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#include <mystdlib.h>
#include <myadt.hpp>
#include <occgeom.hpp>
namespace nglib {
#include "nglib.h"
namespace netgen
inline void NOOP_Deleter(void *) { ; }
extern MeshingParameters mparam;
DLL_HEADER extern OCCParameters occparam;
} // namespace netgen
using namespace netgen;
namespace nglib
// --------------------- OCC Geometry / Meshing Utility Functions -------------------
// Create new OCC Geometry Object
NGLIB_API Ng_OCC_Geometry * Ng_OCC_NewGeometry ()
return (Ng_OCC_Geometry*)(void*)new OCCGeometry;
// Delete the OCC Geometry Object
NGLIB_API Ng_Result Ng_OCC_DeleteGeometry(Ng_OCC_Geometry * geom)
if (geom != NULL)
delete (OCCGeometry*)geom;
geom = NULL;
return NG_OK;
return NG_ERROR;
// Loads geometry from STEP File
NGLIB_API Ng_OCC_Geometry * Ng_OCC_Load_STEP (const char * filename)
// Call the STEP File Load function. Note.. the geometry class
// is created and instantiated within the load function
OCCGeometry * occgeo = LoadOCC_STEP(filename);
return ((Ng_OCC_Geometry *)occgeo);
// Loads geometry from IGES File
NGLIB_API Ng_OCC_Geometry * Ng_OCC_Load_IGES (const char * filename)
// Call the IGES File Load function. Note.. the geometry class
// is created and instantiated within the load function
OCCGeometry * occgeo = LoadOCC_IGES(filename);
return ((Ng_OCC_Geometry *)occgeo);
// Loads geometry from BREP File
NGLIB_API Ng_OCC_Geometry * Ng_OCC_Load_BREP (const char * filename)
// Call the BREP File Load function. Note.. the geometry class
// is created and instantiated within the load function
OCCGeometry * occgeo = LoadOCC_BREP(filename);
return ((Ng_OCC_Geometry *)occgeo);
// Locally limit the size of the mesh to be generated at various points
// based on the topology of the geometry
NGLIB_API Ng_Result Ng_OCC_SetLocalMeshSize (Ng_OCC_Geometry * geom,
Ng_Mesh * mesh,
Ng_Meshing_Parameters * mp)
OCCGeometry * occgeom = (OCCGeometry*)geom;
Mesh * me = (Mesh*)mesh;
me->SetGeometry( shared_ptr<NetgenGeometry>(occgeom, &NOOP_Deleter) );
me->geomtype = Mesh::GEOM_OCC;
mparam.closeedgefac = mp->closeedgefact;
// Delete the mesh structures in order to start with a clean
// slate
OCCSetLocalMeshSize(*occgeom, *me, mparam, occparam);
// Mesh the edges and add Face descriptors to prepare for surface meshing
NGLIB_API Ng_Result Ng_OCC_GenerateEdgeMesh (Ng_OCC_Geometry * geom,
Ng_Mesh * mesh,
Ng_Meshing_Parameters * mp)
OCCGeometry * occgeom = (OCCGeometry*)geom;
Mesh * me = (Mesh*)mesh;
me->SetGeometry( shared_ptr<NetgenGeometry>(occgeom, &NOOP_Deleter) );
occgeom->FindEdges(*me, mparam);
return NG_OK;
return NG_ERROR;
// Mesh the edges and add Face descriptors to prepare for surface meshing
NGLIB_API Ng_Result Ng_OCC_GenerateSurfaceMesh (Ng_OCC_Geometry * geom,
Ng_Mesh * mesh,
Ng_Meshing_Parameters * mp)
int numpoints = 0;
OCCGeometry * occgeom = (OCCGeometry*)geom;
Mesh * me = (Mesh*)mesh;
me->SetGeometry( shared_ptr<NetgenGeometry>(occgeom, &NOOP_Deleter) );
// Set the internal meshing parameters structure from the nglib meshing
// parameters structure
numpoints = me->GetNP();
// Initially set up only for surface meshing without any optimisation
// int perfstepsend = MESHCONST_MESHSURFACE;
// Check and if required, enable surface mesh optimisation step
occgeom->MeshSurface(*me, mparam);
occgeom->OptimizeSurface(*me, mparam);
if(me->GetNP() <= numpoints)
return NG_ERROR;
if(me->GetNSE() <= 0)
return NG_ERROR;
return NG_OK;
// Extract the face map from the OCC geometry
// The face map basically gives an index to each face in the geometry,
// which can be used to access a specific face
NGLIB_API Ng_Result Ng_OCC_GetFMap(Ng_OCC_Geometry * geom,
Ng_OCC_TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape * FMap)
OCCGeometry* occgeom = (OCCGeometry*)geom;
TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape *occfmap = (TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape *)FMap;
// Copy the face map from the geometry to the given variable
return NG_OK;
return NG_ERROR;
// ------------------ End - OCC Geometry / Meshing Utility Functions ----------------
NGLIB_API void Ng_OCC_Generate_SecondOrder (Ng_OCC_Geometry * geom,
Ng_Mesh * mesh)
((OCCGeometry*)geom )->GetRefinement().MakeSecondOrder(*(Mesh*) mesh);
NGLIB_API void Ng_OCC_Uniform_Refinement (Ng_OCC_Geometry * geom,
Ng_Mesh * mesh)
( (OCCGeometry*)geom ) -> GetRefinement().Refine ( * (Mesh*) mesh );
} // namespace nglib