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-\page additional_hypo_page Additional Hypotheses
-\n Additional Hypotheses can be applied as a supplement to the
-main hypotheses, introducing additional concepts to mesh creation.
-Following additional hypotheses can be used together with NETGEN algoritm:
-- Quadrangle Preference - This additional hypothesis can be used together with Netgen 2D algorithm.
-It allows Netgen 2D to build quadrangular meshes.
-This hypothesis has one restriction on its work: the total quantity of
-segments on all four sides of the face must be even (divisible by 2).
-- Viscous Layers additional hypothesis can be used together with NETGEN 3D.
-This hypothesis allows creation of layers of highly stretched prisms near
-mesh boundary, which is beneficial for high quality viscous
-computations. The prisms constructed on the quadrangular mesh faces are
-actually the hexahedrons.
-For more detailed description of the described above hypothesis please refer SALOME Mesh User's Guide.
diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/NETGENPLUGIN/input/index.doc b/doc/salome/gui/NETGENPLUGIN/input/index.doc
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--- a/doc/salome/gui/NETGENPLUGIN/input/index.doc
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-\mainpage Introduction to NETGENPLUGIN
-\b NETGENPLUGIN plugin is destined for:
-- Meshing 1D, 2D and 3D geometric entities.
- - Faces are split into triangular elements.
- - Volumes are split into tetrahedral (pyramidal) elements.
-- Generating 3D meshes from 2D meshes, working without geometrical objects.
-To manage parameters of the NETGENPLUGIN use \subpage netgen_2d_3d_hypo_page and \subpage additional_hypo_page.
-Also all NETGENPLUGIN functionalities are accessible via
-\subpage netgenplugin_python_intarface_page "NETGENPLUGIN Python interface".
-\image html image1.png "Example of a triangular 2D mesh"
-\image html image2.gif "Example of a tetrahedral 3D mesh"
diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/NETGENPLUGIN/input/netgen_2d_3d_hypo.doc b/doc/salome/gui/NETGENPLUGIN/input/netgen_2d_3d_hypo.doc
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-\page netgen_2d_3d_hypo_page Netgen 2D and 3D hypotheses
-Netgen 2D Parameters and Netgen 3D Parameters hypotheses work only with
-Netgen 1D-2D, Netgen 2D, Netgen 1D-2D-3D and
-Netgen 3D algorithms. Netgen 1D-2D and Netgen
-1D-2D-3D algorithms do not require definition of lower-level
-hypotheses and algorithms (2D and 1D for meshing 3D objects and 1D for
-meshing 2D objects).
-\image html netgen2d3d.png
-Dialog boxes of Netgen 1D-2D and Netgen
-1D-2D-3D algorithms
-\image html netgen2d3d_only.png
-Dialog boxes of Netgen 2D and Netgen 3D
-- Name - allows to define the name for the algorithm (Netgen
-2D (or 3D) Parameters by default).
-- Max Size - maximum linear dimensions for mesh cells.
-- Min Size - minimum linear dimensions for mesh cells. It is
-ignored if it is more than Max Size.
-- Second Order - if this box is checked in, the algorithm will
-create second order nodes on the mesh, which actually will become
-\ref adding_quadratic_elements_page "Quadratic".
-- Fineness - ranging from Very Coarse to Very Fine allows to set the
-level of meshing detalization using the three parameters below. You
-can select Custom to define them manually.
-- Growth rate - allows to define how much the linear dimensions of
-two adjacent cells can differ (i.e. 0.3 means 30%).
-- Nb. Segs per Edge and Nb Segs per Radius - allows to define the
-minimum number of mesh segments in which edges and radiuses will be
-- Allow Quadrangles - allows to use quadrangle elements in a
-triangle 2D mesh. This checkbox is not present in Netgen 3D parameters
-because currently building a tetrahedral mesh with quadrangle faces is
-not possible.
-- Optimize - if this box is checked in, the algorithm will try to
-create regular (possessing even sides) elements.
-\image html netgen3d_local_size.png
-- Local sizes - allows to define size of elements on and
-around specified geometrical edges and vertices. To define the local
-size it is necessary to select a geometrical edge or vertex in the
-object browser or in the viewer, and to click On Edge or On
-Vertex correspondingly. Name of the geometrical object and
-a default Value will be added in the table where the
-Value can be changed.
-- Remove - deletes a selected row from the table.
-\image html netgen2d3d_simple.png
-Netgen 2D simple parameters and Netgen 3D simple
-parameters allow defining the size of elements for each
-\b 1D group allows defining the size of 1D elements in either of two ways:
-- Number of Segments has the same sense as \ref
-number_of_segments_anchor "Number of segments" hypothesis with
-equidistant distribution.
-- Local Length has the same sense as \ref
-average_length_anchor "Local Length" hypothesis.
-\b 2D group allows defining the size of 2D elements
-- Length from edges if checked in, acts like \ref
-length_from_edges_anchor "Length from Edges" hypothesis, else
-- Max. Element Area defines the maximum element area like \ref
-max_element_area_anchor "Max Element Area" hypothesis.
-- Allow Quadrangles - allows to use quadrangle elements in a
-triangle 2D mesh. This checkbox is not present in Netgen 3D simple parameters
-because currently building a tetrahedral mesh with quadrangle faces is
-not possible.
-\b 3D groups allows defining the size of 3D elements.
-- Length from faces if checked in, the area of sides of
-volumic elements will be equal to an average area of 2D elements, else
-- Max. Element Volume defines the maximum element volume like
-\ref max_element_volume_hypo_page "Max Element Volume"
-\note Netgen algorithm does not strictly follow the input
-parameters. The actual mesh can be more or less dense than
-required. There are several factors in it:
-- NETGEN does not actually use "NbOfSegments" parameter for discretization of
-edge. This parameter is used only to define the local element size
-(size at the given point), so local sizes of adjacent edges influence
-each other.
-- NETGEN additionally restricts the element size according to edge curvature.
-- The local size of edges influences the size of close triangles.
-- The order of elements and their size in the 1D mesh generated by
-NETGEN differ from those in the 1D mesh generated by Regular_1D
-algorithm, resulting in different 2D and 3D meshes.
diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/NETGENPLUGIN/input/netgenplugin_python_intarface.doc b/doc/salome/gui/NETGENPLUGIN/input/netgenplugin_python_intarface.doc
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-\page netgenplugin_python_intarface_page Python Interface
-Python package \ref NETGENPluginDC "NETGENPlugin" defines several classes, destined for creation of the 2D and 3D meshes.
-Documentation for NETGENPlugin package is available in linear form grouped by classes, declared in the NETGENPluginDC.py file.
-Below you can see an example of usage of the NETGENPlugin package for mesh generation:
-import geompy
-import smesh
-# create a box
-box = geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(10., 10., 10.)
-geompy.addToStudy(box, "Box")
-# 1. Create a triangular 2D mesh on the box with NETGEN_1D2D algorithm
-triaN = smesh.Mesh(box, "Box : triangular mesh by NETGEN_1D2D")
-# create a Netgen_1D2D algorithm for solids
-algo2D = triaN.Triangle(smesh.NETGEN_1D2D)
-# define hypotheses
-n12_params = algo2D.Parameters()
-# define number of segments
-# define max element
-# 2. Create a tetrahedral mesh on the box with NETGEN_1D2D3D algorithm (full netgen)
-tetraN = smesh.Mesh(box, "Box : tetrahedrical mesh by NETGEN_1D2D3D")
-# create a Netgen_1D2D3D algorithm for solids
-algo3D = tetraN.Tetrahedron(smesh.FULL_NETGEN)
-# define hypotheses
-n123_params = algo3D.Parameters()
-# define number of segments
-# define max element size
-# compute the meshes
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-/* The standard CSS for doxygen */
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-The following two styles can be used to replace the root node title
-with an image of your choice. Simply uncomment the next two styles,
-specify the name of your image and be sure to set 'height' to the
-proper pixel height of your image.
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