Cleanup of NETGEN_2D_Only
This commit is contained in:
@ -572,7 +572,7 @@ void NETGENPlugin_Mesher::SetSelfPointer( NETGENPlugin_Mesher ** ptr )
* \brief Initialize given NETGEN parameters with default values
* \brief Initialize global NETGEN parameters with default values
@ -613,72 +613,75 @@ void NETGENPlugin_Mesher::SetDefaultParameters()
* \brief Initialize global NETGEN parameters with default values
* Pass parameters to NETGEN
void NETGENPlugin_Mesher::SetParameters(const NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis* hyp)
netgen::MeshingParameters& mparams = netgen::mparam;
// Initialize global NETGEN parameters:
// maximal mesh segment size
mparams.maxh = hyp->GetMaxSize();
// maximal mesh element linear size
mparams.minh = hyp->GetMinSize();
// minimal number of segments per edge
mparams.segmentsperedge = hyp->GetNbSegPerEdge();
// rate of growth of size between elements
mparams.grading = hyp->GetGrowthRate();
// safety factor for curvatures (elements per radius)
mparams.curvaturesafety = hyp->GetNbSegPerRadius();
// create elements of second order
mparams.secondorder = hyp->GetSecondOrder() ? 1 : 0;
// quad-dominated surface meshing
mparams.quad = hyp->GetQuadAllowed() ? 1 : 0;
_optimize = hyp->GetOptimize();
_fineness = hyp->GetFineness();
mparams.uselocalh = hyp->GetSurfaceCurvature();
netgen::merge_solids = hyp->GetFuseEdges();
_chordalError = hyp->GetChordalErrorEnabled() ? hyp->GetChordalError() : -1.;
mparams.optsteps2d = _optimize ? hyp->GetNbSurfOptSteps() : 0;
mparams.optsteps3d = _optimize ? hyp->GetNbVolOptSteps() : 0;
mparams.elsizeweight = hyp->GetElemSizeWeight();
mparams.opterrpow = hyp->GetWorstElemMeasure();
mparams.delaunay = hyp->GetUseDelauney();
mparams.checkoverlap = hyp->GetCheckOverlapping();
mparams.checkchartboundary = hyp->GetCheckChartBoundary();
_simpleHyp = NULL;
// mesh size file
#ifdef NETGEN_V6
// std::string
mparams.meshsizefilename = hyp->GetMeshSizeFile();
// const char*
mparams.meshsizefilename= hyp->GetMeshSizeFile().empty() ? 0 : hyp->GetMeshSizeFile().c_str();
const NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis::TLocalSize& localSizes = hyp->GetLocalSizesAndEntries();
if ( !localSizes.empty() )
if (hyp)
SMESH_Gen_i* smeshGen_i = SMESH_Gen_i::GetSMESHGen();
NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis::TLocalSize::const_iterator it = localSizes.begin();
for ( ; it != localSizes.end() ; it++)
netgen::MeshingParameters& mparams = netgen::mparam;
// Initialize global NETGEN parameters:
// maximal mesh segment size
mparams.maxh = hyp->GetMaxSize();
// maximal mesh element linear size
mparams.minh = hyp->GetMinSize();
// minimal number of segments per edge
mparams.segmentsperedge = hyp->GetNbSegPerEdge();
// rate of growth of size between elements
mparams.grading = hyp->GetGrowthRate();
// safety factor for curvatures (elements per radius)
mparams.curvaturesafety = hyp->GetNbSegPerRadius();
// create elements of second order
mparams.secondorder = hyp->GetSecondOrder() ? 1 : 0;
// quad-dominated surface meshing
mparams.quad = hyp->GetQuadAllowed() ? 1 : 0;
_optimize = hyp->GetOptimize();
_fineness = hyp->GetFineness();
mparams.uselocalh = hyp->GetSurfaceCurvature();
netgen::merge_solids = hyp->GetFuseEdges();
_chordalError = hyp->GetChordalErrorEnabled() ? hyp->GetChordalError() : -1.;
mparams.optsteps2d = _optimize ? hyp->GetNbSurfOptSteps() : 0;
mparams.optsteps3d = _optimize ? hyp->GetNbVolOptSteps() : 0;
mparams.elsizeweight = hyp->GetElemSizeWeight();
mparams.opterrpow = hyp->GetWorstElemMeasure();
mparams.delaunay = hyp->GetUseDelauney();
mparams.checkoverlap = hyp->GetCheckOverlapping();
mparams.checkchartboundary = hyp->GetCheckChartBoundary();
_simpleHyp = NULL;
// mesh size file
#ifdef NETGEN_V6
// std::string
mparams.meshsizefilename = hyp->GetMeshSizeFile();
// const char*
mparams.meshsizefilename= hyp->GetMeshSizeFile().empty() ? 0 : hyp->GetMeshSizeFile().c_str();
const NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis::TLocalSize& localSizes = hyp->GetLocalSizesAndEntries();
if ( !localSizes.empty() )
std::string entry = (*it).first;
double val = (*it).second;
// --
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var aGeomObj;
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aSObj = SMESH_Gen_i::GetSMESHGen()->getStudyServant()->FindObjectID( entry.c_str() );
if ( !aSObj->_is_nil() ) {
CORBA::Object_var obj = aSObj->GetObject();
aGeomObj = GEOM::GEOM_Object::_narrow(obj);
SMESH_Gen_i* smeshGen_i = SMESH_Gen_i::GetSMESHGen();
NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis::TLocalSize::const_iterator it = localSizes.begin();
for ( ; it != localSizes.end() ; it++)
std::string entry = (*it).first;
double val = (*it).second;
// --
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var aGeomObj;
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aSObj = SMESH_Gen_i::GetSMESHGen()->getStudyServant()->FindObjectID( entry.c_str() );
if ( !aSObj->_is_nil() ) {
CORBA::Object_var obj = aSObj->GetObject();
aGeomObj = GEOM::GEOM_Object::_narrow(obj);
TopoDS_Shape S = smeshGen_i->GeomObjectToShape( );
setLocalSize(S, val);
TopoDS_Shape S = smeshGen_i->GeomObjectToShape( );
setLocalSize(S, val);
#ifdef NETGEN_V6
netgen::mparam.closeedgefac = 2;
@ -4498,7 +4501,7 @@ void NETGENPlugin_NetgenLibWrapper::setMesh( Ng_Mesh* mesh )
int NETGENPlugin_NetgenLibWrapper::GenerateMesh( netgen::OCCGeometry& occgeo,
int startWith, int endWith,
netgen::Mesh* & ngMesh)
netgen::Mesh* & ngMesh )
int err = 0;
if ( !ngMesh )
@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
#include "NETGENPlugin_Mesher.hxx"
#include "NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis_2D.hxx"
#include "NETGENPlugin_DriverParam.hxx"
#include <SMDS_MeshElement.hxx>
#include <SMDS_MeshNode.hxx>
@ -40,9 +39,6 @@
#include <StdMeshers_MaxElementArea.hxx>
#include <StdMeshers_QuadranglePreference.hxx>
#include <StdMeshers_ViscousLayers2D.hxx>
#include "SMESH_DriverShape.hxx"
#include "SMESH_DriverMesh.hxx"
#include <Precision.hxx>
#include <Standard_ErrorHandler.hxx>
@ -54,9 +50,6 @@
#include <vector>
#include <limits>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
namespace fs = boost::filesystem;
Netgen include files
@ -81,7 +74,6 @@ using namespace std;
using namespace netgen;
using namespace nglib;
@ -136,7 +128,6 @@ bool NETGENPlugin_NETGEN_2D_ONLY::CheckHypothesis (SMESH_Mesh& aMesh,
_hypParameters = 0;
_progressByTic = -1;
const list<const SMESHDS_Hypothesis*>& hyps = GetUsedHypothesis(aMesh, aShape, false);
if (hyps.empty())
@ -226,221 +217,6 @@ bool NETGENPlugin_NETGEN_2D_ONLY::CheckHypothesis (SMESH_Mesh& aMesh,
// }
// }
// write in a binary file the orientation for each 2D element of the mesh
void NETGENPlugin_NETGEN_2D_ONLY::exportElementOrientation(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh,
const TopoDS_Shape& aShape,
netgen_params& aParams,
const std::string output_file)
std::map<vtkIdType, bool> elemOrientation;
SMESH_ProxyMesh::Ptr proxyMesh( new SMESH_ProxyMesh( aMesh ));
for ( TopExp_Explorer exEd( aShape, TopAbs_EDGE ); exEd.More(); exEd.Next())
const TopoDS_Shape& aShapeEdge = exEd.Current();
const SMESHDS_SubMesh * aSubMeshDSEdge = proxyMesh->GetSubMesh( aShapeEdge );
if ( !aSubMeshDSEdge ) continue;
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr iteratorElem = aSubMeshDSEdge->GetElements();
while ( iteratorElem->more() ) // loop on elements on a geom face
const SMDS_MeshElement* elem = iteratorElem->next();
elemOrientation[elem->GetID()] = aShapeEdge.Orientation() == TopAbs_INTERNAL;
std::ofstream df(output_file, ios::out|ios::binary);
int size=elemOrientation.size();
df.write((char*)&size, sizeof(int));
for(auto const& [id, orient]:elemOrientation){
df.write((char*)&id, sizeof(vtkIdType));
df.write((char*)&orient, sizeof(bool));
void NETGENPlugin_NETGEN_2D_ONLY::FillParameters(const NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis* hyp, netgen_params &aParams)
//TODO: factorize code with the one from NETGEN3D
// Move in netgen_param ?
aParams.maxh = hyp->GetMaxSize();
aParams.minh = hyp->GetMinSize();
aParams.segmentsperedge = hyp->GetNbSegPerEdge();
aParams.grading = hyp->GetGrowthRate();
aParams.curvaturesafety = hyp->GetNbSegPerRadius();
aParams.secondorder = hyp->GetSecondOrder() ? 1 : 0;
aParams.quad = hyp->GetQuadAllowed() ? 1 : 0;
aParams.optimize = hyp->GetOptimize();
aParams.fineness = hyp->GetFineness();
aParams.uselocalh = hyp->GetSurfaceCurvature();
aParams.merge_solids = hyp->GetFuseEdges();
aParams.chordalError = hyp->GetChordalErrorEnabled() ? hyp->GetChordalError() : -1.;
aParams.optsteps2d = aParams.optimize ? hyp->GetNbSurfOptSteps() : 0;
aParams.optsteps3d = aParams.optimize ? hyp->GetNbVolOptSteps() : 0;
aParams.elsizeweight = hyp->GetElemSizeWeight();
aParams.opterrpow = hyp->GetWorstElemMeasure();
aParams.delaunay = hyp->GetUseDelauney();
aParams.checkoverlap = hyp->GetCheckOverlapping();
aParams.checkchartboundary = hyp->GetCheckChartBoundary();
#ifdef NETGEN_V6
// std::string
aParams.meshsizefilename = hyp->GetMeshSizeFile();
// const char*
aParams.meshsizefilename = hyp->GetMeshSizeFile().empty() ? 0 : hyp->GetMeshSizeFile().c_str();
#ifdef NETGEN_V6
aParams.closeedgefac = 2;
aParams.closeedgefac = 0;
aParams.has_LengthFromEdges_hyp = _hypLengthFromEdges;
*Here we are going to use the NETGEN mesher remotely
bool NETGENPlugin_NETGEN_2D_ONLY::RemoteCompute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh,
const TopoDS_Shape& aShape)
SMESH_Hypothesis::Hypothesis_Status hypStatus;
CheckHypothesis(aMesh, aShape, hypStatus);
// Temporary folder for run
fs::path tmp_folder = aMesh.tmp_folder / fs::unique_path(fs::path("Face-%%%%-%%%%"));
// Using MESH2D generated after all triangles where created.
fs::path mesh_file=aMesh.tmp_folder / fs::path("");
fs::path element_orientation_file=tmp_folder / fs::path("element_orientation.dat");
fs::path new_element_file=tmp_folder / fs::path("new_elements.dat");
fs::path tmp_mesh_file=tmp_folder / fs::path("");
// TODO: Remove that file we do not use it
fs::path output_mesh_file=tmp_folder / fs::path("");
fs::path shape_file=tmp_folder / fs::path("shape.step");
fs::path param_file=tmp_folder / fs::path("netgen2d_param.txt");
fs::path log_file=tmp_folder / fs::path("run.log");
//Writing Shape
exportShape(shape_file.string(), aShape);
//Writing hypo
netgen_params aParams;
FillParameters(_hypParameters, aParams);
exportNetgenParams(param_file.string(), aParams);
// Exporting element orientation
exportElementOrientation(aMesh, aShape, aParams, element_orientation_file.string());
// Calling run_mesher
// TODO: check if we need to handle the .exe for windows
std::string cmd;
fs::path run_mesher_exe =
cmd = run_mesher_exe.string() +
" NETGEN2D " + mesh_file.string() + " "
+ shape_file.string() + " "
+ param_file.string() + " "
+ element_orientation_file.string() + " "
+ new_element_file.string() + " "
+ std::to_string(0) + " "
+ output_mesh_file.string() +
" >> " + log_file.string();
MESSAGE("Running command: ");
// Writing command in log
std::ofstream flog(log_file.string());
flog << cmd << endl;
// TODO: Replace system by something else to handle redirection for windows
int ret = system(cmd.c_str());
// TODO: better error handling (display log ?)
if(ret != 0){
// Run crahed
//throw Exception("Meshing failed");
std::cerr << "Issue with command: " << std::endl;
std::cerr << cmd << std::endl;
return false;
std::ifstream df(new_element_file.string(), ios::binary);
int Netgen_NbOfNodes;
int Netgen_NbOfNodesNew;
int Netgen_NbOfTria;
double Netgen_point[3];
int Netgen_triangle[3];
int nodeID;
SMESH_MesherHelper helper(aMesh);
// This function is necessary so that SetElementOnShape works
int _quadraticMesh = helper.IsQuadraticSubMesh(aShape);
helper.SetElementsOnShape( true );
// Number of nodes in intial mesh
||||*) &Netgen_NbOfNodes, sizeof(int));
// Number of nodes added by netgen
||||*) &Netgen_NbOfNodesNew, sizeof(int));
// Filling nodevec (correspondence netgen numbering mesh numbering)
vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* > nodeVec ( Netgen_NbOfNodesNew + 1 );
for (int nodeIndex = 1 ; nodeIndex <= Netgen_NbOfNodes; ++nodeIndex )
//Id of the point
||||*) &nodeID, sizeof(int));
|||| = nullptr;
SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr iteratorNode = aMesh.GetMeshDS()->nodesIterator();
const SMDS_MeshNode* node = iteratorNode->next();
if(node->GetID() == nodeID){
|||| = node;
if( == nullptr){
std::cerr << "Error could not identify id";
return true;
// Add new points and update nodeVec
for (int nodeIndex = Netgen_NbOfNodes +1 ; nodeIndex <= Netgen_NbOfNodesNew; ++nodeIndex )
|||| *) &Netgen_point, sizeof(double)*3);
|||| = helper.AddNode(Netgen_point[0],
// Add tetrahedrons
||||*) &Netgen_NbOfTria, sizeof(int));
for ( int elemIndex = 1; elemIndex <= Netgen_NbOfTria; ++elemIndex )
||||*) &Netgen_triangle, sizeof(int)*3);
helper.AddFace ( Netgen_triangle[0] ),
|||| Netgen_triangle[1] ),
|||| Netgen_triangle[2] ));
return true;
*Here we are going to use the NETGEN mesher
@ -450,12 +226,8 @@ bool NETGENPlugin_NETGEN_2D_ONLY::RemoteCompute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh,
bool NETGENPlugin_NETGEN_2D_ONLY::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh,
const TopoDS_Shape& aShape)
return RemoteCompute(aMesh, aShape);
netgen::multithread.terminate = 0;
netgen::multithread.task = "Surface meshing";
//netgen::multithread.task = "Surface meshing";
SMESHDS_Mesh* meshDS = aMesh.GetMeshDS();
SMESH_MesherHelper helper(aMesh);
@ -480,6 +252,7 @@ bool NETGENPlugin_NETGEN_2D_ONLY::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh,
// else
// min = aMesher.GetDefaultMinSize()
// max = max segment len of a FACE
NETGENPlugin_Mesher aMesher( &aMesh, aShape, /*isVolume=*/false);
aMesher.SetParameters( _hypParameters ); // _hypParameters -> netgen::mparam
const bool toOptimize = _hypParameters ? _hypParameters->GetOptimize() : true;
@ -493,8 +266,6 @@ bool NETGENPlugin_NETGEN_2D_ONLY::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh,
// local size is common for all FACEs in aShape?
const bool isCommonLocalSize = ( !_hypLengthFromEdges && !_hypMaxElementArea && netgen::mparam.uselocalh );
const bool isDefaultHyp = ( !_hypLengthFromEdges && !_hypMaxElementArea && !_hypParameters );
if ( isCommonLocalSize ) // compute common local size in ngMeshes[0]
@ -522,9 +293,7 @@ bool NETGENPlugin_NETGEN_2D_ONLY::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh,
netgen::OCCParameters occparam;
netgen::OCCSetLocalMeshSize( occgeoComm, *ngMeshes[0], netgen::mparam, occparam );
netgen::OCCSetLocalMeshSize( occgeoComm, *ngMeshes[0] );
@ -555,12 +324,13 @@ bool NETGENPlugin_NETGEN_2D_ONLY::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh,
aMesher.SetLocalSize( occgeoComm, *ngMeshes[0] );
aMesher.SetLocalSizeForChordalError( occgeoComm, *ngMeshes[0] );
try {
ngMeshes[0]->LoadLocalMeshSize( netgen::mparam.meshsizefilename );
ngMeshes[0]->LoadLocalMeshSize( mparam.meshsizefilename );
} catch (NgException & ex) {
return error( COMPERR_BAD_PARMETERS, ex.What() );
netgen::mparam.uselocalh = toOptimize; // restore as it is used at surface optimization
// ==================
// Loop on all FACEs
// ==================
@ -688,15 +458,15 @@ bool NETGENPlugin_NETGEN_2D_ONLY::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh,
if ( iLoop == NO_LOC_SIZE )
ngMesh->SetGlobalH ( netgen::mparam.maxh );
ngMesh->SetMinimalH( netgen::mparam.minh );
ngMesh->SetGlobalH ( mparam.maxh );
ngMesh->SetMinimalH( mparam.minh );
Box<3> bb = occgeom.GetBoundingBox();
bb.Increase (bb.Diam()/10);
ngMesh->SetLocalH (bb.PMin(), bb.PMax(), netgen::mparam.grading);
ngMesh->SetLocalH (bb.PMin(), bb.PMax(), mparam.grading);
aMesher.SetLocalSize( occgeom, *ngMesh );
aMesher.SetLocalSizeForChordalError( occgeoComm, *ngMesh );
try {
ngMesh->LoadLocalMeshSize( netgen::mparam.meshsizefilename );
ngMesh->LoadLocalMeshSize( mparam.meshsizefilename );
} catch (NgException & ex) {
return error( COMPERR_BAD_PARMETERS, ex.What() );
@ -709,7 +479,7 @@ bool NETGENPlugin_NETGEN_2D_ONLY::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh,
//if ( !isCommonLocalSize )
//limitSize( ngMesh, netgen::mparam.maxh * 0.8);
//limitSize( ngMesh, mparam.maxh * 0.8);
// -------------------------
// Generate surface mesh
@ -721,7 +491,9 @@ bool NETGENPlugin_NETGEN_2D_ONLY::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh,
SMESH_Comment str;
try {
err = ngLib.GenerateMesh(occgeom, startWith, endWith, ngMesh);
if ( netgen::multithread.terminate )
return false;
if ( err )
@ -760,10 +532,10 @@ bool NETGENPlugin_NETGEN_2D_ONLY::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh,
double segLen = p.Distance( uvPtVec[ iP-1 ].node );
double size = ngMesh->GetH( np );
netgen::mparam.minh = Min( netgen::mparam.minh, size );
netgen:: mparam.maxh = Max( netgen::mparam.maxh, segLen );
netgen::mparam.maxh = Max( netgen::mparam.maxh, segLen );
//cerr << "min " << mparam.minh << " max " << mparam.maxh << endl;
//cerr << "min " << netgen::mparam.minh << " max " << netgen::mparam.maxh << endl;
netgen::mparam.minh *= 0.9;
netgen::mparam.maxh *= 1.1;
@ -774,6 +546,7 @@ bool NETGENPlugin_NETGEN_2D_ONLY::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh,
// ----------------------------------------------------
// Fill the SMESHDS with the generated nodes and faces
// ----------------------------------------------------
@ -30,8 +30,6 @@
class StdMeshers_MaxElementArea;
class StdMeshers_LengthFromEdges;
class NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis_2D;
class NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis;
class netgen_params;
* \brief Mesher generating 2D elements on a geometrical face taking
@ -51,16 +49,6 @@ public:
const TopoDS_Shape& aShape,
Hypothesis_Status& aStatus);
void exportElementOrientation(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh,
const TopoDS_Shape& aShape,
netgen_params& aParams,
const std::string output_file);
void FillParameters(const NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis* hyp,
netgen_params &aParams);
virtual bool RemoteCompute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh,
const TopoDS_Shape& aShape);
virtual bool Compute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh,
const TopoDS_Shape& aShape);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user