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238 lines
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238 lines
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// Write Abaqus file
#include <mystdlib.h>
#include <myadt.hpp>
#include <linalg.hpp>
#include <csg.hpp>
#include <meshing.hpp>
namespace netgen
#include "writeuser.hpp"
void WriteAbaqusFormat (const Mesh & mesh,
const string & filename)
cout << "\nWrite Abaqus Volume Mesh" << endl;
ofstream outfile (filename.c_str());
outfile << "*Heading" << endl;
outfile << " " << filename << endl;
outfile << "*Node" << endl;
int np = mesh.GetNP();
int ne = mesh.GetNE();
int i, j, k;
for (i = 1; i <= np; i++)
outfile << i << ", ";
outfile << mesh.Point(i)(0) << ", ";
outfile << mesh.Point(i)(1) << ", ";
outfile << mesh.Point(i)(2) << "\n";
int elemcnt = 0; //element counter
int finished = 0;
int indcnt = 1; //index counter
while (!finished)
int actcnt = 0;
const Element & el1 = mesh.VolumeElement(1);
int non = el1.GetNP();
if (non == 4)
outfile << "*Element, type=C3D4, ELSET=PART" << indcnt << endl;
else if (non == 10)
outfile << "*Element, type=C3D10, ELSET=PART" << indcnt << endl;
cout << "unsupported Element type!!!" << endl;
for (i = 1; i <= ne; i++)
const Element & el = mesh.VolumeElement(i);
if (el.GetIndex() == indcnt)
if (el.GetNP() != non)
cout << "different element-types in a subdomain are not possible!!!" << endl;
outfile << elemcnt << ", ";
if (non == 4)
outfile << el.PNum(1) << ", ";
outfile << el.PNum(2) << ", ";
outfile << el.PNum(4) << ", ";
outfile << el.PNum(3) << "\n";
else if (non == 10)
outfile << el.PNum(1) << ", ";
outfile << el.PNum(2) << ", ";
outfile << el.PNum(4) << ", ";
outfile << el.PNum(3) << ", ";
outfile << el.PNum(5) << ", ";
outfile << el.PNum(9) << ", ";
outfile << el.PNum(7) << ", " << "\n";
outfile << el.PNum(6) << ", ";
outfile << el.PNum(8) << ", ";
outfile << el.PNum(10) << "\n";
cout << "unsupported Element type!!!" << endl;
for (j = 1; j <= el.GetNP(); j++)
outfile << el.PNum(j);
if (j != el.GetNP()) outfile << ", ";
outfile << "\n";
if (elemcnt == ne) {finished = 1; cout << "all elements found by Index!" << endl;}
if (actcnt == 0) {finished = 1;}
if (mesh.GetIdentifications().GetMaxNr())
// periodic identification, implementation for
// Helmut J. Boehm, TU Vienna
char cfilename[255];
strcpy (cfilename, filename.c_str());
char mpcfilename[255];
strcpy (mpcfilename, cfilename);
size_t len = strlen (cfilename);
if (len >= 4 && (strcmp (mpcfilename+len-4, ".inp") == 0))
strcpy (mpcfilename+len-4, ".mpc");
strcat (mpcfilename, ".mpc");
ofstream mpc (mpcfilename);
int masternode(0);
NgArray<INDEX_2> pairs;
NgBitArray master(np), help(np);
for (i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
mesh.GetIdentifications().GetPairs (i, pairs);
for (j = 1; j <= pairs.Size(); j++)
help.Set (pairs.Get(j).I1());
master.And (help);
for (i = 1; i <= np; i++)
if (master.Test(i))
masternode = i;
cout << "masternode = " << masternode << " = "
<< mesh.Point(masternode) << endl;
NgArray<int> minions(3);
for (i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
mesh.GetIdentifications().GetPairs (i, pairs);
for (j = 1; j <= pairs.Size(); j++)
if (pairs.Get(j).I1() == masternode)
minions.Elem(i) = pairs.Get(j).I2();
cout << "minion(" << i << ") = " << minions.Get(i)
<< " = " << mesh.Point(minions.Get(i)) << endl;
outfile << "**\n"
<< minions.Get(1) << ", "
<< minions.Get(2) << ", "
<< minions.Get(3) << endl;
outfile << "**\n"
<< "**POINT_fixed\n"
<< "**\n"
for (j = 1; j <= 3; j++)
outfile << masternode << ", " << j << ",, 0.\n";
outfile << "**\n"
for (j = 1; j <= 3; j++)
Vec3d v(mesh.Point(masternode), mesh.Point(minions.Get(j)));
double vlen = v.Length();
int dir = 0;
if (fabs (v.X()) > 0.9 * vlen) dir = 2;
if (fabs (v.Y()) > 0.9 * vlen) dir = 3;
if (fabs (v.Z()) > 0.9 * vlen) dir = 1;
if (!dir)
cout << "ERROR: Problem with rigid body constraints" << endl;
outfile << minions.Get(j) << ", " << dir << ",, 0.\n";
outfile << "**\n"
<< "*EQUATION, INPUT=" << mpcfilename << endl;
NgBitArray eliminated(np);
for (i = 1; i <= mesh.GetIdentifications().GetMaxNr(); i++)
mesh.GetIdentifications().GetPairs (i, pairs);
if (!pairs.Size())
for (j = 1; j <= pairs.Size(); j++)
if (pairs.Get(j).I1() != masternode &&
eliminated.Set (pairs.Get(j).I2());
for (k = 1; k <= 3; k++)
mpc << "4" << "\n";
mpc << pairs.Get(j).I2() << "," << k << ", -1.0, ";
mpc << pairs.Get(j).I1() << "," << k << ", 1.0, ";
mpc << minions.Get(i) << "," << k << ", 1.0, ";
mpc << masternode << "," << k << ", -1.0 \n";
cout << "done" << endl;