0021676: EDF 2283 NETGENPLUGIN: Improve Netgen 1D-2D-3D to generate pyramids in case where input 2D mesh includes quadrangles
This commit is contained in:
@ -43,28 +43,21 @@
#include <SMESH_Mesh.hxx>
#include <SMESH_MesherHelper.hxx>
#include <SMESH_subMesh.hxx>
#include <StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor.hxx>
#include <utilities.h>
#include <vector>
#include <limits>
#include <BRepBuilderAPI_Copy.hxx>
#include <BRep_Tool.hxx>
#include <Bnd_B3d.hxx>
#include <GCPnts_AbscissaPoint.hxx>
#include <GeomAdaptor_Curve.hxx>
#include <NCollection_Map.hxx>
#include <OSD_File.hxx>
#include <OSD_Path.hxx>
#include <Standard_ErrorHandler.hxx>
#include <Standard_ProgramError.hxx>
#include <TCollection_AsciiString.hxx>
#include <TopExp.hxx>
#include <TopExp_Explorer.hxx>
#include <TopTools_DataMapIteratorOfDataMapOfShapeInteger.hxx>
#include <TopTools_DataMapIteratorOfDataMapOfShapeShape.hxx>
#include <TopTools_DataMapOfShapeInteger.hxx>
#include <TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShape.hxx>
#include <TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape.hxx>
#include <TopTools_MapOfShape.hxx>
#include <TopoDS.hxx>
@ -82,6 +75,9 @@ namespace netgen {
extern volatile multithreadt multithread;
#include <vector>
#include <limits>
using namespace nglib;
using namespace std;
@ -211,7 +207,7 @@ void NETGENPlugin_Mesher::SetParameters(const NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis* hyp)
mparams.secondorder = hyp->GetSecondOrder() ? 1 : 0;
// quad-dominated surface meshing
// only triangles are allowed for volumic mesh
if (!_isVolume)
//if (!_isVolume)
mparams.quad = static_cast<const NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis_2D*>
(hyp)->GetQuadAllowed() ? 1 : 0;
_optimize = hyp->GetOptimize();
@ -612,10 +608,11 @@ void NETGENPlugin_Mesher::RestrictLocalSize(netgen::Mesh& ngMesh, const gp_XYZ&
bool NETGENPlugin_Mesher::fillNgMesh(const netgen::OCCGeometry& occgeom,
bool NETGENPlugin_Mesher::fillNgMesh(netgen::OCCGeometry& occgeom,
netgen::Mesh& ngMesh,
vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*>& nodeVec,
const list< SMESH_subMesh* > & meshedSM)
const list< SMESH_subMesh* > & meshedSM,
SMESH_ProxyMesh::Ptr proxyMesh)
TNode2IdMap nodeNgIdMap;
for ( int i = 1; i < nodeVec.size(); ++i )
@ -627,7 +624,7 @@ bool NETGENPlugin_Mesher::fillNgMesh(const netgen::OCCGeometry& occgeom,
SMESH_MesherHelper helper (*_mesh);
int faceNgID = occgeom.fmap.Extent();
int faceNgID = ngMesh.GetNFD();
list< SMESH_subMesh* >::const_iterator smIt, smEnd = meshedSM.end();
for ( smIt = meshedSM.begin(); smIt != smEnd; ++smIt )
@ -636,7 +633,7 @@ bool NETGENPlugin_Mesher::fillNgMesh(const netgen::OCCGeometry& occgeom,
if ( !visitedShapes.Add( sm->GetSubShape() ))
SMESHDS_SubMesh * smDS = sm->GetSubMeshDS();
const SMESHDS_SubMesh * smDS = sm->GetSubMeshDS();
if ( !smDS ) continue;
switch ( sm->GetSubShape().ShapeType() )
@ -799,19 +796,38 @@ bool NETGENPlugin_Mesher::fillNgMesh(const netgen::OCCGeometry& occgeom,
// Find solids the geomFace bounds
int solidID1 = 0, solidID2 = 0;
PShapeIteratorPtr solidIt = helper.GetAncestors( geomFace, *sm->GetFather(), TopAbs_SOLID);
while ( const TopoDS_Shape * solid = solidIt->next() )
StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor* quadAdaptor =
dynamic_cast<StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor*>( proxyMesh.get() );
if ( quadAdaptor )
int id = occgeom.somap.FindIndex ( *solid );
if ( solidID1 && id != solidID1 ) solidID2 = id;
else solidID1 = id;
solidID1 = occgeom.somap.FindIndex( quadAdaptor->GetShape() );
PShapeIteratorPtr solidIt = helper.GetAncestors( geomFace, *sm->GetFather(), TopAbs_SOLID);
while ( const TopoDS_Shape * solid = solidIt->next() )
int id = occgeom.somap.FindIndex ( *solid );
if ( solidID1 && id != solidID1 ) solidID2 = id;
else solidID1 = id;
//_faceDescriptors[ faceNgID ].first = solidID1;
//_faceDescriptors[ faceNgID ].second = solidID2;
// Add ng face descriptors of meshed faces
ngMesh.AddFaceDescriptor (netgen::FaceDescriptor(faceNgID, solidID1, solidID2, 0));
// if second oreder is required, even already meshed faces must be passed to NETGEN
int fID = occgeom.fmap.Add( geomFace );
while ( fID < faceNgID ) // geomFace is already in occgeom.fmap, add a copy
fID = occgeom.fmap.Add( BRepBuilderAPI_Copy( geomFace, /*copyGeom=*/false ));
// Problem with the second order in a quadrangular mesh remains.
// 1) All quadrangles geberated by NETGEN are moved to an inexistent face
// by FillSMesh() (find AddFaceDescriptor)
// 2) Temporary triangles generated by StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor
// are on faces where quadrangles were.
// Due to these 2 points, wrong geom faces are used while conversion to qudratic
// of the mentioned above quadrangles and triangles
// Orient the face correctly in solidID1 (issue 0020206)
bool reverse = false;
if ( solidID1 ) {
@ -830,8 +846,11 @@ bool NETGENPlugin_Mesher::fillNgMesh(const netgen::OCCGeometry& occgeom,
cout << "SMESH face " << helper.GetMeshDS()->ShapeToIndex( geomFace )
<< " internal="<<isInternalFace<< " border="<<isBorderFace << endl;
<< " internal="<<isInternalFace << endl;
if ( proxyMesh )
smDS = proxyMesh->GetSubMesh( geomFace );
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr faces = smDS->GetElements();
while ( faces->more() )
@ -1446,7 +1465,7 @@ void NETGENPlugin_Mesher::addIntVerticesInSolids(const netgen::OCCGeometry&
int NETGENPlugin_Mesher::FillSMesh(const netgen::OCCGeometry& occgeo,
const netgen::Mesh& ngMesh,
netgen::Mesh& ngMesh,
const NETGENPlugin_ngMeshInfo& initState,
SMESH_Mesh& sMesh,
std::vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*>& nodeVec,
@ -1459,7 +1478,10 @@ int NETGENPlugin_Mesher::FillSMesh(const netgen::OCCGeometry& occgeo,
SMESHDS_Mesh* meshDS = sMesh.GetMeshDS();
// create and insert nodes into nodeVec
// -------------------------------------
// Create and insert nodes into nodeVec
// -------------------------------------
nodeVec.resize( nbNod + 1 );
int i, nbInitNod = initState._nbNodes;
for (i = nbInitNod+1; i <= nbNod; ++i )
@ -1492,7 +1514,10 @@ int NETGENPlugin_Mesher::FillSMesh(const netgen::OCCGeometry& occgeo,
nodeVec[i] = node;
// create mesh segments along geometric edges
// -------------------------------------------
// Create mesh segments along geometric edges
// -------------------------------------------
int nbInitSeg = initState._nbSegments;
for (i = nbInitSeg+1; i <= nbSeg; ++i )
@ -1565,8 +1590,17 @@ int NETGENPlugin_Mesher::FillSMesh(const netgen::OCCGeometry& occgeo,
// create mesh faces along geometric faces
// ----------------------------------------
// Create mesh faces along geometric faces
// ----------------------------------------
int nbInitFac = initState._nbFaces;
int quadFaceID = ngMesh.GetNFD() + 1;
if ( nbInitFac < nbFac )
// add a faces descriptor to exclude qudrangle elements generated by NETGEN
// from computation of 3D mesh
ngMesh.AddFaceDescriptor (netgen::FaceDescriptor(quadFaceID, /*solid1=*/0, /*solid2=*/0, 0));
for (i = nbInitFac+1; i <= nbFac; ++i )
const netgen::Element2d& elem = ngMesh.SurfaceElement(i);
@ -1604,6 +1638,8 @@ int NETGENPlugin_Mesher::FillSMesh(const netgen::OCCGeometry& occgeo,
case netgen::QUAD:
face = meshDS->AddFace(nodes[0],nodes[1],nodes[2],nodes[3]);
// exclude qudrangle elements from computation of 3D mesh
const_cast< netgen::Element2d& >( elem ).SetIndex( quadFaceID );
case netgen::TRIG6:
face = meshDS->AddFace(nodes[0],nodes[1],nodes[2],nodes[5],nodes[3],nodes[4]);
@ -1611,6 +1647,8 @@ int NETGENPlugin_Mesher::FillSMesh(const netgen::OCCGeometry& occgeo,
case netgen::QUAD8:
face = meshDS->AddFace(nodes[0],nodes[1],nodes[2],nodes[3],
// exclude qudrangle elements from computation of 3D mesh
const_cast< netgen::Element2d& >( elem ).SetIndex( quadFaceID );
MESSAGE("NETGEN created a face of unexpected type, ignoring");
@ -1627,7 +1665,10 @@ int NETGENPlugin_Mesher::FillSMesh(const netgen::OCCGeometry& occgeo,
meshDS->SetMeshElementOnShape(face, aFace);
// create tetrahedra
// ------------------
// Create tetrahedra
// ------------------
for (i = 1; i <= nbVol; ++i)
const netgen::Element& elem = ngMesh.VolumeElement(i);
@ -1859,6 +1900,8 @@ bool NETGENPlugin_Mesher::Compute()
return false;
ngLib.setMesh(( Ng_Mesh*) ngMesh );
ngMesh->ClearFaceDescriptors(); // we make descriptors our-self
if ( _simpleHyp )
// Pass 1D simple parameters to NETGEN
@ -2063,14 +2106,38 @@ bool NETGENPlugin_Mesher::Compute()
// ---------------------
// generate volume mesh
// ---------------------
// Fill ngMesh with nodes and faces of computed 2D submeshes
if ( !err && _isVolume && !meshedSM[ MeshDim_2D ].empty() )
// Fill ngMesh with nodes and faces of computed 2D submeshes
if ( !err && _isVolume && ( !meshedSM[ MeshDim_2D ].empty() || mparams.quad ))
// load SMESH with computed segments and faces
FillSMesh( occgeo, *ngMesh, initState, *_mesh, nodeVec, comment );
// fill ng mesh
// compute pyramids on quadrangles
SMESH_ProxyMesh::Ptr proxyMesh;
if ( _mesh->NbQuadrangles() > 0 )
for ( int iS = 1; iS <= occgeo.somap.Extent(); ++iS )
StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor* Adaptor = new StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor;
proxyMesh.reset( Adaptor );
int nbPyrams = _mesh->NbPyramids();
Adaptor->Compute( *_mesh, occgeo.somap(iS) );
if ( nbPyrams != _mesh->NbPyramids() )
list< SMESH_subMesh* > quadFaceSM;
for (TopExp_Explorer face(occgeo.somap(iS), TopAbs_FACE); face.More(); face.Next())
if ( Adaptor->GetProxySubMesh( face.Current() ))
quadFaceSM.push_back( _mesh->GetSubMesh( face.Current() ));
meshedSM[ MeshDim_2D ].remove( quadFaceSM.back() );
fillNgMesh(occgeo, *ngMesh, nodeVec, quadFaceSM, proxyMesh);
// fill ngMesh with faces of sub-meshes
err = ! ( fillNgMesh(occgeo, *ngMesh, nodeVec, meshedSM[ MeshDim_2D ]));
initState = NETGENPlugin_ngMeshInfo(ngMesh);
//toPython( ngMesh, "/tmp/ngPython.py");
if (!err && _isVolume)
@ -2236,7 +2303,7 @@ bool NETGENPlugin_Mesher::Compute()
for (int i = 1; i <= occgeo.somap.Extent(); i++)
if ( SMESH_subMesh* sm = _mesh->GetSubMeshContaining( occgeo.somap( i )))
bool smComputed = !sm->IsEmpty();
bool smComputed = nbVol && !sm->IsEmpty();
if ( smComputed && internals.hasInternalVertexInSolid( sm->GetId() ))
int nbIntV = internals.getSolidsWithVertices().find( sm->GetId() )->second.size();
@ -2247,7 +2314,7 @@ bool NETGENPlugin_Mesher::Compute()
if ( !smComputed && ( !smError || smError->IsOK() ))
smError.reset( new SMESH_ComputeError( *error ));
if ( SMESH_Algo::GetMeshError( sm ) == SMESH_Algo::MEr_OK )
if ( nbVol && SMESH_Algo::GetMeshError( sm ) == SMESH_Algo::MEr_OK )
smError->myName = COMPERR_WARNING;
pb3D = pb3D || ( smError && smError->IsKO() );
@ -2543,6 +2610,75 @@ NETGENPlugin_Mesher::readErrors(const vector<const SMDS_MeshNode* >& nodeVec)
return err;
* \brief Write a python script creating an equivalent SALOME mesh.
* This is useful to see what mesh is passed as input for the next step of mesh
* generation (of mesh of higher dimension)
void NETGENPlugin_Mesher::toPython( const netgen::Mesh* ngMesh,
const std::string& pyFile)
ofstream outfile(pyFile.c_str(), ios::out);
if ( !outfile ) return;
outfile << "import smesh, SMESH" << endl
<< "mesh = smesh.Mesh()" << endl << endl;
using namespace netgen;
PointIndex pi;
for (pi = PointIndex::BASE;
pi < ngMesh->GetNP()+PointIndex::BASE; pi++)
outfile << "mesh.AddNode( ";
outfile << (*ngMesh)[pi](0) << ", ";
outfile << (*ngMesh)[pi](1) << ", ";
outfile << (*ngMesh)[pi](2) << ")" << endl;
int nbDom = ngMesh->GetNDomains();
for ( int i = 0; i < nbDom; ++i )
outfile<< "grp" << i+1 << " = mesh.CreateEmptyGroup( SMESH.FACE, 'domain"<< i+1 << "')"<< endl;
SurfaceElementIndex sei;
for (sei = 0; sei < ngMesh->GetNSE(); sei++)
outfile << "mesh.AddFace([ ";
Element2d sel = (*ngMesh)[sei];
for (int j = 0; j < sel.GetNP(); j++)
outfile << sel[j] << ( j+1 < sel.GetNP() ? ", " : " ])");
outfile << endl;
if ((*ngMesh)[sei].GetIndex())
if ( int dom1 = ngMesh->GetFaceDescriptor((*ngMesh)[sei].GetIndex ()).DomainIn())
outfile << "grp"<< dom1 <<".Add([ " << (int)sei+1 << " ])" << endl;
if ( int dom2 = ngMesh->GetFaceDescriptor((*ngMesh)[sei].GetIndex ()).DomainOut())
outfile << "grp"<< dom2 <<".Add([ " << (int)sei+1 << " ])" << endl;
for (ElementIndex ei = 0; ei < ngMesh->GetNE(); ei++)
Element el = (*ngMesh)[ei];
outfile << "mesh.AddVolume([ ";
for (int j = 0; j < el.GetNP(); j++)
outfile << el[j] << ( j+1 < el.GetNP() ? ", " : " ])");
outfile << endl;
for (int i = 1; i <= ngMesh->GetNSeg(); i++)
const Segment & seg = ngMesh->LineSegment (i);
outfile << "mesh.AddEdge([ "
<< seg[0] << ", "
<< seg[1] << " ])" << endl;
cout << "Write " << pyFile << endl;
* \brief Constructor of NETGENPlugin_ngMeshInfo
@ -30,9 +30,11 @@
#define _NETGENPlugin_Mesher_HXX_
#include "NETGENPlugin_Defs.hxx"
#include "StdMeshers_FaceSide.hxx"
#include "SMDS_MeshElement.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Algo.hxx"
#include <StdMeshers_FaceSide.hxx>
#include <SMDS_MeshElement.hxx>
#include <SMESH_Algo.hxx>
#include <SMESH_ProxyMesh.hxx>
namespace nglib {
#include <nglib.h>
@ -103,16 +105,17 @@ class NETGENPLUGIN_EXPORT NETGENPlugin_Mesher
static void RestrictLocalSize(netgen::Mesh& ngMesh, const gp_XYZ& p, const double size);
static int FillSMesh(const netgen::OCCGeometry& occgeom,
const netgen::Mesh& ngMesh,
netgen::Mesh& ngMesh,
const NETGENPlugin_ngMeshInfo& initState,
SMESH_Mesh& sMesh,
std::vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*>& nodeVec,
SMESH_Comment& comment);
bool fillNgMesh(const netgen::OCCGeometry& occgeom,
bool fillNgMesh(netgen::OCCGeometry& occgeom,
netgen::Mesh& ngMesh,
std::vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*>& nodeVec,
const std::list< SMESH_subMesh* > & meshedSM);
const std::list< SMESH_subMesh* > & meshedSM,
SMESH_ProxyMesh::Ptr proxyMesh=SMESH_ProxyMesh::Ptr());
static void fixIntFaces(const netgen::OCCGeometry& occgeom,
netgen::Mesh& ngMesh,
@ -134,6 +137,10 @@ class NETGENPLUGIN_EXPORT NETGENPlugin_Mesher
static SMESH_ComputeErrorPtr readErrors(const std::vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* >& nodeVec);
static void toPython( const netgen::Mesh* ngMesh,
const std::string& pyFile); // debug
SMESH_Mesh* _mesh;
const TopoDS_Shape& _shape;
Reference in New Issue
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