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398 lines
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#include "visual_api.hpp"
#include "mvdraw.hpp"
typedef void * ClientData;
struct Tcl_Interp;
namespace netgen
NGGUI_API extern void ImportSolution (const char * filename);
extern int Ng_Vis_Set (ClientData clientData,
Tcl_Interp * interp,
int argc, const char *argv[]);
class NGGUI_API VisualSceneSolution : public VisualScene
friend class FieldLineCalc;
class ClipPlaneTrig
struct ps
int pnr, locpnr;
ps points[3];
ElementIndex elnr;
class ClipPlanePoint
ElementIndex elnr;
Point<3> lami;
Point<3> p;
#ifndef WIN32
// use OpenGL vertex buffers from OpenGL 2.x
// not supported by some drivers on windows
// try on your own responsibility
bool has_surfel_vbo = false;
GLuint surfel_vbo[4]; //
size_t surfel_vbo_size;
int surfellist;
int linelist;
int element1dlist;
int clipplanelist_scal;
int clipplanelist_vec;
int isolinelist;
int clipplane_isolinelist;
int surface_vector_list;
// int cone_list;
int isosurface_list;
int pointcurvelist;
bool draw_fieldlines;
bool drawpointcurves;
bool draw_isosurface;
int num_fieldlines;
bool fieldlines_randomstart;
int fieldlineslist;
int num_fieldlineslists;
int fieldlines_startarea;
NgArray<double> fieldlines_startarea_parameter;
int fieldlines_startface;
string fieldlines_filename;
double fieldlines_reltolerance;
int fieldlines_rktype;
double fieldlines_rellength;
double fieldlines_relthickness;
int fieldlines_vecfunction;
bool fieldlines_fixedphase;
float fieldlines_phase;
int fieldlines_maxpoints;
int surfeltimestamp, clipplanetimestamp, solutiontimestamp;
int surfellinetimestamp;
int fieldlinestimestamp, surface_vector_timestamp;
int pointcurve_timestamp;
int isosurface_timestamp;
int timetimestamp;
double minval, maxval;
int scalfunction, vecfunction;
string number_format = "%8.3e";
string unit = "";
string title = "";
NgLock *lock;
NgArray<int> par_linelists;
NgArray<int> par_surfellists;
NgArray<UserVisualizationObject*> user_vis;
enum EvalFunc {
int evalfunc;
enum SolType
class SolData
SolData ();
~SolData ();
string name;
string number_format = "%8.3e";
string unit = "";
string title = "";
double * data;
int components;
int dist;
int order;
bool iscomplex;
bool draw_volume;
bool draw_surface;
std::shared_ptr<BitArray> draw_volumes, draw_surfaces;
SolType soltype;
SolutionData * solclass;
// internal variables:
int size;
NgArray<SolData*> soldata;
int usetexture; // 0..no, 1..1D texture (standard), 2..2D-texture (complex)
int clipsolution; // 0..no, 1..scal, 2..vec
int scalcomp;
int gridsize;
double xoffset, yoffset;
int autoscale, logscale;
double mminval, mmaxval;
int numisolines;
bool showclipsolution;
bool showsurfacesolution;
bool lineartexture;
int numtexturecols;
int multidimcomponent;
// bool fieldlineplot;
double time;
int deform;
double scaledeform;
bool imag_part;
void BuildFieldLinesFromFile(Array<Point<3>> & startpoints);
void BuildFieldLinesFromFace(Array<Point<3>> & startpoints);
void BuildFieldLinesFromBox(Array<Point<3>> & startpoints);
void BuildFieldLinesFromLine(Array<Point<3>> & startpoints);
// weak_ptr<Mesh> wp_mesh;
VisualSceneSolution ();
virtual ~VisualSceneSolution ();
virtual void BuildScene (int zoomall = 0);
virtual void DrawScene ();
virtual void MouseDblClick (int px, int py);
// void SetMesh (shared_ptr<Mesh> amesh);
// shared_ptr<Mesh> GetMesh () { return shared_ptr<Mesh>(wp_mesh); }
shared_ptr<Mesh> GetMesh () const { return shared_ptr<Mesh>(global_mesh); }
void BuildFieldLinesPlot ();
void AddSolutionData (SolData * soldata);
void ClearSolutionData ();
void UpdateSolutionTimeStamp ();
SolData * GetSolData (int i);
int GetNSolData () { return soldata.Size(); }
void SaveSolutionData (const char * filename);
static void RealVec3d (const double * values, Vec3d & v,
bool iscomplex, bool imag);
static Vec<3> RealVec3d (const double * values,
bool iscomplex, bool imag);
static void RealVec3d (const double * values, Vec3d & v,
bool iscomplex, double phaser, double phasei);
void SetSubdivision (int sd)
subdivisions = sd;
subdivision_timestamp = solutiontimestamp = NextTimeStamp();
void GetMinMax (int funcnr, int comp, double & minv, double & maxv) const;
void AddUserVisualizationObject (UserVisualizationObject * vis)
user_vis.Append (vis);
void DeleteUserVisualizationObject (UserVisualizationObject * vis)
int pos = user_vis.Pos(vis);
if (pos >= 0)
void GetClippingPlaneTrigs (SolData * sol, NgArray<ClipPlaneTrig> & trigs, NgArray<ClipPlanePoint> & pts);
void GetClippingPlaneGrid (NgArray<ClipPlanePoint> & pts);
void DrawCone (const Point<3> & p1, const Point<3> & p2, double r);
void DrawCylinder (const Point<3> & p1, const Point<3> & p2, double r);
bool SurfaceElementActive(const SolData *data, const Mesh & mesh, const Element2d & sei);
bool VolumeElementActive(const SolData *data, const Mesh & mesh, const Element & ei);
// Get Function Value, local coordinates lam1, lam2, lam3,
bool GetValue (const SolData * data, ElementIndex elnr,
double lam1, double lam2, double lam3,
int comp, double & val) const;
bool GetValue (const SolData * data, ElementIndex elnr,
const double xref[], const double x[], const double dxdxref[],
int comp, double & val) const;
bool GetValueComplex (const SolData * data, ElementIndex elnr,
double lam1, double lam2, double lam3,
int comp, complex<double> & val) const;
bool GetValues (const SolData * data, ElementIndex elnr,
double lam1, double lam2, double lam3,
double * values) const;
bool GetValues (const SolData * data, ElementIndex elnr,
const double xref[], const double x[], const double dxdxref[],
double * values) const;
bool GetMultiValues (const SolData * data, ElementIndex elnr, int facetnr, int npt,
const double * xref, int sxref,
const double * x, int sx,
const double * dxdxref, int sdxdxref,
double * val, int sval) const;
bool GetSurfValue (const SolData * data, SurfaceElementIndex elnr, int facetnr,
double lam1, double lam2,
int comp, double & val) const;
bool GetSurfValue (const SolData * data, SurfaceElementIndex elnr, int facetnr,
const double xref[], const double x[], const double dxdxref[],
int comp, double & val) const;
bool GetSurfValueComplex (const SolData * data, SurfaceElementIndex elnr, int facetnr,
double lam1, double lam2,
int comp, complex<double> & val) const;
bool GetSurfValues (const SolData * data, SurfaceElementIndex elnr, int facetnr,
double lam1, double lam2,
double * values) const;
bool GetSurfValues (const SolData * data, SurfaceElementIndex elnr, int facetnr,
const double xref[], const double x[], const double dxdxref[],
double * values) const;
bool GetMultiSurfValues (const SolData * data, SurfaceElementIndex elnr, int facetnr,
int npt,
const double * xref, int sxref,
const double * x, int sx,
const double * dxdxref, int sdxdxref,
double * val, int sval) const;
double ExtractValue (const SolData * data, int comp, double * values) const;
complex<double> ExtractValueComplex (const SolData * data, int comp, double * values) const;
Vec<3> GetDeformation (ElementIndex elnr, const Point<3> & p) const;
Vec<3> GetSurfDeformation (SurfaceElementIndex selnr, int facetnr, double lam1, double lam2) const;
void GetPointDeformation (int pnum, Point<3> & p, SurfaceElementIndex elnr = -1) const;
/// draw elements (build lists)
void DrawSurfaceElements ();
void DrawSurfaceElementLines ();
void Draw1DElements();
void DrawSurfaceVectors ();
void DrawTrigSurfaceVectors(const NgArray< Point<3> > & lp, const Point<3> & pmin, const Point<3> & pmax,
const int sei, const SolData * vsol, bool swap_lam=false);
void DrawIsoSurface(const SolData * sol, const SolData * grad, int comp);
void DrawIsoLines (const Point<3> & p1,
const Point<3> & p2,
const Point<3> & p3,
double val1, double val2, double val3);
// draw isolines between lines (p1,p2) and (p3,p4)
void DrawIsoLines2 (const Point<3> & p1,
const Point<3> & p2,
const Point<3> & p3,
const Point<3> & p4,
double val1, double val2, double val3, double val4);
void DrawClipPlaneTrigs (); // const SolData * sol, int comp);
void SetOpenGlColor(double val);
// 0 .. non, 1 .. scalar, 2 .. complex
void SetTextureMode (int texturemode) const;
friend int Ng_Vis_Set (ClientData clientData,
Tcl_Interp * interp,
int argc, const char *argv[]);
void SetScalfunction( int i ) {
scalfunction = i;
title = soldata[i]->title;
number_format = soldata[i]->number_format;
unit = soldata[i]->unit;
void SetVecfunction( int i ) {
vecfunction = i;
title = soldata[i]->title;
number_format = soldata[i]->number_format;
unit = soldata[i]->unit;
void Broadcast ();
NGGUI_API VisualSceneSolution & GetVSSolution();
inline void AddUserVisualizationObject (UserVisualizationObject * vis)
GetVSSolution().AddUserVisualizationObject (vis);
inline void DeleteUserVisualizationObject (UserVisualizationObject * vis)
GetVSSolution().DeleteUserVisualizationObject (vis);