/*! \mainpage Introduction to NETGENPLUGIN \b NETGENPLUGIN plugin is destined for: - Meshing 1D, 2D and 3D geometric entities. - Faces are split into triangular elements. - Volumes are split into tetrahedral (pyramidal) elements. - Generating 3D meshes from 2D meshes, working without geometrical objects. To manage parameters of the NETGENPLUGIN use \subpage netgen_2d_3d_hypo_page and \subpage additional_hypo_page. Also all NETGENPLUGIN functionalities are accessible via \subpage netgenplugin_python_intarface_page "NETGENPLUGIN Python interface". \image html image1.png "Example of a triangular 2D mesh" \image html image2.gif "Example of a tetrahedral 3D mesh" */