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259 lines
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#ifdef NG_PYTHON
#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <meshing.hpp>
#include <geometry2d.hpp>
using namespace netgen;
namespace bp = boost::python;
// Lambda to function pointer conversion
template <typename Function>
struct function_traits
: public function_traits<decltype(&Function::operator())> {};
template <typename ClassType, typename ReturnType, typename... Args>
struct function_traits<ReturnType(ClassType::*)(Args...) const> {
typedef ReturnType (*pointer)(Args...);
typedef ReturnType return_type;
template <typename Function>
typename function_traits<Function>::pointer
FunctionPointer (const Function& lambda) {
return static_cast<typename function_traits<Function>::pointer>(lambda);
template <class T>
inline string ToString (const T& t)
stringstream ss;
ss << t;
return ss.str();
void ExportGeom2d()
std::string nested_name = "geom2d";
if( bp::scope() )
nested_name = bp::extract<std::string>(bp::scope().attr("__name__") + ".geom2d");
bp::object module(bp::handle<>(bp::borrowed(PyImport_AddModule(nested_name.c_str()))));
cout << "exporting geom2d " << nested_name << endl;
bp::object parent = bp::scope() ? bp::scope() : bp::import("__main__");
parent.attr("geom2d") = module ;
bp::scope local_scope(module);
bp::class_<SplineGeometry2d, boost::noncopyable>("SplineGeometry")
.def("AppendPoint", FunctionPointer([](SplineGeometry2d &self, double px, double py)
Point<2> p;
p(0) = px;
p(1) = py;
return self.geompoints.Size()-1;
.def("Append", FunctionPointer([](SplineGeometry2d &self, bp::list segment, int leftdomain, int rightdomain, int bc)
bp::extract<std::string> segtype(segment[0]);
SplineSegExt * seg;
if (segtype().compare("line") == 0)
bp::extract<int> point_index1(segment[1]);
bp::extract<int> point_index2(segment[2]);
LineSeg<2> * l = new LineSeg<2>(self.GetPoint(point_index1()), self.GetPoint(point_index2()));
seg = new SplineSegExt(*l);
else if (segtype().compare("spline3") == 0)
bp::extract<int> point_index1(segment[1]);
bp::extract<int> point_index2(segment[2]);
bp::extract<int> point_index3(segment[3]);
SplineSeg3<2> * seg3 = new SplineSeg3<2>(self.GetPoint(point_index1()), self.GetPoint(point_index2()), self.GetPoint(point_index3()));
seg = new SplineSegExt(*seg3);
cout << "Appended segment is not a line or a spline3" << endl;
seg->leftdom = leftdomain;
seg->rightdom = rightdomain;
seg->hmax = 1e99;
seg->reffak = 1;
seg->copyfrom = -1;
seg->bc = (bc >= 0) ? bc : self.GetNSplines();
}), (bp::arg("self"), bp::arg("point_indices"), bp::arg("leftdomain") = 1, bp::arg("rightdomain") = 0, bp::arg("bc")=-1))
.def("AppendSegment", FunctionPointer([](SplineGeometry2d &self, bp::list point_indices, int leftdomain, int rightdomain)
int npts = bp::len(point_indices);
SplineSegExt * seg;
//int a = bp::extract<int>(point_indices[0]);
if (npts == 2)
LineSeg<2> * l = new LineSeg<2>(self.GetPoint(bp::extract<int>(point_indices[0])), self.GetPoint(bp::extract<int>(point_indices[1])));
seg = new SplineSegExt(*l);
else if (npts == 3)
SplineSeg3<2> * seg3 = new SplineSeg3<2>(self.GetPoint(bp::extract<int>(point_indices[0])), self.GetPoint(bp::extract<int>(point_indices[1])), self.GetPoint(bp::extract<int>(point_indices[2])));
seg = new SplineSegExt(*seg3);
seg->leftdom = leftdomain;
seg->rightdom = rightdomain;
seg->hmax = 1e99;
seg->reffak = 1;
seg->copyfrom = -1;
}), (bp::arg("self"), bp::arg("point_indices"), bp::arg("leftdomain") = 1, bp::arg("rightdomain") = 0) )
//.def("AppendSegment", FunctionPointer([](SplineGeometry2d &self, int point_index1, int point_index2)//, int leftdomain, int rightdomain)
// {
// LineSeg<2> * l = new LineSeg<2>(self.GetPoint(point_index1), self.GetPoint(point_index2));
// SplineSegExt * seg = new SplineSegExt(*l);
// seg->leftdom = 1;// leftdomain;
// seg->rightdom = 0;// rightdomain;
// seg->hmax = 1e99;
// seg->reffak = 1;
// seg->copyfrom = -1;
// self.AppendSegment(seg);
// }))//, (bp::arg("self"), bp::arg("point_index1"), bp::arg("point_index2"), bp::arg("leftdomain") = 1, bp::arg("rightdomain") = 0) )
//.def("AppendSegment", FunctionPointer([](SplineGeometry2d &self, int point_index1, int point_index2, int point_index3)//, int leftdomain, int rightdomain)
// {
// SplineSeg3<2> * seg3 = new SplineSeg3<2>(self.GetPoint(point_index1), self.GetPoint(point_index2), self.GetPoint(point_index3));
// SplineSegExt * seg = new SplineSegExt(*seg3);
// seg->leftdom = 1;// leftdomain;
// seg->rightdom = 0;// rightdomain;
// seg->hmax = 1e99;
// seg->reffak = 1;
// seg->copyfrom = -1;
// self.AppendSegment(seg);
// }))//, (bp::arg("self"), bp::arg("point_index1"), bp::arg("point_index2"), bp::arg("point_index3"), bp::arg("leftdomain") = 1, bp::arg("rightdomain") = 0 ) )
.def("PlotData", FunctionPointer([](SplineGeometry2d &self)
Box<2> box(self.GetBoundingBox());
double xdist = box.PMax()(0) - box.PMin()(0);
double ydist = box.PMax()(1) - box.PMin()(1);
bp::tuple xlim = bp::make_tuple(box.PMin()(0) - 0.1*xdist, box.PMax()(0) + 0.1*xdist);
bp::tuple ylim = bp::make_tuple(box.PMin()(1) - 0.1*ydist, box.PMax()(1) + 0.1*ydist);
bp::list xpoints, ypoints;
for (int i = 0; i < self.splines.Size(); i++)
bp::list xp, yp;
if (self.splines[i]->GetType().compare("line")==0)
GeomPoint<2> p1 = self.splines[i]->StartPI();
GeomPoint<2> p2 = self.splines[i]->EndPI();
else if (self.splines[i]->GetType().compare("spline3")==0)
double len = self.splines[i]->Length();
int n = floor(len/(0.05*min(xdist,ydist)));
for (int j = 0; j <= n; j++)
GeomPoint<2> point = self.splines[i]->GetPoint(j*1./n);
cout << "spline is neither line nor spline3" << endl;
return bp::tuple(bp::make_tuple(xlim, ylim, xpoints, ypoints));
.def("PointData", FunctionPointer([](SplineGeometry2d &self)
bp::list xpoints, ypoints, pointindex;
for (int i = 0; i < self.geompoints.Size(); i++)
return bp::tuple(bp::make_tuple(xpoints, ypoints, pointindex));
.def("SegmentData", FunctionPointer([](SplineGeometry2d &self)
bp::list leftpoints, rightpoints, leftdom, rightdom;
for (int i = 0; i < self.splines.Size(); i++)
GeomPoint<2> point = self.splines[i]->GetPoint(0.5);
Vec<2> normal = self.GetSpline(i).GetTangent(0.5);
double temp = normal(0);
normal(0) = normal(1);
normal(1) = -temp;
rightpoints.append(bp::make_tuple(point(0), point(1), normal(0)<0, normal(1)<0));
leftpoints.append(bp::make_tuple(point(0), point(1), normal(0)<0, normal(1)<0));
return bp::tuple(bp::make_tuple(leftpoints, rightpoints, leftdom, rightdom));
.def("Print", FunctionPointer([](SplineGeometry2d &self)
for (int i = 0; i < self.geompoints.Size(); i++)
cout << i << " : " << self.geompoints[i][0] << " , " << self.geompoints[i][1] << endl;
//Box<2> box(self.GetBoundingBox());
//cout << box.PMin() << endl;
//cout << box.PMax() << endl;
cout << self.splines.Size() << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < self.splines.Size(); i++)
cout << self.splines[i]->GetType() << endl;
//cout << i << " : " << self.splines[i]->GetPoint(0.1) << " , " << self.splines[i]->GetPoint(0.5) << endl;
.def("GenerateMesh", FunctionPointer([](SplineGeometry2d &self, MeshingParameters & mparam)
shared_ptr<Mesh> mesh;
self.GenerateMesh(mesh, mparam, 0, 0);
return mesh;