSpecialPoints (box, hpts);
// if (hpts.Size())
// cout << "oneprimitivespecialpoints = " << hpts << endl;
for (int j = 0; j < hpts.Size(); j++)
AddPoint (hpts[j], tlo->GetLayer());
CalcSpecialPointsRec (tlo->GetSolid(), tlo->GetLayer(),
box, 1, 1, 1);
for (int i = 0; i < geometry->GetNIdentifications(); i++)
CloseSurfaceIdentification * ident =
dynamic_cast<CloseSurfaceIdentification * >(geometry->identifications[i]);
if(!ident || !ident->IsSkewIdentification())
for(int j=0; j<points->Size(); j++)
if(fabs(ident->GetSurface1().CalcFunctionValue((*points)[j])) < 1e-15)
Point<3> auxpoint = (*points)[j];
AddPoint (auxpoint,1);
#ifdef DEVELOP
(*testout) << "added identpoint " << auxpoint << "; proj. of "
<< (*points)[j] << endl;
// add user point:
for (int i = 0; i < geometry->GetNUserPoints(); i++)
AddPoint (geometry->GetUserPoint(i), 1);
PrintMessage (3, "Found points ", apoints.Size());
for (int i = 0; i < boxesinlevel.Size(); i++)
(*testout) << "level " << i << " has "
<< boxesinlevel[i] << " boxes" << endl;
(*testout) << "numprim_histogramm = " << endl << numprim_hist << endl;
void SpecialPointCalculation ::
CalcSpecialPointsRec (const Solid * sol, int layer,
const BoxSphere<3> & box,
int level, bool calccp, bool calcep)
// boxes.Append (box);
#ifdef DEVELOP
*testout << "lev " << level << ", box = " << box << endl;
*testout << "calccp = " << calccp << ", calcep = " << calcep << endl;
*testout << "locsol = " << *sol << endl;
if (multithread.terminate)
// *testout << "boxes = " << boxes << endl;
// *testout << "boxesinlevel = " << boxesinlevel << endl;
throw NgException ("Meshing stopped");
if (!sol) return;
if (level >= 100)
MyStr err =
MyStr("Problems in CalcSpecialPoints\nPoint: ") + MyStr (box.Center());
throw NgException (err.c_str());
if (level == 40 || level == 41 || level == 45)
*testout << "level = " << level << " cp = " << calccp << " ep = " << calcep << ", box = " << box << ", solid = " << *sol << endl;
bool decision;
bool possiblecrossp, possibleexp; // possible cross or extremalpoint
bool surecrossp = 0, sureexp = 0; // sure ...
// static NgArray<int> locsurf; // attention: array is static
NgArrayMem<int,100> locsurf;
// static int cntbox = 0;
// cntbox++;
if (level <= boxesinlevel.Size())
boxesinlevel.Append (1);
numprim = sol -> NumPrimitives();
sol -> GetSurfaceIndices (locsurf);
geometry -> GetIndependentSurfaceIndices (sol, box, locsurf);
int numprim = locsurf.Size();
#ifdef DEVELOP
(*testout) << "numprim = " << numprim << endl;
// numprim_hist[numprim]++;
Point<3> p = box.Center();
// explicit solution for planes only and at most one quadratic
if (numprim <= check_crosspoint)
int nplane = 0, nquad = 0, quadi = -1, nsphere = 0;
const QuadraticSurface *qsurf = 0, *qsurfi;
for (int i = 0; i < numprim; i++)
qsurfi = dynamic_cast<const QuadraticSurface*>
if (qsurfi) nquad++;
if (dynamic_cast<const Plane*> (qsurfi))
quadi = i;
qsurf = qsurfi;
if (dynamic_cast<const Sphere*> (qsurfi))
if (nquad == numprim && nplane == numprim-2)
#ifdef DEVELOP
(*testout) << "nquad " << nquad << " nplane " << nplane << endl;
if (nquad == numprim && nplane >= numprim-1)
NgArray<Point<3> > pts;
NgArray<int> surfids;
for (int k1 = 0; k1 < numprim - 2; k1++)
for (int k2 = k1 + 1; k2 < numprim - 1; k2++)
for (int k3 = k2 + 1; k3 < numprim; k3++)
if (k1 != quadi && k2 != quadi && k3 != quadi)
ComputeCrossPoints (dynamic_cast<const Plane*> (geometry->GetSurface(locsurf[k1])),
dynamic_cast<const Plane*> (geometry->GetSurface(locsurf[k2])),
dynamic_cast<const Plane*> (geometry->GetSurface(locsurf[k3])),
for (auto pnt : pts)
if (Dist (pnt, box.Center()) < box.Diam()/2)
auto tansol = sol -> TangentialSolid (pnt, surfids, 1e-9*size);
if (tansol)
bool ok1 = false, ok2 = false, ok3 = false;
int rep1 = geometry->GetSurfaceClassRepresentant(locsurf[k1]);
int rep2 = geometry->GetSurfaceClassRepresentant(locsurf[k2]);
int rep3 = geometry->GetSurfaceClassRepresentant(locsurf[k3]);
for (auto surfid : surfids)
int actrep = geometry->GetSurfaceClassRepresentant(surfid);
if (actrep == rep1) ok1 = true;
if (actrep == rep2) ok2 = true;
if (actrep == rep3) ok3 = true;
if (ok1 && ok2 && ok3)
if (AddPoint (pnt, layer))
(*testout) << "cross point found, 1: " << pnt << endl;
if (qsurf)
for (int k1 = 0; k1 < numprim - 1; k1++)
for (int k2 = k1 + 1; k2 < numprim; k2++)
if (k1 != quadi && k2 != quadi)
ComputeCrossPoints (dynamic_cast<const Plane*> (geometry->GetSurface(locsurf[k1])),
dynamic_cast<const Plane*> (geometry->GetSurface(locsurf[k2])),
qsurf, pts);
//(*testout) << "checking pot. crosspoints: " << pts << endl;
for (auto pnt : pts)
if (Dist (pnt, box.Center()) < box.Diam()/2)
auto tansol = sol -> TangentialSolid (pnt, surfids, 1e-9*size);
if (tansol)
bool ok1 = false, ok2 = false, ok3 = true;//false;
int rep1 = geometry->GetSurfaceClassRepresentant(locsurf[k1]);
int rep2 = geometry->GetSurfaceClassRepresentant(locsurf[k2]);
for (auto surfid : surfids)
int actrep = geometry->GetSurfaceClassRepresentant(surfid);
if (actrep == rep1) ok1 = true;
if (actrep == rep2) ok2 = true;
if (ok1 && ok2 && ok3)
if (AddPoint (pnt, layer))
(*testout) << "cross point found, 2: " << pnt << endl;
for (int k1 = 0; k1 < numprim; k1++)
if (k1 != quadi)
ComputeExtremalPoints (dynamic_cast<const Plane*> (geometry->GetSurface(locsurf[k1])),
qsurf, pts);
for (int j = 0; j < pts.Size(); j++)
if (Dist (pts[j], box.Center()) < box.Diam()/2)
auto tansol = sol -> TangentialSolid (pts[j], surfids, 1e-9*size);
if (tansol)
if (AddPoint (pts[j], layer))
(*testout) << "extremal point found, 1: " << pts[j] << endl;
if (nsphere == numprim) // && calccp == false)
NgArray<Point<3> > pts;
NgArray<int> surfids;
for (int k1 = 0; k1 < numprim; k1++)
for (int k2 = 0; k2 < k1; k2++)
for (int k3 = 0; k3 < k2; k3++)
ComputeCrossPoints (dynamic_cast<const Sphere*> (geometry->GetSurface(locsurf[k1])),
dynamic_cast<const Sphere*> (geometry->GetSurface(locsurf[k2])),
dynamic_cast<const Sphere*> (geometry->GetSurface(locsurf[k3])),
for (int j = 0; j < pts.Size(); j++)
if (Dist (pts[j], box.Center()) < box.Diam()/2)
auto tansol = sol -> TangentialSolid (pts[j], surfids, 1e-9*size);
if (!tansol) continue;
bool ok1 = false, ok2 = false, ok3 = false;
int rep1 = geometry->GetSurfaceClassRepresentant(locsurf[k1]);
int rep2 = geometry->GetSurfaceClassRepresentant(locsurf[k2]);
int rep3 = geometry->GetSurfaceClassRepresentant(locsurf[k3]);
for(int jj=0; jj<surfids.Size(); jj++)
int actrep = geometry->GetSurfaceClassRepresentant(surfids[jj]);
if(actrep == rep1) ok1 = true;
if(actrep == rep2) ok2 = true;
if(actrep == rep3) ok3 = true;
if (ok1 && ok2 && ok3)
if (AddPoint (pts[j], layer))
(*testout) << "cross point found, 1: " << pts[j] << endl;
for (int k1 = 0; k1 < numprim; k1++)
for (int k2 = 0; k2 < k1; k2++)
ComputeExtremalPoints (dynamic_cast<const Sphere*> (geometry->GetSurface(locsurf[k1])),
dynamic_cast<const Sphere*> (geometry->GetSurface(locsurf[k2])),
for (int j = 0; j < pts.Size(); j++)
if (Dist (pts[j], box.Center()) < box.Diam()/2)
auto tansol = sol -> TangentialSolid (pts[j], surfids, 1e-9*size);
if (tansol)
if (AddPoint (pts[j], layer))
(*testout) << "extremal point found, spheres: " << pts[j] << endl;
if (numprim == 2)
auto rev0 = dynamic_cast<const RevolutionFace*> (geometry->GetSurface(locsurf[0]));
auto rev1 = dynamic_cast<const RevolutionFace*> (geometry->GetSurface(locsurf[1]));
if (rev0 && rev1)
NgArray<Point<3>> pts;
bool check = ComputeExtremalPoints (rev0, rev1, pts);
if (check)
for (auto p : pts)
if (box.IsIn(p))
AddPoint (p, layer);
} // end if (numprim <= check_crosspoint)
possiblecrossp = (numprim >= 3) && calccp;
surecrossp = 0;
if (possiblecrossp && (locsurf.Size() <= check_crosspoint || level > 50))
decision = 1;
surecrossp = 0;
for (int k1 = 1; k1 <= locsurf.Size() - 2; k1++)
for (int k2 = k1 + 1; k2 <= locsurf.Size() - 1; k2++)
for (int k3 = k2 + 1; k3 <= locsurf.Size(); k3++)
int nc, deg;
nc = CrossPointNewtonConvergence
geometry->GetSurface(locsurf.Get(k3)), box );
deg = CrossPointDegenerated
geometry->GetSurface(locsurf.Get(k3)), box );
#ifdef DEVELOP
(*testout) << "k1,2,3 = " << k1 << "," << k2 << "," << k3 << ", nc = " << nc << ", deg = " << deg << endl;
if (!nc && !deg) decision = 0;
if (nc) surecrossp = 1;
#ifdef DEVELOP
(*testout) << "dec = " << decision << ", surcp = " << surecrossp << endl;
if (decision && surecrossp)
for (int k1 = 1; k1 <= locsurf.Size() - 2; k1++)
for (int k2 = k1 + 1; k2 <= locsurf.Size() - 1; k2++)
for (int k3 = k2 + 1; k3 <= locsurf.Size(); k3++)
if (CrossPointNewtonConvergence
geometry->GetSurface(locsurf.Get(k3)), box ) )
Point<3> pp = p;
geometry->GetSurface(locsurf.Get(k3)), pp);
BoxSphere<3> hbox (pp, pp);
hbox.Increase (1e-8*size);
if (pp(0) > box.PMin()(0) - 1e-5*size &&
pp(0) < box.PMax()(0) + 1e-5*size &&
pp(1) > box.PMin()(1) - 1e-5*size &&
pp(1) < box.PMax()(1) + 1e-5*size &&
pp(2) > box.PMin()(2) - 1e-5*size &&
pp(2) < box.PMax()(2) + 1e-5*size &&
sol -> IsIn (pp, 1e-6*size) && !sol->IsStrictIn (pp, 1e-6*size) &&
geometry->GetSurface(locsurf.Get(k3)), hbox ))
// AddCrossPoint (locsurf, sol, p);
BoxSphere<3> boxp (pp, pp);
boxp.Increase (1e-3*size);
NgArray<int> locsurf2;
geometry -> GetIndependentSurfaceIndices (sol, boxp, locsurf2);
bool found1 = false, found2 = false, found3 = false;
for (int i = 0; i < locsurf2.Size(); i++)
if (locsurf2[i] == locsurf.Get(k1)) found1 = true;
if (locsurf2[i] == locsurf.Get(k2)) found2 = true;
if (locsurf2[i] == locsurf.Get(k3)) found3 = true;
if (found1 && found2 && found3)
if (AddPoint (pp, layer))
(*testout) << "Crosspoint found: " << pp
<< " diam = " << box.Diam()
<< ", surfs: "
<< locsurf.Get(k1) << ","
<< locsurf.Get(k2) << ","
<< locsurf.Get(k3) << endl;
if (decision)
possiblecrossp = 0;
possibleexp = (numprim >= 2) && calcep;
// (*testout) << "l = " << level << "locsize = " << locsurf.Size() << " possexp = " << possibleexp << "\n";
if (possibleexp && (numprim <= check_crosspoint || level >= 50))
decision = 1;
sureexp = 0;
(*testout) << "extremal surfs = ";
for (int k5 = 0; k5 < locsurf.Size(); k5++)
(*testout) << typeid(*geometry->GetSurface(locsurf[k5])).name() << " ";
(*testout) << "\n";
for (int k1 = 0; k1 < locsurf.Size() - 1; k1++)
for (int k2 = k1+1; k2 < locsurf.Size(); k2++)
const Surface * surf1 = geometry->GetSurface(locsurf[k1]);
const Surface * surf2 = geometry->GetSurface(locsurf[k2]);
(*testout) << "edgecheck, types = " << typeid(*surf1).name() << ", " << typeid(*surf2).name()
<< "edge-newton-conv = " << EdgeNewtonConvergence (surf1, surf2, p)
<< "edge-deg = " << EdgeDegenerated (surf1, surf2, box)
<< "\n";
if (EdgeNewtonConvergence (surf1, surf2, p) )
sureexp = 1;
if (!EdgeDegenerated (surf1, surf2, box))
decision = 0;
#ifdef DEVELOP
(*testout) << "edgepnt decision = " << decision << " sure = " << sureexp << endl;
if (decision && sureexp)
for (int k1 = 0; k1 < locsurf.Size() - 1; k1++)
for (int k2 = k1+1; k2 < locsurf.Size(); k2++)
const Surface * surf1 = geometry->GetSurface(locsurf[k1]);
const Surface * surf2 = geometry->GetSurface(locsurf[k2]);
if (EdgeNewtonConvergence (surf1, surf2, p))
EdgeNewton (surf1, surf2, p);
Point<3> pp;
if (IsEdgeExtremalPoint (surf1, surf2, p, pp, box.Diam()/2))
(*testout) << "extremalpoint (nearly) found:" << pp
<< "box.diam = " << box.Diam() << ", dist = " << Dist(pp,box.Center())
<< endl;
if (Dist (pp, box.Center()) < box.Diam()/2 &&
sol -> IsIn (pp, 1e-6*size) && !sol->IsStrictIn (pp, 1e-6*size) )
if (AddPoint (pp, layer))
(*testout) << "Extremal point found: " << pp << endl;//"(eps="<<1e-9*size<<")"<< endl;
if (decision)
possibleexp = 0;
// (*testout) << "l = " << level << " poss cp/ep sure exp = " << possiblecrossp << " " << possibleexp << " " << sureexp << "\n";
if (possiblecrossp || possibleexp)
BoxSphere<3> sbox;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
box.GetSubBox (i, sbox);
sbox.Increase (1e-4 * sbox.Diam());
Solid * redsol = sol -> GetReducedSolid (sbox);
if (redsol)
CalcSpecialPointsRec (redsol, layer, sbox, level+1, calccp, calcep);
delete redsol;
/******* Tests for Point of intersection **********************/
bool SpecialPointCalculation ::
CrossPointNewtonConvergence (const Surface * f1,
const Surface * f2,
const Surface * f3,
const BoxSphere<3> & box)
Vec<3> grad, rs, x;
Mat<3> jacobi, inv;
Point<3> p = box.Center();
f1->CalcGradient (p, grad);
jacobi(0,0) = grad(0);
jacobi(0,1) = grad(1);
jacobi(0,2) = grad(2);
f2->CalcGradient (p, grad);
jacobi(1,0) = grad(0);
jacobi(1,1) = grad(1);
jacobi(1,2) = grad(2);
f3->CalcGradient (p, grad);
jacobi(2,0) = grad(0);
jacobi(2,1) = grad(1);
jacobi(2,2) = grad(2);
if (fabs (Det (jacobi)) > 1e-8)
double gamma = f1 -> HesseNorm() + f2 -> HesseNorm() + f3 -> HesseNorm();
if (gamma == 0.0) return 1;
CalcInverse (jacobi, inv);
rs(0) = f1->CalcFunctionValue (p);
rs(1) = f2->CalcFunctionValue (p);
rs(2) = f3->CalcFunctionValue (p);
x = inv * rs;
double beta = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
double sum = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
sum += fabs (inv(i,j));
if (sum > beta) beta = sum;
double eta = Abs (x);
#ifdef DEVELOP
*testout << "check Newton: " << "beta = " << beta << ", gamma = " << gamma << ", eta = " << eta << endl;
double rad = 1.0 / (beta * gamma);
*testout << "rad = " << rad << endl;
*testout << "rs = " << rs << endl;
return (beta * gamma * eta < 0.1) && (2 > box.Diam()*beta*gamma);
return 0;
bool SpecialPointCalculation ::
CrossPointDegenerated (const Surface * f1,
const Surface * f2,
const Surface * f3,
const BoxSphere<3> & box) const
Mat<3> mat;
Vec<3> g1, g2, g3;
double normprod;
if (box.Diam() > relydegtest) return 0;
f1->CalcGradient (box.Center(), g1);
normprod = Abs2 (g1);
f2->CalcGradient (box.Center(), g2);
normprod *= Abs2 (g2);
f3->CalcGradient (box.Center(), g3);
normprod *= Abs2 (g3);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
mat(i,0) = g1(i);
mat(i,1) = g2(i);
mat(i,2) = g3(i);
return sqr (Det (mat)) < sqr(cpeps1) * normprod;
void SpecialPointCalculation :: CrossPointNewton (const Surface * f1,
const Surface * f2,
const Surface * f3, Point<3> & p)
Vec<3> g1, g2, g3;
Vec<3> rs, sol;
Mat<3> mat;
int i = 10;
while (i > 0)
rs(0) = f1->CalcFunctionValue (p);
rs(1) = f2->CalcFunctionValue (p);
rs(2) = f3->CalcFunctionValue (p);
f1->CalcGradient (p, g1);
f2->CalcGradient (p, g2);
f3->CalcGradient (p, g3);
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
mat(0, j) = g1(j);
mat(1, j) = g2(j);
mat(2, j) = g3(j);
mat.Solve (rs, sol);
if (sol.Length2() < 1e-24 && i > 1) i = 1;
#ifdef DEVELOP
*testout << "CrossPointNewton, err = " << sol.Length2() << endl;
p -= sol;
/******* Tests for Point on edges **********************/
bool SpecialPointCalculation ::
EdgeNewtonConvergence (const Surface * f1, const Surface * f2,
const Point<3> & p)
Vec<3> g1, g2, sol;
Vec<2> vrs;
Mat<2,3> mat;
Mat<3,2> inv;
f1->CalcGradient (p, g1);
f2->CalcGradient (p, g2);
if ( sqr(g1 * g2) < (1 - 1e-8) * Abs2 (g1) * Abs2 (g2))
double gamma = f1 -> HesseNorm() + f2 -> HesseNorm();
if (gamma < 1e-32) return 1;
gamma = sqr (gamma);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
mat(0,i) = g1(i);
mat(1,i) = g2(i);
CalcInverse (mat, inv);
vrs(0) = f1->CalcFunctionValue (p);
vrs(1) = f2->CalcFunctionValue (p);
sol = inv * vrs;
double beta = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
beta += inv(i,j) * inv(i,j);
// beta = sqrt (beta);
double eta = Abs2 (sol);
// alpha = beta * gamma * eta;
return (beta * gamma * eta < 0.01);
return 0;
bool SpecialPointCalculation ::
EdgeDegenerated (const Surface * f1,
const Surface * f2,
const BoxSphere<3> & box) const
// perform newton steps. normals parallel ?
// if not decidable: return 0
Point<3> p = box.Center();
Vec<3> g1, g2, sol;
Vec<2> vrs;
Mat<2,3> mat;
int i = 20;
while (i > 0)
if (Dist2 (p, box.Center()) > sqr(box.Diam()))
return 0;
vrs(0) = f1->CalcFunctionValue (p);
vrs(1) = f2->CalcFunctionValue (p);
f1->CalcGradient (p, g1);
f2->CalcGradient (p, g2);
// if ( sqr (g1 * g2) > (1 - 1e-10) * Abs2 (g1) * Abs2 (g2))
// return 1;
if ( Abs2 (Cross(g1,g2)) < 1e-10 * Abs2 (g1) * Abs2 (g2)) // same, but stable
if (Abs2(vrs) < 1e-12*sqr(size)) // degenerate only if on both surfaces
return 1;
return 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
mat(0,j) = g1(j);
mat(1,j) = g2(j);
mat.Solve (vrs, sol);
if (Abs2 (sol) < 1e-24 && i > 1) i = 1;
p -= sol;
return 0;
void SpecialPointCalculation :: EdgeNewton (const Surface * f1,
const Surface * f2, Point<3> & p)
Vec<3> g1, g2, sol;
Vec<2> vrs;
Mat<2,3> mat;
int i = 10;
while (i > 0)
vrs(0) = f1->CalcFunctionValue (p);
vrs(1) = f2->CalcFunctionValue (p);
f1->CalcGradient (p, g1);
f2->CalcGradient (p, g2);
//(*testout) << "p " << p << " f1 " << vrs(0) << " f2 " << vrs(1) << " g1 " << g1 << " g2 " << g2 << endl;
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
mat(0,j) = g1(j);
mat(1,j) = g2(j);
mat.Solve (vrs, sol);
if (Abs2 (sol) < 1e-24 && i > 1) i = 1;
p -= sol;
bool SpecialPointCalculation ::
IsEdgeExtremalPoint (const Surface * f1, const Surface * f2,
const Point<3> & p, Point<3> & pp, double rad)
Vec<3> g1, g2, t, t1, t2;
f1->CalcGradient (p, g1);
f2->CalcGradient (p, g2);
t = Cross (g1, g2);
Point<3> p1 = p + rad * t;
Point<3> p2 = p - rad * t;
EdgeNewton (f1, f2, p1);
EdgeNewton (f1, f2, p2);
f1->CalcGradient (p1, g1);
f2->CalcGradient (p1, g2);
t1 = Cross (g1, g2);
f1->CalcGradient (p2, g1);
f2->CalcGradient (p2, g2);
t2 = Cross (g1, g2);
double val = 1e-8 * rad * rad;
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
if ( (t1(j) * t2(j) < -val) )
pp = p;
ExtremalPointNewton (f1, f2, j+1, pp);
return 1;
return 0;
/********** Tests of Points of extremal coordinates ****************/
void SpecialPointCalculation :: ExtremalPointNewton (const Surface * f1,
const Surface * f2,
int dir, Point<3> & p)
Vec<3> g1, g2, v, curv;
Vec<3> rs, x, y1, y2, y;
Mat<3> h1, h2;
Mat<3> jacobi;
int i = 50;
while (i > 0)
rs(0) = f1->CalcFunctionValue (p);
rs(1) = f2->CalcFunctionValue (p);
f1 -> CalcGradient (p, g1);
f2 -> CalcGradient (p, g2);
f1 -> CalcHesse (p, h1);
f2 -> CalcHesse (p, h2);
v = Cross (g1, g2);
rs(2) = v(dir-1);
jacobi(0,0) = g1(0);
jacobi(0,1) = g1(1);
jacobi(0,2) = g1(2);
jacobi(1,0) = g2(0);
jacobi(1,1) = g2(1);
jacobi(1,2) = g2(2);
switch (dir)
case 1:
y1(0) = 0;
y1(1) = g2(2);
y1(2) = -g2(1);
y2(0) = 0;
y2(1) = -g1(2);
y2(2) = g1(1);
case 2:
y1(0) = -g2(2);
y1(1) = 0;
y1(2) = g2(0);
y2(0) = g1(2);
y2(1) = 0;
y2(2) = -g1(0);
case 3:
y1(0) = g2(1);
y1(1) = -g2(0);
y1(2) = 0;
y2(0) = -g1(1);
y2(1) = g1(0);
y2(2) = 0;
y = h1 * y1 + h2 * y2;
jacobi(2,0) = y(0);
jacobi(2,1) = y(1);
jacobi(2,2) = y(2);
(*testout) << "p " << p << " f1 " << rs(0) << " f2 " << rs(1) << endl
<< " jacobi " << jacobi << endl
<< " rhs " << rs << endl;
jacobi.Solve (rs, x);
if (Abs2 (x) < 1e-24 && i > 1)
i = 1;
double minval(Abs2(rs)),minfac(1);
double startval(minval);
for(double fac = 1; fac > 1e-7; fac *= 0.6)
Point<3> testpoint = p-fac*x;
rs(0) = f1->CalcFunctionValue (testpoint);
rs(1) = f2->CalcFunctionValue (testpoint);
f1 -> CalcGradient (testpoint, g1);
f2 -> CalcGradient (testpoint, g2);
v = Cross (g1, g2);
rs(2) = v(dir-1);
double val = Abs2(rs);
if(val < minval)
minfac = fac;
if(val < 0.5 * startval)
minval = val;
p -= minfac*x;
//p -= x;
if (Abs2 (x) > 1e-20)
(*testout) << "Error: extremum Newton not convergent" << endl;
(*testout) << "dir = " << dir << endl;
(*testout) << "p = " << p << endl;
(*testout) << "x = " << x << endl;
void SpecialPointCalculation ::
ComputeCrossPoints (const Plane * plane1,
const Plane * plane2,
const Plane * plane3,
NgArray<Point<3> > & pts)
Mat<3> mat;
Vec<3> rhs, sol;
Point<3> p0(0,0,0);
pts.SetSize (0);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
const Plane * pi(NULL);
switch (i)
case 0: pi = plane1; break;
case 1: pi = plane2; break;
case 2: pi = plane3; break;
double val;
Vec<3> hvec;
val = pi -> CalcFunctionValue(p0);
pi -> CalcGradient (p0, hvec);
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
mat(i,j) = hvec(j);
rhs(i) = -val;
if (fabs (Det (mat)) > 1e-8)
mat.Solve (rhs, sol);
pts.Append (Point<3> (sol));
void SpecialPointCalculation ::
ComputeCrossPoints (const Plane * plane1,
const Plane * plane2,
const QuadraticSurface * quadric,
NgArray<Point<3> > & pts)
Mat<2,3> mat;
Mat<3,2> inv;
Vec<2> rhs;
Vec<3> sol, t;
Point<3> p0(0,0,0);
pts.SetSize (0);
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
const Plane * pi(NULL);
switch (i)
case 0: pi = plane1; break;
case 1: pi = plane2; break;
double val;
Vec<3> hvec;
val = pi -> CalcFunctionValue(p0);
pi -> CalcGradient (p0, hvec);
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
mat(i,j) = hvec(j);
rhs(i) = -val;
CalcInverse (mat, inv);
sol = inv * rhs;
t = Cross (mat.Row(0), mat.Row(1));
if (t.Length() > 1e-8)
Point<3> p (sol);
// quadratic on p + s t = 0
double quad_a;
Vec<3> quad_b;
Mat<3> quad_c;
quad_a = quadric -> CalcFunctionValue(p);
quadric -> CalcGradient (p, quad_b);
quadric -> CalcHesse (p, quad_c);
double a, b, c;
a = quad_a;
b = quad_b * t;
c = 0.5 * t * (quad_c * t);
// a + s b + s^2 c = 0;
double disc = b*b-4*a*c;
if (disc > 1e-10 * fabs (b))
disc = sqrt (disc);
double s1 = (-b-disc) / (2*c);
double s2 = (-b+disc) / (2*c);
pts.Append (p + s1 * t);
pts.Append (p + s2 * t);
void SpecialPointCalculation ::
ComputeCrossPoints (const Sphere * sphere1,
const Sphere * sphere2,
const Sphere * sphere3,
NgArray<Point<3> > & pts)
Mat<2,3> mat;
Mat<3,2> inv;
Vec<2> rhs;
Vec<3> sol, t;
Point<3> p0(0,0,0);
pts.SetSize (0);
Point<3> c1 = sphere1 -> Center();
Point<3> c2 = sphere2 -> Center();
Point<3> c3 = sphere3 -> Center();
double r1 = sphere1 -> Radius();
double r2 = sphere2 -> Radius();
double r3 = sphere3 -> Radius();
Vec<3> a1 = c2-c1;
double b1 = 0.5 * (sqr(r1) - sqr(r2) - Abs2(Vec<3> (c1)) + Abs2(Vec<3> (c2)) );
Vec<3> a2 = c3-c1;
double b2 = 0.5 * (sqr(r1) - sqr(r3) - Abs2(Vec<3> (c1)) + Abs2(Vec<3> (c3)) );
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
mat(0,j) = a1(j);
mat(1,j) = a2(j);
rhs(0) = b1;
rhs(1) = b2;
CalcInverse (mat, inv);
sol = inv * rhs;
t = Cross (mat.Row(0), mat.Row(1));
if (t.Length() > 1e-8)
Point<3> p (sol);
// quadratic on p + s t = 0
double quad_a;
Vec<3> quad_b;
Mat<3> quad_c;
quad_a = sphere1 -> CalcFunctionValue(p);
sphere1 -> CalcGradient (p, quad_b);
sphere1 -> CalcHesse (p, quad_c);
double a, b, c;
a = quad_a;
b = quad_b * t;
c = 0.5 * t * (quad_c * t);
// a + s b + s^2 c = 0;
double disc = b*b-4*a*c;
if (disc > 1e-10 * fabs (b))
disc = sqrt (disc);
double s1 = (-b-disc) / (2*c);
double s2 = (-b+disc) / (2*c);
pts.Append (p + s1 * t);
pts.Append (p + s2 * t);
void SpecialPointCalculation ::
ComputeExtremalPoints (const Plane * plane,
const QuadraticSurface * quadric,
NgArray<Point<3> > & pts)
// 3 equations:
// surf1 = 0 <===> plane_a + plane_b x = 0;
// surf2 = 0 <===> quad_a + quad_b x + x^T quad_c x = 0
// (grad 1 x grad 2)(i) = 0 <====> (grad 1 x e_i) . grad_2 = 0
pts.SetSize (0);
Point<3> p0(0,0,0);
double plane_a, quad_a;
Vec<3> plane_b, quad_b, ei;
Mat<3> quad_c;
plane_a = plane -> CalcFunctionValue(p0);
plane -> CalcGradient (p0, plane_b);
quad_a = quadric -> CalcFunctionValue(p0);
quadric -> CalcGradient (p0, quad_b);
quadric -> CalcHesse (p0, quad_c);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
quad_c(i,j) *= 0.5;
for (int dir = 0; dir <= 2; dir++)
ei = 0.0; ei(dir) = 1;
Vec<3> v1 = Cross (plane_b, ei);
// grad_2 . v1 ... linear:
double g2v1_c = v1 * quad_b;
Vec<3> g2v1_l = 2.0 * (quad_c * v1);
// find line of two linear equations:
Vec<2> rhs;
Vec<3> sol;
Mat<2,3> mat;
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
mat(0,j) = plane_b(j);
mat(1,j) = g2v1_l(j);
rhs(0) = -plane_a;
rhs(1) = -g2v1_c;
Vec<3> t = Cross (plane_b, g2v1_l);
if (Abs2(t) > 0)
mat.Solve (rhs, sol);
// solve quadratic equation along line sol + alpha t ....
double a = quad_a + quad_b * sol + sol * (quad_c * sol);
double b = quad_b * t + 2 * (sol * (quad_c * t));
double c = t * (quad_c * t);
// solve a + b alpha + c alpha^2:
if (fabs (c) > 1e-32)
double disc = sqr (0.5*b/c) - a/c;
if (disc > 0)
disc = sqrt (disc);
double alpha1 = -0.5*b/c + disc;
double alpha2 = -0.5*b/c - disc;
pts.Append (Point<3> (sol+alpha1*t));
pts.Append (Point<3> (sol+alpha2*t));
cout << "sol1 = " << sol + alpha1 * t
<< ", sol2 = " << sol + alpha2 * t << endl;
void SpecialPointCalculation ::
ComputeExtremalPoints (const Sphere * sphere1,
const Sphere * sphere2,
NgArray<Point<3> > & pts)
// 3 equations:
// surf1 = 0 <===> |x-c1|^2 - r1^2 = 0;
// surf2 = 0 <===> |x-c2|^2 - r2^2 = 0;
// (grad 1 x grad 2)(i) = 0 <====> (x-p1) x (p1-p2) . e_i = 0;
pts.SetSize (0);
Point<3> c1 = sphere1 -> Center();
Point<3> c2 = sphere2 -> Center();
double r1 = sphere1 -> Radius();
double r2 = sphere2 -> Radius();
*testout << "\n\ncompute extremalpoint, sphere-sphere" << endl;
*testout << "c1 = " << c1 << ", r1 = " << r1 << endl;
*testout << "c2 = " << c2 << ", r2 = " << r2 << endl;
*testout << "dist = " << Abs (c2-c1) << ", r1+r2 = " << r1+r2 << endl;
Vec<3> v12 = c2 - c1;
Vec<3> a1, a2;
double b1, b2;
// eqn: ai . x = bi
a1 = v12;
b1 = 0.5 * (sqr(r1) - sqr(r2) - Abs2(Vec<3> (c1)) + Abs2(Vec<3> (c2)) );
int dir = 0;
for (int j = 1; j < 3; j++)
if (fabs (v12(j)) < fabs(v12(dir)))
dir = j;
Vec<3> ei = 0.0;
ei(dir) = 1;
a2 = Cross (v12, ei);
b2 = Vec<3>(c1) * a2;
Point<3> p0 (0,0,0);
double quad_a;
Vec<3> quad_b;
Mat<3> quad_c;
quad_a = sphere1 -> CalcFunctionValue(p0);
sphere1 -> CalcGradient (p0, quad_b);
sphere1 -> CalcHesse (p0, quad_c);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
quad_c(i,j) *= 0.5;
// find line of two linear equations:
Vec<2> rhs;
Vec<3> sol;
Mat<2,3> mat;
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
mat(0,j) = a1(j);
mat(1,j) = a2(j);
rhs(0) = b1;
rhs(1) = b2;
// *testout << "mat = " << endl << mat << endl;
// *testout << "rhs = " << endl << rhs << endl;
Vec<3> t = Cross (a1, a2);
if (Abs2(t) > 0)
mat.Solve (rhs, sol);
*testout << "sol = " << endl << sol << endl;
*testout << "a * sol = " << mat * sol << endl;
*testout << "c1-sol = " << Abs (Vec<3>(c1)-sol) << endl;
*testout << "c2-sol = " << Abs (Vec<3>(c2)-sol) << endl;
// solve quadratic equation along line sol + alpha t ....
double a = quad_a + quad_b * sol + sol * (quad_c * sol);
double b = quad_b * t + 2 * (sol * (quad_c * t));
double c = t * (quad_c * t);
// solve a + b alpha + c alpha^2:
if (fabs (c) > 1e-32)
double disc = sqr (0.5*b/c) - a/c;
if (disc > 0)
disc = sqrt (disc);
double alpha1 = -0.5*b/c + disc;
double alpha2 = -0.5*b/c - disc;
pts.Append (Point<3> (sol+alpha1*t));
pts.Append (Point<3> (sol+alpha2*t));
// *testout << "pts = " << endl << pts << endl;
cout << "sol1 = " << sol + alpha1 * t
<< ", sol2 = " << sol + alpha2 * t << endl;
bool SpecialPointCalculation ::
ComputeExtremalPoints (const RevolutionFace * rev1,
const RevolutionFace * rev2,
NgArray<Point<3> > & pts)
// if (rev1 -> P0() != rev2 -> P0()) return false; // missing ????
if (Dist2 (rev1 -> P0(), rev2 -> P0()) > 1e-20*sqr(size)) return false;
// if (rev1 -> Axis() != rev2 -> Axis()) return false;
if ( (rev1 -> Axis()-rev2 -> Axis()).Length2() > 1e-16) return false;
Point<2> p1s = rev1->GetSpline().StartPI();
Point<2> p1e = rev1->GetSpline().EndPI();
Point<2> p2s = rev2->GetSpline().StartPI();
Point<2> p2e = rev2->GetSpline().EndPI();
Point<2> p2d;
if (Dist2(p1s,p2e) < 1e-20*sqr(size))
p2d = p1s;
else if (Dist2(p1e, p2s) < 1e-20*sqr(size))
p2d = p1e;
return false;
*testout << "Norm axis = " << rev1->Axis().Length() << endl;
Point<3> center = rev1->P0() + p2d(0)*rev1->Axis();
Vec<3> n = rev1->Axis();
// extremal points of circle, center, normal axis, radius p2d(1)
// Lagrange:
// L(x, lam1, lam2) = x_i + lam1 * (x-c)*v + lam2 * ( |x-c|^2 - r^2 )
for (double i = 0; i < 3; i++)
double lam1 = -n(i) / n.Length2();
Vec<3> ei(0,0,0); ei(i) = 1;
// double lam2 = 1/(2*p2d(1)) * sqrt(1 - sqr(n(i))/n.Length2());
double fac = 1-sqr(n(i))/n.Length2();
// if (fabs(lam2) > 1e-10)
if (fac > 1e-10)
double lam2 = 1/(2*p2d(1)) * sqrt(fac);
Point<3> x = center - 1.0/(2*lam2) * (ei + lam1*n);
pts.Append (x);
x = center + 1.0/(2*lam2) * (ei + lam1*n);
pts.Append (x);
// check:
Point<2> p2d;
rev1 -> CalcProj (x, p2d);
*testout << "special solution, p2d = " << p2d << endl;
rev2 -> CalcProj (x, p2d);
*testout << "special solution, p2d = " << p2d << endl;
return true;
bool SpecialPointCalculation :: ExtremalPointPossible (const Surface * f1,
const Surface * f2,
int dir,
const BoxSphere<3> & box)
double hn1, hn2, gn1, gn2;
Point<3> p;
Vec<3> g1, g2, v;
double f3;
double r = box.Diam()/2;
p = box.Center();
f1 -> CalcGradient (p, g1);
f2 -> CalcGradient (p, g2);
gn1 = g1.Length();
gn2 = g2.Length();
hn1 = f1 -> HesseNorm ();
hn2 = f2 -> HesseNorm ();
v = Cross (g1, g2);
f3 = fabs (v(dir-1));
// (*testout) << "f3 = " << f3 << " r = " << r
// << "normbound = "
// << (hn1 * (gn2 + r * hn2) + hn2 * (gn1 + r * hn1)) << endl;
return (f3 <= 3 * r * (hn1 * (gn2 + r * hn2) + hn2 * (gn1 + r * hn1)));
bool SpecialPointCalculation ::
ExtremalPointNewtonConvergence (const Surface * f1, const Surface * f2,
int dir,
const BoxSphere<3> & box)
return box.Diam() < 1e-8;
bool SpecialPointCalculation ::
ExtremalPointDegenerated (const Surface * f1, const Surface * f2,
int dir, const BoxSphere<3> & box)
double gn1, gn2;
Point<3> p;
Vec<3> g1, g2, v;
double maxderiv;
double minv;
Vec<3> curv, t;
Vec<2> rs, x;
Mat<3> h1, h2;
Mat<2> a, inv;
double leftside;
if (box.Diam() > relydegtest) return 0;
p = box.Center();
f1 -> CalcGradient (p, g1);
f2 -> CalcGradient (p, g2);
gn1 = g1.Length();
gn2 = g2.Length();
v = Cross (g1, g2);
if (Abs (v) < epeps1 * gn1 * gn2) return 1; // irregular edge
f1 -> CalcHesse (p, h1);
f2 -> CalcHesse (p, h2);
// hn1 = f1 -> HesseNorm ();
// hn2 = f2 -> HesseNorm ();
t = v;
a(0, 0) = g1 * g1;
a(0, 1) =
a(1, 0) = g1 * g2;
a(1, 1) = g2 * g2;
rs(0) = g1(dir-1);
rs(1) = g2(dir-1);
a.Solve (rs, x);
// (*testout) << "g1 = " << g1 << " g2 = " << g2 << endl;
// (*testout) << "lam = " << x << endl;
// (*testout) << "h2 = " << h2 << endl;
leftside = fabs (x(0) * ( t * (h1 * t)) +
x(1) * ( t * (h2 * t)));
// (*testout) << "leftside = " << leftside << endl;
if (leftside < epeps2 * Abs2 (v)) return 1;
return 0;
bool SpecialPointCalculation :: AddPoint (const Point<3> & p, int layer)
for (int i = 0; i < points->Size(); i++)
if (Dist2 ( (*points)[i], p) < epspointdist2 &&
(*points)[i].GetLayer() == layer)
return false;
points->Append (MeshPoint(p, layer));
PrintMessageCR (3, "Found points ", points->Size());
return true;
void SpecialPointCalculation ::
AnalyzeSpecialPoints (const CSGeometry & ageometry,
NgArray<MeshPoint> & apoints,
NgArray<SpecialPoint> & specpoints)
static int timer = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("CSG: analyze special points");
NgProfiler::RegionTimer reg (timer);
NgArray<int> surfind, rep_surfind, surfind2, rep_surfind2, surfind3;
NgArray<Vec<3> > normalvecs;
Vec<3> nsurf = 0.0;
NgArray<int> specpoint2point;
specpoints.SetSize (0);
geometry = &ageometry;
double geomsize = ageometry.MaxSize();
(*testout) << "AnalyzeSpecialPoints\n";
if (!apoints.Size()) return;
sort points in the (arbitrary) direction dir
important for periodic boundaries:
corner points on the left and the right boundary come in the same ordering
Vec<3> dir(1.2, 1.7, 0.9);
NgArray<double> coord(apoints.Size());
for (int i = 0; i < apoints.Size(); i++)
coord[i] = dir * Vec<3> (apoints[i]);
QuickSort (coord, apoints);
Box<3> bbox (apoints[0], apoints[0]);
for (int i = 1; i < apoints.Size(); i++)
bbox.Add (apoints[i]);
bbox.Increase (0.1 * bbox.Diam());
(*testout) << "points = " << apoints << endl;
Point3dTree searchtree (bbox.PMin(), bbox.PMax());
NgArray<int> locsearch;
for (int si = 0; si < ageometry.GetNTopLevelObjects(); si++)
const TopLevelObject * tlo = ageometry.GetTopLevelObject(si);
const Solid * sol = tlo->GetSolid();
const Surface * surf = tlo->GetSurface();
for (int i = 0; i < apoints.Size(); i++)
Point<3> p = apoints[i];
#ifdef DEVELOP
*testout << " test point " << p << endl;
if (tlo->GetLayer() != apoints[i].GetLayer())
auto locsol = sol -> TangentialSolid (p, surfind, ideps*geomsize);
rep_surfind.SetSize (surfind.Size());
int num_indep_surfs = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < surfind.Size(); j++)
rep_surfind[j] = ageometry.GetSurfaceClassRepresentant (surfind[j]);
bool found = false;
for (int k = 0; !found && k < j; k++)
found = (rep_surfind[k] == rep_surfind[j]);
#ifdef DEVELOP
*testout << "surfs = " << surfind << endl;
*testout << "rep_surfs = " << rep_surfind << endl;
if (!locsol) continue;
// get all surface indices,
if (surf)
// locsol -> GetSurfaceIndices (surfind);
bool hassurf = false;
for (int m = 0; m < surfind.Size(); m++)
if (ageometry.GetSurface(surfind[m]) == surf)
hassurf = true;
if (!hassurf)
nsurf = surf->GetNormalVector (p);
// get independent surfaces of tangential solid
BoxSphere<3> box(p,p);
box.Increase (1e-6*geomsize);
ageometry.GetIndependentSurfaceIndices (locsol, box, surfind);
// ageometry.GetIndependentSurfaceIndices (surfind);
for (int j = 0; j < surfind.Size(); j++)
normalvecs[j] =
ageometry.GetSurface(surfind[j]) -> GetNormalVector(apoints[i]);
for (int j = 0; j < normalvecs.Size(); j++)
for (int k = 0; k < normalvecs.Size(); k++)
if (rep_surfind[j] == rep_surfind[k]) continue;
//if (j == k) continue;
Vec<3> t;
if (dynamic_cast<const Polyhedra*> (ageometry.surf2prim[surfind[j]]) &&
ageometry.surf2prim[surfind[j]] ==
t = ageometry.surf2prim[surfind[j]] ->
SpecialPointTangentialVector (p, surfind[j], surfind[k]);
t = Cross (normalvecs[j], normalvecs[k]);
if (Abs2 (t) < 1e-16)
// cerr << "normal vectors degenerated" << endl;
#ifdef DEVELOP
*testout << " tangential vector " << t << endl;
// try tangential direction t
if (surf && fabs (nsurf * t) > 1e-6)
#ifdef DEVELOP
*testout << " j " << j << " k " << k << endl;
if (!surf)
// compute second order approximation
// c(s) = p + s t + s*s/2 t2
Vec<3> gradj, gradk;
Mat<3> hessej, hessek;
ageometry.GetSurface (surfind[j]) -> CalcGradient (p, gradj);
ageometry.GetSurface (surfind[k]) -> CalcGradient (p, gradk);
ageometry.GetSurface (surfind[j]) -> CalcHesse (p, hessej);
ageometry.GetSurface (surfind[k]) -> CalcHesse (p, hessek);
Vec<2> rhs;
Vec<3> t2;
Mat<2,3> mat;
Mat<3,2> inv;
for (int l = 0; l < 3; l++)
mat(0,l) = gradj(l);
mat(1,l) = gradk(l);
rhs(0) = -t * (hessej * t);
rhs(1) = -t * (hessek * t);
CalcInverse (mat, inv);
t2 = inv * rhs;
#ifdef DEVELOP
*testout << "t = " << t << ", t2 = " << t2 << endl;
(locsol, p, t, surfind2);
auto locsol2 = locsol -> TangentialSolid3 (p, t, t2, surfind2, ideps*geomsize);
if (!locsol2) continue;
// locsol2 -> GetTangentialSurfaceIndices3 (p, t, t2, surfind2, 1e-9*geomsize);
rep_surfind2.SetSize (surfind2.Size());
for (int j2 = 0; j2 < surfind2.Size(); j2++)
rep_surfind2[j2] = ageometry.GetSurfaceClassRepresentant (surfind2[j2]);
#ifdef DEVELOP
(*testout) << "surfind2 = " << endl << surfind2 << endl;
NgArray<int> surfind2_aux(surfind2);
ageometry.GetIndependentSurfaceIndices (surfind2_aux);
#ifdef DEVELOP
(*testout) << "surfind2,rep = " << endl << surfind2_aux << endl;
bool ok = true;
// intersecting surfaces must be in second order tangential solid
if (!surfind2.Contains(surfind[j]) ||
ok = false;
if (!surfind2_aux.Contains(rep_surfind[j]) ||
ok = false;
#ifdef DEVELOP
(*testout) << "ok,1 = " << ok << endl;
// there must be 2 different tangential faces to the edge
int cnt_tang_faces = 0;
for (int l = 0; l < surfind2.Size(); l++)
Vec<3> nv =
ageometry.GetSurface(surfind2[l]) -> GetNormalVector(p);
Vec<3> m1 = Cross (t, nv);
Vec<3> m2 = -m1;
bool isface1 = 0, isface2 = 0;
// locsol2 -> TangentialSolid2 (p, m1, locsol3, surfind3, 1e-9*geomsize);
auto locsol3 = locsol -> TangentialEdgeSolid (p, t, t2, m1, surfind3, ideps*geomsize);
#ifdef DEVELOP
(*testout) << "m1 = " << m1 << ", surfind3 = " << surfind3 << endl;
//ageometry.GetIndependentSurfaceIndices (surfind3);
if (surfind3.Contains(surfind2[l]))
isface1 = 1;
// locsol2 -> TangentialSolid2 (p, m2, locsol3, surfind3, 1e-9*geomsize);
locsol3 = locsol -> TangentialEdgeSolid (p, t, t2, m2, surfind3, ideps*geomsize);
#ifdef DEVELOP
(*testout) << "m2 = " << m2 << ", surfind3 = " << surfind3 << endl;
// ageometry.GetIndependentSurfaceIndices (surfind3);
if (surfind3.Contains(surfind2[l]))
isface2 = 1;
if (isface1 != isface2)
#ifdef DEVELOP
(*testout) << "cnt_tang = " << cnt_tang_faces << endl;
if (cnt_tang_faces < 1)
ok = false;
if (!ok) continue;
// edge must be on tangential surface
bool isedge =
locsol->VectorIn (p, t) &&
!locsol->VectorStrictIn (p, t);
#ifdef DEVELOP
(*testout) << "isedge,1 = " << isedge << "\n";
// there must exist at least two different faces on edge
if (isedge)
// *testout << "succ 1" << endl;
int cnts = 0;
for (int m = 0; m < surfind.Size(); m++)
if (fabs (normalvecs[m] * t) > 1e-6)
Vec<3> s = Cross (normalvecs[m], t);
Vec<3> t2a = t + 0.01 *s;
Vec<3> t2b = t - 0.01 *s;
bool isfaceold =
(locsol->VectorIn (p, t2a, 1e-6*geomsize) &&
!locsol->VectorStrictIn (p, t2a, 1e-6*geomsize))
(locsol->VectorIn (p, t2b, 1e-6*geomsize) &&
!locsol->VectorStrictIn (p, t2b, 1e-6*geomsize));
bool isfacenew =
locsol -> VecInSolid2(p, t, s, 1e-6*geomsize) == DOES_INTERSECT ||
locsol -> VecInSolid2(p, t, -s, 1e-6*geomsize) == DOES_INTERSECT;
(locsol->VectorIn2 (p, t, s, 1e-6*geomsize) && !locsol->VectorStrictIn2 (p, t, s, 1e-6*geomsize)) ||
(locsol->VectorIn2 (p, t, -s, 1e-6*geomsize) && !locsol->VectorStrictIn2 (p, t, -s, 1e-6*geomsize));
bool isface = isfacenew;
if (isfaceold != isfacenew)
*testout << "different, p = " << p << ", t = " << t << ", s = " << s << endl;
*testout << "tlo = " << si << endl;
*testout << "isface, old = " << isface << ", isfacenew = " << isfacenew << endl;
*testout << "t2a = " << t2a << endl;
*testout << "vecin(p,t2a) = " << locsol->VectorIn (p, t2a, 1e-6*geomsize) << endl;
*testout << "vecstrictin(p,t2a) = " << locsol->VectorStrictIn (p, t2a, 1e-6*geomsize) << endl;
*testout << "vectorin2 = " << locsol->VectorIn2 (p, t, s, 1e-6*geomsize) << endl;
*testout << "vectorstrictin2 = " << locsol->VectorStrictIn2 (p, t, s, 1e-6*geomsize) << endl;
*testout << "t2b = " << t2b << endl;
*testout << "vecin(p,t2b) = " << locsol->VectorIn (p, t2b, 1e-6*geomsize) << endl;
*testout << "vecstrictin(p,t2b) = " << locsol->VectorStrictIn (p, t2b, 1e-6*geomsize) << endl;
*testout << "vectorin2- = " << locsol->VectorIn2 (p, t, -s, 1e-6*geomsize) << endl;
*testout << "vectorstrictin2- = " << locsol->VectorStrictIn2 (p, t, -s, 1e-6*geomsize) << endl;
bool isface =
(locsol->VectorIn (p, t2a) &&
!locsol->VectorStrictIn (p, t2a))
(locsol->VectorIn (p, t2b) &&
!locsol->VectorStrictIn (p, t2b));
if (isface)
if (cnts < 2) isedge = 0;
if (isedge)
#ifdef DEVELOP
*testout << "success" << endl;
int spi = -1;
const double searchradius = 1e-4*geomsize;//1e-5*geomsize;
searchtree.GetIntersecting (apoints[i]-Vec3d(searchradius,searchradius,searchradius),
for (int m = 0; m < locsearch.Size(); m++)
if (Dist2 (specpoints[locsearch[m]].p, apoints[i]) < sqr(1e-8*geomsize)
&& Abs2(specpoints[locsearch[m]].v - t) < 1e-8)
spi = locsearch[m];
if (spi == -1)
specpoints.Append (SpecialPoint());
spi = specpoints.Size()-1;
specpoint2point.Append (i);
specpoints.Last().unconditional = 0;
searchtree.Insert (apoints[i], spi);
specpoints[spi].p = apoints[i];
specpoints[spi].v = t;
//if (surfind.Size() >= 3)
if (num_indep_surfs >= 3)
specpoints[spi].unconditional = 1;
specpoints[spi].s1 = rep_surfind[j];
specpoints[spi].s2 = rep_surfind[k];
specpoints[spi].s1_orig = surfind[j];
specpoints[spi].s2_orig = surfind[k];
specpoints[spi].layer = apoints[i].GetLayer();
for (int up = 0; up < geometry->GetNUserPoints(); up++)
if (Dist (geometry->GetUserPoint(up), apoints[i]) < 1e-8*geomsize)
specpoints[spi].unconditional = 1;
for (int ip = 0; ip < geometry->GetNIdentPoints(); ip++)
if (Dist (geometry->GetIdentPoint(ip), apoints[i]) < 1e-8*geomsize)
specpoints[spi].unconditional = 1;
// if special point is unconditional on some solid,
// it must be unconditional everywhere:
BitArray uncond (apoints.Size());
for (int i = 0; i < specpoints.Size(); i++)
if (specpoints[i].unconditional)
uncond.SetBit (specpoint2point[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < specpoints.Size(); i++)
specpoints[i].unconditional = uncond.Test (specpoint2point[i]);