Refactor in runner
This commit is contained in:
@ -190,7 +190,6 @@ int netgen3d(const std::string input_mesh_file,
const std::string output_mesh_file,
int nbThreads)
auto time0 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
// Importing mesh
SMESH_Gen gen;
@ -199,24 +198,15 @@ int netgen3d(const std::string input_mesh_file,
std::string mesh_name = "Maillage_1";
importMesh(input_mesh_file, *myMesh, mesh_name);
auto time1 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
auto elapsed = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(time1-time0);
std::cout << "Time for importMesh: " << elapsed.count() * 1e-9 << std::endl;
// Importing shape
TopoDS_Shape myShape;
importShape(shape_file, myShape);
auto time2 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
elapsed = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(time2-time1);
std::cout << "Time for importShape: " << elapsed.count() * 1e-9 << std::endl;
// Importing hypothesis
netgen_params myParams;
importNetgenParams(hypo_file, myParams, &gen);
auto time3 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
elapsed = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(time3-time2);
std::cout << "Time for import_netgen_param: " << elapsed.count() * 1e-9 << std::endl;
// Setting number of threads for netgen
myParams.nbThreads = nbThreads;
@ -226,59 +216,41 @@ int netgen3d(const std::string input_mesh_file,
std::cout << "Meshing failed" << std::endl;
return ret;
auto time4 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
exportMesh(output_mesh_file, *myMesh, mesh_name);
auto time5 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
elapsed = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(time5-time4);
std::cout << "Time for exportMesh: " << elapsed.count() * 1e-9 << std::endl;
return ret;
* @brief Compute aShape within aMesh using netgen3d
* @param aShape the shape
* @param aMesh the mesh
* @param aParams the netgen parameters
* @param new_element_file file containing data on the new point/tetra added by netgen
* @param element_orientation_file file containing data on the orientation of each element to add to netgen
* @param output_mesh if true add element created by netgen into aMesh
* @return error code
int netgen3dInternal(TopoDS_Shape &aShape, SMESH_Mesh& aMesh, netgen_params& aParams,
std::string new_element_file, std::string element_orientation_file,
bool output_mesh)
bool mycomputeFillNgMesh(
SMESH_Mesh& aMesh,
const TopoDS_Shape& aShape,
std::vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* > &nodeVec,
NETGENPlugin_NetgenLibWrapper &ngLib,
SMESH_MesherHelper &helper,
netgen_params &aParams,
std::string element_orientation_file,
int &Netgen_NbOfNodes)
auto time0 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
netgen::multithread.terminate = 0;
netgen::multithread.task = "Volume meshing";
SMESHDS_Mesh* meshDS = aMesh.GetMeshDS();
SMESH_MesherHelper helper(aMesh);
aParams._quadraticMesh = helper.IsQuadraticSubMesh(aShape);
helper.SetElementsOnShape( true );
int Netgen_NbOfNodes = 0;
double Netgen_point[3];
int Netgen_triangle[3];
NETGENPlugin_NetgenLibWrapper ngLib;
Ng_Mesh * Netgen_mesh = (Ng_Mesh*)ngLib._ngMesh;
// vector of nodes in which node index == netgen ID
vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* > nodeVec;
const int invalid_ID = -1;
@ -434,9 +406,20 @@ int netgen3dInternal(TopoDS_Shape &aShape, SMESH_Mesh& aMesh, netgen_params& aPa
// internals);
auto time1 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
auto elapsed = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(time1-time0);
std::cout << "Time for fill_in_ngmesh: " << elapsed.count() * 1e-9 << std::endl;
Netgen_mesh = ngLib.ngMesh();
Netgen_NbOfNodes = Ng_GetNP( Netgen_mesh );
return false;
bool mycomputePrepareParam(
SMESH_Mesh& aMesh,
NETGENPlugin_NetgenLibWrapper &ngLib,
netgen::OCCGeometry &occgeo,
SMESH_MesherHelper &helper,
netgen_params &aParams,
int &endWith)
// -------------------------
// Generate the volume mesh
@ -444,16 +427,8 @@ int netgen3dInternal(TopoDS_Shape &aShape, SMESH_Mesh& aMesh, netgen_params& aPa
netgen::multithread.terminate = 0;
netgen::Mesh* ngMesh = ngLib._ngMesh;
Netgen_mesh = ngLib.ngMesh();
Netgen_NbOfNodes = Ng_GetNP( Netgen_mesh );
int startWith = netgen::MESHCONST_MESHVOLUME;
int endWith = netgen::MESHCONST_OPTVOLUME;
int err = 1;
NETGENPlugin_Mesher aMesher( &aMesh, helper.GetSubShape(), /*isVolume=*/true );
netgen::OCCGeometry occgeo;
if ( aParams.has_netgen_param )
@ -499,6 +474,17 @@ int netgen3dInternal(TopoDS_Shape &aShape, SMESH_Mesh& aMesh, netgen_params& aPa
netgen::mparam.minh = aMesher.GetDefaultMinSize( helper.GetSubShape(), netgen::mparam.maxh );
return false;
bool mycomputeRunMesher(
netgen::OCCGeometry &occgeo,
std::vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* > &nodeVec,
netgen::Mesh* ngMesh,
NETGENPlugin_NetgenLibWrapper &ngLib,
int &startWith, int &endWith)
int err = 1;
@ -536,22 +522,28 @@ int netgen3dInternal(TopoDS_Shape &aShape, SMESH_Mesh& aMesh, netgen_params& aPa
return error(str);
int Netgen_NbOfNodesNew = Ng_GetNP(Netgen_mesh);
int Netgen_NbOfTetra = Ng_GetNE(Netgen_mesh);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Feed back the SMESHDS with the generated Nodes and Volume Elements
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( err )
SMESH_ComputeErrorPtr ce = NETGENPlugin_Mesher::ReadErrors(nodeVec);
if ( ce && ce->HasBadElems() )
return error( ce );
auto time2 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
elapsed = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(time2-time1);
std::cout << "Time for netgen_compute: " << elapsed.count() * 1e-9 << std::endl;
return false;
bool mycomputeFillNewElementFile(
std::vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* > &nodeVec,
NETGENPlugin_NetgenLibWrapper &ngLib,
std::string new_element_file,
int &Netgen_NbOfNodes
Ng_Mesh* Netgen_mesh = ngLib.ngMesh();
int Netgen_NbOfNodesNew = Ng_GetNP(Netgen_mesh);
int Netgen_NbOfTetra = Ng_GetNE(Netgen_mesh);
bool isOK = ( /*status == NG_OK &&*/ Netgen_NbOfTetra > 0 );// get whatever built
if ( isOK && !new_element_file.empty() )
@ -588,50 +580,115 @@ int netgen3dInternal(TopoDS_Shape &aShape, SMESH_Mesh& aMesh, netgen_params& aPa
df.write((char*) &Netgen_tetrahedron, sizeof(int)*4);
auto time3 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
elapsed = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(time3-time2);
std::cout << "Time for write_new_elem: " << elapsed.count() * 1e-9 << std::endl;
return false;
bool mycomputeFillMesh(
std::vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* > &nodeVec,
NETGENPlugin_NetgenLibWrapper &ngLib,
SMESH_MesherHelper &helper,
int &Netgen_NbOfNodes)
Ng_Mesh* Netgen_mesh = ngLib.ngMesh();
int Netgen_NbOfNodesNew = Ng_GetNP(Netgen_mesh);
int Netgen_NbOfTetra = Ng_GetNE(Netgen_mesh);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Feed back the SMESHDS with the generated Nodes and Volume Elements
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Adding new elements in aMesh as well
if ( output_mesh )
double Netgen_point[3];
int Netgen_tetrahedron[4];
// create and insert new nodes into nodeVec
nodeVec.resize( Netgen_NbOfNodesNew + 1, 0 );
int nodeIndex = Netgen_NbOfNodes + 1;
for ( ; nodeIndex <= Netgen_NbOfNodesNew; ++nodeIndex )
double Netgen_point[3];
int Netgen_tetrahedron[4];
Ng_GetPoint( Netgen_mesh, nodeIndex, Netgen_point );
|||| = helper.AddNode(Netgen_point[0],
// create and insert new nodes into nodeVec
nodeVec.resize( Netgen_NbOfNodesNew + 1, 0 );
int nodeIndex = Netgen_NbOfNodes + 1;
for ( ; nodeIndex <= Netgen_NbOfNodesNew; ++nodeIndex )
// create tetrahedrons
for ( int elemIndex = 1; elemIndex <= Netgen_NbOfTetra; ++elemIndex )
Ng_GetVolumeElement(Netgen_mesh, elemIndex, Netgen_tetrahedron);
Ng_GetPoint( Netgen_mesh, nodeIndex, Netgen_point );
|||| = helper.AddNode(Netgen_point[0],
helper.AddVolume ( Netgen_tetrahedron[0] ),
|||| Netgen_tetrahedron[1] ),
|||| Netgen_tetrahedron[2] ),
|||| Netgen_tetrahedron[3] ));
// create tetrahedrons
for ( int elemIndex = 1; elemIndex <= Netgen_NbOfTetra; ++elemIndex )
catch (...)
Ng_GetVolumeElement(Netgen_mesh, elemIndex, Netgen_tetrahedron);
helper.AddVolume ( Netgen_tetrahedron[0] ),
|||| Netgen_tetrahedron[1] ),
|||| Netgen_tetrahedron[2] ),
|||| Netgen_tetrahedron[3] ));
catch (...)
auto time4 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
elapsed = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(time4-time3);
std::cout << "Time for add_element_to_smesh: " << elapsed.count() * 1e-9 << std::endl;
return !err;
return false;
* @brief Compute aShape within aMesh using netgen3d
* @param aShape the shape
* @param aMesh the mesh
* @param aParams the netgen parameters
* @param new_element_file file containing data on the new point/tetra added by netgen
* @param element_orientation_file file containing data on the orientation of each element to add to netgen
* @param output_mesh if true add element created by netgen into aMesh
* @return error code
int netgen3dInternal(TopoDS_Shape &aShape, SMESH_Mesh& aMesh, netgen_params& aParams,
std::string new_element_file, std::string element_orientation_file,
bool output_mesh)
// vector of nodes in which node index == netgen ID
vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* > nodeVec;
NETGENPlugin_NetgenLibWrapper ngLib;
SMESH_MesherHelper helper(aMesh);
int startWith = netgen::MESHCONST_MESHVOLUME;
int endWith = netgen::MESHCONST_OPTVOLUME;
int Netgen_NbOfNodes=0;
bool ret;
std::cout << "mycomputeFillNgMesh" << std::endl;
ret = mycomputeFillNgMesh(aMesh, aShape, nodeVec, ngLib, helper, aParams, element_orientation_file, Netgen_NbOfNodes);
return error( aParams._error, aParams._comment);
std::cout << "mycomputePrepareParam" << std::endl;
netgen::OCCGeometry occgeo;
mycomputePrepareParam(aMesh, ngLib, occgeo, helper, aParams, endWith);
std::cout << "mycomputeRunMesher" << std::endl;
ret = mycomputeRunMesher(occgeo, nodeVec, ngLib._ngMesh, ngLib, startWith, endWith);
return error(aParams._error, aParams._comment);
return true;
std::cout << "mycomputeFillNewElementFile" << std::endl;
mycomputeFillNewElementFile(nodeVec, ngLib, new_element_file, Netgen_NbOfNodes);
std::cout << "mycomputeFillMesh" << std::endl;
mycomputeFillMesh(nodeVec, ngLib, helper, Netgen_NbOfNodes);
std::cout << "Done" << std::endl;
return false;
@ -31,11 +31,20 @@
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include "NETGENPlugin_Defs.hxx"
#include "NETGENPlugin_Mesher.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Algo.hxx"
#include "Utils_SALOME_Exception.hxx"
class TopoDS_Shape;
class SMESH_Mesh;
class SMESH_Comment;
class netgen_params;
class NETGENPlugin_NetgenLibWrapper;
class SMDS_MeshNode;
// Netgen 2d functions
int netgen2dInternal(TopoDS_Shape &aShape,
SMESH_Mesh& aMesh,
netgen_params& aParams,
@ -49,6 +58,44 @@ int netgen2d(const std::string input_mesh_file,
const std::string new_element_file,
const std::string output_mesh_file);
// Netgen 3D functions
bool mycomputeFillNgMesh(
SMESH_Mesh& aMesh,
const TopoDS_Shape& aShape,
std::vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* > &nodeVec,
NETGENPlugin_NetgenLibWrapper &ngLib,
SMESH_MesherHelper &helper,
netgen_params &aParams,
std::string element_orientation_file,
int &Netgen_NbOfNodes);
bool mycomputePrepareParam(
SMESH_Mesh& aMesh,
NETGENPlugin_NetgenLibWrapper &ngLib,
netgen::OCCGeometry &occgeo,
SMESH_MesherHelper &helper,
netgen_params &aParams,
int &endWith);
bool mycomputeRunMesher(
netgen::OCCGeometry &occgeo,
std::vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* > &nodeVec,
netgen::Mesh* ngMesh,
NETGENPlugin_NetgenLibWrapper &ngLib,
int &startWith, int &endWith);
bool mycomputeFillNewElementFile(
std::vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* > &nodeVec,
NETGENPlugin_NetgenLibWrapper &ngLib,
std::string new_element_file,
int &Netgen_NbOfNodes);
bool mycomputeFillMesh(
std::vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* > &nodeVec,
NETGENPlugin_NetgenLibWrapper &ngLib,
SMESH_MesherHelper &helper,
int &Netgen_NbOfNodes);
int netgen3dInternal(TopoDS_Shape &aShape,
SMESH_Mesh& aMesh,
netgen_params& aParams,
@ -72,6 +72,9 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
std::string new_element_file=argv[7];
std::string output_mesh_file=argv[8];
//std::string thing;
//std::cin >> thing;
if (output_mesh_file == "NONE")
output_mesh_file = "";
if (element_orientation_file == "NONE")
Reference in New Issue
Block a user