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synced 2025-03-10 03:44:35 +05:00

Current initialization of the global geometryregister suffers from a classic 'initialization order fiasco'. Depending on the order the compilation units are loaded/linked, the initialization of the global geometryregisterarray is not guaranteed to happen (and indeed often does not happen) before it is used. This leads to entries being appended before it's initialized (usually 'suceeding, but potentially causing memory corruption if the segment at that point isn't zeroed), initialization then happening halfway through (wiping the initial entries) and then the last entries being the only ones that show up. The net effect is either a crash at startup, or several geometry types seeming to be missing. Eg, step files will oad, but STL files are just ignored. The bug is actively observed on, eg, Linux. This patch implements a simple 'initialize at first access' convention for the array, eliminating the ordering problem. I've not reviewed the rest of the source for other potential examples of the fiasco pattern; this fixes only the geometryregister, since that was actively biting.
353 lines
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353 lines
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/* File: basegeom.hpp */
/* Author: Joachim Schoeberl */
/* Date: 23. Aug. 09 */
struct Tcl_Interp;
namespace netgen
struct ShapeProperties
optional<string> name;
optional<Vec<4>> col;
double maxh = 1e99;
double hpref = 0; // number of hp refinement levels (will be multiplied by factor later)
int layer = 1;
optional<bool> quad_dominated;
void Merge(const ShapeProperties & prop2)
if (!name && prop2.name) name = prop2.name;
if (!col && prop2.col) col = prop2.col;
maxh = min2(maxh, prop2.maxh);
hpref = max2(hpref, prop2.hpref);
if(!quad_dominated.has_value()) quad_dominated = prop2.quad_dominated;
layer = max(layer, prop2.layer);
string GetName() const { return name ? *name : "default"; }
Vec<4> GetColor() { return col ? *col : Vec<4>{0., 1., 0., 1.}; }
void DoArchive(Archive& ar)
ar & name & col & maxh & hpref & layer;
class GeometryShape;
struct ShapeIdentification
GeometryShape * from;
GeometryShape * to;
Transformation<3> trafo;
Identifications::ID_TYPE type;
string name = "";
class DLL_HEADER GeometryShape
int nr = -1;
int layer = 1;
ShapeProperties properties;
Array<ShapeIdentification> identifications;
GeometryShape * primary;
Transformation<3> primary_to_me;
virtual ~GeometryShape() {}
virtual size_t GetHash() const = 0;
virtual bool IsMappedShape( const GeometryShape & other, const Transformation<3> & trafo, double tolerance ) const;
class DLL_HEADER GeometryVertex : public GeometryShape
virtual Point<3> GetPoint() const = 0;
virtual bool IsMappedShape( const GeometryShape & other, const Transformation<3> & trafo, double tolerance ) const override;
class DLL_HEADER GeometryEdge : public GeometryShape
GeometryVertex *start, *end;
int domin=-1, domout=-1;
GeometryEdge( GeometryVertex &start_, GeometryVertex &end_ )
: start(&start_), end(&end_)
virtual const GeometryVertex& GetStartVertex() const { return *start; }
virtual const GeometryVertex& GetEndVertex() const { return *end; }
virtual GeometryVertex& GetStartVertex() { return *start; }
virtual GeometryVertex& GetEndVertex() { return *end; }
virtual double GetLength() const = 0;
virtual Point<3> GetCenter() const = 0;
virtual Point<3> GetPoint(double t) const = 0;
// Calculate parameter step respecting edges sag value
virtual double CalcStep(double t, double sag) const = 0;
virtual void ProjectPoint(Point<3>& p, EdgePointGeomInfo* gi) const = 0;
virtual void PointBetween(const Point<3>& p1,
const Point<3>& p2,
double secpoint,
const EdgePointGeomInfo& gi1,
const EdgePointGeomInfo& gi2,
Point<3>& newp,
EdgePointGeomInfo& newgi) const
newp = p1 + secpoint * (p2-p1);
newgi = gi1;
ProjectPoint(newp, &newgi);
virtual Vec<3> GetTangent(double t) const = 0;
virtual bool IsMappedShape( const GeometryShape & other, const Transformation<3> & trafo, double tolerance ) const override;
class DLL_HEADER GeometryFace : public GeometryShape
Array<GeometryEdge*> edges;
int domin=-1, domout=-1;
virtual Point<3> GetCenter() const = 0;
virtual size_t GetNBoundaries() const = 0;
virtual Array<Segment> GetBoundary(const Mesh& mesh) const = 0;
virtual PointGeomInfo Project(Point<3>& p) const = 0;
// Project point using geo info. Fast if point is close to
// parametrization in geo info.
virtual bool ProjectPointGI(Point<3>& p, PointGeomInfo& gi) const =0;
virtual bool CalcPointGeomInfo(const Point<3>& p, PointGeomInfo& gi) const
auto pnew = p;
gi = Project(pnew);
return (p-pnew).Length() < 1e-10 * GetBoundingBox().Diam() ;
virtual Point<3> GetPoint(const PointGeomInfo& gi) const = 0;
virtual void CalcEdgePointGI(const GeometryEdge& edge,
double t,
EdgePointGeomInfo& egi) const = 0;
virtual Box<3> GetBoundingBox() const = 0;
// Get curvature in point from local coordinates in PointGeomInfo
virtual double GetCurvature(const PointGeomInfo& gi) const = 0;
virtual void RestrictH(Mesh& mesh, const MeshingParameters& mparam) const = 0;
virtual Vec<3> GetNormal(const Point<3>& p, const PointGeomInfo* gi = nullptr) const = 0;
virtual void PointBetween(const Point<3>& p1,
const Point<3>& p2,
double secpoint,
const PointGeomInfo& gi1,
const PointGeomInfo& gi2,
Point<3>& newp,
PointGeomInfo& newgi) const
newp = p1 + secpoint * (p2-p1);
newgi.trignum = gi1.trignum;
newgi.u = 0.5 * (gi1.u + gi1.u);
newgi.v = 0.5 * (gi1.v + gi2.v);
if(!ProjectPointGI(newp, newgi))
newgi = Project(newp);
virtual bool IsMappedShape( const GeometryShape & other, const Transformation<3> & trafo, double tolerance ) const override;
virtual bool IsConnectingCloseSurfaces() const;
void RestrictHTrig(Mesh& mesh,
const PointGeomInfo& gi0,
const PointGeomInfo& gi1,
const PointGeomInfo& gi2,
const MeshingParameters& mparam,
int depth = 0, double h = 0.) const;
class DLL_HEADER GeometrySolid : public GeometryShape
{ };
class DLL_HEADER NetgenGeometry
unique_ptr<Refinement> ref;
Array<unique_ptr<GeometryVertex>> vertices;
Array<unique_ptr<GeometryEdge>> edges;
Array<unique_ptr<GeometryFace>> faces;
Array<unique_ptr<GeometrySolid>> solids;
Array<std::pair<Point<3>, double>> restricted_h;
Box<3> bounding_box;
int dimension = 3;
std::map<size_t, GeometryVertex*> vertex_map;
std::map<size_t, GeometryEdge*> edge_map;
std::map<size_t, GeometryFace*> face_map;
std::map<size_t, GeometrySolid*> solid_map;
ref = make_unique<Refinement>(*this);
virtual ~NetgenGeometry () { ; }
size_t GetNVertices() const { return vertices.Size(); }
size_t GetNEdges() const { return edges.Size(); }
size_t GetNFaces() const { return faces.Size(); }
const GeometryFace & GetFace(int i) const { return *faces[i]; }
const GeometryEdge & GetEdge(int i) const { return *edges[i]; }
const GeometryVertex & GetVertex(int i) const { return *vertices[i]; }
virtual Array<GeometryVertex*> GetFaceVertices(const GeometryFace& face) const { return Array<GeometryVertex*>{}; }
void Clear();
virtual int GenerateMesh (shared_ptr<Mesh> & mesh, MeshingParameters & mparam);
void RestrictH(const Point<3>& pnt, double maxh)
restricted_h.Append({pnt, maxh});
virtual const Refinement & GetRefinement () const
return *ref;
virtual void DoArchive(Archive&)
{ throw NgException("DoArchive not implemented for " + Demangle(typeid(*this).name())); }
virtual Mesh::GEOM_TYPE GetGeomType() const { return Mesh::NO_GEOM; }
virtual void ProcessIdentifications();
virtual void Analyse(Mesh& mesh,
const MeshingParameters& mparam) const;
virtual void FindEdges(Mesh& mesh, const MeshingParameters& mparam) const;
virtual void MeshSurface(Mesh& mesh, const MeshingParameters& mparam) const;
virtual bool MeshFace(Mesh& mesh, const MeshingParameters& mparam,
int nr, FlatArray<int, PointIndex> glob2loc) const;
virtual void MapSurfaceMesh( Mesh & mesh, const GeometryFace & dst ) const;
virtual void OptimizeSurface(Mesh& mesh, const MeshingParameters& mparam) const;
virtual void FinalizeMesh(Mesh& mesh) const;
virtual PointGeomInfo ProjectPoint (int surfind, Point<3> & p) const
if(surfind <= faces.Size() && surfind > 0)
return faces[surfind-1]->Project(p);
return PointGeomInfo();
virtual void ProjectPointEdge (int surfind, int surfind2, Point<3> & p, EdgePointGeomInfo* gi = nullptr) const
if(gi && gi->edgenr < edges.Size())
edges[gi->edgenr]->ProjectPoint(p, gi);
virtual bool CalcPointGeomInfo(int surfind, PointGeomInfo& gi, const Point<3> & p3) const
return faces[surfind-1]->CalcPointGeomInfo(p3, gi);
virtual bool ProjectPointGI (int surfind, Point<3> & p, PointGeomInfo & gi) const
if(surfind > 0 && surfind <= faces.Size())
return faces[surfind-1]->ProjectPointGI(p, gi);
return false;
virtual Vec<3> GetNormal(int surfind, const Point<3> & p, const PointGeomInfo* gi = nullptr) const
if(surfind > 0 && surfind <= faces.Size())
return faces[surfind-1]->GetNormal(p, gi);
return {0., 0., 0.};
virtual void PointBetween (const Point<3> & p1,
const Point<3> & p2, double secpoint,
int surfi,
const PointGeomInfo & gi1,
const PointGeomInfo & gi2,
Point<3> & newp,
PointGeomInfo & newgi) const
if(faces.Size() >= surfi && surfi > 0)
faces[surfi-1]->PointBetween(p1, p2, secpoint, gi1, gi2, newp, newgi);
newp = p1 + secpoint * (p2-p1);
virtual void PointBetweenEdge(const Point<3> & p1,
const Point<3> & p2, double secpoint,
int surfi1, int surfi2,
const EdgePointGeomInfo & ap1,
const EdgePointGeomInfo & ap2,
Point<3> & newp,
EdgePointGeomInfo & newgi) const
if(ap1.edgenr < edges.Size() && ap1.edgenr >= 0)
edges[ap1.edgenr]->PointBetween(p1, p2, secpoint,
ap1, ap2, newp, newgi);
newp = p1+secpoint*(p2-p1);
virtual Vec<3> GetTangent(const Point<3> & p, int surfi1,
int surfi2,
const EdgePointGeomInfo & egi) const
throw Exception("Base geometry get tangent called");
virtual size_t GetEdgeIndex(const GeometryEdge& edge) const
for(auto i : Range(edges))
if(edge.GetHash() == edges[i]->GetHash())
return i;
throw Exception("Couldn't find edge index");
virtual void Save (const filesystem::path & filename) const;
virtual void SaveToMeshFile (ostream & /* ost */) const { ; }
class DLL_HEADER GeometryRegister
virtual ~GeometryRegister();
virtual NetgenGeometry * Load (const filesystem::path & filename) const = 0;
virtual NetgenGeometry * LoadFromMeshFile (istream & /* ist */, string) const { return NULL; }
virtual class VisualScene * GetVisualScene (const NetgenGeometry * /* geom */) const
{ return NULL; }
virtual void SetParameters (Tcl_Interp * /* interp */) { ; }
class DLL_HEADER GeometryRegisterArray : public NgArray<GeometryRegister*>
virtual ~GeometryRegisterArray()
virtual shared_ptr<NetgenGeometry> LoadFromMeshFile (istream & ist) const;
DLL_HEADER GeometryRegisterArray& FetchGeometryRegisterArray ();