IPAL0054631: NETGEN-1D2D3D fails on two adjacent boxes with Viscous Layers
Bug reported in https://www.salome-platform.org/forum/forum_14/64297494#556145973
This commit is contained in:
@ -140,255 +140,37 @@ std::map<int,double> SolidId2LocalSize;
std::vector<SMESHUtils::ControlPnt> ControlPoints;
std::set<int> ShapesWithControlPoints; // <-- allows calling SetLocalSize() several times w/o recomputing ControlPoints
NETGENPlugin_Mesher::NETGENPlugin_Mesher (SMESH_Mesh* mesh,
const TopoDS_Shape& aShape,
const bool isVolume)
: _mesh (mesh),
_shape (aShape),
_chordalError(-1), // means disabled
* Destructor
if ( _ptrToMe )
*_ptrToMe = NULL;
_ptrToMe = 0;
_ngMesh = NULL;
* Set pointer to NETGENPlugin_Mesher* field of the holder, that will be
* nullified at destruction of this
void NETGENPlugin_Mesher::SetSelfPointer( NETGENPlugin_Mesher ** ptr )
if ( _ptrToMe )
*_ptrToMe = NULL;
_ptrToMe = ptr;
if ( _ptrToMe )
*_ptrToMe = this;
* \brief Initialize global NETGEN parameters with default values
void NETGENPlugin_Mesher::SetDefaultParameters()
netgen::MeshingParameters& mparams = netgen::mparam;
mparams = netgen::MeshingParameters();
// maximal mesh edge size
mparams.maxh = 0;//NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultMaxSize();
mparams.minh = 0;
// minimal number of segments per edge
mparams.segmentsperedge = NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultNbSegPerEdge();
// rate of growth of size between elements
mparams.grading = NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultGrowthRate();
// safety factor for curvatures (elements per radius)
mparams.curvaturesafety = NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultNbSegPerRadius();
// create elements of second order
mparams.secondorder = NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultSecondOrder();
// quad-dominated surface meshing
if (_isVolume)
mparams.quad = 0;
mparams.quad = NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis_2D::GetDefaultQuadAllowed();
_fineness = NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultFineness();
mparams.uselocalh = NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultSurfaceCurvature();
netgen::merge_solids = NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultFuseEdges();
void SetLocalSize(TopoDS_Shape GeomShape, double LocalSize)
if ( GeomShape.IsNull() ) return;
TopAbs_ShapeEnum GeomType = GeomShape.ShapeType();
if (GeomType == TopAbs_COMPOUND) {
for (TopoDS_Iterator it (GeomShape); it.More(); it.Next()) {
SetLocalSize(it.Value(), LocalSize);
int key;
if (! ShapesWithLocalSize.Contains(GeomShape))
key = ShapesWithLocalSize.Add(GeomShape);
key = ShapesWithLocalSize.FindIndex(GeomShape);
if (GeomType == TopAbs_VERTEX) {
VertexId2LocalSize[key] = LocalSize;
} else if (GeomType == TopAbs_EDGE) {
EdgeId2LocalSize[key] = LocalSize;
} else if (GeomType == TopAbs_FACE) {
FaceId2LocalSize[key] = LocalSize;
} else if (GeomType == TopAbs_SOLID) {
SolidId2LocalSize[key] = LocalSize;
* Pass parameters to NETGEN
void NETGENPlugin_Mesher::SetParameters(const NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis* hyp)
if (hyp)
netgen::MeshingParameters& mparams = netgen::mparam;
// Initialize global NETGEN parameters:
// maximal mesh segment size
mparams.maxh = hyp->GetMaxSize();
// maximal mesh element linear size
mparams.minh = hyp->GetMinSize();
// minimal number of segments per edge
mparams.segmentsperedge = hyp->GetNbSegPerEdge();
// rate of growth of size between elements
mparams.grading = hyp->GetGrowthRate();
// safety factor for curvatures (elements per radius)
mparams.curvaturesafety = hyp->GetNbSegPerRadius();
// create elements of second order
mparams.secondorder = hyp->GetSecondOrder() ? 1 : 0;
// quad-dominated surface meshing
mparams.quad = hyp->GetQuadAllowed() ? 1 : 0;
_optimize = hyp->GetOptimize();
_fineness = hyp->GetFineness();
mparams.uselocalh = hyp->GetSurfaceCurvature();
netgen::merge_solids = hyp->GetFuseEdges();
_chordalError = hyp->GetChordalErrorEnabled() ? hyp->GetChordalError() : -1.;
mparams.optsteps2d = _optimize ? hyp->GetNbSurfOptSteps() : 0;
mparams.optsteps3d = _optimize ? hyp->GetNbVolOptSteps() : 0;
mparams.elsizeweight = hyp->GetElemSizeWeight();
mparams.opterrpow = hyp->GetWorstElemMeasure();
mparams.delaunay = hyp->GetUseDelauney();
mparams.checkoverlap = hyp->GetCheckOverlapping();
mparams.checkchartboundary = hyp->GetCheckChartBoundary();
_simpleHyp = NULL;
// mesh size file
mparams.meshsizefilename= hyp->GetMeshSizeFile().empty() ? 0 : hyp->GetMeshSizeFile().c_str();
const NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis::TLocalSize& localSizes = hyp->GetLocalSizesAndEntries();
if ( !localSizes.empty() )
SMESH_Gen_i* smeshGen_i = SMESH_Gen_i::GetSMESHGen();
NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis::TLocalSize::const_iterator it = localSizes.begin();
for ( ; it != localSizes.end() ; it++)
std::string entry = (*it).first;
double val = (*it).second;
// --
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var aGeomObj;
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aSObj = SMESH_Gen_i::getStudyServant()->FindObjectID( entry.c_str() );
if ( !aSObj->_is_nil() ) {
CORBA::Object_var obj = aSObj->GetObject();
aGeomObj = GEOM::GEOM_Object::_narrow(obj);
TopoDS_Shape S = smeshGen_i->GeomObjectToShape( aGeomObj.in() );
::SetLocalSize(S, val);
* Pass simple parameters to NETGEN
void NETGENPlugin_Mesher::SetParameters(const NETGENPlugin_SimpleHypothesis_2D* hyp)
_simpleHyp = hyp;
if ( _simpleHyp )
* \brief Store a Viscous Layers hypothesis
void NETGENPlugin_Mesher::SetParameters(const StdMeshers_ViscousLayers* hyp )
_viscousLayersHyp = hyp;
* Link - a pair of integer numbers
struct Link
int n1, n2;
Link(int _n1, int _n2) : n1(_n1), n2(_n2) {}
Link() : n1(0), n2(0) {}
bool Contains( int n ) const { return n == n1 || n == n2; }
bool IsConnected( const Link& other ) const
return (( Contains( other.n1 ) || Contains( other.n2 )) && ( this != &other ));
int HashCode(const Link& aLink, int aLimit)
return HashCode(aLink.n1 + aLink.n2, aLimit);
Standard_Boolean IsEqual(const Link& aLink1, const Link& aLink2)
return (( aLink1.n1 == aLink2.n1 && aLink1.n2 == aLink2.n2 ) ||
( aLink1.n1 == aLink2.n2 && aLink1.n2 == aLink2.n1 ));
* Link - a pair of integer numbers
struct Link
int n1, n2;
Link(int _n1, int _n2) : n1(_n1), n2(_n2) {}
Link() : n1(0), n2(0) {}
bool Contains( int n ) const { return n == n1 || n == n2; }
bool IsConnected( const Link& other ) const
return (( Contains( other.n1 ) || Contains( other.n2 )) && ( this != &other ));
static int HashCode(const Link& aLink, int aLimit)
return ::HashCode(aLink.n1 + aLink.n2, aLimit);
static Standard_Boolean IsEqual(const Link& aLink1, const Link& aLink2)
return (( aLink1.n1 == aLink2.n1 && aLink1.n2 == aLink2.n2 ) ||
( aLink1.n1 == aLink2.n2 && aLink1.n2 == aLink2.n1 ));
typedef NCollection_Map<Link,Link> TLinkMap;
* \brief return id of netgen point corresponding to SMDS node
@ -653,8 +435,265 @@ namespace
return Sqrt( 3 ) * Sqrt( chordalError * ( 2 * radius - chordalError ));
void setLocalSize(const TopoDS_Shape& GeomShape, double LocalSize)
if ( GeomShape.IsNull() ) return;
TopAbs_ShapeEnum GeomType = GeomShape.ShapeType();
if (GeomType == TopAbs_COMPOUND) {
for (TopoDS_Iterator it (GeomShape); it.More(); it.Next()) {
setLocalSize(it.Value(), LocalSize);
int key;
if (! ShapesWithLocalSize.Contains(GeomShape))
key = ShapesWithLocalSize.Add(GeomShape);
key = ShapesWithLocalSize.FindIndex(GeomShape);
if (GeomType == TopAbs_VERTEX) {
VertexId2LocalSize[key] = LocalSize;
} else if (GeomType == TopAbs_EDGE) {
EdgeId2LocalSize[key] = LocalSize;
} else if (GeomType == TopAbs_FACE) {
FaceId2LocalSize[key] = LocalSize;
} else if (GeomType == TopAbs_SOLID) {
SolidId2LocalSize[key] = LocalSize;
* \brief Return faceNgID or faceNgID-1 depending on side the given proxy face lies
* \param [in] f - proxy face
* \param [in] solidSMDSIDs - IDs of SOLIDs sharing the FACE on which face lies
* \param [in] faceNgID - NETGEN ID of the FACE
* \return int - NETGEN ID of the FACE
int getFaceNgID( const SMDS_MeshElement* face,
const int * solidSMDSIDs,
const int faceNgID )
for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
const SMDS_MeshNode* n = face->GetNode( i );
const int shapeID = n->GetShapeID();
if ( shapeID == solidSMDSIDs[0] )
return faceNgID - 1;
if ( shapeID == solidSMDSIDs[1] )
return faceNgID;
std::vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*> fNodes( face->begin_nodes(), face->end_nodes() );
std::vector<const SMDS_MeshElement*> vols;
if ( SMDS_Mesh::GetElementsByNodes( fNodes, vols, SMDSAbs_Volume ))
for ( size_t i = 0; i < vols.size(); ++i )
const int shapeID = vols[i]->GetShapeID();
if ( shapeID == solidSMDSIDs[0] )
return faceNgID - 1;
if ( shapeID == solidSMDSIDs[1] )
return faceNgID;
return faceNgID;
} // namespace
NETGENPlugin_Mesher::NETGENPlugin_Mesher (SMESH_Mesh* mesh,
const TopoDS_Shape& aShape,
const bool isVolume)
: _mesh (mesh),
_shape (aShape),
_chordalError(-1), // means disabled
* Destructor
if ( _ptrToMe )
*_ptrToMe = NULL;
_ptrToMe = 0;
_ngMesh = NULL;
* Set pointer to NETGENPlugin_Mesher* field of the holder, that will be
* nullified at destruction of this
void NETGENPlugin_Mesher::SetSelfPointer( NETGENPlugin_Mesher ** ptr )
if ( _ptrToMe )
*_ptrToMe = NULL;
_ptrToMe = ptr;
if ( _ptrToMe )
*_ptrToMe = this;
* \brief Initialize global NETGEN parameters with default values
void NETGENPlugin_Mesher::SetDefaultParameters()
netgen::MeshingParameters& mparams = netgen::mparam;
mparams = netgen::MeshingParameters();
// maximal mesh edge size
mparams.maxh = 0;//NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultMaxSize();
mparams.minh = 0;
// minimal number of segments per edge
mparams.segmentsperedge = NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultNbSegPerEdge();
// rate of growth of size between elements
mparams.grading = NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultGrowthRate();
// safety factor for curvatures (elements per radius)
mparams.curvaturesafety = NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultNbSegPerRadius();
// create elements of second order
mparams.secondorder = NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultSecondOrder();
// quad-dominated surface meshing
if (_isVolume)
mparams.quad = 0;
mparams.quad = NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis_2D::GetDefaultQuadAllowed();
_fineness = NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultFineness();
mparams.uselocalh = NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultSurfaceCurvature();
netgen::merge_solids = NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultFuseEdges();
* Pass parameters to NETGEN
void NETGENPlugin_Mesher::SetParameters(const NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis* hyp)
if (hyp)
netgen::MeshingParameters& mparams = netgen::mparam;
// Initialize global NETGEN parameters:
// maximal mesh segment size
mparams.maxh = hyp->GetMaxSize();
// maximal mesh element linear size
mparams.minh = hyp->GetMinSize();
// minimal number of segments per edge
mparams.segmentsperedge = hyp->GetNbSegPerEdge();
// rate of growth of size between elements
mparams.grading = hyp->GetGrowthRate();
// safety factor for curvatures (elements per radius)
mparams.curvaturesafety = hyp->GetNbSegPerRadius();
// create elements of second order
mparams.secondorder = hyp->GetSecondOrder() ? 1 : 0;
// quad-dominated surface meshing
mparams.quad = hyp->GetQuadAllowed() ? 1 : 0;
_optimize = hyp->GetOptimize();
_fineness = hyp->GetFineness();
mparams.uselocalh = hyp->GetSurfaceCurvature();
netgen::merge_solids = hyp->GetFuseEdges();
_chordalError = hyp->GetChordalErrorEnabled() ? hyp->GetChordalError() : -1.;
mparams.optsteps2d = _optimize ? hyp->GetNbSurfOptSteps() : 0;
mparams.optsteps3d = _optimize ? hyp->GetNbVolOptSteps() : 0;
mparams.elsizeweight = hyp->GetElemSizeWeight();
mparams.opterrpow = hyp->GetWorstElemMeasure();
mparams.delaunay = hyp->GetUseDelauney();
mparams.checkoverlap = hyp->GetCheckOverlapping();
mparams.checkchartboundary = hyp->GetCheckChartBoundary();
_simpleHyp = NULL;
// mesh size file
mparams.meshsizefilename= hyp->GetMeshSizeFile().empty() ? 0 : hyp->GetMeshSizeFile().c_str();
const NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis::TLocalSize& localSizes = hyp->GetLocalSizesAndEntries();
if ( !localSizes.empty() )
SMESH_Gen_i* smeshGen_i = SMESH_Gen_i::GetSMESHGen();
NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis::TLocalSize::const_iterator it = localSizes.begin();
for ( ; it != localSizes.end() ; it++)
std::string entry = (*it).first;
double val = (*it).second;
// --
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var aGeomObj;
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aSObj = SMESH_Gen_i::getStudyServant()->FindObjectID( entry.c_str() );
if ( !aSObj->_is_nil() ) {
CORBA::Object_var obj = aSObj->GetObject();
aGeomObj = GEOM::GEOM_Object::_narrow(obj);
TopoDS_Shape S = smeshGen_i->GeomObjectToShape( aGeomObj.in() );
setLocalSize(S, val);
* Pass simple parameters to NETGEN
void NETGENPlugin_Mesher::SetParameters(const NETGENPlugin_SimpleHypothesis_2D* hyp)
_simpleHyp = hyp;
if ( _simpleHyp )
* \brief Store a Viscous Layers hypothesis
void NETGENPlugin_Mesher::SetParameters(const StdMeshers_ViscousLayers* hyp )
_viscousLayersHyp = hyp;
* \brief Set local size on shapes defined by SetParameters()
@ -1051,6 +1090,7 @@ bool NETGENPlugin_Mesher::FillNgMesh(netgen::OCCGeometry& occgeom,
set< SMESH_subMesh* > computedSM( meshedSM.begin(), meshedSM.end() );
SMESH_MesherHelper helper (*_mesh);
SMESHDS_Mesh* meshDS = _mesh->GetMeshDS();
int faceNgID = ngMesh.GetNFD();
@ -1080,7 +1120,7 @@ bool NETGENPlugin_Mesher::FillNgMesh(netgen::OCCGeometry& occgeom,
if ( faceNgID < 1 )
continue; // meshed face
int faceSMDSId = helper.GetMeshDS()->ShapeToIndex( *anc );
int faceSMDSId = meshDS->ShapeToIndex( *anc );
if ( visitedEdgeSM2Faces[ sm ].count( faceSMDSId ))
continue; // already treated EDGE
@ -1134,7 +1174,7 @@ bool NETGENPlugin_Mesher::FillNgMesh(netgen::OCCGeometry& occgeom,
if ( p1.node->GetPosition()->GetTypeOfPosition() == SMDS_TOP_VERTEX ) //an EDGE begins
isSeam = false;
if ( helper.IsRealSeam( p1.node->getshapeId() ))
if ( helper.IsRealSeam( p1.node->GetShapeID() ))
TopoDS_Edge e = fSide.Edge( fSide.EdgeIndex( 0.5 * ( p1.normParam + p2.normParam )));
isSeam = helper.IsRealSeam( e );
@ -1169,7 +1209,7 @@ bool NETGENPlugin_Mesher::FillNgMesh(netgen::OCCGeometry& occgeom,
RestrictLocalSize( ngMesh, 0.5*(np1+np2), (np1-np2).Modulus() );
cout << "Segment: " << seg.edgenr << " on SMESH face " << helper.GetMeshDS()->ShapeToIndex( face ) << endl
cout << "Segment: " << seg.edgenr << " on SMESH face " << meshDS->ShapeToIndex( face ) << endl
<< "\tface index: " << seg.si << endl
<< "\tp1: " << seg[0] << endl
<< "\tp2: " << seg[1] << endl
@ -1236,7 +1276,8 @@ bool NETGENPlugin_Mesher::FillNgMesh(netgen::OCCGeometry& occgeom,
bool isInternalFace = ( geomFace.Orientation() == TopAbs_INTERNAL );
// Find solids the geomFace bounds
int solidID1 = 0, solidID2 = 0;
int solidID1 = 0, solidID2 = 0; // ng IDs
int solidSMDSIDs[2] = { 0,0 }; // smds IDs
PShapeIteratorPtr solidIt = helper.GetAncestors( geomFace, *sm->GetFather(), TopAbs_SOLID);
while ( const TopoDS_Shape * solid = solidIt->next() )
@ -1244,6 +1285,7 @@ bool NETGENPlugin_Mesher::FillNgMesh(netgen::OCCGeometry& occgeom,
int id = occgeom.somap.FindIndex ( *solid );
if ( solidID1 && id != solidID1 ) solidID2 = id;
else solidID1 = id;
if ( id ) solidSMDSIDs[ bool( solidSMDSIDs[0] )] = meshDS->ShapeToIndex( *solid );
if ( proxyMesh && proxyMesh->GetProxySubMesh( geomFace ))
@ -1259,12 +1301,16 @@ bool NETGENPlugin_Mesher::FillNgMesh(netgen::OCCGeometry& occgeom,
if ( proxyMesh->IsTemporary( f ))
hasTmp = true;
if ( solidSMDSIDs[1] && proxyMesh->HasPrismsOnTwoSides( meshDS->MeshElements( geomFace )))
solidSMDSIDs[1] = 0;
std::vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*> fNodes( f->begin_nodes(), f->end_nodes() );
std::vector<const SMDS_MeshElement*> vols;
if ( _mesh->GetMeshDS()->GetElementsByNodes( fNodes, vols, SMDSAbs_Volume ) == 1 )
if ( meshDS->GetElementsByNodes( fNodes, vols, SMDSAbs_Volume ) == 1 )
int geomID = vols[0]->getshapeId();
const TopoDS_Shape& solid = helper.GetMeshDS()->IndexToShape( geomID );
int geomID = vols[0]->GetShapeID();
const TopoDS_Shape& solid = meshDS->IndexToShape( geomID );
if ( !solid.IsNull() )
solidID1 = occgeom.somap.FindIndex ( solid );
solidID2 = 0;
@ -1272,7 +1318,6 @@ bool NETGENPlugin_Mesher::FillNgMesh(netgen::OCCGeometry& occgeom,
// exclude faces generated by NETGEN from computation of 3D mesh
const int fID = occgeom.fmap.FindIndex( geomFace );
if ( !hasTmp ) // shrunk mesh
@ -1309,6 +1354,7 @@ bool NETGENPlugin_Mesher::FillNgMesh(netgen::OCCGeometry& occgeom,
// exclude faces generated by NETGEN from computation of 3D mesh
//if ( hasTmp )
@ -1320,11 +1366,26 @@ bool NETGENPlugin_Mesher::FillNgMesh(netgen::OCCGeometry& occgeom,
const_cast< netgen::Element2d& >( elem ).SetIndex( faceNgID );
} // if proxy
solidSMDSIDs[1] = 0;
const bool hasVLOn2Sides = ( solidSMDSIDs[1] > 0 );
// Add ng face descriptors of meshed faces
ngMesh.AddFaceDescriptor( netgen::FaceDescriptor( faceNgID, solidID1, solidID2, 0 ));
if ( hasVLOn2Sides )
// viscous layers are on two sides of the FACE
ngMesh.AddFaceDescriptor( netgen::FaceDescriptor( faceNgID, solidID1, 0, 0 ));
ngMesh.AddFaceDescriptor( netgen::FaceDescriptor( faceNgID, 0, solidID2, 0 ));
ngMesh.AddFaceDescriptor( netgen::FaceDescriptor( faceNgID, solidID1, solidID2, 0 ));
// if second oreder is required, even already meshed faces must be passed to NETGEN
int fID = occgeom.fmap.Add( geomFace );
if ( occgeom.facemeshstatus.Size() < fID ) occgeom.facemeshstatus.SetSize( fID );
@ -1360,7 +1421,7 @@ bool NETGENPlugin_Mesher::FillNgMesh(netgen::OCCGeometry& occgeom,
SMESH_TNodeXYZ xyz[3];
cout << "SMESH face " << helper.GetMeshDS()->ShapeToIndex( geomFace )
cout << "SMESH face " << meshDS->ShapeToIndex( geomFace )
<< " internal="<<isInternalFace << endl;
@ -1374,23 +1435,25 @@ bool NETGENPlugin_Mesher::FillNgMesh(netgen::OCCGeometry& occgeom,
if ( const TopoDS_Shape * solid = solidIt->next() )
sm = _mesh->GetSubMesh( *solid );
SMESH_BadInputElements* badElems =
new SMESH_BadInputElements( helper.GetMeshDS(), COMPERR_BAD_INPUT_MESH,
"Not triangle sub-mesh");
new SMESH_BadInputElements( meshDS, COMPERR_BAD_INPUT_MESH, "Not triangle sub-mesh");
badElems->add( f );
sm->GetComputeError().reset( badElems );
return false;
if ( hasVLOn2Sides )
tri.SetIndex( getFaceNgID( f, solidSMDSIDs, faceNgID ));
for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
const SMDS_MeshNode* node = f->GetNode( i ), * inFaceNode=0;
xyz[i].Set( node );
// get node UV on face
int shapeID = node->getshapeId();
int shapeID = node->GetShapeID();
if ( helper.IsSeamShape( shapeID ))
if ( helper.IsSeamShape( f->GetNodeWrap( i+1 )->getshapeId() ))
if ( helper.IsSeamShape( f->GetNodeWrap( i+1 )->GetShapeID() ))
inFaceNode = f->GetNodeWrap( i-1 );
inFaceNode = f->GetNodeWrap( i+1 );
@ -1423,7 +1486,7 @@ bool NETGENPlugin_Mesher::FillNgMesh(netgen::OCCGeometry& occgeom,
cout << tri << endl;
} // loop on sub-mesh faces
if ( quadHelper ) // remember medium nodes of sub-meshes
@ -1540,7 +1603,7 @@ bool NETGENPlugin_Mesher::FixFaceMesh(const netgen::OCCGeometry& occgeom,
//const TopoDS_Face& face = TopoDS::Face( occgeom.fmap( faceID ));
// find free links on the FACE
NCollection_Map<Link> linkMap;
TLinkMap linkMap;
for ( int iF = 1; iF <= ngMesh.GetNSE(); ++iF )
const netgen::Element2d& elem = ngMesh.SurfaceElement(iF);
@ -1576,17 +1639,17 @@ bool NETGENPlugin_Mesher::FixFaceMesh(const netgen::OCCGeometry& occgeom,
netgen::Element2d tri(3);
tri.SetIndex ( faceID );
NCollection_Map<Link>::Iterator linkIt( linkMap );
TLinkMap::Iterator linkIt( linkMap );
Link link1 = linkIt.Value();
// look for a link connected to link1
NCollection_Map<Link>::Iterator linkIt2 = linkIt;
TLinkMap::Iterator linkIt2 = linkIt;
for ( linkIt2.Next(); linkIt2.More(); linkIt2.Next() )
const Link& link2 = linkIt2.Value();
if ( link2.IsConnected( link1 ))
// look for a link connected to both link1 and link2
NCollection_Map<Link>::Iterator linkIt3 = linkIt2;
TLinkMap::Iterator linkIt3 = linkIt2;
for ( linkIt3.Next(); linkIt3.More(); linkIt3.Next() )
const Link& link3 = linkIt3.Value();
@ -2175,7 +2238,7 @@ NETGENPlugin_Mesher::AddSegmentsToMesh(netgen::Mesh& ngMesh,
for ( size_t ngID = 1; ngID < nodeVec.size(); ++ngID )
if ( subIDs.count( nodeVec[ngID]->getshapeId() ))
if ( subIDs.count( nodeVec[ngID]->GetShapeID() ))
node2ngID.insert( make_pair( nodeVec[ngID], ngID ));
@ -2208,13 +2271,13 @@ NETGENPlugin_Mesher::AddSegmentsToMesh(netgen::Mesh& ngMesh,
// Add the first point of a segment
const SMDS_MeshNode * n = uvPtVec[ i ].node;
const int posShapeID = n->getshapeId();
const int posShapeID = n->GetShapeID();
bool onVertex = ( n->GetPosition()->GetTypeOfPosition() == SMDS_TOP_VERTEX );
bool onEdge = ( n->GetPosition()->GetTypeOfPosition() == SMDS_TOP_EDGE );
// skip nodes on degenerated edges
if ( helper.IsDegenShape( posShapeID ) &&
helper.IsDegenShape( uvPtVec[ i+1 ].node->getshapeId() ))
helper.IsDegenShape( uvPtVec[ i+1 ].node->GetShapeID() ))
int ngID1 = ngMesh.GetNP() + 1, ngID2 = ngID1+1;
@ -2485,7 +2548,7 @@ int NETGENPlugin_Mesher::FillSMesh(const netgen::OCCGeometry& occgeo,
param = param2 * 0.5;
if (!aEdge.IsNull() && nodeVec_ACCESS(pind)->getshapeId() < 1)
if (!aEdge.IsNull() && nodeVec_ACCESS(pind)->GetShapeID() < 1)
meshDS->SetNodeOnEdge(nodeVec_ACCESS(pind), aEdge, param);
@ -2517,7 +2580,7 @@ int NETGENPlugin_Mesher::FillSMesh(const netgen::OCCGeometry& occgeo,
nbSeg = nbFac = nbVol = 0;
if ( !aEdge.IsNull() && edge->getshapeId() < 1 )
if ( !aEdge.IsNull() && edge->GetShapeID() < 1 )
meshDS->SetMeshElementOnShape(edge, aEdge);
else if ( comment.empty() )
@ -2554,7 +2617,7 @@ int NETGENPlugin_Mesher::FillSMesh(const netgen::OCCGeometry& occgeo,
if ( SMDS_MeshNode* node = nodeVec_ACCESS(pind))
nodes.push_back( node );
if (!aFace.IsNull() && node->getshapeId() < 1)
if (!aFace.IsNull() && node->GetShapeID() < 1)
const netgen::PointGeomInfo& pgi = elem.GeomInfoPi(j);
meshDS->SetNodeOnFace(node, aFace, pgi.u, pgi.v);
@ -2635,7 +2698,7 @@ int NETGENPlugin_Mesher::FillSMesh(const netgen::OCCGeometry& occgeo,
if ( SMDS_MeshNode* node = nodeVec_ACCESS(pind) )
if ( !aSolid.IsNull() && node->getshapeId() < 1 )
if ( !aSolid.IsNull() && node->GetShapeID() < 1 )
meshDS->SetNodeInVolume(node, aSolid);
@ -2748,7 +2811,7 @@ namespace
while ( nIt->more() )
const SMDS_MeshNode* n = nIt->next();
const TopoDS_Shape& s = mesh->IndexToShape( n->getshapeId() );
const TopoDS_Shape& s = mesh->IndexToShape( n->GetShapeID() );
nbNodesOnSolid += ( !s.IsNull() && solidSubs.Contains( s ));
if ( nbNodesOnSolid > 2 ||
nbNodesOnSolid == nbNodes)
@ -3521,7 +3584,7 @@ bool NETGENPlugin_Mesher::Evaluate(MapShapeNbElems& aResMap)
// store nb of segments computed by Netgen
NCollection_Map<Link> linkMap;
TLinkMap linkMap;
for (int i = 1; i <= ngMesh->GetNSeg(); ++i )
const netgen::Segment& seg = ngMesh->LineSegment(i);
@ -4097,7 +4160,7 @@ void NETGENPlugin_Internals::findBorderElements( TIDSortedElemSet & borderElems
int nbDblNodes = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < nbNodes; ++i )
nbDblNodes += isInternalShape( f->GetNode(i)->getshapeId() );
nbDblNodes += isInternalShape( f->GetNode(i)->GetShapeID() );
if ( nbDblNodes )
suspectFaces[ nbDblNodes < 2 ].push_back( f );
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