2020-08-28 21:28:18 +02:00

1122 lines
33 KiB

#include <meshing.hpp>
#include "paralleltop.hpp"
namespace ngcore
template <typename T, typename TI>
auto Max (FlatArray<T,TI> array) -> T
T max = std::numeric_limits<T>::min();
for (auto & v : array)
if (v > max) max = v;
return max;
template <typename T, typename TI, typename TB>
auto Max (FlatArray<T,TI> array, TB initial) -> T
T max = initial;
for (auto & v : array)
if (v > max) max = v;
return max;
namespace netgen
ParallelMeshTopology :: ParallelMeshTopology (const Mesh & amesh)
: mesh(amesh)
is_updated = false;
ParallelMeshTopology :: ~ParallelMeshTopology ()
void ParallelMeshTopology :: Reset ()
*testout << "ParallelMeshTopology::Reset" << endl;
if ( mesh.GetCommunicator().Size() == 1 ) return;
int ned = mesh.GetTopology().GetNEdges();
int nfa = mesh.GetTopology().GetNFaces();
if (glob_edge.Size() != ned)
glob_edge = -1;
glob_face = -1;
loc2distedge.ChangeSize (ned);
loc2distface.ChangeSize (nfa);
if (glob_vert.Size() != mesh.GetNV())
void ParallelMeshTopology :: Print() const
void ParallelMeshTopology :: EnumeratePointsGlobally ()
auto comm = mesh.GetCommunicator();
auto rank = comm.Rank();
size_t oldnv = glob_vert.Size();
size_t nv = loc2distvert.Size();
*testout << "enumerate globally, loc2distvert.size = " << loc2distvert.Size()
<< ", glob_vert.size = " << glob_vert.Size() << endl;
// *testout << "old glob_vert = " << endl << glob_vert << endl;
if (rank == 0)
nv = 0;
IntRange newvr(oldnv, nv); // new vertex range
glob_vert.SetSize (nv);
glob_vert.Range(newvr) = -1;
int num_master_points = 0;
for (auto i : newvr)
auto dps = GetDistantPNums(i);
// check sorted:
for (int j = 0; j+1 < dps.Size(); j++)
if (dps[j+1] < dps[j]) cout << "wrong sort" << endl;
if (dps.Size() == 0 || dps[0] > comm.Rank())
glob_vert[i] = num_master_points++;
*testout << "nummaster = " << num_master_points << endl;
Array<int> first_master_point(comm.Size());
comm.AllGather (num_master_points, first_master_point);
auto max_oldv = comm.AllReduce (Max (glob_vert.Range(0, oldnv)), MPI_MAX);
if (comm.AllReduce (oldnv, MPI_SUM) == 0)
max_oldv = PointIndex::BASE-1;
size_t num_glob_points = max_oldv+1; // PointIndex::BASE;
for (int i = 0; i < comm.Size(); i++)
int cur = first_master_point[i];
first_master_point[i] = num_glob_points;
num_glob_points += cur;
for (auto i : newvr)
if (glob_vert[i] != -1)
glob_vert[i] += first_master_point[comm.Rank()];
// ScatterDofData (global_nums);
Array<int> nsend(comm.Size()), nrecv(comm.Size());
nsend = 0;
nrecv = 0;
/** Count send/recv size **/
for (auto i : newvr)
auto dps = GetDistantPNums(i);
if (!dps.Size()) continue;
if (rank < dps[0])
for(auto p:dps)
Table<PointIndex> send_data(nsend);
Table<PointIndex> recv_data(nrecv);
/** Fill send_data **/
nsend = 0;
for (auto i : newvr)
auto dps = GetDistantPNums(i);
if (dps.Size() && rank < dps[0])
for(auto p : dps)
send_data[p][nsend[p]++] = glob_vert[i];
Array<MPI_Request> requests;
for (int i = 0; i < comm.Size(); i++)
if (nsend[i])
requests.Append (comm.ISend (send_data[i], i, 200));
if (nrecv[i])
requests.Append (comm.IRecv (recv_data[i], i, 200));
MyMPI_WaitAll (requests);
Array<int> cnt(comm.Size());
cnt = 0;
for (auto i : newvr)
auto dps = GetDistantPNums(i);
if (dps.Size() > 0 && dps[0] < comm.Rank())
int master = comm.Size();
for (int j = 0; j < dps.Size(); j++)
master = min (master, dps[j]);
if (master != dps[0])
cout << "master not the first one !" << endl;
glob_vert[i] = recv_data[master][cnt[master]++];
if (PointIndex::BASE==1)
for (auto & i : glob_vert)
cout << "check ordering: " << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < glob_vert.Size()-1; i++)
if (glob_vert[i] > glob_vert[i+1])
cout << "wrong ordering" << endl;
// reorder following global ordering:
Array<int> index0(glob_vert.Size());
for (int pi : Range(index0))
index0[pi] = pi;
QuickSortI (FlatArray<int> (glob_vert), index0);
for (int i = 0; i+1 < glob_vert.Size(); i++)
if (glob_vert[index0[i]] > glob_vert[index0[i+1]])
cout << "wrong ordering" << endl;
if (rank != 0)
Array<PointIndex, PointIndex> index(index0.Size());
for (int i = 0; i < index0.Size(); i++)
index[i+PointIndex::BASE] = index0[i]+PointIndex::BASE;
Array<PointIndex, PointIndex> inv_index(index0.Size());
for (int i = 0; i < index0.Size(); i++)
inv_index[index0[i]+PointIndex::BASE] = i+PointIndex::BASE;
for (auto & el : mesh.VolumeElements())
for (PointIndex & pi : el.PNums())
pi = inv_index[pi];
for (auto & el : mesh.SurfaceElements())
for (PointIndex & pi : el.PNums())
pi = inv_index[pi];
for (auto & el : mesh.LineSegments())
for (PointIndex & pi : el.PNums())
pi = inv_index[pi];
// auto hpoints (mesh.Points());
Array<MeshPoint, PointIndex> hpoints { mesh.Points() };
for (PointIndex pi : Range(mesh.Points()))
mesh.Points()[inv_index[pi]] = hpoints[pi];
if (mesh.mlbetweennodes.Size() == mesh.Points().Size())
cout << "take care of multigrid table" << endl;
NgArray<PointIndices<2>,PointIndex::BASE> hml { mesh.mlbetweennodes };
for (PointIndex pi : Range(mesh.Points()))
mesh.mlbetweennodes[inv_index[pi]] = hml[pi];
// *testout << "index0 = " << endl << index0 << endl;
// *testout << "loc2distvertold = " << endl;
// for (auto i : Range(index0))
// *testout << "l " << i << " globi "<< glob_vert[i] << " dist = " << loc2distvert[i] << endl;
DynamicTable<int> oldtable(loc2distvert.Size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < loc2distvert.Size(); i++)
for (auto val : loc2distvert[i])
oldtable.Add (i, val);
loc2distvert = DynamicTable<int> (oldtable.Size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < oldtable.Size(); i++)
for (auto val : oldtable[index0[i]])
loc2distvert.Add (i, val);
Array<int> hglob_vert(glob_vert);
for (int i = 0; i < index0.Size(); i++)
glob_vert[i] = hglob_vert[index0[i]];
// *testout << "loc2distvertnew = " << endl;
// for (auto i : Range(index0))
// *testout << "l " << i << " globi "<< glob_vert[i] << " dist = " << loc2distvert[i] << endl;
for (int i = 0; i+1 < glob_vert.Size(); i++)
if (glob_vert[i] > glob_vert[i+1])
cout << "wrong ordering of globvert" << endl;
// *testout << "new glob_vert = " << glob_vert << endl;
void ParallelMeshTopology :: SetDistantFaceNum (int dest, int locnum)
for ( int i = 0; i < loc2distface[locnum-1].Size(); i+=1 )
if ( loc2distface[locnum-1][i] == dest )
loc2distface.Add(locnum-1, dest);
void ParallelMeshTopology :: SetDistantPNum (int dest, int locnum)
for ( int i = 0; i < loc2distvert[locnum-1].Size(); i+=1 )
if ( loc2distvert[locnum-1][i] == dest )
loc2distvert.Add (locnum-1, dest);
void ParallelMeshTopology :: SetDistantEdgeNum (int dest, int locnum)
for ( int i = 0; i < loc2distedge[locnum-1].Size(); i+=1 )
if ( loc2distedge[locnum-1][i] == dest )
loc2distedge.Add (locnum-1, dest);
void ParallelMeshTopology :: SetNV_Loc2Glob (int anv)
glob_vert = -1;
void ParallelMeshTopology :: SetNV (int anv)
// glob_vert.SetSize(anv);
// glob_vert = -1;
// loc2distvert.ChangeSize (anv);
DynamicTable<int> oldtable(loc2distvert.Size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < loc2distvert.Size(); i++)
for (auto val : loc2distvert[i])
oldtable.Add (i, val);
loc2distvert = DynamicTable<int> (anv);
for (size_t i = 0; i < min(anv, oldtable.Size()); i++)
for (auto val : oldtable[i])
loc2distvert.Add (i, val);
void ParallelMeshTopology :: SetNE ( int ane )
glob_el.SetSize (ane);
glob_el = -1;
void ParallelMeshTopology :: SetNSE ( int anse )
glob_surfel = -1;
void ParallelMeshTopology :: SetNSegm ( int anseg )
glob_segm.SetSize (anseg);
glob_segm = -1;
void ParallelMeshTopology :: UpdateCoarseGridGlobal ()
// cout << "updatecoarsegridglobal called" << endl;
if (id == 0)
int timer = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("UpdateCoarseGridGlobal");
NgProfiler::RegionTimer reg(timer);
*testout << "ParallelMeshTopology :: UpdateCoarseGridGlobal" << endl;
const MeshTopology & topology = mesh.GetTopology();
auto comm = mesh.GetCommunicator();
if ( id == 0 )
NgArray<NgArray<int>*> sendarrays(ntasks);
for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
sendarrays[dest] = new NgArray<int>;
NgArray<int> edges, faces;
for (int el = 1; el <= mesh.GetNE(); el++)
topology.GetElementFaces (el, faces);
topology.GetElementEdges (el, edges);
const Element & volel = mesh.VolumeElement (el);
// NgArray<int> & sendarray = *sendarrays[volel.GetPartition()];
NgArray<int> & sendarray = *sendarrays[mesh.vol_partition[el-1]];
for ( int i = 0; i < edges.Size(); i++ )
sendarray.Append (edges[i]);
for ( int i = 0; i < faces.Size(); i++ )
sendarray.Append (faces[i]);
for (int el = 1; el <= mesh.GetNSE(); el++)
topology.GetSurfaceElementEdges (el, edges);
const Element2d & surfel = mesh.SurfaceElement (el);
// NgArray<int> & sendarray = *sendarrays[surfel.GetPartition()];
NgArray<int> & sendarray = *sendarrays[mesh.surf_partition[el-1]];
for ( int i = 0; i < edges.Size(); i++ )
sendarray.Append (edges[i]);
sendarray.Append (topology.GetSurfaceElementFace (el));
Array<MPI_Request> sendrequests;
for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
// sendrequests.Append (MyMPI_ISend (*sendarrays[dest], dest, MPI_TAG_MESH+10, comm));
sendrequests.Append (comm.ISend (FlatArray<int>(*sendarrays[dest]), dest, MPI_TAG_MESH+10));
MyMPI_WaitAll (sendrequests);
for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
delete sendarrays[dest];
NgArray<int> recvarray;
MyMPI_Recv (recvarray, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+10, comm);
int ii = 0;
NgArray<int> faces, edges;
for (int volel = 1; volel <= mesh.GetNE(); volel++)
topology.GetElementEdges ( volel, edges);
for ( int i = 0; i < edges.Size(); i++)
SetLoc2Glob_Edge ( edges[i], recvarray[ii++]);
topology.GetElementFaces( volel, faces);
for ( int i = 0; i < faces.Size(); i++)
SetLoc2Glob_Face ( faces[i], recvarray[ii++]);
for (int surfel = 1; surfel <= mesh.GetNSE(); surfel++)
topology.GetSurfaceElementEdges (surfel, edges);
for (int i = 0; i < edges.Size(); i++)
SetLoc2Glob_Edge (edges[i], recvarray[ii++]);
int face = topology.GetSurfaceElementFace (surfel);
SetLoc2Glob_Face ( face, recvarray[ii++]);
is_updated = true;
void ParallelMeshTopology :: IdentifyVerticesAfterRefinement()
static Timer t("ParallelTopology::UpdateCoarseGrid"); RegionTimer r(t);
// cout << "UpdateCoarseGrid" << endl;
// if (is_updated) return;
NgMPI_Comm comm = mesh.GetCommunicator();
int id = comm.Rank();
int ntasks = comm.Size();
if (ntasks == 1) return;
static int timer = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("UpdateCoarseGrid");
NgProfiler::RegionTimer reg(timer);
if (id == 0)
PrintMessage (1, "update parallel topology");
// UpdateCoarseGridGlobal();
// MPI_Barrier (MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Group MPI_GROUP_comm;
MPI_Group MPI_LocalGroup;
MPI_Comm MPI_LocalComm1;
int process_ranks[] = { 0 };
MPI_Comm_group (comm, &MPI_GROUP_comm);
MPI_Group_excl (MPI_GROUP_comm, 1, process_ranks, &MPI_LocalGroup);
MPI_Comm_create (comm, MPI_LocalGroup, &MPI_LocalComm1);
if (id == 0)
// SetNV(0);
// EnumeratePointsGlobally();
NgMPI_Comm MPI_LocalComm(MPI_LocalComm1);
const MeshTopology & topology = mesh.GetTopology();
NgArray<int> cnt_send(ntasks-1);
// update new vertices after mesh-refinement
if (mesh.mlbetweennodes.Size() > 0)
// *testout << "have to identify new vertices, nv = " << mesh.GetNV() << endl;
// cout << "UpdateCoarseGrid - vertices" << endl;
int newnv = mesh.mlbetweennodes.Size();
// loc2distvert.ChangeSize(mesh.mlbetweennodes.Size());
DynamicTable<int> oldtable(loc2distvert.Size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < loc2distvert.Size(); i++)
for (auto val : loc2distvert[i])
oldtable.Add (i, val);
loc2distvert = DynamicTable<int> (mesh.mlbetweennodes.Size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < min(loc2distvert.Size(), oldtable.Size()); i++)
for (auto val : oldtable[i])
loc2distvert.Add (i, val);
*testout << "extended loc2distver = " << endl << loc2distvert << endl;
for (PointIndex pi = PointIndex::BASE; pi < newnv+PointIndex::BASE; pi++)
PointIndex v1 = mesh.mlbetweennodes[pi][0];
PointIndex v2 = mesh.mlbetweennodes[pi][1];
if (mesh.mlbetweennodes[pi][0] != PointIndex::BASE-1)
for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
if (IsExchangeVert (dest, v1) && IsExchangeVert (dest, v2))
SetDistantPNum(dest, pi);
bool changed = true;
while (changed)
changed = false;
// build exchange vertices
cnt_send = 0;
for (PointIndex pi : mesh.Points().Range())
for (int dist : GetDistantPNums(pi-PointIndex::BASE))
TABLE<int> dest2vert(cnt_send);
for (PointIndex pi : mesh.Points().Range())
for (int dist : GetDistantPNums(pi-PointIndex::BASE))
dest2vert.Add (dist-1, pi);
for (PointIndex pi = PointIndex::BASE; pi < newnv+PointIndex::BASE; pi++)
PointIndex v1 = mesh.mlbetweennodes[pi][0];
PointIndex v2 = mesh.mlbetweennodes[pi][1];
if (mesh.mlbetweennodes[pi][0] != PointIndex::BASE-1)
for (int dest : GetDistantPNums(v1-PointIndex::BASE))
if (IsExchangeVert (dest, v1) && IsExchangeVert (dest, v2))
auto procs1 = GetDistantProcs(v1);
auto procs2 = GetDistantProcs(v2);
if (mesh.mlbetweennodes[pi][0] != PointIndex::BASE-1)
for (int p : procs1)
if (procs2.Contains(p))
TABLE<int> dest2pair(cnt_send);
// for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
for (PointIndex pi = PointIndex::BASE; pi < newnv+PointIndex::BASE; pi++)
PointIndex v1 = mesh.mlbetweennodes[pi][0];
PointIndex v2 = mesh.mlbetweennodes[pi][1];
auto procs1 = GetDistantProcs(v1);
auto procs2 = GetDistantProcs(v2);
if (mesh.mlbetweennodes[pi][0] != PointIndex::BASE-1)
for (int dest : GetDistantPNums(v1-PointIndex::BASE))
if (IsExchangeVert (dest, v1) && IsExchangeVert (dest, v2))
dest2pair.Add (dest-1, pi);
if (mesh.mlbetweennodes[pi][0] != PointIndex::BASE-1)
for (int p : procs1)
if (procs2.Contains(p))
dest2pair.Add (p-1, pi);
cnt_send = 0;
int v1, v2;
for (PointIndex pi = PointIndex::BASE; pi < newnv+PointIndex::BASE; pi++)
// PointIndex v1 = mesh.mlbetweennodes[pi][0];
// PointIndex v2 = mesh.mlbetweennodes[pi][1];
auto [v1,v2] = mesh.mlbetweennodes[pi];
auto procs1 = GetDistantProcs(v1);
auto procs2 = GetDistantProcs(v2);
if (mesh.mlbetweennodes[pi][0] != PointIndex::BASE-1)
for (int dest : GetDistantPNums(v1-PointIndex::BASE))
if (IsExchangeVert(dest, v2))
if (mesh.mlbetweennodes[pi][0] != PointIndex::BASE-1)
for (int p : procs1)
if (procs2.Contains(p))
TABLE<int> send_verts(cnt_send);
NgArray<int, PointIndex::BASE> loc2exchange(mesh.GetNV());
for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
if (dest != id)
loc2exchange = -1;
int cnt = 0;
for (PointIndex pi : mesh.Points().Range())
if (IsExchangeVert(dest, pi))
loc2exchange[pi] = cnt++;
for (PointIndex pi : dest2vert[dest-1])
loc2exchange[pi] = cnt++;
// for (PointIndex pi = PointIndex::BASE; pi < newnv+PointIndex::BASE; pi++)
for (PointIndex pi : dest2pair[dest-1])
PointIndex v1 = mesh.mlbetweennodes[pi][0];
PointIndex v2 = mesh.mlbetweennodes[pi][1];
auto procs1 = GetDistantProcs(v1);
auto procs2 = GetDistantProcs(v2);
if (mesh.mlbetweennodes[pi][0] != PointIndex::BASE-1)
// if (IsExchangeVert (dest, v1) && IsExchangeVert (dest, v2))
if (procs1.Contains(dest) && procs2.Contains(dest))
send_verts.Add (dest-1, loc2exchange[v1]);
send_verts.Add (dest-1, loc2exchange[v2]);
TABLE<int> recv_verts(ntasks-1);
MyMPI_ExchangeTable (send_verts, recv_verts, MPI_TAG_MESH+9, MPI_LocalComm);
for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
if (dest != id)
loc2exchange = -1;
int cnt = 0;
for (PointIndex pi : mesh.Points().Range())
if (IsExchangeVert(dest, pi))
loc2exchange[pi] = cnt++;
for (PointIndex pi : dest2vert[dest-1])
loc2exchange[pi] = cnt++;
NgFlatArray<int> recvarray = recv_verts[dest-1];
for (int ii = 0; ii < recvarray.Size(); ii+=2)
for (PointIndex pi : dest2pair[dest-1])
// for (PointIndex pi = PointIndex::BASE; pi < newnv+PointIndex::BASE; pi++)
PointIndex v1 = mesh.mlbetweennodes[pi][0];
PointIndex v2 = mesh.mlbetweennodes[pi][1];
if (mesh.mlbetweennodes[pi][0] != PointIndex::BASE-1)
INDEX_2 re(recvarray[ii], recvarray[ii+1]);
INDEX_2 es(loc2exchange[v1], loc2exchange[v2]);
// if (es == re && !IsExchangeVert(dest, pi))
if (es == re && !GetDistantProcs(pi).Contains(dest))
SetDistantPNum(dest, pi);
changed = true;
NgArray<int> sendarray, recvarray;
// cout << "UpdateCoarseGrid - edges" << endl;
// static int timerv = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("UpdateCoarseGrid - ex vertices");
static int timere = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("UpdateCoarseGrid - ex edges");
static int timerf = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("UpdateCoarseGrid - ex faces");
NgProfiler::StartTimer (timere);
// build exchange vertices
cnt_send = 0;
for (PointIndex pi : mesh.Points().Range())
for (int dist : GetDistantPNums(pi-PointIndex::BASE))
TABLE<int> dest2vert(cnt_send);
for (PointIndex pi : mesh.Points().Range())
for (int dist : GetDistantPNums(pi-PointIndex::BASE))
dest2vert.Add (dist-1, pi);
// MPI_Comm_free(&MPI_LocalComm);
void ParallelMeshTopology :: UpdateCoarseGrid ()
static Timer t("ParallelTopology::UpdateCoarseGrid"); RegionTimer r(t);
// cout << "UpdateCoarseGrid" << endl;
// if (is_updated) return;
NgMPI_Comm comm = mesh.GetCommunicator();
int id = comm.Rank();
int ntasks = comm.Size();
if (ntasks == 1) return;
static int timer = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("UpdateCoarseGrid");
NgProfiler::RegionTimer reg(timer);
if (id == 0)
PrintMessage (1, "update parallel topology");
// UpdateCoarseGridGlobal();
// MPI_Barrier (MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Group MPI_GROUP_comm;
MPI_Group MPI_LocalGroup;
MPI_Comm MPI_LocalComm;
int process_ranks[] = { 0 };
MPI_Comm_group (comm, &MPI_GROUP_comm);
MPI_Group_excl (MPI_GROUP_comm, 1, process_ranks, &MPI_LocalGroup);
MPI_Comm_create (comm, MPI_LocalGroup, &MPI_LocalComm);
if (id == 0)
// SetNV(0);
// EnumeratePointsGlobally();
const MeshTopology & topology = mesh.GetTopology();
NgArray<int> cnt_send(ntasks-1);
#ifdef NONE
// update new vertices after mesh-refinement
if (mesh.mlbetweennodes.Size() > 0)
// cout << "UpdateCoarseGrid - vertices" << endl;
int newnv = mesh.mlbetweennodes.Size();
// loc2distvert.ChangeSize(mesh.mlbetweennodes.Size());
DynamicTable<int> oldtable(loc2distvert.Size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < loc2distvert.Size(); i++)
for (auto val : loc2distvert[i])
oldtable.Add (i, val);
loc2distvert = DynamicTable<int> (mesh.mlbetweennodes.Size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < min(loc2distvert.Size(), oldtable.Size()); i++)
for (auto val : oldtable[i])
loc2distvert.Add (i, val);
for (PointIndex pi = PointIndex::BASE; pi < newnv+PointIndex::BASE; pi++)
PointIndex v1 = mesh.mlbetweennodes[pi][0];
PointIndex v2 = mesh.mlbetweennodes[pi][1];
if (mesh.mlbetweennodes[pi][0] != PointIndex::BASE-1)
for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
if (IsExchangeVert (dest, v1) && IsExchangeVert (dest, v2))
SetDistantPNum(dest, pi);
bool changed = true;
while (changed)
changed = false;
// build exchange vertices
cnt_send = 0;
for (PointIndex pi : mesh.Points().Range())
for (int dist : GetDistantPNums(pi-PointIndex::BASE))
TABLE<int> dest2vert(cnt_send);
for (PointIndex pi : mesh.Points().Range())
for (int dist : GetDistantPNums(pi-PointIndex::BASE))
dest2vert.Add (dist-1, pi);
for (PointIndex pi = PointIndex::BASE; pi < newnv+PointIndex::BASE; pi++)
PointIndex v1 = mesh.mlbetweennodes[pi][0];
PointIndex v2 = mesh.mlbetweennodes[pi][1];
if (mesh.mlbetweennodes[pi][0] != PointIndex::BASE-1)
// for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
for (int dest : GetDistantPNums(v1-PointIndex::BASE))
if (IsExchangeVert (dest, v1) && IsExchangeVert (dest, v2))
TABLE<int> dest2pair(cnt_send);
// for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
for (PointIndex pi = PointIndex::BASE; pi < newnv+PointIndex::BASE; pi++)
PointIndex v1 = mesh.mlbetweennodes[pi][0];
PointIndex v2 = mesh.mlbetweennodes[pi][1];
if (mesh.mlbetweennodes[pi][0] != PointIndex::BASE-1)
for (int dest : GetDistantPNums(v1-PointIndex::BASE))
if (IsExchangeVert (dest, v1) && IsExchangeVert (dest, v2))
dest2pair.Add (dest-1, pi);
cnt_send = 0;
int v1, v2;
for (PointIndex pi = PointIndex::BASE; pi < newnv+PointIndex::BASE; pi++)
PointIndex v1 = mesh.mlbetweennodes[pi][0];
PointIndex v2 = mesh.mlbetweennodes[pi][1];
if (mesh.mlbetweennodes[pi][0] != PointIndex::BASE-1)
for (int dest : GetDistantPNums(v1-PointIndex::BASE))
if (IsExchangeVert(dest, v2))
TABLE<int> send_verts(cnt_send);
NgArray<int, PointIndex::BASE> loc2exchange(mesh.GetNV());
for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
if (dest != id)
loc2exchange = -1;
int cnt = 0;
for (PointIndex pi : mesh.Points().Range())
if (IsExchangeVert(dest, pi))
loc2exchange[pi] = cnt++;
for (PointIndex pi : dest2vert[dest-1])
loc2exchange[pi] = cnt++;
// for (PointIndex pi = PointIndex::BASE; pi < newnv+PointIndex::BASE; pi++)
for (PointIndex pi : dest2pair[dest-1])
PointIndex v1 = mesh.mlbetweennodes[pi][0];
PointIndex v2 = mesh.mlbetweennodes[pi][1];
if (mesh.mlbetweennodes[pi][0] != PointIndex::BASE-1)
if (IsExchangeVert (dest, v1) && IsExchangeVert (dest, v2))
send_verts.Add (dest-1, loc2exchange[v1]);
send_verts.Add (dest-1, loc2exchange[v2]);
TABLE<int> recv_verts(ntasks-1);
MyMPI_ExchangeTable (send_verts, recv_verts, MPI_TAG_MESH+9, MPI_LocalComm);
for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
if (dest != id)
loc2exchange = -1;
int cnt = 0;
for (PointIndex pi : mesh.Points().Range())
if (IsExchangeVert(dest, pi))
loc2exchange[pi] = cnt++;
for (PointIndex pi : dest2vert[dest-1])
loc2exchange[pi] = cnt++;
NgFlatArray<int> recvarray = recv_verts[dest-1];
for (int ii = 0; ii < recvarray.Size(); ii+=2)
for (PointIndex pi : dest2pair[dest-1])
// for (PointIndex pi = PointIndex::BASE; pi < newnv+PointIndex::BASE; pi++)
PointIndex v1 = mesh.mlbetweennodes[pi][0];
PointIndex v2 = mesh.mlbetweennodes[pi][1];
if (mesh.mlbetweennodes[pi][0] != PointIndex::BASE-1)
INDEX_2 re(recvarray[ii], recvarray[ii+1]);
INDEX_2 es(loc2exchange[v1], loc2exchange[v2]);
if (es == re && !IsExchangeVert(dest, pi))
SetDistantPNum(dest, pi);
changed = true;
// NgArray<int> sendarray, recvarray;
// cout << "UpdateCoarseGrid - edges" << endl;
// static int timerv = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("UpdateCoarseGrid - ex vertices");
static int timere = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("UpdateCoarseGrid - ex edges");
static int timerf = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("UpdateCoarseGrid - ex faces");
NgProfiler::StartTimer (timere);
int nfa = topology . GetNFaces();
int ned = topology . GetNEdges();
// build exchange vertices
cnt_send = 0;
for (PointIndex pi : mesh.Points().Range())
for (int dist : GetDistantPNums(pi-PointIndex::BASE))
TABLE<int> dest2vert(cnt_send);
for (PointIndex pi : mesh.Points().Range())
for (int dist : GetDistantPNums(pi-PointIndex::BASE))
dest2vert.Add (dist-1, pi);
// exchange edges
cnt_send = 0;
int v1, v2;
for (int edge = 1; edge <= ned; edge++)
topology.GetEdgeVertices (edge, v1, v2);
for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
// if (IsExchangeVert (dest, v1) && IsExchangeVert (dest, v2))
if (GetDistantProcs(v1).Contains(dest) && GetDistantProcs(v2).Contains(dest))
for (auto p : GetDistantProcs(v1))
if (GetDistantProcs(v2).Contains(p))
TABLE<int> dest2edge(cnt_send);
for (int & v : cnt_send) v *= 2;
TABLE<int> send_edges(cnt_send);
for (int edge = 1; edge <= ned; edge++)
topology.GetEdgeVertices (edge, v1, v2);
for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
// if (IsExchangeVert (dest, v1) && IsExchangeVert (dest, v2))
if (GetDistantProcs(v1).Contains(dest) && GetDistantProcs(v2).Contains(dest))
dest2edge.Add (dest-1, edge);
NgArray<int, PointIndex::BASE> loc2exchange(mesh.GetNV());
for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
loc2exchange = -1;
int cnt = 0;
for (PointIndex pi : dest2vert[dest-1])
loc2exchange[pi] = cnt++;
for (int edge : dest2edge[dest-1])
topology.GetEdgeVertices (edge, v1, v2);
// if (IsExchangeVert (dest, v1) && IsExchangeVert (dest, v2))
if (GetDistantProcs(v1).Contains(dest) && GetDistantProcs(v2).Contains(dest))
send_edges.Add (dest-1, loc2exchange[v1]);
send_edges.Add (dest-1, loc2exchange[v2]);
// cout << "UpdateCoarseGrid - edges mpi-exchange" << endl;
TABLE<int> recv_edges(ntasks-1);
MyMPI_ExchangeTable (send_edges, recv_edges, MPI_TAG_MESH+9, MPI_LocalComm);
// cout << "UpdateCoarseGrid - edges mpi-exchange done" << endl;
for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
auto ex2loc = dest2vert[dest-1];
if (ex2loc.Size() == 0) continue;
INDEX_2_CLOSED_HASHTABLE<int> vert2edge(2*dest2edge[dest-1].Size()+10);
for (int edge : dest2edge[dest-1])
topology.GetEdgeVertices (edge, v1, v2);
vert2edge.Set(INDEX_2(v1,v2), edge);
NgFlatArray<int> recvarray = recv_edges[dest-1];
for (int ii = 0; ii < recvarray.Size(); ii+=2)
INDEX_2 re(ex2loc[recvarray[ii]],
if (vert2edge.Used(re))
SetDistantEdgeNum(dest, vert2edge.Get(re));
NgProfiler::StopTimer (timere);
// cout << "UpdateCoarseGrid - faces" << endl;
if (mesh.GetDimension() == 3)
NgProfiler::StartTimer (timerf);
NgArray<int> verts;
// exchange faces
cnt_send = 0;
for (int face = 1; face <= nfa; face++)
topology.GetFaceVertices (face, verts);
for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
if (dest != id)
if (IsExchangeVert (dest, verts[0]) &&
IsExchangeVert (dest, verts[1]) &&
IsExchangeVert (dest, verts[2]))
if (GetDistantProcs (verts[0]).Contains(dest) &&
GetDistantProcs (verts[1]).Contains(dest) &&
GetDistantProcs (verts[2]).Contains(dest))
TABLE<int> dest2face(cnt_send);
for (int face = 1; face <= nfa; face++)
topology.GetFaceVertices (face, verts);
for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
if (dest != id)
if (IsExchangeVert (dest, verts[0]) &&
IsExchangeVert (dest, verts[1]) &&
IsExchangeVert (dest, verts[2]))
if (GetDistantProcs (verts[0]).Contains(dest) &&
GetDistantProcs (verts[1]).Contains(dest) &&
GetDistantProcs (verts[2]).Contains(dest))
dest2face.Add(dest-1, face);
for (int & c : cnt_send) c*=3;
TABLE<int> send_faces(cnt_send);
NgArray<int, PointIndex::BASE> loc2exchange(mesh.GetNV());
for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
if (dest != id)
if (dest2vert[dest-1].Size() == 0) continue;
loc2exchange = -1;
int cnt = 0;
for (PointIndex pi : dest2vert[dest-1])
loc2exchange[pi] = cnt++;
for (int face : dest2face[dest-1])
topology.GetFaceVertices (face, verts);
if (IsExchangeVert (dest, verts[0]) &&
IsExchangeVert (dest, verts[1]) &&
IsExchangeVert (dest, verts[2]))
if (GetDistantProcs (verts[0]).Contains(dest) &&
GetDistantProcs (verts[1]).Contains(dest) &&
GetDistantProcs (verts[2]).Contains(dest))
send_faces.Add (dest-1, loc2exchange[verts[0]]);
send_faces.Add (dest-1, loc2exchange[verts[1]]);
send_faces.Add (dest-1, loc2exchange[verts[2]]);
// cout << "UpdateCoarseGrid - faces mpi-exchange" << endl;
TABLE<int> recv_faces(ntasks-1);
MyMPI_ExchangeTable (send_faces, recv_faces, MPI_TAG_MESH+9, MPI_LocalComm);
// cout << "UpdateCoarseGrid - faces mpi-exchange done" << endl;
for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
auto ex2loc = dest2vert[dest-1];
if (ex2loc.Size() == 0) continue;
INDEX_3_CLOSED_HASHTABLE<int> vert2face(2*dest2face[dest-1].Size()+10);
for (int face : dest2face[dest-1])
topology.GetFaceVertices (face, verts);
vert2face.Set(INDEX_3(verts[0], verts[1], verts[2]), face);
NgFlatArray<int> recvarray = recv_faces[dest-1];
for (int ii = 0; ii < recvarray.Size(); ii+=3)
INDEX_3 re(ex2loc[recvarray[ii]],
if (vert2face.Used(re))
SetDistantFaceNum(dest, vert2face.Get(re));
NgProfiler::StopTimer (timerf);
// cout << "UpdateCoarseGrid - done" << endl;
// EnumeratePointsGlobally();
is_updated = true;