2023-07-25 16:15:25 -03:00
# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
2024-01-20 14:16:41 +00:00
# Copyright (C) 2007-2024 CEA, EDF, OPEN CASCADE
2023-07-25 16:15:25 -03:00
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
import math
import salome
salome . salome_init_without_session ( )
import GEOM
from salome . geom import geomBuilder
from salome . smesh import smeshBuilder
from salome . shaper import model
def assertAlmostEqual ( a , b , tol ) :
if ( abs ( a - b ) < tol ) :
return True
else :
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print ( " not close vals " , a , b )
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return False
geompy = geomBuilder . New ( )
O = geompy . MakeVertex ( 0 , 0 , 0 )
OX = geompy . MakeVectorDXDYDZ ( 1 , 0 , 0 )
OY = geompy . MakeVectorDXDYDZ ( 0 , 1 , 0 )
OZ = geompy . MakeVectorDXDYDZ ( 0 , 0 , 1 )
# create a disk
geompy . addToStudy ( O , ' O ' )
geompy . addToStudy ( OX , ' OX ' )
geompy . addToStudy ( OY , ' OY ' )
geompy . addToStudy ( OZ , ' OZ ' )
Box = geompy . MakeBox ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 10 , 10 , 10 )
smesh_builder = smeshBuilder . New ( )
MesherBox = smesh_builder . Mesh ( Box , " Box " )
viscousBuilder = MesherBox . ViscousLayerBuilder ( )
#Set prismatic layer parameters
offset = 0.7
numLayers = 4
viscousBuilder . setBuilderParameters ( offset , numLayers , 1.2 , [ 13 ] , False )
ShrinkBox = viscousBuilder . GetShrinkGeometry ( )
#Mesh the shrink box
MesherShinkBox = smesh_builder . Mesh ( ShrinkBox , " ShrinkMesh " )
ShrinkBoxMesh = MesherShinkBox . Tetrahedron ( smeshBuilder . NETGEN_1D2D3D )
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success = MesherShinkBox . Compute ( )
assert ( success )
assert ( MesherShinkBox . NbVolumes ( ) == 5 ) # if Fails! change the default value of volumes when meshing with Netgen!
FinalMesh = viscousBuilder . AddLayers ( MesherShinkBox )
assert ( FinalMesh . NbVolumes ( ) == 5 + numLayers * 2 ) # here 2 stands for the number of face elements per face in the box
assert ( FinalMesh . NbFaces ( ) == 6 * 2 + 4 * numLayers ) # here is the number of face elements for the box + the new faces in the VL. (6 is the number of sides in the box)
#Testing the configuration where face 13 is ignored and so the offset is applied to all other faces
viscousBuilder . setBuilderParameters ( offset , numLayers , 1.2 , [ 13 ] , True )
ShrinkBox2 = viscousBuilder . GetShrinkGeometry ( )
#Mesh the shrink box
MesherShinkBox2 = smesh_builder . Mesh ( ShrinkBox2 , " ShrinkMesh2 " )
ShrinkBoxMesh2 = MesherShinkBox2 . Tetrahedron ( smeshBuilder . NETGEN_1D2D3D )
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success = MesherShinkBox2 . Compute ( )
assert ( success )
#Test the number of elements on the shrink mesh
assert ( MesherShinkBox2 . NbVolumes ( ) == 5 ) # if Fails! change the default (default hypo) number of volumes when meshing with Netgen!
FinalMesh2 = viscousBuilder . AddLayers ( MesherShinkBox2 )
assert ( FinalMesh2 . NbVolumes ( ) == 5 + numLayers * 2 * 5 ) # here 2 stands for the number of face elements per face in the box
assert ( FinalMesh2 . NbFaces ( ) == 6 * 2 + 4 * numLayers ) # here is the number of face elements for the box + the new faces in the VL. (6 is the number of sides in the box)
#############MESH SQUARE FACE
Face = geompy . MakeFaceHW ( 5 , 5 , 1 )
Disk = geompy . MakeDiskR ( 5 , 1 )
MesherSqr = smesh_builder . Mesh ( Face , " Face " )
viscousBuilder = MesherSqr . ViscousLayerBuilder ( )
#Set prismatic layer parameters
offset = 0.5
numberOfLayers = 6
viscousBuilder . setBuilderParameters ( offset , numberOfLayers , 1.2 )
ShrinkFace = viscousBuilder . GetShrinkGeometry ( )
#Mesh the shrink face
MesherShinkFace = smesh_builder . Mesh ( ShrinkFace , " ShrinkFaceMesh " )
algo = MesherShinkFace . Segment ( )
numOfSegments = 4
algo . NumberOfSegments ( numOfSegments )
ShrinkFaceMesh = MesherShinkFace . Triangle ( )
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success = MesherShinkFace . Compute ( )
assert ( success )
numFaceElementShrinkGeom = MesherShinkFace . NbFaces ( )
FinalFaceMesh = viscousBuilder . AddLayers ( MesherShinkFace )
# Check the number of additional elements
# numOfSegments * 4 * numberOfLayers
finalNumOfElements = FinalFaceMesh . NbFaces ( )
assert ( numFaceElementShrinkGeom + 4 * numOfSegments * numberOfLayers == finalNumOfElements )
MesherCircle = smesh_builder . Mesh ( Disk , " Disk " )
viscousBuilder = MesherCircle . ViscousLayerBuilder ( )
viscousBuilder . setBuilderParameters ( offset , numberOfLayers , 1.2 )
ShrinkCircle = viscousBuilder . GetShrinkGeometry ( )
MesherShinkCircle = smesh_builder . Mesh ( ShrinkCircle , " ShrinkCircleMesh " )
algo = MesherShinkCircle . Segment ( )
numOfSegments = 12
algo . NumberOfSegments ( numOfSegments )
ShrinkCircleMesh = MesherShinkCircle . Triangle ( )
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success = MesherShinkCircle . Compute ( )
numFaceElementShrinkGeom = MesherShinkCircle . NbFaces ( )
assert ( success )
FinalCircleMesh = viscousBuilder . AddLayers ( MesherShinkCircle )
finalNumOfElements = FinalCircleMesh . NbFaces ( )
assert ( numFaceElementShrinkGeom + numOfSegments * numberOfLayers == finalNumOfElements )
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