2009-10-09 19:27:53 +06:00
# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
2010-05-14 21:32:37 +06:00
# Copyright (C) 2007-2010 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
2009-02-17 10:27:49 +05:00
# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
2006-05-06 14:51:48 +06:00
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
2009-02-17 10:27:49 +05:00
# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
2006-05-06 14:51:48 +06:00
2010-05-14 21:32:37 +06:00
2005-03-21 13:38:22 +05:00
# ==================================
2009-02-17 10:27:49 +05:00
2005-03-21 13:38:22 +05:00
from geompy import *
import smesh
# Geometry
# ========
# With hexahedral, build a box partially holed by a not centered cylinder with a thickness
# Values
# ------
box_dx = 1000
box_dy = 900
box_dz = 800
cyl_x = 500
cyl_y = 300
cyl_dz = 600
cyl_radius = 150
cyl_thick = 30
# Triangular face
# ---------------
def triangle(p1, p2, p3):
l = []
l.append(MakeEdge(p1, p2))
l.append(MakeEdge(p2, p3))
l.append(MakeEdge(p3, p1))
w = MakeWire(l)
return MakeFace(w, 1)
# The holed part
# ==============
# Vertex of the holed part
# ------------------------
hole_point_11 = MakeVertex(0 , 0 , 0)
hole_point_21 = MakeVertex(box_dx, 0 , 0)
hole_point_12 = MakeVertex(0 , box_dy, 0)
hole_point_22 = MakeVertex(box_dx, box_dy, 0)
hole_center = MakeVertex(cyl_x, cyl_y, 0)
# Faces of the holed part
# -----------------------
hole_face_1 = triangle(hole_point_11, hole_point_21, hole_center)
hole_face_2 = triangle(hole_point_21, hole_point_22, hole_center)
hole_face_3 = triangle(hole_point_12, hole_point_22, hole_center)
hole_face_4 = triangle(hole_point_11, hole_point_12, hole_center)
# Solids of the holed part
# ------------------------
cyl_dir = MakeVectorDXDYDZ(0, 0, 1)
hole_solid_1 = MakePrismVecH(hole_face_1, cyl_dir, cyl_dz)
hole_solid_2 = MakePrismVecH(hole_face_2, cyl_dir, cyl_dz)
hole_solid_3 = MakePrismVecH(hole_face_3, cyl_dir, cyl_dz)
hole_solid_4 = MakePrismVecH(hole_face_4, cyl_dir, cyl_dz)
hole_internal = MakeCylinder(hole_center, cyl_dir, cyl_radius , cyl_dz)
hole_external = MakeCylinder(hole_center, cyl_dir, cyl_radius+cyl_thick, cyl_dz)
hole_median = MakeCut(hole_external, hole_internal)
# Boolean operations
# ------------------
blocks = []
blocks.append( MakeCut(hole_solid_1, hole_external))
blocks.append(MakeCommon(hole_solid_1, hole_median ))
blocks.append( MakeCut(hole_solid_2, hole_external))
blocks.append(MakeCommon(hole_solid_2, hole_median ))
blocks.append( MakeCut(hole_solid_3, hole_external))
blocks.append(MakeCommon(hole_solid_3, hole_median ))
blocks.append( MakeCut(hole_solid_4, hole_external))
blocks.append(MakeCommon(hole_solid_4, hole_median ))
# The full part
# =============
# Vertex of the full part
# -----------------------
full_point_11 = MakeVertex(0 , 0 , cyl_dz)
full_point_21 = MakeVertex(box_dx, 0 , cyl_dz)
full_point_12 = MakeVertex(0 , box_dy, cyl_dz)
full_point_22 = MakeVertex(box_dx, box_dy, cyl_dz)
full_center = MakeVertex(cyl_x, cyl_y, cyl_dz)
# Faces of the full part
# ----------------------
full_face_1 = triangle(full_point_11, full_point_21, full_center)
full_face_2 = triangle(full_point_21, full_point_22, full_center)
full_face_3 = triangle(full_point_12, full_point_22, full_center)
full_face_4 = triangle(full_point_11, full_point_12, full_center)
# Solids of the full part
# ------------------------
full_dz = box_dz - cyl_dz
full_solid_1 = MakePrismVecH(full_face_1, cyl_dir, full_dz)
full_solid_2 = MakePrismVecH(full_face_2, cyl_dir, full_dz)
full_solid_3 = MakePrismVecH(full_face_3, cyl_dir, full_dz)
full_solid_4 = MakePrismVecH(full_face_4, cyl_dir, full_dz)
full_internal = MakeCylinder(full_center, cyl_dir, cyl_radius , full_dz)
full_external = MakeCylinder(full_center, cyl_dir, cyl_radius+cyl_thick, full_dz)
full_median = MakeCut(full_external, full_internal)
# Boolean operations
# ------------------
full = []
full.append( MakeCut(full_solid_1, full_external))
full.append(MakeCommon(full_solid_1, full_median))
full.append( MakeCut(full_solid_2, full_external))
full.append(MakeCommon(full_solid_2, full_median ))
full.append( MakeCut(full_solid_3, full_external))
full.append(MakeCommon(full_solid_3, full_median))
full.append( MakeCut(full_solid_4, full_external))
full.append(MakeCommon(full_solid_4, full_median))
# Filling the hole
# ----------------
box_d = cyl_radius/3
x = cyl_x-box_d
y = x * cyl_y / cyl_x
box_point_11 = MakeVertex(x, y, cyl_dz)
x = cyl_x+box_d
y = (box_dx - x) * cyl_y / (box_dx - cyl_x)
box_point_12 = MakeVertex(x, y, cyl_dz)
x = cyl_x-box_d
y = box_dy - x * (box_dy - cyl_y) / cyl_x
box_point_21 = MakeVertex(x, y, cyl_dz)
x = cyl_x+box_d
y = box_dy - (box_dx - x) * (box_dy - cyl_y) / (box_dx - cyl_x)
box_point_22 = MakeVertex(x, y, cyl_dz)
box_face = MakeQuad4Vertices(box_point_11, box_point_12, box_point_21, box_point_22)
box = MakePrismVecH(box_face, cyl_dir, full_dz)
full.append(MakeCut(MakeCommon(full_solid_1, full_internal), box))
full.append(MakeCut(MakeCommon(full_solid_2, full_internal), box))
full.append(MakeCut(MakeCommon(full_solid_3, full_internal), box))
full.append(MakeCut(MakeCommon(full_solid_4, full_internal), box))
# Cut the cylinder thikness
# -------------------------
full_plan = MakePlane(MakeVertex(0, 0, cyl_dz+cyl_thick), cyl_dir, 5000)
full_parts = MakePartition(full, [full_plan], [], [], ShapeType["SOLID"])
# Geometry result
# ---------------
piece_cpd = MakeCompound(blocks)
2010-06-10 15:43:07 +06:00
piece_ok = RemoveExtraEdges(piece_cpd, doUnionFaces=True)
2005-03-21 13:38:22 +05:00
piece = MakeGlueFaces(piece_ok, 1.e-3)
piece_id = addToStudy(piece, "ex13_hole1partial")
# Meshing
# =======
2009-12-21 19:26:43 +05:00
2005-03-21 13:38:22 +05:00
# Create a mesh
# -------------
hexa = smesh.Mesh(piece, "ex13_hole1partial:hexa")
algo = hexa.Segment()
# Local hypothesis
# ----------------
def local(x, y, z, d):
edge = GetEdgeNearPoint(piece, MakeVertex(x, y, z))
algo = hexa.Segment(edge)
local(0, 0, 100, 40)
local(0, 0, 700, 15)
local(100, 0, 0, 20)
local(0, 100, 0, 20)
local(100, 100, 0, 25)
d = cyl_radius-3*cyl_thick
local(cyl_x+d, cyl_y+d, box_dz, 10)
# Compute the mesh
# ----------------