2012-03-27 13:52:19 +00:00
2012-03-27 13:30:22 +00:00
\page additional_hypo_page Additional Hypotheses
\n <b>Additional Hypotheses</b> can be applied as a supplement to the
main hypotheses, introducing additional concepts to mesh creation.
Following additional hypotheses can be used together with NETGEN algoritm:
<li><b>Quadrangle Preference</b> - This additional hypothesis can be used together with Netgen 2D algorithm.
It allows Netgen 2D to build quadrangular meshes.</li>
This hypothesis has one restriction on its work: the total quantity of
segments on all four sides of the face must be even (divisible by 2).
<li><b>Viscous Layers</b> additional hypothesis can be used together with NETGEN 3D.
This hypothesis allows creation of layers of highly stretched prisms near
mesh boundary, which is beneficial for high quality viscous
computations. The prisms constructed on the quadrangular mesh faces are
actually the hexahedrons.</li>
For more detailed description of the described above hypothesis please refer SALOME Mesh User's Guide.