#. From the **Modification** menu choose **Transformation** -> **Duplicate Nodes or/and Elements** item or click *"Duplicate Nodes or/and Elements"* button |img| in the toolbar.
***Group of nodes to duplicate** (*mandatory*): these nodes will be duplicated.
***Group of elements to replace nodes with new ones** (*optional*): the new nodes will replace the duplicated nodes within these elements. **Generate** button tries to automatically find such elements and creates a group of them. This button becomes active as soon as **Group of nodes to duplicate** is selected.
***Construct group with newly created nodes** option (*checked by default*): if checked - the group with newly created nodes will be built.
***Group of elements to duplicate** (*mandatory*): these elements will be duplicated.
***Group of nodes not to duplicate** (*optional*): group of nodes at crack bottom which will not be duplicated.
***Group of elements to replace nodes with new ones** (*mandatory*): the new nodes will replace the nodes to duplicate within these elements. **Generate** button tries to automatically find such elements and creates a group of them. This button becomes active as soon as **Group of elements to duplicate** is selected.
***Construct group with newly created elements** option (*checked by default*): if checked - the group of newly created elements will be built.
***Construct group with newly created nodes** option (*checked by default*): if checked - the group of newly created nodes will be built.
***Group of elements to duplicate** (*mandatory*): these elements will be duplicated.
***Construct group with newly created elements** option (*checked by default*): if checked - the group of newly created elements will be built. The name of the created group starts from "DoubleElements".
* If **Create joint elements** option is activated, flat elements are created on the duplicated nodes: a triangular facet shared by two volumes of two groups generates a flat prism, a quadrangular facet generates a flat hexahedron. Correspondingly 2D joint elements (null area faces) are generated where edges are shared by two faces. The created flat volumes (or faces) are stored in groups. These groups are named according to the position of the group in the list of groups: group "j_n_p" is a group of flat elements that are built between the group \#n and the group \#p in the group list. All flat elements are gathered into the group named "joints3D" (correspondingly "joints2D"). The flat elements of multiple junctions between the simple junction are stored in a group named "jointsMultiples".
* If **On all boundaries** option is activated, the volumes (or faces), which are not included into **Groups** input, are considered as another group and thus the nodes on the boundary between **Groups** and the remaining mesh are also duplicated.
**See Also** a sample TUI Script of a :ref:`tui_duplicate_nodes` operation.