2014-02-20 16:25:37 +04:00
// Copyright (C) 2010-2014 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
2012-08-09 10:03:55 +00:00
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
2014-02-20 16:25:37 +04:00
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
2012-08-09 10:03:55 +00:00
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
// File: SMDS_Downward.hxx
// Created: Jun 3, 2010
// Author: prascle
#include "SMDS_UnstructuredGrid.hxx"
#include <vector>
#include <set>
typedef struct
int nodeIds[8]; //!< max number of nodes in a face or edge: quad quad = 8
int nbNodes;
unsigned char vtkType;
} ElemByNodesType; // TODO resize for polyhedrons
typedef struct
ElemByNodesType elems[6]; //!< max number of faces in a volume or edges in a face : hexahedron = 6
int nbElems;
} ListElemByNodesType; // TODO resize for polyhedrons
2012-10-08 11:56:59 +00:00
class SMDS_EXPORT DownIdType
2012-08-09 10:03:55 +00:00
DownIdType(int a, unsigned char b) :
cellId(a), cellType(b)
int cellId;
unsigned char cellType;
struct DownIdCompare
bool operator ()(const DownIdType e1, const DownIdType e2) const
if (e1.cellId == e2.cellId)
return (e1.cellType < e2.cellType);
return (e1.cellId < e2.cellId);
2012-10-08 11:56:59 +00:00
class SMDS_EXPORT SMDS_Downward
2012-08-09 10:03:55 +00:00
friend class SMDS_UnstructuredGrid;
friend class SMDS_Down2D;
friend class SMDS_Down3D;
virtual int getNumberOfDownCells(int cellId);
virtual const int* getDownCells(int cellId);
virtual const unsigned char* getDownTypes(int cellId);
virtual int getNumberOfUpCells(int cellId) = 0;
virtual const int* getUpCells(int cellId) = 0;
virtual const unsigned char* getUpTypes(int cellId) = 0;
virtual void getNodeIds(int cellId, std::set<int>& nodeSet) = 0;
virtual int getNodes(int cellId, int* nodevec) {return 0; }
virtual void getOrderedNodesOfFace(int cellId, std::vector<vtkIdType>& orderedNodes) {};
int getVtkCellId(int cellId)
return _vtkCellIds[cellId];
int getMaxId()
return _maxId;
static int getCellDimension(unsigned char cellType);
SMDS_Downward(SMDS_UnstructuredGrid *grid, int nbDownCells);
int addCell(int vtkId = -1);
virtual void initCell(int cellId);
virtual void allocate(int nbElems) = 0;
virtual void compactStorage() = 0;
virtual void addDownCell(int cellId, int lowCellId, unsigned char aType); //!< Id's are downward connectivity id's
virtual void addUpCell(int cellId, int upCellId, unsigned char aType); //!< Id's are downward connectivity id's
virtual int getNodeSet(int cellId, int* nodeSet);
SMDS_UnstructuredGrid* _grid;
int _maxId;
int _nbDownCells; //!< the same number for all cells of a derived class
std::vector<int> _cellIds; //!< growing size: all the down cell id's, size = _maxId * _nbDownCells
std::vector<int> _vtkCellIds; //!< growing size: size = _maxId, either vtkId or -1
std::vector<unsigned char> _cellTypes; //!< fixed size: the same vector for all cells of a derived class
static std::vector<int> _cellDimension; //!< conversion table: type --> dimension
2012-10-08 11:56:59 +00:00
class SMDS_EXPORT SMDS_Down1D: public SMDS_Downward
2012-08-09 10:03:55 +00:00
friend class SMDS_UnstructuredGrid;
virtual int getNumberOfUpCells(int cellId);
virtual const int* getUpCells(int cellId);
virtual const unsigned char* getUpTypes(int cellId);
virtual void getNodeIds(int cellId, std::set<int>& nodeSet);
virtual int getNodes(int cellId, int* nodevec) { return getNodeSet(cellId, nodevec); }
SMDS_Down1D(SMDS_UnstructuredGrid *grid, int nbDownCells);
virtual void initCell(int cellId);
virtual void allocate(int nbElems);
virtual void compactStorage();
virtual void addUpCell(int cellId, int upCellId, unsigned char aType); //!< Id's are downward connectivity id's
virtual int getNodeSet(int cellId, int* nodeSet);
void setNodes(int cellId, int vtkId);
void setNodes(int cellId, const int* nodeIds);
int computeVtkCells(int cellId, std::vector<int>& vtkIds);
int computeVtkCells(int* pts, std::vector<int>& vtkIds);
int computeFaces(int cellId, int* vtkIds, int nbcells, int* downFaces, unsigned char* downTypes);
int computeFaces(int* pts, int* vtkIds, int nbcells, int* downFaces, unsigned char* downTypes);
std::vector<std::vector<int> > _upCellIdsVector; //!< the number of faces sharing an edge is not known
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> > _upCellTypesVector; //!< the number of faces sharing an edge is not known
std::vector<int> _upCellIds; //!< compacted storage after connectivity calculation
std::vector<unsigned char> _upCellTypes; //!< compacted storage after connectivity calculation
std::vector<int> _upCellIndex; //!< compacted storage after connectivity calculation
2012-10-08 11:56:59 +00:00
class SMDS_EXPORT SMDS_Down2D: public SMDS_Downward
2012-08-09 10:03:55 +00:00
friend class SMDS_UnstructuredGrid;
friend class SMDS_Down1D;
virtual int getNumberOfUpCells(int cellId);
virtual const int* getUpCells(int cellId);
virtual const unsigned char* getUpTypes(int cellId);
virtual void getNodeIds(int cellId, std::set<int>& nodeSet);
SMDS_Down2D(SMDS_UnstructuredGrid *grid, int nbDownCells);
virtual void allocate(int nbElems);
virtual void compactStorage();
virtual void addUpCell(int cellId, int upCellId, unsigned char aType);
virtual void computeEdgesWithNodes(int cellId, ListElemByNodesType& facesWithNodes) = 0;
virtual int getNodeSet(int cellId, int* nodeSet);
int computeVolumeIds(int cellId, int* ids);
int computeVolumeIds(ElemByNodesType& faceByNodes, int* ids);
int computeVolumeIdsFromNodesFace(int* nodes, int nbNodes, int* ids);
void setTempNodes(int cellId, int vtkId);
void setTempNodes(int cellId, ElemByNodesType& faceByNodes);
bool isInFace(int cellId, int *pts, int npts);
int FindEdgeByNodes(int cellId, ElemByNodesType& edgeByNodes);
std::vector<int> _upCellIds; //!< 2 volumes max. per face
std::vector<unsigned char> _upCellTypes; //!< 2 volume types per face
std::vector<int> _tempNodes; //!< temporary storage of nodes, until downward connectivity completion
int _nbNodes; //!< number of nodes in a face
2012-10-08 11:56:59 +00:00
class SMDS_EXPORT SMDS_Down3D: public SMDS_Downward
2012-08-09 10:03:55 +00:00
friend class SMDS_UnstructuredGrid;
virtual int getNumberOfUpCells(int cellId);
virtual const int* getUpCells(int cellId);
virtual const unsigned char* getUpTypes(int cellId);
virtual void getNodeIds(int cellId, std::set<int>& nodeSet);
SMDS_Down3D(SMDS_UnstructuredGrid *grid, int nbDownCells);
virtual void allocate(int nbElems);
virtual void compactStorage();
virtual void computeFacesWithNodes(int cellId, ListElemByNodesType& facesWithNodes) = 0;
int FindFaceByNodes(int cellId, ElemByNodesType& faceByNodes);
2012-10-08 11:56:59 +00:00
class SMDS_EXPORT SMDS_DownEdge: public SMDS_Down1D
2012-08-09 10:03:55 +00:00
friend class SMDS_UnstructuredGrid;
SMDS_DownEdge(SMDS_UnstructuredGrid *grid);
2012-10-08 11:56:59 +00:00
class SMDS_EXPORT SMDS_DownQuadEdge: public SMDS_Down1D
2012-08-09 10:03:55 +00:00
friend class SMDS_UnstructuredGrid;
SMDS_DownQuadEdge(SMDS_UnstructuredGrid *grid);
2012-10-08 11:56:59 +00:00
class SMDS_EXPORT SMDS_DownTriangle: public SMDS_Down2D
2012-08-09 10:03:55 +00:00
friend class SMDS_UnstructuredGrid;
SMDS_DownTriangle(SMDS_UnstructuredGrid *grid);
virtual void computeEdgesWithNodes(int cellId, ListElemByNodesType& edgesWithNodes);
virtual void addDownCell(int cellId, int lowCellId, unsigned char aType); //!< Id's are downward connectivity id's
2012-10-08 11:56:59 +00:00
class SMDS_EXPORT SMDS_DownQuadTriangle: public SMDS_Down2D
2012-08-09 10:03:55 +00:00
friend class SMDS_UnstructuredGrid;
SMDS_DownQuadTriangle(SMDS_UnstructuredGrid *grid);
virtual void computeEdgesWithNodes(int cellId, ListElemByNodesType& edgesWithNodes);
virtual void addDownCell(int cellId, int lowCellId, unsigned char aType); //!< Id's are downward connectivity id's
2012-10-08 11:56:59 +00:00
class SMDS_EXPORT SMDS_DownQuadrangle: public SMDS_Down2D
2012-08-09 10:03:55 +00:00
friend class SMDS_UnstructuredGrid;
SMDS_DownQuadrangle(SMDS_UnstructuredGrid *grid);
virtual void computeEdgesWithNodes(int cellId, ListElemByNodesType& edgesWithNodes);
virtual void addDownCell(int cellId, int lowCellId, unsigned char aType); //!< Id's are downward connectivity id's
2012-10-08 11:56:59 +00:00
class SMDS_EXPORT SMDS_DownQuadQuadrangle: public SMDS_Down2D
2012-08-09 10:03:55 +00:00
friend class SMDS_UnstructuredGrid;
SMDS_DownQuadQuadrangle(SMDS_UnstructuredGrid *grid);
virtual void computeEdgesWithNodes(int cellId, ListElemByNodesType& edgesWithNodes);
virtual void addDownCell(int cellId, int lowCellId, unsigned char aType); //!< Id's are downward connectivity id's
//class SMDS_DownPolygon: public SMDS_Down2D
// SMDS_DownPolygon(SMDS_UnstructuredGrid *grid);
// ~SMDS_DownPolygon();
//class SMDS_DownQuadPolygon: public SMDS_Down2D
// SMDS_DownQuadPolygon(SMDS_UnstructuredGrid *grid);
// ~SMDS_DownQuadPolygon();
2012-10-08 11:56:59 +00:00
class SMDS_EXPORT SMDS_DownTetra: public SMDS_Down3D
2012-08-09 10:03:55 +00:00
friend class SMDS_UnstructuredGrid;
virtual void getOrderedNodesOfFace(int cellId, std::vector<vtkIdType>& orderedNodes);
SMDS_DownTetra(SMDS_UnstructuredGrid *grid);
virtual void addDownCell(int cellId, int lowCellId, unsigned char aType);
virtual void computeFacesWithNodes(int cellId, ListElemByNodesType& facesWithNodes);
2012-10-08 11:56:59 +00:00
class SMDS_EXPORT SMDS_DownQuadTetra: public SMDS_Down3D
2012-08-09 10:03:55 +00:00
friend class SMDS_UnstructuredGrid;
virtual void getOrderedNodesOfFace(int cellId, std::vector<vtkIdType>& orderedNodes);
SMDS_DownQuadTetra(SMDS_UnstructuredGrid *grid);
virtual void addDownCell(int cellId, int lowCellId, unsigned char aType);
virtual void computeFacesWithNodes(int cellId, ListElemByNodesType& facesWithNodes);
2012-10-08 11:56:59 +00:00
class SMDS_EXPORT SMDS_DownPyramid: public SMDS_Down3D
2012-08-09 10:03:55 +00:00
friend class SMDS_UnstructuredGrid;
virtual void getOrderedNodesOfFace(int cellId, std::vector<vtkIdType>& orderedNodes);
SMDS_DownPyramid(SMDS_UnstructuredGrid *grid);
virtual void addDownCell(int cellId, int lowCellId, unsigned char aType);
virtual void computeFacesWithNodes(int cellId, ListElemByNodesType& facesWithNodes);
2012-10-08 11:56:59 +00:00
class SMDS_EXPORT SMDS_DownQuadPyramid: public SMDS_Down3D
2012-08-09 10:03:55 +00:00
friend class SMDS_UnstructuredGrid;
virtual void getOrderedNodesOfFace(int cellId, std::vector<vtkIdType>& orderedNodes);
SMDS_DownQuadPyramid(SMDS_UnstructuredGrid *grid);
virtual void addDownCell(int cellId, int lowCellId, unsigned char aType);
virtual void computeFacesWithNodes(int cellId, ListElemByNodesType& facesWithNodes);
2012-10-08 11:56:59 +00:00
class SMDS_EXPORT SMDS_DownPenta: public SMDS_Down3D
2012-08-09 10:03:55 +00:00
friend class SMDS_UnstructuredGrid;
virtual void getOrderedNodesOfFace(int cellId, std::vector<vtkIdType>& orderedNodes);
SMDS_DownPenta(SMDS_UnstructuredGrid *grid);
virtual void addDownCell(int cellId, int lowCellId, unsigned char aType);
virtual void computeFacesWithNodes(int cellId, ListElemByNodesType& facesWithNodes);
2012-10-08 11:56:59 +00:00
class SMDS_EXPORT SMDS_DownQuadPenta: public SMDS_Down3D
2012-08-09 10:03:55 +00:00
friend class SMDS_UnstructuredGrid;
virtual void getOrderedNodesOfFace(int cellId, std::vector<vtkIdType>& orderedNodes);
SMDS_DownQuadPenta(SMDS_UnstructuredGrid *grid);
virtual void addDownCell(int cellId, int lowCellId, unsigned char aType);
virtual void computeFacesWithNodes(int cellId, ListElemByNodesType& facesWithNodes);
2012-10-08 11:56:59 +00:00
class SMDS_EXPORT SMDS_DownHexa: public SMDS_Down3D
2012-08-09 10:03:55 +00:00
friend class SMDS_UnstructuredGrid;
virtual void getOrderedNodesOfFace(int cellId, std::vector<vtkIdType>& orderedNodes);
SMDS_DownHexa(SMDS_UnstructuredGrid *grid);
virtual void addDownCell(int cellId, int lowCellId, unsigned char aType);
virtual void computeFacesWithNodes(int cellId, ListElemByNodesType& facesWithNodes);
2012-10-08 11:56:59 +00:00
class SMDS_EXPORT SMDS_DownQuadHexa: public SMDS_Down3D
2012-08-09 10:03:55 +00:00
friend class SMDS_UnstructuredGrid;
virtual void getOrderedNodesOfFace(int cellId, std::vector<vtkIdType>& orderedNodes);
SMDS_DownQuadHexa(SMDS_UnstructuredGrid *grid);
virtual void addDownCell(int cellId, int lowCellId, unsigned char aType);
virtual void computeFacesWithNodes(int cellId, ListElemByNodesType& facesWithNodes);
//class SMDS_DownPolyhedra: public SMDS_Down3D
// SMDS_DownPolyhedra(SMDS_UnstructuredGrid *grid);
// ~SMDS_DownPolyhedra();
//class SMDS_DownQuadPolyhedra: public SMDS_Down3D
// SMDS_DownQuadPolyhedra(SMDS_UnstructuredGrid *grid);
// ~SMDS_DownQuadPolyhedra();
#endif /* SMDS_DOWNWARD_HXX_ */