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@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ hypotheses and algorithms (2D and 1D for meshing 3D objects and 1D for
meshing 2D objects).
\image html netgen2d3d.png
<center><em>Dialog boxes of <b>Netgen 1D-2D</b> and <b>Netgen
1D-2D-3D</b> algorithms </em></center>
<center><em>Hypothesis dialog boxes of <b>Netgen 1D-2D</b> and <b>Netgen
1D-2D-3D</b> algorithms are same</em></center>
\image html netgen2d3d_only.png
@ -24,26 +24,35 @@ algorithms </em></center>
- <b>Min Size</b> - minimum linear dimensions for mesh cells. It is
ignored if it is more than <b>Max Size</b>.
- <b>Second Order</b> - if this box is checked in, the algorithm will
create second order nodes on the mesh, which will then become quadratic.
- <b>Fineness</b> - ranging from Very Coarse to Very Fine allows to set the
level of meshing detalization using the three parameters below. You
can select Custom to define them manually.
create second order mesh.
- <b>Fineness</b> - ranging from <em>Very Coarse</em> to <em>Very Fine</em>
allows to set the level of meshing detalization using the three
parameters below. You can select \a Custom to define them manually.
- <b>Growth rate</b> - allows to define how much the linear dimensions of
two adjacent cells can differ (i.e. 0.3 means 30%).
- <b>Nb. Segs per Edge</b> and <b>Nb Segs per Radius</b> - allows to define the
minimum number of mesh segments in which edges and radiuses will be
- <b>Allow Quadrangles</b> - allows to use quadrangle elements in a
triangle 2D mesh. This checkbox is not present in Netgen 3D parameters
because currently building a tetrahedral mesh with quadrangle faces is
not possible.
- <b>Set size by Surface Curvature</b> - if this box is checked in, then
prevents creation of meshes of desired coarseness else mesher defines
density of 1D and 2D mesh depending on curvature of faces and edges.
- <b>Fuse consignment Edges and Vertices</b> - prevents to merging of
nodes of edges which are coincident geometrically but are different topologically.
- <b>Optimize</b> - if this box is checked in, the algorithm will try to
create regular (possessing even sides) elements.
- <b>Nb. Segs per Edge</b> - allows to define the minimum number of
mesh segments in which edges will be split. This parameter is used
only if <b>Limit Size by Surface Curvature</b> is checked.
- <b>Nb Segs per Radius</b> - allows to define the size of
mesh segments and mesh faces in which curved edges and surfaces will
be split. This parameter is used only if <b>Limit Size by Surface
Curvature</b> is checked.
- <b>Limit Size by Surface Curvature</b> - if this box is checked in,
then size of mesh segments and mesh faces on curved edges and surfaces
is defined using value of <b>Nb Segs per Radius</b> parameter, and
number of segments on straight edges is defined by values of
<b>Nb. Segs per Edge</b> parameter. If this box is not checked in,
then size of elements is defined by three parameters only:
<b>Max Size</b>, <b>Min Size</b> and <b>Growth rate</b>.
- <b>Allow Quadrangles</b> - if this box is checked in, the mesher
tries to generate quadrangle 2D mesh. Triangle elements are created
where quadrangles are not possible.
- <b>Optimize</b> - if this box is checked in, the algorithm will modify
initially created mesh in order to improve quality of elements. Optimization
process is rather time consuming comparing to creation of initial mesh.
- <b>Fuse Coincident Nodes on Edges and Vertices</b> - allows merging
mesh nodes on vertices and edges which are geometrically coincident
but are topologically different.
\image html netgen3d_local_size.png
@ -71,14 +80,12 @@ consists of setting required \b length of segments.
\b 2D group allows defining the size of 2D elements
- <b>Length from edges</b> if checked in, hypothesis forces building of
2D mesh segments having a length calculated as an average edge length
2D mesh elements having a length calculated as an average edge length
for a given wire, else
- <b>Max. Element Area</b> specifies expected maximum element area for
each 2d element.
- <b>Allow Quadrangles</b> - allows to use quadrangle elements in a
triangle 2D mesh. This checkbox is not present in Netgen 3D simple parameters
because currently building a tetrahedral mesh with quadrangle faces is
not possible.
- <b>Allow Quadrangles</b> - allows to generate quadrangle elements
wherever possible.
\b 3D groups allows defining the size of 3D elements.
- <b>Length from faces</b> if checked in, the area of sides of
@ -94,13 +101,9 @@ edge. This parameter is used only to define the local element size
(size at the given point), so local sizes of adjacent edges influence
each other.
- NETGEN additionally restricts the element size according to edge curvature.
- The local size of edges influences the size of close triangles.
- The local size of segments influences the size of close triangles.
- The order of elements and their size in the 1D mesh generated by
NETGEN differ from those in the 1D mesh generated by Regular_1D
algorithm, resulting in different 2D and 3D meshes.
\note In the case where two points are geometrically confounded, a single node is generated.
@ -98,8 +98,8 @@ module NETGENPlugin
void SetQuadAllowed(in boolean value);
boolean GetQuadAllowed();
void SetSurfaceCurvature(in boolean value);
boolean GetSurfaceCurvature();
void SetUseSurfaceCurvature(in boolean value);
boolean GetUseSurfaceCurvature();
void SetFuseEdges(in boolean value);
boolean GetFuseEdges();
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ NETGENPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::NETGENPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator( const QStr
myGeomSelectionTools = NULL;
myIs2D = ( theHypType.startsWith("NETGEN_Parameters_2D"));
myIs2D = ( theHypType.startsWith("NETGEN_Parameters_2D"));
myIsONLY = ( theHypType == "NETGEN_Parameters_2D_ONLY" ||
theHypType == "NETGEN_Parameters_3D");
@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ QFrame* NETGENPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::buildFrame()
if ( !myIsONLY )
mySecondOrder = new QCheckBox( tr( "NETGEN_SECOND_ORDER" ), GroupC1 );
aGroupLayout->addWidget( mySecondOrder, row, 0 );
aGroupLayout->addWidget( mySecondOrder, row, 0, 1, 2 );
@ -177,6 +177,7 @@ QFrame* NETGENPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::buildFrame()
tr( "NETGEN_FINE" ) << tr( "NETGEN_VERYFINE" ) << tr( "NETGEN_CUSTOM" );
myFineness->addItems( types );
aGroupLayout->addWidget( myFineness, row, 1 );
connect( myFineness, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, SLOT( onFinenessChanged() ) );
aGroupLayout->addWidget( new QLabel( tr( "NETGEN_GROWTH_RATE" ), GroupC1 ), row, 0 );
@ -204,34 +205,35 @@ QFrame* NETGENPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::buildFrame()
myAllowQuadrangles = 0;
mySurfaceCurvature = 0;
myFuseEdges = 0;
if ( myIs2D || !myIsONLY ) // issue 0021676
if ( myIs2D || !myIsONLY )
myAllowQuadrangles = new QCheckBox( tr( "NETGEN_ALLOW_QUADRANGLES" ), GroupC1 );
aGroupLayout->addWidget( myAllowQuadrangles, row, 0 );
mySurfaceCurvature = new QCheckBox( tr( "NETGEN_SURFACE_CURVATURE" ), GroupC1 );
aGroupLayout->addWidget( mySurfaceCurvature, row, 0 );
aGroupLayout->addWidget( mySurfaceCurvature, row, 0, 1, 2 );
connect( mySurfaceCurvature, SIGNAL( stateChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( onSurfaceCurvatureChanged() ) );
myAllowQuadrangles = 0;
if ( myIs2D || !myIsONLY ) // disable only for NETGEN 3D
myAllowQuadrangles = new QCheckBox( tr( "NETGEN_ALLOW_QUADRANGLES" ), GroupC1 );
aGroupLayout->addWidget( myAllowQuadrangles, row, 0, 1, 2 );
myOptimize = new QCheckBox( tr( "NETGEN_OPTIMIZE" ), GroupC1 );
aGroupLayout->addWidget( myOptimize, row, 0, 1, 2 );
myFuseEdges = 0;
if (!myIsONLY)
myFuseEdges = new QCheckBox( tr( "NETGEN_FUSE_EDGES" ), GroupC1 );
aGroupLayout->addWidget( myFuseEdges, row, 0 );
aGroupLayout->addWidget( myFuseEdges, row, 0, 1, 2 );
connect( mySurfaceCurvature, SIGNAL( stateChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( onSurfaceCurvatureChanged() ) );
myOptimize = new QCheckBox( tr( "NETGEN_OPTIMIZE" ), GroupC1 );
aGroupLayout->addWidget( myOptimize, row, 0 );
connect( myFineness, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, SLOT( onFinenessChanged() ) );
myLocalSizeTable = 0;
if ( !myIsONLY )
@ -411,7 +413,7 @@ bool NETGENPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::readParamsFromHypo( NetgenHypothesisData
h_data.myNbSegPerRadiusVar = getVariableName("SetNbSegPerRadius");
h_data.myMinSize = h->GetMinSize();
h_data.myMinSizeVar = getVariableName("SetMinSize");
h_data.mySurfaceCurvature = h->GetSurfaceCurvature();
h_data.mySurfaceCurvature = h->GetUseSurfaceCurvature();
h_data.myFuseEdges = h->GetFuseEdges();
//if ( myIs2D )
@ -456,33 +458,34 @@ bool NETGENPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::storeParamsToHypo( const NetgenHypothesi
if( isCreation() )
SMESH::SetName( SMESH::FindSObject( h ), h_data.myName.toLatin1().data() );
h->SetVarParameter( h_data.myMaxSizeVar.toLatin1().constData(), "SetMaxSize");
h->SetMaxSize( h_data.myMaxSize );
h->SetSecondOrder( h_data.mySecondOrder );
h->SetOptimize( h_data.myOptimize );
h->SetMaxSize ( h_data.myMaxSize );
h->SetSecondOrder ( h_data.mySecondOrder );
h->SetOptimize ( h_data.myOptimize );
int fineness = h_data.myFineness;
h->SetFineness( fineness );
h->SetFineness ( fineness );
if( fineness==UserDefined )
h->SetVarParameter( h_data.myGrowthRateVar.toLatin1().constData(), "SetGrowthRate");
h->SetGrowthRate( h_data.myGrowthRate );
h->SetVarParameter( h_data.myNbSegPerEdgeVar.toLatin1().constData(), "SetNbSegPerEdge");
h->SetNbSegPerEdge( h_data.myNbSegPerEdge );
h->SetVarParameter( h_data.myNbSegPerRadiusVar.toLatin1().constData(), "SetNbSegPerRadius");
h->SetVarParameter ( h_data.myGrowthRateVar.toLatin1().constData(), "SetGrowthRate");
h->SetGrowthRate ( h_data.myGrowthRate );
h->SetVarParameter ( h_data.myNbSegPerEdgeVar.toLatin1().constData(), "SetNbSegPerEdge");
h->SetNbSegPerEdge ( h_data.myNbSegPerEdge );
h->SetVarParameter ( h_data.myNbSegPerRadiusVar.toLatin1().constData(), "SetNbSegPerRadius");
h->SetNbSegPerRadius( h_data.myNbSegPerRadius );
h->SetVarParameter( h_data.myMinSizeVar.toLatin1().constData(), "SetMinSize");
h->SetMinSize( h_data.myMinSize );
h->SetSurfaceCurvature( h_data.mySurfaceCurvature );
h->SetFuseEdges( h_data.myFuseEdges );
h->SetVarParameter ( h_data.myMinSizeVar.toLatin1().constData(), "SetMinSize");
h->SetMinSize ( h_data.myMinSize );
h->SetUseSurfaceCurvature( h_data.mySurfaceCurvature );
h->SetFuseEdges ( h_data.myFuseEdges );
if ( myIs2D )
//if ( myIs2D )
NETGENPlugin::NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis_2D_var h_2d =
NETGENPlugin::NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis_2D::_narrow( h );
// NETGENPlugin::NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis_2D_var h_2d =
// NETGENPlugin::NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis_2D::_narrow( h );
if ( !h_2d->_is_nil() )
h_2d->SetQuadAllowed( h_data.myAllowQuadrangles );
// if ( !h_2d->_is_nil() )
// h_2d->SetQuadAllowed( h_data.myAllowQuadrangles );
h->SetQuadAllowed( h_data.myAllowQuadrangles );
QMapIterator<QString,QString> i(myLocalSizeMap);
@ -561,10 +564,9 @@ bool NETGENPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::readParamsFromWidgets( NetgenHypothesisD
void NETGENPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::onSurfaceCurvatureChanged()
bool isSurfaceCurvature = (mySurfaceCurvature ? mySurfaceCurvature->checkState() == Qt::Checked : true);
bool isCustom = (myFineness->currentIndex() == UserDefined);
myGrowthRate->setEnabled(isCustom && isSurfaceCurvature);
bool isSurfaceCurvature = (mySurfaceCurvature ? mySurfaceCurvature->isChecked() : true);
bool isCustom = (myFineness->currentIndex() == UserDefined);
if ( myNbSegPerEdge )
myNbSegPerEdge->setEnabled(isCustom && isSurfaceCurvature);
if ( myNbSegPerRadius )
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
<translation>Fuse consignment Edges and Vertices</translation>
<translation>Fuse Coincident Nodes on Edges and Vertices</translation>
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
<translation>Set size by Surface Curvature</translation>
<translation>Limit Size by Surface Curvature</translation>
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
<translation type="unfinished">Fuse consignment Edges and Vertices</translation>
<translation type="unfinished">Fuse Coincident Nodes on Edges and Vertices</translation>
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
<translation type="unfinished">Set size by Surface Curvature</translation>
<translation type="unfinished">Limit Size by Surface Curvature</translation>
@ -55,6 +55,10 @@
<translation type="unfinished">Fuse Coincident Nodes on Edges and Vertices</translation>
@ -87,6 +91,10 @@
<translation type="unfinished">Limit Size by Surface Curvature</translation>
@ -218,15 +218,15 @@ class NETGEN_1D2D3D_Algorithm(NETGEN_Algorithm):
def SetQuadAllowed(self, toAllow=True):
if self.Parameters(): self.params.SetQuadAllowed(toAllow)
## Sets @c SurfaceCurvature flag
# @param toAllow new value of the @c SurfaceCurvature parameter (@c True by default)
def SetSurfaceCurvature(self, toAllow=True):
if self.Parameters(): self.params.SetSurfaceCurvature(toAllow)
## Sets @c UseSurfaceCurvature flag
# @param toUse new value of the @c UseSurfaceCurvature parameter (@c True by default)
def SetUseSurfaceCurvature(self, toUse=True):
if self.Parameters(): self.params.SetUseSurfaceCurvature(toUse)
## Sets @c FuseEdges flag
# @param toAllow new value of the @c FuseEdges parameter (@c False by default)
def SetFuseEdges(self, toAllow=False):
if self.Parameters(): self.params.SetFuseEdges(toAllow)
# @param toFuse new value of the @c FuseEdges parameter (@c False by default)
def SetFuseEdges(self, toFuse=False):
if self.Parameters(): self.params.SetFuseEdges(toFuse)
## Sets number of segments overriding the value set by SetLocalLength()
@ -384,9 +384,9 @@ CORBA::Boolean NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis_i::GetQuadAllowed()
void NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetSurfaceCurvature (CORBA::Boolean theValue)
void NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetUseSurfaceCurvature (CORBA::Boolean theValue)
if ( NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis_i::isToSetParameter( GetSurfaceCurvature(),
if ( NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis_i::isToSetParameter( GetUseSurfaceCurvature(),
METH_SetSurfaceCurvature ))
@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ void NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetSurfaceCurvature (CORBA::Boolean theValue)
CORBA::Boolean NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis_i::GetSurfaceCurvature()
CORBA::Boolean NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis_i::GetUseSurfaceCurvature()
return this->GetImpl()->GetSurfaceCurvature();
@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ class NETGENPLUGIN_EXPORT NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis_i:
void SetQuadAllowed(CORBA::Boolean theVal);
CORBA::Boolean GetQuadAllowed();
void SetSurfaceCurvature(CORBA::Boolean theVal);
CORBA::Boolean GetSurfaceCurvature();
void SetUseSurfaceCurvature(CORBA::Boolean theVal);
CORBA::Boolean GetUseSurfaceCurvature();
void SetFuseEdges(CORBA::Boolean theVal);
CORBA::Boolean GetFuseEdges();
@ -185,24 +185,24 @@ void NETGENPlugin_Mesher::SetDefaultParameters()
netgen::MeshingParameters& mparams = netgen::mparam;
// maximal mesh edge size
mparams.maxh = 0;//NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultMaxSize();
mparams.minh = 0;
mparams.maxh = 0;//NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultMaxSize();
mparams.minh = 0;
// minimal number of segments per edge
mparams.segmentsperedge = NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultNbSegPerEdge();
// rate of growth of size between elements
mparams.grading = NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultGrowthRate();
mparams.grading = NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultGrowthRate();
// safety factor for curvatures (elements per radius)
mparams.curvaturesafety = NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultNbSegPerRadius();
// create elements of second order
mparams.secondorder = NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultSecondOrder() ? 1 : 0;
mparams.secondorder = NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultSecondOrder();
// quad-dominated surface meshing
if (_isVolume)
mparams.quad = 0;
mparams.quad = 0;
mparams.quad = NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis_2D::GetDefaultQuadAllowed() ? 1 : 0;
_fineness = NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultFineness();
mparams.uselocalh = NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultSurfaceCurvature();
netgen::merge_solids = NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultFuseEdges();
mparams.quad = NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis_2D::GetDefaultQuadAllowed();
_fineness = NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultFineness();
mparams.uselocalh = NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultSurfaceCurvature();
netgen::merge_solids = NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultFuseEdges();
@ -245,25 +245,25 @@ void NETGENPlugin_Mesher::SetParameters(const NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis* hyp)
netgen::MeshingParameters& mparams = netgen::mparam;
// Initialize global NETGEN parameters:
// maximal mesh segment size
mparams.maxh = hyp->GetMaxSize();
mparams.maxh = hyp->GetMaxSize();
// maximal mesh element linear size
mparams.minh = hyp->GetMinSize();
mparams.minh = hyp->GetMinSize();
// minimal number of segments per edge
mparams.segmentsperedge = hyp->GetNbSegPerEdge();
// rate of growth of size between elements
mparams.grading = hyp->GetGrowthRate();
mparams.grading = hyp->GetGrowthRate();
// safety factor for curvatures (elements per radius)
mparams.curvaturesafety = hyp->GetNbSegPerRadius();
// create elements of second order
mparams.secondorder = hyp->GetSecondOrder() ? 1 : 0;
mparams.secondorder = hyp->GetSecondOrder() ? 1 : 0;
// quad-dominated surface meshing
// only triangles are allowed for volumic mesh (before realizing IMP 0021676)
//if (!_isVolume)
mparams.quad = hyp->GetQuadAllowed() ? 1 : 0;
_optimize = hyp->GetOptimize();
_fineness = hyp->GetFineness();
mparams.uselocalh = hyp->GetSurfaceCurvature();
netgen::merge_solids = hyp->GetFuseEdges();
mparams.quad = hyp->GetQuadAllowed() ? 1 : 0;
_optimize = hyp->GetOptimize();
_fineness = hyp->GetFineness();
mparams.uselocalh = hyp->GetSurfaceCurvature();
netgen::merge_solids = hyp->GetFuseEdges();
_simpleHyp = NULL;
SMESH_Gen_i* smeshGen_i = SMESH_Gen_i::GetSMESHGen();
@ -266,7 +266,8 @@ bool NETGENPlugin_NETGEN_2D_ONLY::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh,
// MESHCONST_ANALYSE step may lead to a failure, so we make an attempt
// w/o MESHCONST_ANALYSE at the second loop
int err = 1;
for ( int iLoop = 0; iLoop < 2; iLoop++ )
int iLoop = netgen::mparam.uselocalh ? 0 : 1; // uselocalh depends on
for ( ; iLoop < 2; iLoop++ )
bool isMESHCONST_ANALYSE = false;
Reference in New Issue
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