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<h1> <a href="http://www.opencascade.com"><img
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<h1> <a name="page2"></a>How to add your own mesher</h1>
<h1> (as a set of hypotheses and algorithms)</h1>
<h1> to the application.</h1>
<h2> <a name="cont"></a>Table of contents</h2>
<li> <b><i><a href="#1">1. Introduction</a></i></b></li>
<li> <b><i><a href="#2">2. Implementation steps</a></i></b></li>
<li> <b><i><a href="#2_1">2.1. Mesher plugin package</a></i></b></li>
<li> <b><i><a href="#2_2">2.2. List of available hypotheses and algorithms</a></i></b></li>
<li> <b><i><a href="#2_3">2.3. Build server plugin library</a></i></b></li>
<li> <b><i><a href="#2_3_1">2.3.1. Define interface to your hypotheses and
<li> <b><i><a href="#2_3_2">2.3.2. Implement functionality of your hypotheses
and algorithms</a></i></b></li>
<li> <b><i><a href="#2_3_3">2.3.3. Implement interface to your hypotheses
and algorithms</a></i></b></li>
<li> <b><i><a href="#2_3_4">2.3.4. Implement being exported method</a></i></b></li>
<li> <b><i><a href="#2_4">2.4. Build client (GUI) plugin library</a></i></b></li>
<li> <b><i><a href="#2_4_1">2.4.1. Implement the required GUI</a></i></b></li>
<li> <b><i><a href="#2_4_2">2.4.2. Provide icons and messages for your
<li> <b><i><a href="#2_4_3">2.4.3. Implement your hypotheses creator and
being exported method</a></i></b></li>
<li> <b><i><a href="#2_5">2.5. Provide icons for Object Browser</a></i></b></li>
<li> <b><i><a href="#2_6">2.6. Setup SALOME environment</a></i></b></li>
<ul type="square">
<li><b><i><a href="#2_6_1">2.6.1. Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH, PYTHONPATH,
PATH environment variables</a></i></b></li>
<li><b><i><a href="#2_6_2">2.6.2. Set mesher plugin resources environment
<h2> <a name="1"></a>1. Introduction</h2>
All hypotheses and algorithms are available in SMESH module via plugin mechanism.
Such approach allows easily to introduce new hypotheses and algorithms types
to the application. Also, it makes possible the customization of available
hypotheses and algorithms list for different users without recompilation
of sources.<br>
The goal of this document is to describe the process of creation external
mesher plugins.
<p><i><a href="#cont">Back to the contents</a></i> </p>
<h2> <a name="2"></a>2. Implementation steps</h2>
<h3> <a name="2_1"></a>2.1. <small>Mesher plugin package</small></h3>
Create your mesher plugin package which will contain the sources files, e.g.
to the contents</a></i><br>
<h3><a name="2_2"></a>2.2. List of available hypotheses and algorithms</h3>
Create XML file to describe all algorithms and hypotheses, provided by your
plugin package (see SMESH_SRC/resources/SMESH_Meshers.xml for example).<br>
<blockquote><small><tt><big><meshers-group name="MyName"<br>
<hypothesis type="MyHypType1"<br>
label-id="My beautiful hypothesis name"<br>
<algorithm type="MyAlgType1"<br>
label-id="My beautiful algorithm name"<br>
<li>Attributes of <meshers-group> tag:</li>
<ul type="circle">
<li>value of <name> attribute is used to collect hypotheses/algoritms
in groups; you can also use this attribute for short description of your
mesher plugin.</li>
<li>value of <resources> attribute (MyResourceKey) is used to
access resources (messages and icons) from GUI (see paragraphs <a
href="#2_4_2">2.4.2</a> and <a href="#2_5">2.5</a>); in the current implementation
it should coincide with the name of plugin package; this limitation will
be eliminated in the further development.</li>
<li>value of <server-lib> attribute describes the name of your
mesher's server plugin library (See paragraph <a href="#2_3">2.3</a>)</li>
<li>value of <gui-lib> attribute describes the name of your mesher's
client plugin library (See paragraph <a href="#2_4">2.4</a>)</li>
<li>Attributes of <hypothesis/algorithm> tag:</li>
<ul type="circle">
<li>value of <type> attribute is an unique name of the hypothesis/algorithm</li>
<ul type="circle">
<ul type="square">
<li>It is a value of _name field of your hypothesis class (see paragraph
<a href="#2_3">2.3</a>, implementation of constructor of StdMeshers_LocalLength
class: _name = "LocalLength")</li>
<li>It is a key to each certain hypothesis class (see paragraph <a
href="#2_3">2.3</a>, implementation of "GetHypothesisCreator()" method in
<li>It is a key to each certain hypothesis GUI (see paragraph <a
href="#2_4">2.4</a>, implementation of "StdMeshersGUI_HypothesisCreator::CreateHypothesis()"
and "StdMeshersGUI_HypothesisCreator::EditHypothesis()" methods in StdMeshersGUI.cxx)</li>
<li>It is a key to each certain hypothesis icon in Object Browser
(see paragraph <a href="#2_4_2_1"></a>)</li>
<ul type="circle">
<li>value of <label-id> attribute is displayed in the GUI in
the list of available hypotheses/algorithms ("Create Hypothesis/Algorithm"
<li>value of <icon-id> attribute is a name of icon file, which
is displayed in GUI in the list of available hypotheses/algorithms ("Create
Hypothesis/Algorithm" dialog)</li>
Note: All attributes values are accessible in your GUI via HypothesisData
class (see paragraph <a href="#2_4_1">2.4.1</a>)<br>
Note: The environment variable SMESH_MeshersList contains the list of plugins
names, separated by colon (":") symbol, e.g.:<br>
<tt> setenv SMESH_MeshersList StdMeshers:NETGENPlugin</tt><br>
Please, pay attention that StdMeshers should also be included into this environment
variable, if you want to use standard hypotheses/algorithms, provided with
SMESH module.<br>
The SALOME automatically locates XML files, searching them in the following
where <PluginName> is a name of each mesher plugin package<br>
<i><a href="#cont">Back to the contents</a></i>
<h3> <a name="2_3"></a>2.3. Build server plugin library <libMyServerLib.so>.</h3>
<h4> <a name="2_3_1"></a>2.3.1. Define interface to your hypotheses and algorithms.</h4>
<blockquote><tt>Example: SMESH_SRC/idl/SMESH_BasicHypothesis.idl<br>
<h4> <a name="2_3_2"></a>2.3.2. Implement functionality of your hypotheses
and algorithms.</h4>
<blockquote>Inherit corresponding classes from SMESH.
<p><tt>Example: SMESH_SRC/src/StdMeshers/StdMeshers_*<br>
<h4> <a name="2_3_3"></a>2.3.3.Implement interface to your hypotheses and
<blockquote><tt>Inherit corresponding classes from SMESH_I.</tt>
<p><tt>Example: SMESH_SRC/src/StdMeshers_I/SMESH_*_i<br>
<h4> <a name="2_3_4"></a>2.3.4. Implement being exported method.</h4>
<blockquote><tt>GenericHypothesisCreator_i* GetHypothesisCreator (const char*
<p><aHypType> is a value of <type> attribute in the XML-description
<blockquote><tt>Example: SMESH_SRC/src/StdMeshers_I/StdMeshers_i.cxx<br>
<i><a href="#cont">Back to the contents</a></i>
<h3> <a name="2_4"></a>2.4. Build client (GUI) plugin library <libMyClientLib.so>.</h3>
<blockquote>This step is required only if your hypotheses/algorithms need
specific GUI for their construction.</blockquote>
<h4> <a name="2_4_1"></a>2.4.1. Implement the required GUI (e.g. construction
dialog boxes).</h4>
<blockquote><tt>Example: SMESH_SRC/src/StdMeshersGUI/StdMeshersGUI_*Dlg</tt>
<p>Note: all data from XML-description files is accessible in your GUI
via HypothesisData class (mySMESHGUI->GetHypothesisData (aHypType),
see SMESHGUI_Hypotheses.h for HypothesisData definition)</p>
<h4> <a name="2_4_2"></a>2.4.2. Provide icons and messages for your GUI.</h4>
<h5> <a name="2_4_2_1"></a> Implement resource files</h5>
<blockquote><tt>MyResourceKey_icons.po and MyResourceKey_msg_en.po</tt>
<p><tt>Example: SMESH_SRC/src/StdMeshersGUI/StdMeshers_*.po<br>
Note: ICON_SMESH_TREE_HYPO_MyHypType1 is ID of icon for Object Browser for
hypothesis with type="MyHypType1"; ICON_SMESH_TREE_ALGO_MyAlgType1 is ID
of icon for Object Browser for algorithm with type="MyAlgType1".<br>
See paragraph 2 for definition of MyResourceKey, MyHypType1, MyAlgType1.<tt><br>
<h5> <a name="2_4_2_2"></a> Define environment variable SALOME_<MyResourceKey>Resources</h5>
<blockquote>It should point to the directory where resources are situated.</blockquote>
<blockquote><tt>Example: setenv SALOME_StdMeshersResources ${SMESH_ROOT_DIR}/share/salome/resources</tt></blockquote>
<h4> <a name="2_4_3"></a>2.4.3. Implement your Hypothesis Creator and being
exported method</h4>
<blockquote><tt>SMESHGUI_GenericHypothesisCreator* GetHypothesisCreator</tt>
<tt> (QString aHypType, QString aServerLibName, SMESHGUI* aSMESHGUI)</tt>
<p><aHypType> is to pass a value of <type> attribute in XML-description
<aServerLibName> is to pass a value of <server-lib> attribute
in XML-description file. </p>
<p><tt>Example: SMESH_SRC/src/StdMeshersGUI/StdMeshersGUI.cxx</tt></p>
<i><a href="#cont">Back to the contents</a></i>
<h3> <a name="2_5"></a>2.5. Provide icons for object browser.</h3>
<blockquote>If your hypotheses/algorithms do not need specific GUI, but you
want to provide icons for object browser, see <a href="#2_4_2">2.4.2</a> paragrath.<br>
<div align="left">
to the contents</a></i> </p>
<h3> <a name="2_6"></a>2.6. Setup your SALOME environment.</h3>
<h4> <a name="2_6_1"></a>2.6.1. Add your plugin to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH,
PYTHONPATH (and maybe PATH) environment variables.<br>
<blockquote><tt>setenv PATH <path-to-my-plugin>/bin/salome:${PATH}<br>
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH <path-to-my-plugin>/lib/salome:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}<br>
Setenv PYTHONPATH <path-to-my-plugin>/lib/python2.2/site-packages/salome:${PYTHONPATH}<br>
</tt> <br>
<h4> <a name="2_6_2"></a>2.6.2. Set mesher plugin resources environment
<blockquote> This enviroment variable is used to set meshers plugins
which should be loaded by SMESH module (see <a href="#2_4_2_2"></a>
paragraph). Add your plugin to this variable. All plugins are separated by
colon (":") symbol.<br>
Note: If you use runSalome.py script from KERNEL package to launch SALOME,
you may not to set environment variables, because this script sets them itself.
All what you should do is to add <plugin> section to your ${HOME}/.salome/salome.launch
file for SMESH module section:<br>
<module name="SMESH"><br>
<plugin name="MyMesher"/><br>
<i><a href="#cont">Back to the contents</a></i> <br>