2019-07-09 10:40:35 +02:00

1968 lines
53 KiB

#include <meshing.hpp>
#include "paralleltop.hpp"
// #define METIS4
#ifdef METIS
namespace metis {
extern "C" {
#include <metis.h>
#define METIS5
typedef idx_t idxtype;
#define METIS4
typedef idxtype idx_t;
using namespace metis;
namespace netgen
template <>
inline MPI_Datatype MyGetMPIType<PointIndex> ( )
{ return MPI_INT; }
void Mesh :: SendRecvMesh ()
int id = GetCommunicator().Rank();
int np = GetCommunicator().Size();
if (np == 1) {
throw NgException("SendRecvMesh called, but only one rank in communicator!!");
if (id == 0)
PrintMessage (1, "Send/Receive mesh");
// Why is this here??
if (id == 0)
paralleltop -> SetNV (GetNV());
paralleltop -> SetNE (GetNE());
paralleltop -> SetNSegm (GetNSeg());
paralleltop -> SetNSE (GetNSE());
if (id == 0)
SendMesh ();
paralleltop -> UpdateCoarseGrid();
void Mesh :: SendMesh () const
NgArray<MPI_Request> sendrequests;
NgMPI_Comm comm = GetCommunicator();
int id = comm.Rank();
int ntasks = comm.Size();
int dim = GetDimension();
MyMPI_Bcast(dim, comm);
// If the topology is not already updated, we do not need to
// build edges/faces.
auto & top = const_cast<MeshTopology&>(GetTopology());
if(top.NeedsUpdate()) {
PrintMessage ( 3, "Sending nr of elements");
NgArray<int> num_els_on_proc(ntasks);
num_els_on_proc = 0;
for (ElementIndex ei = 0; ei < GetNE(); ei++)
// num_els_on_proc[(*this)[ei].GetPartition()]++;
MPI_Scatter (&num_els_on_proc[0], 1, MPI_INT,
MPI_IN_PLACE, -1, MPI_INT, 0, comm);
TABLE<ElementIndex> els_of_proc (num_els_on_proc);
for (ElementIndex ei = 0; ei < GetNE(); ei++)
// els_of_proc.Add ( (*this)[ei].GetPartition(), ei);
els_of_proc.Add (vol_partition[ei], ei);
PrintMessage ( 3, "Building vertex/proc mapping");
NgArray<int> num_sels_on_proc(ntasks);
num_sels_on_proc = 0;
for (SurfaceElementIndex ei = 0; ei < GetNSE(); ei++)
// num_sels_on_proc[(*this)[ei].GetPartition()]++;
TABLE<SurfaceElementIndex> sels_of_proc (num_sels_on_proc);
for (SurfaceElementIndex ei = 0; ei < GetNSE(); ei++)
// sels_of_proc.Add ( (*this)[ei].GetPartition(), ei);
sels_of_proc.Add (surf_partition[ei], ei);
NgArray<int> num_segs_on_proc(ntasks);
num_segs_on_proc = 0;
for (SegmentIndex ei = 0; ei < GetNSeg(); ei++)
// num_segs_on_proc[(*this)[ei].GetPartition()]++;
TABLE<SegmentIndex> segs_of_proc (num_segs_on_proc);
for (SegmentIndex ei = 0; ei < GetNSeg(); ei++)
segs_of_proc.Add (seg_partition[ei], ei);
Whenever two vertices are identified by periodicity, any proc
that gets one of the vertices actually gets both of them.
This has to be transitive, that is, if
a <-> b and b <-> c,
then any proc that has vertex a also has vertices b and c!
Surfaceelements and Segments that are identified by
periodicity are treated the same way.
We need to duplicate these so we have containers to
hold the edges/facets. Afaik, a mesh cannot have nodes
that are not part of some sort of element.
/** First, we build tables for vertex identification. **/
NgArray<INDEX_2> per_pairs;
NgArray<INDEX_2> pp2;
auto & idents = GetIdentifications();
bool has_periodic = false;
for (int idnr = 1; idnr < idents.GetMaxNr()+1; idnr++)
if(idents.GetType(idnr)!=Identifications::PERIODIC) continue;
has_periodic = true;
idents.GetPairs(idnr, pp2);
NgArray<int, PointIndex::BASE> npvs(GetNV());
npvs = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < per_pairs.Size(); k++) {
/** for each vertex, gives us all identified vertices **/
TABLE<PointIndex, PointIndex::BASE> per_verts(npvs);
for (int k = 0; k < per_pairs.Size(); k++) {
per_verts.Add(per_pairs[k].I1(), per_pairs[k].I2());
per_verts.Add(per_pairs[k].I2(), per_pairs[k].I1());
for (int k = PointIndex::BASE; k < GetNV()+PointIndex::BASE; k++) {
/** The same table as per_verts, but TRANSITIVE!! **/
auto iterate_per_verts_trans = [&](auto f){
NgArray<int> allvs;
for (int k = PointIndex::BASE; k < GetNV()+PointIndex::BASE; k++)
bool changed = true;
while(changed) {
changed = false;
for (int j = 0; j<allvs.Size(); j++)
auto pervs2 = per_verts[allvs[j]];
for (int l = 0; l < pervs2.Size(); l++)
auto addv = pervs2[l];
if (allvs.Contains(addv) || addv==k) continue;
changed = true;
f(k, allvs);
iterate_per_verts_trans([&](auto k, auto & allvs) {
npvs[k] = allvs.Size();
TABLE<PointIndex, PointIndex::BASE> per_verts_trans(npvs);
iterate_per_verts_trans([&](auto k, auto & allvs) {
for (int j = 0; j<allvs.Size(); j++)
per_verts_trans.Add(k, allvs[j]);
for (int k = PointIndex::BASE; k < GetNV()+PointIndex::BASE; k++) {
/** Now we build the vertex-data to send to the workers. **/
NgArray<int, PointIndex::BASE> vert_flag (GetNV());
NgArray<int, PointIndex::BASE> num_procs_on_vert (GetNV());
NgArray<int> num_verts_on_proc (ntasks);
num_verts_on_proc = 0;
num_procs_on_vert = 0;
auto iterate_vertices = [&](auto f) {
vert_flag = -1;
for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
NgFlatArray<ElementIndex> els = els_of_proc[dest];
for (int hi = 0; hi < els.Size(); hi++)
const Element & el = (*this) [ els[hi] ];
for (int i = 0; i < el.GetNP(); i++)
f(el[i], dest);
NgFlatArray<SurfaceElementIndex> sels = sels_of_proc[dest];
for (int hi = 0; hi < sels.Size(); hi++)
const Element2d & el = (*this) [ sels[hi] ];
for (int i = 0; i < el.GetNP(); i++)
f(el[i], dest);
NgFlatArray<SegmentIndex> segs = segs_of_proc[dest];
for (int hi = 0; hi < segs.Size(); hi++)
const Segment & el = (*this) [segs[hi]];
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
f(el[i], dest);
/** count vertices per proc and procs per vertex **/
iterate_vertices([&](auto vertex, auto dest){
auto countit = [&] (auto vertex, auto dest) {
if (vert_flag[vertex] < dest)
vert_flag[vertex] = dest;
GetParallelTopology().SetDistantPNum (dest, vertex);
countit(vertex, dest);
auto pers = per_verts_trans[vertex];
for(int j = 0; j < pers.Size(); j++)
countit(pers[j], dest);
TABLE<PointIndex> verts_of_proc (num_verts_on_proc);
TABLE<int, PointIndex::BASE> procs_of_vert (num_procs_on_vert);
TABLE<int, PointIndex::BASE> loc_num_of_vert (num_procs_on_vert);
/** Write vertex/proc mappingfs to tables **/
iterate_vertices([&](auto vertex, auto dest) {
auto addit = [&] (auto vertex, auto dest) {
if (vert_flag[vertex] < dest)
vert_flag[vertex] = dest;
procs_of_vert.Add (vertex, dest);
addit(vertex, dest);
auto pers = per_verts_trans[vertex];
for(int j = 0; j < pers.Size(); j++)
addit(pers[j], dest);
local vertex numbers on distant procs
(I think this was only used for debugging??)
for (int vert = 1; vert <= GetNP(); vert++ )
NgFlatArray<int> procs = procs_of_vert[vert];
for (int j = 0; j < procs.Size(); j++)
int dest = procs[j];
verts_of_proc.Add (dest, vert);
loc_num_of_vert.Add (vert, verts_of_proc[dest].Size());
PrintMessage ( 3, "Sending Vertices - vertices");
for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
NgFlatArray<PointIndex> verts = verts_of_proc[dest];
sendrequests.Append (MyMPI_ISend (verts, dest, MPI_TAG_MESH+1, comm));
MPI_Datatype mptype = MeshPoint::MyGetMPIType();
int numv = verts.Size();
MPI_Datatype newtype;
NgArray<int> blocklen (numv);
blocklen = 1;
MPI_Type_indexed (numv, &blocklen[0],
reinterpret_cast<int*> (&verts[0]),
mptype, &newtype);
MPI_Type_commit (&newtype);
MPI_Request request;
MPI_Isend( &points[0], 1, newtype, dest, MPI_TAG_MESH+1, comm, &request);
sendrequests.Append (request);
NgArray<int> num_distpnums(ntasks);
num_distpnums = 0;
Next, we send the identifications themselfs.
Info about periodic identifications sent to each proc is an array of
- maxidentnr
- type for each identification
- nr of pairs for each identification (each pair is local!)
- pairs for each periodic ident (global numbers)
PrintMessage ( 3, "Sending Vertices - identifications");
int maxidentnr = idents.GetMaxNr();
NgArray<int> ppd_sizes(ntasks);
ppd_sizes = 1 + 2*maxidentnr;
for (int idnr = 1; idnr < idents.GetMaxNr()+1; idnr++)
if(idents.GetType(idnr)!=Identifications::PERIODIC) continue;
idents.GetPairs(idnr, pp2);
for(int j = 0; j<pp2.Size(); j++)
INDEX_2 & pair = pp2[j];
// both are on same procs!
auto ps = procs_of_vert[pair.I1()];
for (int l = 0; l < ps.Size(); l++)
ppd_sizes[ps[l]] += 2;
TABLE<int> pp_data(ppd_sizes);
for(int dest = 0; dest < ntasks; dest++)
pp_data.Add(dest, maxidentnr);
for (int dest = 0; dest < ntasks; dest++)
for (int idnr = 1; idnr < idents.GetMaxNr()+1; idnr++)
pp_data.Add(dest, idents.GetType(idnr));
for (int idnr = 1; idnr < idents.GetMaxNr()+1; idnr++)
pp_data.Add(dest, 0);
for (int idnr = 1; idnr < idents.GetMaxNr()+1; idnr++)
if(idents.GetType(idnr)!=Identifications::PERIODIC) continue;
idents.GetPairs(idnr, pp2);
for(int j = 0; j<pp2.Size(); j++)
INDEX_2 & pair = pp2[j];
auto ps = procs_of_vert[pair.I1()];
for (int l = 0; l < ps.Size(); l++)
auto p = ps[l];
pp_data[p][maxidentnr + idnr]++;
pp_data.Add(p, pair.I1());
pp_data.Add(p, pair.I2());
NgArray<MPI_Request> req_per;
for(int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
req_per.Append(MyMPI_ISend(pp_data[dest], dest, MPI_TAG_MESH+1, comm));
MPI_Waitall(req_per.Size(), &req_per[0], MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
PrintMessage ( 3, "Sending Vertices - distprocs");
for (int vert = 1; vert <= GetNP(); vert++)
NgFlatArray<int> procs = procs_of_vert[vert];
for (int j = 0; j < procs.Size(); j++)
num_distpnums[procs[j]] += 3 * (procs.Size()-1);
TABLE<int> distpnums (num_distpnums);
for (int vert = 1; vert <= GetNP(); vert++)
NgFlatArray<int> procs = procs_of_vert[vert];
for (int j = 0; j < procs.Size(); j++)
for (int k = 0; k < procs.Size(); k++)
if (j != k)
distpnums.Add (procs[j], loc_num_of_vert[vert][j]);
distpnums.Add (procs[j], procs_of_vert[vert][k]);
distpnums.Add (procs[j], loc_num_of_vert[vert][k]);
for ( int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest ++ )
sendrequests.Append (MyMPI_ISend (distpnums[dest], dest, MPI_TAG_MESH+1, comm));
PrintMessage ( 3, "Sending elements" );
NgArray<int> elarraysize (ntasks);
elarraysize = 0;
for ( int ei = 1; ei <= GetNE(); ei++)
const Element & el = VolumeElement (ei);
// int dest = el.GetPartition();
int dest = vol_partition[ei-1];
elarraysize[dest] += 3 + el.GetNP();
TABLE<int> elementarrays(elarraysize);
for (int ei = 1; ei <= GetNE(); ei++)
const Element & el = VolumeElement (ei);
// int dest = el.GetPartition();
int dest = vol_partition[ei-1];
elementarrays.Add (dest, ei);
elementarrays.Add (dest, el.GetIndex());
elementarrays.Add (dest, el.GetNP());
for (int i = 0; i < el.GetNP(); i++)
elementarrays.Add (dest, el[i]);
for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest ++ )
sendrequests.Append (MyMPI_ISend (elementarrays[dest], dest, MPI_TAG_MESH+2, comm));
PrintMessage ( 3, "Sending Face Descriptors" );
NgArray<double> fddata (6 * GetNFD());
for (int fdi = 1; fdi <= GetNFD(); fdi++)
fddata[6*fdi-6] = GetFaceDescriptor(fdi).SurfNr();
fddata[6*fdi-5] = GetFaceDescriptor(fdi).DomainIn();
fddata[6*fdi-4] = GetFaceDescriptor(fdi).DomainOut();
fddata[6*fdi-3] = GetFaceDescriptor(fdi).BCProperty();
fddata[6*fdi-2] = GetFaceDescriptor(fdi).domin_singular;
fddata[6*fdi-1] = GetFaceDescriptor(fdi).domout_singular;
for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
sendrequests.Append (MyMPI_ISend (fddata, dest, MPI_TAG_MESH+3, comm));
/** Surface Elements **/
PrintMessage ( 3, "Sending Surface elements" );
// build sel-identification
size_t nse = GetNSE();
NgArray<SurfaceElementIndex> ided_sel(nse);
ided_sel = -1;
bool has_ided_sels = false;
if(GetNE() && has_periodic) //we can only have identified surf-els if we have vol-els (right?)
NgArray<SurfaceElementIndex, 0> os1, os2;
for(SurfaceElementIndex sei = 0; sei < GetNSE(); sei++)
if(ided_sel[sei]!=-1) continue;
const Element2d & sel = (*this)[sei];
NgFlatArray<const PointIndex> points = sel.PNums();
auto ided1 = per_verts[points[0]];
for (int j = 0; j < ided1.Size(); j++)
for (int j = 1; j < points.Size(); j++)
auto p2 = points[j];
auto ided2 = per_verts[p2];
for (int l = 0; l < ided2.Size(); l++)
for (int m = 0; m<os1.Size(); m++) {
if(!os2.Contains(os1[m])) {
if(!os1.Size()) continue;
if(os1.Size()>1) {
throw NgException("SurfaceElement identified with more than one other??");
const Element2d & sel2 = (*this)[sei];
NgFlatArray<const PointIndex> points2 = sel2.PNums();
has_ided_sels = true;
ided_sel[sei] = os1[0];
ided_sel[os1[0]] = sei;
// build sel data to send
auto iterate_sels = [&](auto f) {
for (SurfaceElementIndex sei = 0; sei < GetNSE(); sei++ )
const Element2d & sel = (*this)[sei];
// int dest = (*this)[sei].GetPartition();
int dest = surf_partition[sei];
f(sei, sel, dest);
// int dest2 = (*this)[ided_sel[sei]].GetPartition();
int dest2 = surf_partition[ided_sel[sei]];
f(sei, sel, dest2);
NgArray <int> nlocsel(ntasks), bufsize(ntasks);
nlocsel = 0;
bufsize = 1;
iterate_sels([&](SurfaceElementIndex sei, const Element2d & sel, int dest){
bufsize[dest] += 4 + 2*sel.GetNP();
TABLE<int> selbuf(bufsize);
for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++ )
selbuf.Add (dest, nlocsel[dest]);
iterate_sels([&](SurfaceElementIndex sei, const auto & sel, int dest) {
selbuf.Add (dest, sei);
selbuf.Add (dest, sel.GetIndex());
// selbuf.Add (dest, 0);
selbuf.Add (dest, sel.GetNP());
for ( int ii = 1; ii <= sel.GetNP(); ii++)
selbuf.Add (dest, sel.PNum(ii));
selbuf.Add (dest, sel.GeomInfoPi(ii).trignum);
// distribute sel data
for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
sendrequests.Append (MyMPI_ISend(selbuf[dest], dest, MPI_TAG_MESH+4, comm));
/** Segments **/
PrintMessage ( 3, "Sending Edge Segments");
auto iterate_segs1 = [&](auto f) {
NgArray<SegmentIndex> osegs1, osegs2, osegs_both;
NgArray<int> type1, type2;
for(SegmentIndex segi = 0; segi < GetNSeg(); segi++)
const Segment & seg = (*this)[segi];
int segnp = seg.GetNP();
PointIndex pi1 = seg[0];
auto ided1 = per_verts[pi1];
PointIndex pi2 = seg[1];
auto ided2 = per_verts[pi2];
if (!(ided1.Size() && ided2.Size())) continue;
for (int l = 0; l<ided1.Size(); l++)
auto ospart = GetTopology().GetVertexSegments(ided1[l]);
for(int j=0; j<ospart.Size(); j++)
throw NgException("Periodic Mesh did something weird.");
type1.Append(idents.GetSymmetric(pi1, ided1[l]));
for (int l = 0; l<ided2.Size(); l++)
auto ospart = GetTopology().GetVertexSegments(ided2[l]);
for(int j=0; j<ospart.Size(); j++)
throw NgException("Periodic Mesh did something weird.");
type2.Append(idents.GetSymmetric(pi2, ided2[l]));
for (int l = 0; l<osegs1.Size(); l++) {
auto pos = osegs2.Pos(osegs1[l]);
if (pos == -1) continue;
if (type1[l] != type2[pos]) continue;
for(int l = 0; l<osegs_both.Size(); l++) {
int segnp2 = (*this)[osegs_both[l]].GetNP();
throw NgException("Tried to identify non-curved and curved Segment!");
for(int l = 0; l<osegs_both.Size(); l++) {
f(segi, osegs_both[l]);
NgArray<int> per_seg_size(GetNSeg());
per_seg_size = 0;
iterate_segs1([&](SegmentIndex segi1, SegmentIndex segi2)
{ per_seg_size[segi1]++; });
TABLE<SegmentIndex> per_seg(per_seg_size);
iterate_segs1([&](SegmentIndex segi1, SegmentIndex segi2)
{ per_seg.Add(segi1, segi2); });
// make per_seg transitive
auto iterate_per_seg_trans = [&](auto f){
NgArray<SegmentIndex> allsegs;
for (SegmentIndex segi = 0; segi < GetNSeg(); segi++)
bool changed = true;
while (changed)
changed = false;
for (int j = 0; j<allsegs.Size(); j++)
auto persegs2 = per_seg[allsegs[j]];
for (int l = 0; l<persegs2.Size(); l++)
auto addseg = persegs2[l];
if (allsegs.Contains(addseg) || addseg==segi) continue;
changed = true;
f(segi, allsegs);
iterate_per_seg_trans([&](SegmentIndex segi, NgArray<SegmentIndex> & segs){
for (int j = 0; j < segs.Size(); j++)
per_seg_size[segi] = segs.Size();
TABLE<SegmentIndex> per_seg_trans(per_seg_size);
iterate_per_seg_trans([&](SegmentIndex segi, NgArray<SegmentIndex> & segs){
for (int j = 0; j < segs.Size(); j++)
per_seg_trans.Add(segi, segs[j]);
// build segment data
NgArray<int> dests;
auto iterate_segs2 = [&](auto f)
for (SegmentIndex segi = 0; segi<GetNSeg(); segi++)
const Segment & seg = (*this)[segi];
// dests.Append(seg.GetPartition());
for (int l = 0; l < per_seg_trans[segi].Size(); l++)
// int dest2 = (*this)[per_seg_trans[segi][l]].GetPartition();
int dest2 = seg_partition[per_seg_trans[segi][l]];
for (int l = 0; l < dests.Size(); l++)
f(segi, seg, dests[l]);
NgArray<int> nloc_seg(ntasks);
// bufsize = 1; //was originally this - why??
bufsize = 0;
nloc_seg = 0;
iterate_segs2([&](auto segi, const auto & seg, int dest)
bufsize[dest] += 14;
TABLE<double> segm_buf(bufsize);
iterate_segs2([&](auto segi, const auto & seg, int dest)
segm_buf.Add (dest, segi);
segm_buf.Add (dest,;
segm_buf.Add (dest, seg.pnums[0]);
segm_buf.Add (dest, seg.pnums[1]);
segm_buf.Add (dest, seg.geominfo[0].trignum);
segm_buf.Add (dest, seg.geominfo[1].trignum);
segm_buf.Add (dest, seg.surfnr1);
segm_buf.Add (dest, seg.surfnr2);
segm_buf.Add (dest, seg.edgenr);
segm_buf.Add (dest, seg.epgeominfo[0].dist);
segm_buf.Add (dest, seg.epgeominfo[1].edgenr);
segm_buf.Add (dest, seg.epgeominfo[1].dist);
segm_buf.Add (dest, seg.singedge_right);
segm_buf.Add (dest, seg.singedge_left);
// distrubute segment data
for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
sendrequests.Append (MyMPI_ISend(segm_buf[dest], dest, MPI_TAG_MESH+5, comm));
PrintMessage ( 3, "now wait ...");
MPI_Waitall (sendrequests.Size(), &sendrequests[0], MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
PrintMessage ( 3, "Sending names");
/** Send bc/mat/cd*-names **/
// nr of names
int nnames[4] = {0,0,0,0};
nnames[0] = materials.Size();
nnames[1] = bcnames.Size();
nnames[2] = GetNCD2Names();
nnames[3] = GetNCD3Names();
int tot_nn = nnames[0] + nnames[1] + nnames[2] + nnames[3];
for( int k = 1; k < ntasks; k++)
(void) MPI_Isend(nnames, 4, MPI_INT, k, MPI_TAG_MESH+6, comm, &sendrequests[k]);
auto iterate_names = [&](auto func) {
for (int k = 0; k < nnames[0]; k++) func(materials[k]);
for (int k = 0; k < nnames[1]; k++) func(bcnames[k]);
for (int k = 0; k < nnames[2]; k++) func(cd2names[k]);
for (int k = 0; k < nnames[3]; k++) func(cd3names[k]);
// sizes of names
NgArray<int> name_sizes(tot_nn);
tot_nn = 0;
iterate_names([&](auto ptr) { name_sizes[tot_nn++] = (ptr==NULL) ? 0 : ptr->size(); });
for( int k = 1; k < ntasks; k++)
(void) MPI_Isend(&name_sizes[0], tot_nn, MPI_INT, k, MPI_TAG_MESH+6, comm, &sendrequests[ntasks+k]);
// names
int strs = 0;
iterate_names([&](auto ptr) { strs += (ptr==NULL) ? 0 : ptr->size(); });
NgArray<char> compiled_names(strs);
strs = 0;
iterate_names([&](auto ptr) {
if (ptr==NULL) return;
auto& name = *ptr;
for (int j=0; j < name.size(); j++) compiled_names[strs++] = name[j];
for( int k = 1; k < ntasks; k++)
(void) MPI_Isend(&(compiled_names[0]), strs, MPI_CHAR, k, MPI_TAG_MESH+6, comm, &sendrequests[2*ntasks+k]);
PrintMessage ( 3, "wait for names");
MPI_Waitall (sendrequests.Size(), &sendrequests[0], MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
PrintMessage( 3, "Clean up local memory");
auto & self = const_cast<Mesh&>(*this);
self.points = T_POINTS(0);
self.surfelements = T_SURFELEMENTS(0);
self.volelements = T_VOLELEMENTS(0);
self.segments = NgArray<Segment, 0, size_t>(0);
self.lockedpoints = NgArray<PointIndex>(0);
auto cleanup_ptr = [](auto & ptr) {
if (ptr != nullptr) {
delete ptr;
ptr = nullptr;
self.openelements = NgArray<Element2d>(0);
self.opensegments = NgArray<Segment>(0);
self.numvertices = 0;
self.mlbetweennodes = NgArray<PointIndices<2>,PointIndex::BASE> (0);
self.mlparentelement = NgArray<int>(0);
self.mlparentsurfaceelement = NgArray<int>(0);
self.curvedelems = new CurvedElements (self);
self.clusters = new AnisotropicClusters (self);
self.ident = new Identifications (self);
self.topology = MeshTopology(*this);
// const_cast<Mesh&>(*this).DeleteMesh();
PrintMessage( 3, "send mesh complete");
// slaves receive the mesh from the master
void Mesh :: ReceiveParallelMesh ( )
int timer = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("ReceiveParallelMesh");
int timer_pts = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("Receive points");
int timer_els = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("Receive elements");
int timer_sels = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("Receive surface elements");
NgProfiler::RegionTimer reg(timer);
NgMPI_Comm comm = GetCommunicator();
int id = comm.Rank();
int ntasks = comm.Size();
int dim;
MyMPI_Bcast(dim, comm);
// Receive number of local elements
int nelloc;
MPI_Scatter (NULL, 0, MPI_INT,
&nelloc, 1, MPI_INT, 0, comm);
paralleltop -> SetNE (nelloc);
// string st;
// receive vertices
NgProfiler::StartTimer (timer_pts);
NgArray<int> verts;
MyMPI_Recv (verts, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+1, comm);
int numvert = verts.Size();
paralleltop -> SetNV (numvert);
// INDEX_CLOSED_HASHTABLE<int> glob2loc_vert_ht (3*numvert+1);
INDEX_HASHTABLE<int> glob2loc_vert_ht (3*numvert+1);
for (int vert = 0; vert < numvert; vert++)
int globvert = verts[vert];
paralleltop->SetLoc2Glob_Vert ( vert+1, globvert );
glob2loc_vert_ht.Set (globvert, vert+1);
for (int i = 0; i < numvert; i++)
AddPoint (netgen::Point<3> (0,0,0));
MPI_Datatype mptype = MeshPoint::MyGetMPIType();
MPI_Status status;
MPI_Recv( &points[1], numvert, mptype, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+1, comm, &status);
NgArray<int> pp_data;
MyMPI_Recv(pp_data, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+1, comm);
int maxidentnr = pp_data[0];
auto & idents = GetIdentifications();
for (int idnr = 1; idnr < maxidentnr+1; idnr++)
idents.SetType(idnr, (Identifications::ID_TYPE)pp_data[idnr]);
int offset = 2*maxidentnr+1;
for(int idnr = 1; idnr < maxidentnr+1; idnr++)
int npairs = pp_data[maxidentnr+idnr];
NgFlatArray<int> pairdata(2*npairs, &pp_data[offset]);
offset += 2*npairs;
for (int k = 0; k<npairs; k++) {
PointIndex loc1 = glob2loc_vert_ht.Get(pairdata[2*k]);
PointIndex loc2 = glob2loc_vert_ht.Get(pairdata[2*k+1]);
idents.Add(loc1, loc2, idnr);
NgArray<int> dist_pnums;
MyMPI_Recv (dist_pnums, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+1, comm);
for (int hi = 0; hi < dist_pnums.Size(); hi += 3)
paralleltop ->
SetDistantPNum (dist_pnums[hi+1], dist_pnums[hi]); // , dist_pnums[hi+2]);
NgProfiler::StopTimer (timer_pts);
*testout << "got " << numvert << " vertices" << endl;
NgArray<int> elarray;
MyMPI_Recv (elarray, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+2, comm);
NgProfiler::RegionTimer reg(timer_els);
for (int ind = 0, elnum = 1; ind < elarray.Size(); elnum++)
paralleltop->SetLoc2Glob_VolEl ( elnum, elarray[ind++]);
int index = elarray[ind++];
Element el(elarray[ind++]);
for ( int j = 0; j < el.GetNP(); j++)
el[j] = glob2loc_vert_ht.Get (elarray[ind++]);
AddVolumeElement (el);
NgArray<double> fddata;
MyMPI_Recv (fddata, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+3, comm);
for (int i = 0; i < fddata.Size(); i += 6)
int faceind = AddFaceDescriptor
(FaceDescriptor(int(fddata[i]), int(fddata[i+1]), int(fddata[i+2]), 0));
GetFaceDescriptor(faceind).SetBCProperty (int(fddata[i+3]));
GetFaceDescriptor(faceind).domin_singular = fddata[i+4];
GetFaceDescriptor(faceind).domout_singular = fddata[i+5];
NgProfiler::RegionTimer reg(timer_sels);
NgArray<int> selbuf;
MyMPI_Recv ( selbuf, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+4, comm);
int ii = 0;
int sel = 0;
int nlocsel = selbuf[ii++];
paralleltop -> SetNSE ( nlocsel );
while (ii < selbuf.Size()-1)
int globsel = selbuf[ii++];
int faceind = selbuf[ii++];
//bool isghost = selbuf[ii++];
int nep = selbuf[ii++];
Element2d tri(nep);
for(int j = 1; j <= nep; j++)
tri.PNum(j) = glob2loc_vert_ht.Get (selbuf[ii++]);
tri.GeomInfoPi(j).trignum = selbuf[ii++];
paralleltop->SetLoc2Glob_SurfEl ( sel+1, globsel );
AddSurfaceElement (tri);
sel ++;
NgArray<double> segmbuf;
MyMPI_Recv ( segmbuf, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+5, comm);
Segment seg;
int globsegi;
int ii = 0;
int segi = 1;
int nsegloc = int ( segmbuf.Size() / 14 ) ;
paralleltop -> SetNSegm ( nsegloc );
while ( ii < segmbuf.Size() )
globsegi = int (segmbuf[ii++]); = int (segmbuf[ii++]);
seg.pnums[0] = glob2loc_vert_ht.Get (int(segmbuf[ii++]));
seg.pnums[1] = glob2loc_vert_ht.Get (int(segmbuf[ii++]));
seg.geominfo[0].trignum = int( segmbuf[ii++] );
seg.geominfo[1].trignum = int ( segmbuf[ii++]);
seg.surfnr1 = int ( segmbuf[ii++]);
seg.surfnr2 = int ( segmbuf[ii++]);
seg.edgenr = int ( segmbuf[ii++]);
seg.epgeominfo[0].dist = segmbuf[ii++];
seg.epgeominfo[1].edgenr = int (segmbuf[ii++]);
seg.epgeominfo[1].dist = segmbuf[ii++];
seg.singedge_left = segmbuf[ii++];
seg.singedge_right = segmbuf[ii++];
seg.epgeominfo[0].edgenr = seg.epgeominfo[1].edgenr;
seg.domin = seg.surfnr1;
seg.domout = seg.surfnr2;
if ( seg.pnums[0] >0 && seg.pnums[1] > 0 )
paralleltop-> SetLoc2Glob_Segm ( segi, globsegi );
AddSegment (seg);
/** Recv bc-names **/
int nnames[4] = {0,0,0,0};
MPI_Recv(nnames, 4, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+6, comm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
int tot_nn = nnames[0] + nnames[1] + nnames[2] + nnames[3];
NgArray<int> name_sizes(tot_nn);
MPI_Recv(&name_sizes[0], tot_nn, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+6, comm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
int tot_size = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < tot_nn; k++) tot_size += name_sizes[k];
NgArray<char> compiled_names(tot_size);
MPI_Recv(&(compiled_names[0]), tot_size, MPI_CHAR, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+6, comm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
tot_nn = tot_size = 0;
auto write_names = [&] (auto & array) {
for (int k = 0; k < array.Size(); k++) {
int s = name_sizes[tot_nn];
array[k] = new string(&compiled_names[tot_size], s);
tot_size += s;
int timerloc = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("Update local mesh");
int timerloc2 = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("CalcSurfacesOfNode");
NgProfiler::RegionTimer regloc(timerloc);
stringstream str;
str << "p" << id << ": got " << GetNE() << " elements and "
<< GetNSE() << " surface elements";
PrintMessage(2, str.str());
// cout << str.str() << endl;
// PrintMessage (2, "Got ", GetNE(), " elements and ", GetNSE(), " surface elements");
// PrintMessage (2, "Got ", GetNSE(), " surface elements");
NgProfiler::StartTimer (timerloc2);
CalcSurfacesOfNode ();
NgProfiler::StopTimer (timerloc2);
clusters -> Update();
// paralleltop -> UpdateCoarseGrid();
// distribute the mesh to the slave processors
// call it only for the master !
void Mesh :: Distribute ()
NgMPI_Comm comm = GetCommunicator();
int id = comm.Rank();
int ntasks = comm.Size();
if (id != 0 || ntasks == 1 ) return;
#ifdef METIS
ParallelMetis ();
for (ElementIndex ei = 0; ei < GetNE(); ei++)
(*this)[ei].SetPartition(ntasks * ei/GetNE() + 1);
for (ElementIndex ei = 0; ei < GetNE(); ei++)
*testout << "el(" << ei << ") is in part " << (*this)[ei].GetPartition() << endl;
for (SurfaceElementIndex ei = 0; ei < GetNSE(); ei++)
*testout << "sel(" << int(ei) << ") is in part " << (*this)[ei].GetPartition() << endl;
// MyMPI_SendCmd ("mesh");
SendRecvMesh ();
#ifdef METIS5
void Mesh :: ParallelMetis ( )
PrintMessage (3, "call metis 5 ...");
int timer = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("Mesh::Partition");
NgProfiler::RegionTimer reg(timer);
idx_t ne = GetNE() + GetNSE() + GetNSeg();
idx_t nn = GetNP();
NgArray<idx_t> eptr, eind;
for (int i = 0; i < GetNE(); i++)
eptr.Append (eind.Size());
const Element & el = VolumeElement(i+1);
for (int j = 0; j < el.GetNP(); j++)
eind.Append (el[j]-1);
for (int i = 0; i < GetNSE(); i++)
eptr.Append (eind.Size());
const Element2d & el = SurfaceElement(i+1);
for (int j = 0; j < el.GetNP(); j++)
eind.Append (el[j]-1);
for (int i = 0; i < GetNSeg(); i++)
eptr.Append (eind.Size());
const Segment & el = LineSegment(i+1);
eind.Append (el[0]-1);
eind.Append (el[1]-1);
eptr.Append (eind.Size());
NgArray<idx_t> epart(ne), npart(nn);
idxtype nparts = GetCommunicator().Size()-1;
if (nparts == 1)
for (int i = 0; i < GetNE(); i++)
// VolumeElement(i+1).SetPartition(1);
vol_partition[i]= 1;
for (int i = 0; i < GetNSE(); i++)
// SurfaceElement(i+1).SetPartition(1);
surf_partition[i] = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < GetNSeg(); i++)
// LineSegment(i+1).SetPartition(1);
seg_partition[i] = 1;
idxtype edgecut;
idxtype ncommon = 3;
METIS_PartMeshDual (&ne, &nn, &eptr[0], &eind[0], NULL, NULL, &ncommon, &nparts,
&edgecut, &epart[0], &npart[0]);
METIS_PartMeshNodal (&ne, &nn, &eptr[0], &eind[0], NULL, NULL, &nparts,
&edgecut, &epart[0], &npart[0]);
PrintMessage (3, "metis complete");
// cout << "done" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < GetNE(); i++)
// VolumeElement(i+1).SetPartition(epart[i] + 1);
vol_partition[i]= epart[i] + 1;
for (int i = 0; i < GetNSE(); i++)
// SurfaceElement(i+1).SetPartition(epart[i+GetNE()] + 1);
surf_partition[i] = epart[i+GetNE()] + 1;
for (int i = 0; i < GetNSeg(); i++)
// LineSegment(i+1).SetPartition(epart[i+GetNE()+GetNSE()] + 1);
seg_partition[i] = epart[i+GetNE()+GetNSE()] + 1;
// surface elements attached to volume elements
NgArray<bool, PointIndex::BASE> boundarypoints (GetNP());
boundarypoints = false;
if(GetDimension() == 3)
for (SurfaceElementIndex sei = 0; sei < GetNSE(); sei++)
const Element2d & el = (*this)[sei];
for (int j = 0; j < el.GetNP(); j++)
boundarypoints[el[j]] = true;
for (SegmentIndex segi = 0; segi < GetNSeg(); segi++)
const Segment & seg = (*this)[segi];
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
boundarypoints[seg[j]] = true;
// Build Pnt2Element table, boundary points only
NgArray<int, PointIndex::BASE> cnt(GetNP());
cnt = 0;
auto loop_els_2d = [&](auto f) {
for (SurfaceElementIndex sei = 0; sei < GetNSE(); sei++)
const Element2d & el = (*this)[sei];
for (int j = 0; j < el.GetNP(); j++) {
f(el[j], sei);
auto loop_els_3d = [&](auto f) {
for (ElementIndex ei = 0; ei < GetNE(); ei++)
const Element & el = (*this)[ei];
for (int j = 0; j < el.GetNP(); j++)
f(el[j], ei);
auto loop_els = [&](auto f)
if (GetDimension() == 3 )
loop_els([&](auto vertex, int index)
TABLE<int, PointIndex::BASE> pnt2el(cnt);
loop_els([&](auto vertex, int index)
pnt2el.Add(vertex, index);
if (GetDimension() == 3)
for (SurfaceElementIndex sei = 0; sei < GetNSE(); sei++)
Element2d & sel = (*this)[sei];
PointIndex pi1 = sel[0];
// NgFlatArray<ElementIndex> els = pnt2el[pi1];
NgFlatArray<int> els = pnt2el[pi1];
// sel.SetPartition (-1);
surf_partition[sei] = -1;
for (int j = 0; j < els.Size(); j++)
const Element & el = (*this)[ElementIndex(els[j])];
bool hasall = true;
for (int k = 0; k < sel.GetNP(); k++)
bool haspi = false;
for (int l = 0; l < el.GetNP(); l++)
if (sel[k] == el[l])
haspi = true;
if (!haspi) hasall = false;
if (hasall)
// sel.SetPartition (el.GetPartition());
surf_partition[sei] = vol_partition[ElementIndex(els[j])];
// if (sel.GetPartition() == -1)
if (surf_partition[sei] == -1)
cerr << "no volume element found" << endl;
for (SegmentIndex si = 0; si < GetNSeg(); si++)
Segment & sel = (*this)[si];
PointIndex pi1 = sel[0];
NgFlatArray<int> els = pnt2el[pi1];
// sel.SetPartition (-1);
seg_partition[si] = -1;
for (int j = 0; j < els.Size(); j++)
const Element & el = (*this)[ElementIndex(els[j])];
bool haspi[9] = { false }; // max surfnp
for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++)
for (int l = 0; l < el.GetNP(); l++)
if (sel[k] == el[l])
haspi[k] = true;
bool hasall = true;
for (int k = 0; k < sel.GetNP(); k++)
if (!haspi[k]) hasall = false;
if (hasall)
// sel.SetPartition (el.GetPartition());
seg_partition[si] = vol_partition[ElementIndex(els[j])];
// if (sel.GetPartition() == -1)
if (seg_partition[si] == -1)
cerr << "no volume element found" << endl;
for (SegmentIndex segi = 0; segi < GetNSeg(); segi++)
Segment & seg = (*this)[segi];
// seg.SetPartition(-1);
seg_partition[segi] = -1;
PointIndex pi1 = seg[0];
NgFlatArray<int> sels = pnt2el[pi1];
for (int j = 0; j < sels.Size(); j++)
SurfaceElementIndex sei = sels[j];
Element2d & se = (*this)[sei];
bool found = false;
for (int l = 0; l < se.GetNP(); l++ && !found)
found |= (se[l]==seg[1]);
if(found) {
// seg.SetPartition(se.GetPartition());
seg_partition[segi] = surf_partition[sei];
// if (seg.GetPartition() == -1) {
if (seg_partition[segi] == -1) {
cout << endl << "segi: " << segi << endl;
cout << "points: " << seg[0] << " " << seg[1] << endl;
cout << "surfels: " << endl << sels << endl;
throw NgException("no surface element found");
//========================== weights =================================================================
// distribute the mesh to the slave processors
// call it only for the master !
void Mesh :: Distribute (NgArray<int> & volume_weights , NgArray<int> & surface_weights, NgArray<int> & segment_weights)
NgMPI_Comm comm = GetCommunicator();
int id = comm.Rank();
int ntasks = comm.Size();
if (id != 0 || ntasks == 1 ) return;
#ifdef METIS
ParallelMetis (volume_weights, surface_weights, segment_weights);
for (ElementIndex ei = 0; ei < GetNE(); ei++)
(*this)[ei].SetPartition(ntasks * ei/GetNE() + 1);
for (ElementIndex ei = 0; ei < GetNE(); ei++)
*testout << "el(" << ei << ") is in part " << (*this)[ei].GetPartition() << endl;
for (SurfaceElementIndex ei = 0; ei < GetNSE(); ei++)
*testout << "sel(" << int(ei) << ") is in part " << (*this)[ei].GetPartition() << endl;
// MyMPI_SendCmd ("mesh");
SendRecvMesh ();
#ifdef METIS5
void Mesh :: ParallelMetis (NgArray<int> & volume_weights , NgArray<int> & surface_weights, NgArray<int> & segment_weights)
PrintMessage (3, "call metis 5 with weights ...");
// cout << "segment_weights " << segment_weights << endl;
// cout << "surface_weights " << surface_weights << endl;
// cout << "volume_weights " << volume_weights << endl;
int timer = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("Mesh::Partition");
NgProfiler::RegionTimer reg(timer);
idx_t ne = GetNE() + GetNSE() + GetNSeg();
idx_t nn = GetNP();
NgArray<idx_t> eptr, eind , nwgt;
for (int i = 0; i < GetNE(); i++)
eptr.Append (eind.Size());
const Element & el = VolumeElement(i+1);
int ind = el.GetIndex();
if (volume_weights.Size()<ind)
nwgt.Append (volume_weights[ind -1]);
for (int j = 0; j < el.GetNP(); j++)
eind.Append (el[j]-1);
for (int i = 0; i < GetNSE(); i++)
eptr.Append (eind.Size());
const Element2d & el = SurfaceElement(i+1);
int ind = el.GetIndex();
ind = GetFaceDescriptor(ind).BCProperty();
if (surface_weights.Size()<ind)
nwgt.Append (surface_weights[ind -1]);
for (int j = 0; j < el.GetNP(); j++)
eind.Append (el[j]-1);
for (int i = 0; i < GetNSeg(); i++)
eptr.Append (eind.Size());
const Segment & el = LineSegment(i+1);
int ind =;
if (segment_weights.Size()<ind)
nwgt.Append (segment_weights[ind -1]);
eind.Append (el[0]);
eind.Append (el[1]);
eptr.Append (eind.Size());
NgArray<idx_t> epart(ne), npart(nn);
idxtype nparts = GetCommunicator().Size()-1;
if (nparts == 1)
for (int i = 0; i < GetNE(); i++)
// VolumeElement(i+1).SetPartition(1);
vol_partition[i] = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < GetNSE(); i++)
// SurfaceElement(i+1).SetPartition(1);
surf_partition[i] = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < GetNSeg(); i++)
// LineSegment(i+1).SetPartition(1);
seg_partition[i] = 1;
idxtype edgecut;
idxtype ncommon = 3;
METIS_PartMeshDual (&ne, &nn, &eptr[0], &eind[0], &nwgt[0], NULL, &ncommon, &nparts,
&edgecut, &epart[0], &npart[0]);
METIS_PartMeshNodal (&ne, &nn, &eptr[0], &eind[0], NULL, NULL, &nparts,
&edgecut, &epart[0], &npart[0]);
PrintMessage (3, "metis complete");
// cout << "done" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < GetNE(); i++)
// VolumeElement(i+1).SetPartition(epart[i] + 1);
vol_partition[i] = epart[i] + 1;
for (int i = 0; i < GetNSE(); i++)
// SurfaceElement(i+1).SetPartition(epart[i+GetNE()] + 1);
surf_partition[i] = epart[i+GetNE()] + 1;
for (int i = 0; i < GetNSeg(); i++)
// LineSegment(i+1).SetPartition(epart[i+GetNE()+GetNSE()] + 1);
seg_partition[i] = epart[i+GetNE()+GetNSE()] + 1;
#ifdef METIS4
void Mesh :: ParallelMetis ( )
int timer = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("Mesh::Partition");
NgProfiler::RegionTimer reg(timer);
PrintMessage (3, "Metis called");
if (GetDimension() == 2)
PartDualHybridMesh2D ( ); // neloc );
idx_t ne = GetNE();
idx_t nn = GetNP();
if (ntasks <= 2 || ne <= 1)
if (ntasks == 1) return;
for (int i=1; i<=ne; i++)
for (int i=1; i<=GetNSE(); i++)
bool uniform_els = true;
ELEMENT_TYPE elementtype = TET;
for (int el = 1; el <= GetNE(); el++)
if (VolumeElement(el).GetType() != elementtype)
uniform_els = false;
if (!uniform_els)
PartHybridMesh ();
// uniform (TET) mesh, JS
int npe = VolumeElement(1).GetNP();
NgArray<idxtype> elmnts(ne*npe);
int etype;
if (elementtype == TET)
etype = 2;
else if (elementtype == HEX)
etype = 3;
for (int i=1; i<=ne; i++)
for (int j=1; j<=npe; j++)
elmnts[(i-1)*npe+(j-1)] = VolumeElement(i).PNum(j)-1;
int numflag = 0;
int nparts = ntasks-1;
int ncommon = 3;
int edgecut;
NgArray<idxtype> epart(ne), npart(nn);
// if ( ntasks == 1 )
// {
// (*this) = *mastermesh;
// nparts = 4;
// metis :: METIS_PartMeshDual (&ne, &nn, elmnts, &etype, &numflag, &nparts,
// &edgecut, epart, npart);
// cout << "done" << endl;
// cout << "edge-cut: " << edgecut << ", balance: " << metis :: ComputeElementBalance(ne, nparts, epart) << endl;
// for (int i=1; i<=ne; i++)
// {
// mastermesh->VolumeElement(i).SetPartition(epart[i-1]);
// }
// return;
// }
int timermetis = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("Metis itself");
NgProfiler::StartTimer (timermetis);
#ifdef METIS4
cout << "call metis(4)_PartMeshDual ... " << flush;
METIS_PartMeshDual (&ne, &nn, &elmnts[0], &etype, &numflag, &nparts,
&edgecut, &epart[0], &npart[0]);
cout << "call metis(5)_PartMeshDual ... " << endl;
// idx_t options[METIS_NOPTIONS];
NgArray<idx_t> eptr(ne+1);
for (int j = 0; j < ne+1; j++)
eptr[j] = 4*j;
METIS_PartMeshDual (&ne, &nn, &eptr[0], &elmnts[0], NULL, NULL, &ncommon, &nparts,
&edgecut, &epart[0], &npart[0]);
NgProfiler::StopTimer (timermetis);
cout << "complete" << endl;
#ifdef METIS4
cout << "edge-cut: " << edgecut << ", balance: "
<< ComputeElementBalance(ne, nparts, &epart[0]) << endl;
// partition numbering by metis : 0 ... ntasks - 1
// we want: 1 ... ntasks
for (int i=1; i<=ne; i++)
VolumeElement(i).SetPartition(epart[i-1] + 1);
for (int sei = 1; sei <= GetNSE(); sei++ )
int ei1, ei2;
GetTopology().GetSurface2VolumeElement (sei, ei1, ei2);
Element2d & sel = SurfaceElement (sei);
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
int ei = (j == 0) ? ei1 : ei2;
if ( ei > 0 && ei <= GetNE() )
sel.SetPartition (VolumeElement(ei).GetPartition());
void Mesh :: PartHybridMesh ()
#ifdef METIS
int ne = GetNE();
int nn = GetNP();
int nedges = topology.GetNEdges();
idxtype *xadj, * adjacency, *v_weights = NULL, *e_weights = NULL;
int weightflag = 0;
int numflag = 0;
int nparts = ntasks - 1;
int options[5];
options[0] = 0;
int edgecut;
idxtype * part;
xadj = new idxtype[nn+1];
part = new idxtype[nn];
NgArray<int> cnt(nn+1);
cnt = 0;
for ( int edge = 1; edge <= nedges; edge++ )
int v1, v2;
topology.GetEdgeVertices ( edge, v1, v2);
cnt[v1-1] ++;
cnt[v2-1] ++;
xadj[0] = 0;
for ( int n = 1; n <= nn; n++ )
xadj[n] = idxtype(xadj[n-1] + cnt[n-1]);
adjacency = new idxtype[xadj[nn]];
cnt = 0;
for ( int edge = 1; edge <= nedges; edge++ )
int v1, v2;
topology.GetEdgeVertices ( edge, v1, v2);
adjacency[ xadj[v1-1] + cnt[v1-1] ] = v2-1;
adjacency[ xadj[v2-1] + cnt[v2-1] ] = v1-1;
for ( int vert = 0; vert < nn; vert++ )
NgFlatArray<idxtype> array ( cnt[vert], &adjacency[ xadj[vert] ] );
#ifdef METIS4
METIS_PartGraphKway ( &nn, xadj, adjacency, v_weights, e_weights, &weightflag,
&numflag, &nparts, options, &edgecut, part );
cout << "currently not supported (metis5), A" << endl;
NgArray<int> nodesinpart(ntasks);
for ( int el = 1; el <= ne; el++ )
Element & volel = VolumeElement(el);
nodesinpart = 0;
int el_np = volel.GetNP();
int partition = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < el_np; i++ )
nodesinpart[ part[volel[i]-1]+1 ] ++;
for ( int i = 1; i < ntasks; i++ )
if ( nodesinpart[i] > nodesinpart[partition] )
partition = i;
// volel.SetPartition(partition);
vol_partition[el-1] = partition;
delete [] xadj;
delete [] part;
delete [] adjacency;
cout << "parthybridmesh not available" << endl;
void Mesh :: PartDualHybridMesh ( ) // NgArray<int> & neloc )
#ifdef METIS
int ne = GetNE();
// int nn = GetNP();
// int nedges = topology->GetNEdges();
int nfaces = topology.GetNFaces();
idxtype *xadj, * adjacency, *v_weights = NULL, *e_weights = NULL;
int weightflag = 0;
// int numflag = 0;
int nparts = ntasks - 1;
int options[5];
options[0] = 0;
int edgecut;
idxtype * part;
NgArray<int, 0> facevolels1(nfaces), facevolels2(nfaces);
facevolels1 = -1;
facevolels2 = -1;
NgArray<int, 0> elfaces;
xadj = new idxtype[ne+1];
part = new idxtype[ne];
NgArray<int, 0> cnt(ne+1);
cnt = 0;
for ( int el=1; el <= ne; el++ )
Element volel = VolumeElement(el);
topology.GetElementFaces(el, elfaces);
for ( int i = 0; i < elfaces.Size(); i++ )
if ( facevolels1[elfaces[i]-1] == -1 )
facevolels1[elfaces[i]-1] = el;
facevolels2[elfaces[i]-1] = el;
xadj[0] = 0;
for ( int n = 1; n <= ne; n++ )
xadj[n] = idxtype(xadj[n-1] + cnt[n-1]);
adjacency = new idxtype[xadj[ne]];
cnt = 0;
for ( int face = 1; face <= nfaces; face++ )
int e1, e2;
e1 = facevolels1[face-1];
e2 = facevolels2[face-1];
if ( e2 == -1 ) continue;
adjacency[ xadj[e1-1] + cnt[e1-1] ] = e2-1;
adjacency[ xadj[e2-1] + cnt[e2-1] ] = e1-1;
for ( int el = 0; el < ne; el++ )
NgFlatArray<idxtype> array ( cnt[el], &adjacency[ xadj[el] ] );
int timermetis = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("Metis itself");
NgProfiler::StartTimer (timermetis);
#ifdef METIS4
METIS_PartGraphKway ( &ne, xadj, adjacency, v_weights, e_weights, &weightflag,
&numflag, &nparts, options, &edgecut, part );
cout << "currently not supported (metis5), B" << endl;
NgProfiler::StopTimer (timermetis);
NgArray<int> nodesinpart(ntasks);
for ( int el = 1; el <= ne; el++ )
// Element & volel = VolumeElement(el);
nodesinpart = 0;
// VolumeElement(el).SetPartition(part[el-1 ] + 1);
vol_partition[el-1] = part[el-1 ] + 1;
for ( int i=1; i<=ne; i++)
neloc[ VolumeElement(i).GetPartition() ] ++;
delete [] xadj;
delete [] part;
delete [] adjacency;
cout << "partdualmesh not available" << endl;
void Mesh :: PartDualHybridMesh2D ( )
#ifdef METIS
idxtype ne = GetNSE();
int nv = GetNV();
NgArray<idxtype> xadj(ne+1);
NgArray<idxtype> adjacency(ne*4);
// first, build the vertex 2 element table:
NgArray<int, PointIndex::BASE> cnt(nv);
cnt = 0;
for (SurfaceElementIndex sei = 0; sei < GetNSE(); sei++)
for (int j = 0; j < (*this)[sei].GetNP(); j++)
cnt[ (*this)[sei][j] ] ++;
TABLE<SurfaceElementIndex, PointIndex::BASE> vert2els(cnt);
for (SurfaceElementIndex sei = 0; sei < GetNSE(); sei++)
for (int j = 0; j < (*this)[sei].GetNP(); j++)
vert2els.Add ((*this)[sei][j], sei);
// find all neighbour elements
int cntnb = 0;
NgArray<int> marks(ne); // to visit each neighbour just once
marks = -1;
for (SurfaceElementIndex sei = 0; sei < ne; sei++)
xadj[sei] = cntnb;
for (int j = 0; j < (*this)[sei].GetNP(); j++)
PointIndex vnr = (*this)[sei][j];
// all elements with at least one common vertex
for (int k = 0; k < vert2els[vnr].Size(); k++)
SurfaceElementIndex sei2 = vert2els[vnr][k];
if (sei == sei2) continue;
if (marks[sei2] == sei) continue;
// neighbour, if two common vertices
int common = 0;
for (int m1 = 0; m1 < (*this)[sei].GetNP(); m1++)
for (int m2 = 0; m2 < (*this)[sei2].GetNP(); m2++)
if ( (*this)[sei][m1] == (*this)[sei2][m2])
if (common >= 2)
marks[sei2] = sei; // mark as visited
adjacency[cntnb++] = sei2;
xadj[ne] = cntnb;
idxtype *v_weights = NULL, *e_weights = NULL;
idxtype weightflag = 0;
// int numflag = 0;
idxtype nparts = ntasks - 1;
idxtype edgecut;
NgArray<idxtype> part(ne);
for ( int el = 0; el < ne; el++ )
BubbleSort (adjacency.Range (xadj[el], xadj[el+1]));
#ifdef METIS4
int options[5];
options[0] = 0;
METIS_PartGraphKway ( &ne, &xadj[0], &adjacency[0], v_weights, e_weights, &weightflag,
&numflag, &nparts, options, &edgecut, &part[0] );
idx_t ncon = 1;
METIS_PartGraphKway ( &ne, &ncon, &xadj[0], &adjacency[0],
v_weights, NULL, e_weights,
&edgecut, &part[0] );
for (SurfaceElementIndex sei = 0; sei < ne; sei++)
// (*this) [sei].SetPartition (part[sei]+1);
surf_partition[sei] = part[sei]+1;
cout << "partdualmesh not available" << endl;