23427: [CEA 2073] No hypothesis "Viscous Layers" with Netgen 1D-2D-3D
This commit is contained in:
@ -152,6 +152,7 @@
group-id ="1"
priority ="10"
hypos ="NETGEN_Parameters, NETGEN_SimpleParameters_3D"
opt-hypos ="ViscousLayers"
dim ="3"
@ -159,6 +160,7 @@
@ -157,6 +157,7 @@ NETGENPlugin_Mesher::NETGENPlugin_Mesher (SMESH_Mesh* mesh,
@ -336,6 +337,17 @@ void NETGENPlugin_Mesher::SetParameters(const NETGENPlugin_SimpleHypothesis_2D*
* \brief Store a Viscous Layers hypothesis
void NETGENPlugin_Mesher::SetParameters(const StdMeshers_ViscousLayers* hyp )
_viscousLayersHyp = hyp;
* Link - a pair of integer numbers
@ -1054,13 +1066,6 @@ bool NETGENPlugin_Mesher::FillNgMesh(netgen::OCCGeometry& occgeom,
// Find solids the geomFace bounds
int solidID1 = 0, solidID2 = 0;
StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor* quadAdaptor =
dynamic_cast<StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor*>( proxyMesh.get() );
if ( quadAdaptor )
solidID1 = occgeom.somap.FindIndex( quadAdaptor->GetShape() );
PShapeIteratorPtr solidIt = helper.GetAncestors( geomFace, *sm->GetFather(), TopAbs_SOLID);
while ( const TopoDS_Shape * solid = solidIt->next() )
@ -1070,6 +1075,81 @@ bool NETGENPlugin_Mesher::FillNgMesh(netgen::OCCGeometry& occgeom,
else solidID1 = id;
if ( proxyMesh && proxyMesh->GetProxySubMesh( geomFace ))
// if a proxy sub-mesh contains temporary faces, then these faces
// should be used to mesh only one SOLID
bool hasTmp = false;
smDS = proxyMesh->GetSubMesh( geomFace );
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr faces = smDS->GetElements();
while ( faces->more() )
const SMDS_MeshElement* f = faces->next();
if ( proxyMesh->IsTemporary( f ))
hasTmp = true;
std::vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*> fNodes( f->begin_nodes(), f->end_nodes() );
std::vector<const SMDS_MeshElement*> vols;
if ( _mesh->GetMeshDS()->GetElementsByNodes( fNodes, vols, SMDSAbs_Volume ) == 1 )
int geomID = vols[0]->getshapeId();
const TopoDS_Shape& solid = helper.GetMeshDS()->IndexToShape( geomID );
if ( !solid.IsNull() )
solidID1 = occgeom.somap.FindIndex ( solid );
solidID2 = 0;
// exclude faces generated by NETGEN from computation of 3D mesh
const int fID = occgeom.fmap.FindIndex( geomFace );
if ( !hasTmp ) // shrunk mesh
// move netgen points according to moved nodes
SMESH_subMeshIteratorPtr smIt = sm->getDependsOnIterator(/*includeSelf=*/true);
while ( smIt->more() )
SMESH_subMesh* sub = smIt->next();
if ( !sub->GetSubMeshDS() ) continue;
SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr nodeIt = sub->GetSubMeshDS()->GetNodes();
while ( nodeIt->more() )
const SMDS_MeshNode* n = nodeIt->next();
int ngID = ngNodeId( n, ngMesh, nodeNgIdMap );
netgen::MeshPoint& ngPoint = ngMesh.Point( ngID );
ngPoint(0) = n->X();
ngPoint(1) = n->Y();
ngPoint(2) = n->Z();
// remove faces near boundary to avoid their overlapping
// with shrunk faces
for ( int i = 1; i <= ngMesh.GetNSE(); ++i )
const netgen::Element2d& elem = ngMesh.SurfaceElement(i);
if ( elem.GetIndex() == fID )
for ( int iN = 0; iN < elem.GetNP(); ++iN )
if ( ngMesh[ elem[ iN ]].Type() != netgen::SURFACEPOINT )
ngMesh.DeleteSurfaceElement( i );
//if ( hasTmp )
ngMesh.AddFaceDescriptor( netgen::FaceDescriptor( faceNgID,/*solid1=*/0,/*solid2=*/0,0 ));
for (int i = 1; i <= ngMesh.GetNSE(); ++i )
const netgen::Element2d& elem = ngMesh.SurfaceElement(i);
if ( elem.GetIndex() == fID )
const_cast< netgen::Element2d& >( elem ).SetIndex( faceNgID );
// Add ng face descriptors of meshed faces
ngMesh.AddFaceDescriptor( netgen::FaceDescriptor( faceNgID, solidID1, solidID2, 0 ));
@ -1112,8 +1192,6 @@ bool NETGENPlugin_Mesher::FillNgMesh(netgen::OCCGeometry& occgeom,
cout << "SMESH face " << helper.GetMeshDS()->ShapeToIndex( geomFace )
<< " internal="<<isInternalFace << endl;
if ( proxyMesh )
smDS = proxyMesh->GetSubMesh( geomFace );
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr faces = smDS->GetElements();
while ( faces->more() )
@ -1430,10 +1508,15 @@ namespace
int ngIdCloseN; //!< ng id of closest node of the closest 2d mesh element
inline double dist2(const netgen::MeshPoint& p1, const netgen::MeshPoint& p2)
inline double dist2( const netgen::MeshPoint& p1, const netgen::MeshPoint& p2 )
return gp_Pnt( NGPOINT_COORDS(p1)).SquareDistance( gp_Pnt( NGPOINT_COORDS(p2)));
// inline double dist2(const netgen::MeshPoint& p, const SMDS_MeshNode* n )
// {
// return gp_Pnt( NGPOINT_COORDS(p)).SquareDistance( SMESH_NodeXYZ(n));
// }
@ -2136,13 +2219,35 @@ int NETGENPlugin_Mesher::FillSMesh(const netgen::OCCGeometry& occgeo,
if ( quadHelper && !quadHelper->GetIsQuadratic() && quadHelper->GetTLinkNodeMap().empty() )
quadHelper = 0;
int i, nbInitNod = initState._nbNodes;
if ( initState._elementsRemoved )
// PAL23427. Update nodeVec to track removal of netgen free points as a result
// of removal of faces in FillNgMesh() in the case of a shrunk sub-mesh
int ngID, nodeVecSize = nodeVec.size();
const double eps = std::numeric_limits<double>::min();
for ( ngID = i = 1; i < nodeVecSize; ++ngID, ++i )
gp_Pnt ngPnt( NGPOINT_COORDS( ngMesh.Point( ngID )));
gp_Pnt node ( SMESH_NodeXYZ ( nodeVec[ i ]));
if ( ngPnt.SquareDistance( node ) < eps )
nodeVec[ ngID ] = nodeVec[ i ];
nodeVec.resize( ngID );
nbInitNod = ngID - 1;
// -------------------------------------
// Create and insert nodes into nodeVec
// -------------------------------------
nodeVec.resize( nbNod + 1 );
int i, nbInitNod = initState._nbNodes;
for (i = nbInitNod+1; i <= nbNod; ++i )
for ( i = nbInitNod+1; i <= nbNod; ++i )
const netgen::MeshPoint& ngPoint = ngMesh.Point(i);
SMDS_MeshNode* node = NULL;
@ -2833,37 +2938,58 @@ bool NETGENPlugin_Mesher::Compute()
// generate volume mesh
// ---------------------
// Fill _ngMesh with nodes and faces of computed 2D submeshes
if ( !err && _isVolume && ( !meshedSM[ MeshDim_2D ].empty() || mparams.quad ))
if ( !err && _isVolume &&
( !meshedSM[ MeshDim_2D ].empty() || mparams.quad || _viscousLayersHyp ))
// load SMESH with computed segments and faces
FillSMesh( occgeo, *_ngMesh, initState, *_mesh, nodeVec, comment, &quadHelper );
// compute prismatic boundary volumes
int nbQuad = _mesh->NbQuadrangles();
SMESH_ProxyMesh::Ptr viscousMesh;
if ( _viscousLayersHyp )
viscousMesh = _viscousLayersHyp->Compute( *_mesh, _shape );
if ( !viscousMesh )
return false;
// compute pyramids on quadrangles
SMESH_ProxyMesh::Ptr proxyMesh;
if ( _mesh->NbQuadrangles() > 0 )
vector<SMESH_ProxyMesh::Ptr> pyramidMeshes( occgeo.somap.Extent() );
if ( nbQuad > 0 )
for ( int iS = 1; iS <= occgeo.somap.Extent(); ++iS )
StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor* Adaptor = new StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor;
proxyMesh.reset( Adaptor );
int nbPyrams = _mesh->NbPyramids();
Adaptor->Compute( *_mesh, occgeo.somap(iS) );
if ( nbPyrams != _mesh->NbPyramids() )
list< SMESH_subMesh* > quadFaceSM;
for (TopExp_Explorer face(occgeo.somap(iS), TopAbs_FACE); face.More(); face.Next())
if ( Adaptor->GetProxySubMesh( face.Current() ))
quadFaceSM.push_back( _mesh->GetSubMesh( face.Current() ));
meshedSM[ MeshDim_2D ].remove( quadFaceSM.back() );
FillNgMesh(occgeo, *_ngMesh, nodeVec, quadFaceSM, &quadHelper, proxyMesh);
StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor* adaptor = new StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor;
pyramidMeshes[ iS-1 ].reset( adaptor );
bool ok = adaptor->Compute( *_mesh, occgeo.somap(iS), viscousMesh.get() );
if ( !ok )
return false;
// add proxy faces to NG mesh
list< SMESH_subMesh* > viscousSM;
for ( int iS = 1; iS <= occgeo.somap.Extent(); ++iS )
list< SMESH_subMesh* > quadFaceSM;
for (TopExp_Explorer face(occgeo.somap(iS), TopAbs_FACE); face.More(); face.Next())
if ( pyramidMeshes[iS-1] && pyramidMeshes[iS-1]->GetProxySubMesh( face.Current() ))
quadFaceSM.push_back( _mesh->GetSubMesh( face.Current() ));
meshedSM[ MeshDim_2D ].remove( quadFaceSM.back() );
else if ( viscousMesh && viscousMesh->GetProxySubMesh( face.Current() ))
viscousSM.push_back( _mesh->GetSubMesh( face.Current() ));
meshedSM[ MeshDim_2D ].remove( viscousSM.back() );
if ( !quadFaceSM.empty() )
FillNgMesh(occgeo, *_ngMesh, nodeVec, quadFaceSM, &quadHelper, pyramidMeshes[iS-1]);
if ( !viscousSM.empty() )
FillNgMesh(occgeo, *_ngMesh, nodeVec, viscousSM, &quadHelper, viscousMesh );
// fill _ngMesh with faces of sub-meshes
err = ! ( FillNgMesh(occgeo, *_ngMesh, nodeVec, meshedSM[ MeshDim_2D ], &quadHelper));
initState = NETGENPlugin_ngMeshInfo(_ngMesh);
//toPython( _ngMesh, "/tmp/ngPython.py");
initState = NETGENPlugin_ngMeshInfo(_ngMesh, /*checkRemovedElems=*/true);
// toPython( _ngMesh );
if (!err && _isVolume)
@ -3554,8 +3680,9 @@ void NETGENPlugin_Mesher::toPython( const netgen::Mesh* ngMesh )
NETGENPlugin_ngMeshInfo::NETGENPlugin_ngMeshInfo( netgen::Mesh* ngMesh):
NETGENPlugin_ngMeshInfo::NETGENPlugin_ngMeshInfo( netgen::Mesh* ngMesh,
bool checkRemovedElems):
_elementsRemoved( false ), _copyOfLocalH(0)
if ( ngMesh )
@ -3563,6 +3690,10 @@ NETGENPlugin_ngMeshInfo::NETGENPlugin_ngMeshInfo( netgen::Mesh* ngMesh):
_nbSegments = ngMesh->GetNSeg();
_nbFaces = ngMesh->GetNSE();
_nbVolumes = ngMesh->GetNE();
if ( checkRemovedElems )
for ( int i = 1; i <= ngMesh->GetNSE() && !_elementsRemoved; ++i )
_elementsRemoved = ngMesh->SurfaceElement(i).IsDeleted();
@ -46,14 +46,15 @@ namespace nglib {
#include <vector>
#include <set>
class NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis;
class NETGENPlugin_Internals;
class NETGENPlugin_SimpleHypothesis_2D;
class SMESHDS_Mesh;
class SMESH_Comment;
class SMESH_Mesh;
class SMESH_MesherHelper;
class StdMeshers_ViscousLayers;
class TopoDS_Shape;
class NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis;
class NETGENPlugin_SimpleHypothesis_2D;
class NETGENPlugin_Internals;
namespace netgen {
class OCCGeometry;
class Mesh;
@ -66,9 +67,10 @@ namespace netgen {
struct NETGENPlugin_ngMeshInfo
int _nbNodes, _nbSegments, _nbFaces, _nbVolumes;
int _nbNodes, _nbSegments, _nbFaces, _nbVolumes;
bool _elementsRemoved; // case where netgen can remove free nodes
char* _copyOfLocalH;
NETGENPlugin_ngMeshInfo( netgen::Mesh* ngMesh=0);
NETGENPlugin_ngMeshInfo( netgen::Mesh* ngMesh=0, bool checkRemovedElems=false );
void transferLocalH( netgen::Mesh* fromMesh, netgen::Mesh* toMesh );
void restoreLocalH ( netgen::Mesh* ngMesh);
@ -120,6 +122,7 @@ class NETGENPLUGIN_EXPORT NETGENPlugin_Mesher
void SetParameters(const NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis* hyp);
void SetParameters(const NETGENPlugin_SimpleHypothesis_2D* hyp);
void SetParameters(const StdMeshers_ViscousLayers* hyp );
void SetViscousLayers2DAssigned(bool isAssigned) { _isViscousLayers2D = isAssigned; }
static void SetLocalSize( netgen::OCCGeometry& occgeo, netgen::Mesh& ngMesh );
@ -210,6 +213,7 @@ class NETGENPLUGIN_EXPORT NETGENPlugin_Mesher
volatile double _totalTime;
const NETGENPlugin_SimpleHypothesis_2D * _simpleHyp;
const StdMeshers_ViscousLayers* _viscousLayersHyp;
// a pointer to NETGENPlugin_Mesher* field of the holder, that will be
// nullified at destruction of this
@ -32,10 +32,12 @@
#include "NETGENPlugin_SimpleHypothesis_3D.hxx"
#include "NETGENPlugin_Mesher.hxx"
#include <SMESHDS_Mesh.hxx>
#include <SMESH_ControlsDef.hxx>
#include <SMESH_Gen.hxx>
#include <SMESH_Mesh.hxx>
#include <SMESH_ControlsDef.hxx>
#include <SMESHDS_Mesh.hxx>
#include <StdMeshers_ViscousLayers.hxx>
#include <utilities.h>
#include <list>
@ -62,6 +64,7 @@ NETGENPlugin_NETGEN_2D3D::NETGENPlugin_NETGEN_2D3D(int hypId, int studyId,
_shapeType = (1 << TopAbs_SHELL) | (1 << TopAbs_SOLID);// 1 bit /shape type
_compatibleHypothesis.push_back( StdMeshers_ViscousLayers::GetHypType() );
_requireDiscreteBoundary = false;
_onlyUnaryInput = false;
_hypothesis = NULL;
@ -70,7 +73,7 @@ NETGENPlugin_NETGEN_2D3D::NETGENPlugin_NETGEN_2D3D(int hypId, int studyId,
@ -81,39 +84,45 @@ NETGENPlugin_NETGEN_2D3D::~NETGENPlugin_NETGEN_2D3D()
bool NETGENPlugin_NETGEN_2D3D::CheckHypothesis
(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh,
const TopoDS_Shape& aShape,
SMESH_Hypothesis::Hypothesis_Status& aStatus)
bool NETGENPlugin_NETGEN_2D3D::CheckHypothesis (SMESH_Mesh& aMesh,
const TopoDS_Shape& aShape,
Hypothesis_Status& aStatus)
_hypothesis = NULL;
_mesher = NULL;
_hypothesis = NULL;
_viscousLayersHyp = NULL;
_mesher = NULL;
const list<const SMESHDS_Hypothesis*>& hyps = GetUsedHypothesis(aMesh, aShape);
int nbHyp = hyps.size();
if (!nbHyp)
const list<const SMESHDS_Hypothesis*>& hyps = GetUsedHypothesis(aMesh, aShape, /*noAux=*/false);
if ( hyps.empty() )
aStatus = SMESH_Hypothesis::HYP_OK;
return true; // can work with no hypothesis
const SMESHDS_Hypothesis* theHyp = hyps.front(); // use only the first hypothesis
string hypName = theHyp->GetName();
if ( find( _compatibleHypothesis.begin(), _compatibleHypothesis.end(),
hypName ) != _compatibleHypothesis.end() )
list<const SMESHDS_Hypothesis*>::const_iterator h = hyps.begin();
for ( ; h != hyps.end(); ++h )
_hypothesis = theHyp;
aStatus = SMESH_Hypothesis::HYP_OK;
aStatus = SMESH_Hypothesis::HYP_INCOMPATIBLE;
const SMESHDS_Hypothesis* aHyp = *h;
std::string hypName = aHyp->GetName();
if ( std::find( _compatibleHypothesis.begin(), _compatibleHypothesis.end(),
hypName ) != _compatibleHypothesis.end() )
if ( hypName == StdMeshers_ViscousLayers::GetHypType() )
_viscousLayersHyp = dynamic_cast<const StdMeshers_ViscousLayers*>( aHyp );
_hypothesis = aHyp;
aStatus = SMESH_Hypothesis::HYP_OK;
aStatus = SMESH_Hypothesis::HYP_INCOMPATIBLE;
return aStatus == SMESH_Hypothesis::HYP_OK;
@ -133,6 +142,7 @@ bool NETGENPlugin_NETGEN_2D3D::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh,
NETGENPlugin_Mesher mesher(&aMesh, aShape, true);
mesher.SetParameters(dynamic_cast<const NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis*>(_hypothesis));
mesher.SetParameters(dynamic_cast<const NETGENPlugin_SimpleHypothesis_3D*>(_hypothesis));
mesher.SetSelfPointer( &_mesher );
return mesher.Compute();
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
#include <SMESH_Algo.hxx>
class NETGENPlugin_Mesher;
class StdMeshers_ViscousLayers;
@ -42,11 +43,11 @@ public:
NETGENPlugin_NETGEN_2D3D(int hypId, int studyId, SMESH_Gen* gen);
virtual ~NETGENPlugin_NETGEN_2D3D();
virtual bool CheckHypothesis(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh,
virtual bool CheckHypothesis(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh,
const TopoDS_Shape& aShape,
SMESH_Hypothesis::Hypothesis_Status& aStatus);
Hypothesis_Status& aStatus);
virtual bool Compute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh,
virtual bool Compute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh,
const TopoDS_Shape& aShape);
virtual void CancelCompute();
@ -54,13 +55,14 @@ public:
virtual double GetProgress() const;
virtual bool Evaluate(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh,
virtual bool Evaluate(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh,
const TopoDS_Shape& aShape,
MapShapeNbElems& aResMap);
MapShapeNbElems& aResMap);
const SMESHDS_Hypothesis* _hypothesis;
NETGENPlugin_Mesher * _mesher;
const SMESHDS_Hypothesis* _hypothesis;
const StdMeshers_ViscousLayers* _viscousLayersHyp;
NETGENPlugin_Mesher * _mesher;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user