#. From the **File** menu choose the **Import** item, from its sub-menu select the corresponding format (MED, UNV, STL, GMF and CGNS) of the file containing your mesh.
#. In the standard **Search File** dialog box find the file for import. It is possible to select multiple files to be imported all at once.
#. From the **File** menu choose the **Export** item, from its sub-menu select the format (MED, UNV, DAT, STL, GMF and CGNS) of the file which will contain your exported mesh.
#. In the standard **Search File** select a location for the exported file and enter its name.
#. Click the **OK** button.
..image:: ../images/meshexportmesh.png
:align: center
If you try to export a group, the warning will be shown:
***Don't show this warning anymore** check-box allows to switch off the warning. You can re-activate the warning in :ref:`Preferences <group_export_warning_pref>`.
Only MED format supports all types of elements that can be created in the module. If you export a mesh or group that includes elements of types that are not supported by chosen format, you will be warned about that.
***Z tolerance** field if enabled specifies distance of nodes from the XOY plane below which the nodes snap to this plane. A default value can be set in :ref:`Preferences <medexport_z_tolerance_pref>`.
***Automatically create groups** check-box specifies whether to create groups of all mesh entities of available dimensions or not. The created groups have names like "Group_On_All_Nodes", "Group_On_All_Faces", etc. A default state of this check-box can be set in :ref:`Preferences <export_auto_groups_pref>`.
***Automatically define space dimension** check-box specifies whether to define space dimension for export by mesh configuration or not. Usually the mesh is exported as a mesh in 3D space, just as it is in Mesh module. The mesh can be exported as a mesh of a lower dimension in the following cases, provided that this check-box is checked: