2010-11-29 13:20:53 +00:00
* SMDS_Downward.cxx
* Created on: Jun 3, 2010
* Author: prascle
#include "SMDS_Downward.hxx"
#include "SMDS_Mesh.hxx"
#include "utilities.h"
#include <vtkCellType.h>
#include <vtkCellLinks.h>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
vector<int> SMDS_Downward::_cellDimension;
/*! get the dimension of a cell (1,2,3 for 1D, 2D 3D) given the vtk cell type
* @param cellType vtk cell type @see vtkCellType.h
* @return 1,2 or 3
int SMDS_Downward::getCellDimension(unsigned char cellType)
return _cellDimension[cellType];
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
/*! Generic constructor for all the downward connectivity structures (one per vtk cell type).
* The static structure for cell dimension is set only once.
* @param grid unstructured grid associated to the mesh.
* @param nbDownCells number of downward entities associated to this vtk type of cell.
* @return
SMDS_Downward::SMDS_Downward(SMDS_UnstructuredGrid *grid, int nbDownCells) :
_grid(grid), _nbDownCells(nbDownCells)
this->_maxId = 0;
if (_cellDimension.empty())
_cellDimension.resize(VTK_MAXTYPE + 1, 0);
_cellDimension[VTK_LINE] = 1;
_cellDimension[VTK_QUADRATIC_EDGE] = 1;
_cellDimension[VTK_TRIANGLE] = 2;
_cellDimension[VTK_QUADRATIC_TRIANGLE] = 2;
_cellDimension[VTK_QUAD] = 2;
_cellDimension[VTK_QUADRATIC_QUAD] = 2;
_cellDimension[VTK_TETRA] = 3;
_cellDimension[VTK_QUADRATIC_TETRA] = 3;
_cellDimension[VTK_HEXAHEDRON] = 3;
_cellDimension[VTK_WEDGE] = 3;
_cellDimension[VTK_QUADRATIC_WEDGE] = 3;
_cellDimension[VTK_PYRAMID] = 3;
_cellDimension[VTK_QUADRATIC_PYRAMID] = 3;
/*! Give or create an entry for downward connectivity structure relative to a cell.
* If the entry already exists, just return its id, otherwise, create it.
* The internal storage memory is allocated if needed.
* The SMDS_UnstructuredGrid::_cellIdToDownId vector is completed for vtkUnstructuredGrid cells.
* @param vtkId for a vtkUnstructuredGrid cell or -1 (default) for a created downward cell.
* @return the rank in downward[vtkType] structure.
int SMDS_Downward::addCell(int vtkId)
int localId = -1;
if (vtkId >= 0)
localId = _grid->CellIdToDownId(vtkId);
if (localId >= 0)
return localId;
localId = this->_maxId;
if (vtkId >= 0)
this->_vtkCellIds[localId] = vtkId;
_grid->setCellIdToDownId(vtkId, localId);
return localId;
/*! generic method do nothing. see derived methods
* @param cellId
void SMDS_Downward::initCell(int cellId)
/*! Get the number of downward entities associated to a cell (always the same for a given vtk type of cell)
* @param cellId not used here.
* @return
int SMDS_Downward::getNumberOfDownCells(int cellId)
return _nbDownCells;
/*! get a pointer on the downward entities id's associated to a cell.
* @see SMDS_Downward::getNumberOfDownCells for the number of downward entities.
* @see SMDS_Downward::getDownTypes for the vtk cell types associated to the downward entities.
* @param cellId index of the cell in the downward structure relative to a given vtk cell type.
* @return table of downward entities id's.
const int* SMDS_Downward::getDownCells(int cellId)
//ASSERT((cellId >=0) && (cellId < _maxId));
return &_cellIds[_nbDownCells * cellId];
/*! get a list of vtk cell types associated to downward entities of a given cell, in the same order
* than the downward entities id's list (@see SMDS_Downward::getDownCells).
* @param cellId index of the cell in the downward structure relative to a vtk cell type.
* @return table of downward entities types.
const unsigned char* SMDS_Downward::getDownTypes(int cellId)
return &_cellTypes[0];
/*! add a downward entity of dimension n-1 (cell or node) to a given cell.
* Actual implementation is done in derived methods.
* @param cellId index of the parent cell (dimension n) in the downward structure relative to a vtk cell type.
* @param lowCellId index of the children cell to add (dimension n-1)
* @param aType vtk cell type of the cell to add (needed to find the SMDS_Downward structure containing the cell to add).
void SMDS_Downward::addDownCell(int cellId, int lowCellId, unsigned char aType)
ASSERT(0); // must be re-implemented in derived class
/*! add a downward entity of dimension n+1 to a given cell.
* Actual implementation is done in derived methods.
* @param cellId index of the children cell (dimension n) in the downward structure relative to a vtk cell type.
* @param upCellId index of the parent cell to add (dimension n+1)
* @param aType vtk cell type of the cell to add (needed to find the SMDS_Downward structure containing the cell to add).
void SMDS_Downward::addUpCell(int cellId, int upCellId, unsigned char aType)
ASSERT(0); // must be re-implemented in derived class
int SMDS_Downward::getNodeSet(int cellId, int* nodeSet)
return 0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
SMDS_Down1D::SMDS_Down1D(SMDS_UnstructuredGrid *grid, int nbDownCells) :
SMDS_Downward(grid, nbDownCells)
/*! clear vectors used to reference 2D cells containing the edge
* @param cellId
void SMDS_Down1D::initCell(int cellId)
/*! Resize the downward connectivity storage vector if needed.
* @param nbElems total number of elements of the same type required
void SMDS_Down1D::allocate(int nbElems)
if (nbElems >= _vtkCellIds.size())
_vtkCellIds.resize(nbElems + SMDS_Mesh::chunkSize, -1);
_cellIds.resize(_nbDownCells * (nbElems + SMDS_Mesh::chunkSize), -1);
_upCellIdsVector.resize(nbElems + SMDS_Mesh::chunkSize);
_upCellTypesVector.resize(nbElems + SMDS_Mesh::chunkSize);
void SMDS_Down1D::compactStorage()
_cellIds.resize(_nbDownCells * _maxId);
int sizeUpCells = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < _maxId; i++)
sizeUpCells += _upCellIdsVector[i].size();
_upCellIds.resize(sizeUpCells, -1);
_upCellIndex.resize(_maxId + 1, -1); // id and types of rank i correspond to [ _upCellIndex[i], _upCellIndex[i+1] [
int current = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < _maxId; i++)
_upCellIndex[i] = current;
for (int j = 0; j < _upCellIdsVector[i].size(); j++)
_upCellIds[current] = _upCellIdsVector[i][j];
_upCellTypes[current] = _upCellTypesVector[i][j];
_upCellIndex[_maxId] = current;
void SMDS_Down1D::addUpCell(int cellId, int upCellId, unsigned char aType)
//ASSERT((cellId >=0) && (cellId < _maxId));
int nbFaces = _upCellIdsVector[cellId].size();
for (int i = 0; i < nbFaces; i++)
if ((_upCellIdsVector[cellId][i] == upCellId) && (_upCellTypesVector[cellId][i] == aType))
return; // already done
int SMDS_Down1D::getNumberOfUpCells(int cellId)
//ASSERT((cellId >=0) && (cellId < _maxId));
return _upCellIndex[cellId + 1] - _upCellIndex[cellId];
const int* SMDS_Down1D::getUpCells(int cellId)
//ASSERT((cellId >=0) && (cellId < _maxId));
return &_upCellIds[_upCellIndex[cellId]];
const unsigned char* SMDS_Down1D::getUpTypes(int cellId)
//ASSERT((cellId >=0) && (cellId < _maxId));
return &_upCellTypes[_upCellIndex[cellId]];
void SMDS_Down1D::getNodeIds(int cellId, std::set<int>& nodeSet)
for (int i = 0; i < _nbDownCells; i++)
nodeSet.insert(_cellIds[_nbDownCells * cellId + i]);
int SMDS_Down1D::getNodeSet(int cellId, int* nodeSet)
for (int i = 0; i < _nbDownCells; i++)
nodeSet[i] = _cellIds[_nbDownCells * cellId + i];
return _nbDownCells;
void SMDS_Down1D::setNodes(int cellId, int vtkId)
vtkIdType npts = 0;
vtkIdType *pts; // will refer to the point id's of the face
_grid->GetCellPoints(vtkId, npts, pts);
// MESSAGE(vtkId << " " << npts << " " << _nbDownCells);
//ASSERT(npts == _nbDownCells);
for (int i = 0; i < npts; i++)
_cellIds[_nbDownCells * cellId + i] = pts[i];
void SMDS_Down1D::setNodes(int cellId, const int* nodeIds)
//ASSERT(nodeIds.size() == _nbDownCells);
for (int i = 0; i < _nbDownCells; i++)
_cellIds[_nbDownCells * cellId + i] = nodeIds[i];
/*! Build the list of vtkUnstructuredGrid cells containing the edge.
* We keep in the list the cells that contains all the nodes, we keep only volumes and faces.
* @param cellId id of the edge in the downward structure
* @param vtkIds vector of vtk id's
* @return number of vtk cells (size of vector)
int SMDS_Down1D::computeVtkCells(int cellId, std::vector<int>& vtkIds)
// --- find all the cells the points belong to, and how many of the points belong to a given cell
int *pts = &_cellIds[_nbDownCells * cellId];
int ncells = this->computeVtkCells(pts, vtkIds);
return ncells;
/*! Build the list of vtkUnstructuredGrid cells containing the edge.
* @param pts list of points id's defining an edge
* @param vtkIds vector of vtk id's
* @return number of vtk cells (size of vector)
int SMDS_Down1D::computeVtkCells(int *pts, std::vector<int>& vtkIds)
// --- find all the cells the points belong to, and how many of the points belong to a given cell
int cellIds[1000];
int cellCnt[1000];
int cnt = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < _nbDownCells; i++)
vtkIdType point = pts[i];
int numCells = _grid->GetLinks()->GetNcells(point);
vtkIdType *cells = _grid->GetLinks()->GetCells(point);
for (int j = 0; j < numCells; j++)
int vtkCellId = cells[j];
bool found = false;
for (int k = 0; k < cnt; k++)
if (cellIds[k] == vtkCellId)
cellCnt[k] += 1;
found = true;
if (!found)
cellIds[cnt] = vtkCellId;
cellCnt[cnt] = 1;
// TODO ASSERT(cnt<1000);
// --- find the face and volume cells: they contains all the points and are of type volume or face
int ncells = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
if (cellCnt[i] == _nbDownCells)
int vtkElemId = cellIds[i];
int vtkType = _grid->GetCellType(vtkElemId);
if (SMDS_Downward::getCellDimension(vtkType) > 1)
return ncells;
/*! Build the list of downward faces from a list of vtk cells.
* @param cellId id of the edge in the downward structure
* @param vtkIds vector of vtk id's
* @param downFaces vector of face id's in downward structures
* @param downTypes vector of face types
* @return number of downward faces
int SMDS_Down1D::computeFaces(int cellId, int* vtkIds, int nbcells, int* downFaces, unsigned char* downTypes)
int *pts = &_cellIds[_nbDownCells * cellId];
int nbFaces = this->computeFaces(pts, vtkIds, nbcells, downFaces, downTypes);
return nbFaces;
/*! Build the list of downward faces from a list of vtk cells.
* @param pts list of points id's defining an edge
* @param vtkIds vector of vtk id's
* @param downFaces vector of face id's in downward structures
* @param downTypes vector of face types
* @return number of downward faces
int SMDS_Down1D::computeFaces(int* pts, int* vtkIds, int nbcells, int* downFaces, unsigned char* downTypes)
int cnt = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nbcells; i++)
int vtkId = vtkIds[i];
int vtkType = _grid->GetCellType(vtkId);
if (SMDS_Downward::getCellDimension(vtkType) == 2)
int faceId = _grid->CellIdToDownId(vtkId);
downFaces[cnt] = faceId;
downTypes[cnt] = vtkType;
int volId = _grid->CellIdToDownId(vtkId);
SMDS_Downward * downvol = _grid->getDownArray(vtkType);
2010-11-30 22:35:24 +00:00
//const int *downIds = downvol->getDownCells(volId);
2010-11-29 13:20:53 +00:00
const unsigned char* downTypesVol = downvol->getDownTypes(volId);
int nbFaces = downvol->getNumberOfDownCells(volId);
const int* faceIds = downvol->getDownCells(volId);
for (int n = 0; n < nbFaces; n++)
SMDS_Down2D *downFace = static_cast<SMDS_Down2D*> (_grid->getDownArray(downTypesVol[n]));
bool isInFace = downFace->isInFace(faceIds[n], pts, _nbDownCells);
if (isInFace)
bool alreadySet = false;
for (int k = 0; k < cnt; k++)
if (faceIds[n] == downFaces[k])
alreadySet = true;
if (!alreadySet)
downFaces[cnt] = faceIds[n];
downTypes[cnt] = downTypesVol[n];
return cnt;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
SMDS_Down2D::SMDS_Down2D(SMDS_UnstructuredGrid *grid, int nbDownCells) :
SMDS_Downward(grid, nbDownCells)
_nbNodes = 0;
int SMDS_Down2D::getNumberOfUpCells(int cellId)
int nbup = 0;
if (_upCellIds[2 * cellId] >= 0)
if (_upCellIds[2 * cellId + 1] >= 0)
return nbup;
const int* SMDS_Down2D::getUpCells(int cellId)
//ASSERT((cellId >=0) && (cellId < _maxId));
return &_upCellIds[2 * cellId];
const unsigned char* SMDS_Down2D::getUpTypes(int cellId)
//ASSERT((cellId >=0) && (cellId < _maxId));
return &_upCellTypes[2 * cellId];
void SMDS_Down2D::getNodeIds(int cellId, std::set<int>& nodeSet)
for (int i = 0; i < _nbDownCells; i++)
int downCellId = _cellIds[_nbDownCells * cellId + i];
unsigned char cellType = _cellTypes[i];
this->_grid->getDownArray(cellType)->getNodeIds(downCellId, nodeSet);
/*! Find in vtkUnstructuredGrid the volumes containing a face already stored in vtkUnstructuredGrid.
* Search the volumes containing a face, to store the info in SMDS_Down2D for later uses
* with SMDS_Down2D::getUpCells and SMDS_Down2D::getUpTypes.
* A face belongs to 0, 1 or 2 volumes, identified by their id in vtkUnstructuredGrid.
* @param cellId the face cell id in vkUnstructuredGrid
* @param ids a couple of vtkId, initialized at -1 (no parent volume)
* @return number of volumes (0, 1 or 2)
int SMDS_Down2D::computeVolumeIds(int cellId, int* ids)
// --- find point id's of the face
vtkIdType npts = 0;
vtkIdType *pts; // will refer to the point id's of the face
_grid->GetCellPoints(cellId, npts, pts);
vector<int> nodes;
for (int i = 0; i < npts; i++)
int nvol = this->computeVolumeIdsFromNodesFace(&nodes[0], npts, ids);
return nvol;
/*! Find in vtkUnstructuredGrid the volumes containing a face described by it's nodes
* Search the volumes containing a face, to store the info in SMDS_Down2D for later uses
* with SMDS_Down2D::getUpCells and SMDS_Down2D::getUpTypes.
* A face belongs to 0, 1 or 2 volumes, identified by their id in vtkUnstructuredGrid.
* @param faceByNodes
* @param ids a couple of vtkId, initialized at -1 (no parent volume)
* @return number of volumes (0, 1 or 2)
int SMDS_Down2D::computeVolumeIds(ElemByNodesType& faceByNodes, int* ids)
int nvol = this->computeVolumeIdsFromNodesFace(&faceByNodes.nodeIds[0], faceByNodes.nbNodes, ids);
return nvol;
/*! Find in vtkUnstructuredGrid the volumes containing a face described by it's nodes
* Search the volumes containing a face, to store the info in SMDS_Down2D for later uses
* with SMDS_Down2D::getUpCells and SMDS_Down2D::getUpTypes.
* A face belongs to 0, 1 or 2 volumes, identified by their id in vtkUnstructuredGrid.
* @param pts array of vtk node id's
* @param npts number of nodes
* @param ids
* @return number of volumes (0, 1 or 2)
int SMDS_Down2D::computeVolumeIdsFromNodesFace(int* pts, int npts, int* ids)
// --- find all the cells the points belong to, and how many of the points belong to a given cell
int cellIds[1000];
int cellCnt[1000];
int cnt = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < npts; i++)
vtkIdType point = pts[i];
int numCells = _grid->GetLinks()->GetNcells(point);
//MESSAGE("cells pour " << i << " " << numCells);
vtkIdType *cells = _grid->GetLinks()->GetCells(point);
for (int j = 0; j < numCells; j++)
int vtkCellId = cells[j];
bool found = false;
for (int k = 0; k < cnt; k++)
if (cellIds[k] == vtkCellId)
cellCnt[k] += 1;
found = true;
if (!found)
cellIds[cnt] = vtkCellId;
cellCnt[cnt] = 1;
// TODO ASSERT(cnt<1000);
// --- find the volume cells: they contains all the points and are of type volume
int nvol = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
//MESSAGE("cell " << cellIds[i] << " points " << cellCnt[i]);
if (cellCnt[i] == npts)
int vtkElemId = cellIds[i];
int vtkType = _grid->GetCellType(vtkElemId);
if (SMDS_Downward::getCellDimension(vtkType) == 3)
ids[nvol] = vtkElemId; // store the volume id in given vector
if (nvol == 2)
return nvol;
void SMDS_Down2D::setTempNodes(int cellId, int vtkId)
vtkIdType npts = 0;
vtkIdType *pts; // will refer to the point id's of the face
_grid->GetCellPoints(vtkId, npts, pts);
// MESSAGE(vtkId << " " << npts << " " << _nbNodes);
//ASSERT(npts == _nbNodes);
for (int i = 0; i < npts; i++)
_tempNodes[_nbNodes * cellId + i] = pts[i];
void SMDS_Down2D::setTempNodes(int cellId, ElemByNodesType& faceByNodes)
for (int i = 0; i < faceByNodes.nbNodes; i++)
_tempNodes[_nbNodes * cellId + i] = faceByNodes.nodeIds[i];
/*! Find if all the nodes belongs to the face.
* @param cellId the face cell Id
* @param nodeSet set of node id's to be found in the face list of nodes
* @return
bool SMDS_Down2D::isInFace(int cellId, int *pts, int npts)
int nbFound = 0;
int *nodes = &_tempNodes[_nbNodes * cellId];
for (int j = 0; j < npts; j++)
int point = pts[j];
for (int i = 0; i < _nbNodes; i++)
if (nodes[i] == point)
return (nbFound == npts);
/*! Resize the downward connectivity storage vector if needed.
* @param nbElems total number of elements of the same type required
void SMDS_Down2D::allocate(int nbElems)
if (nbElems >= _vtkCellIds.size())
_cellIds.resize(_nbDownCells * (nbElems + SMDS_Mesh::chunkSize), -1);
_vtkCellIds.resize(nbElems + SMDS_Mesh::chunkSize, -1);
_upCellIds.resize(2 * (nbElems + SMDS_Mesh::chunkSize), -1);
_upCellTypes.resize(2 * (nbElems + SMDS_Mesh::chunkSize), -1);
_tempNodes.resize(_nbNodes * (nbElems + SMDS_Mesh::chunkSize), -1);
void SMDS_Down2D::compactStorage()
_cellIds.resize(_nbDownCells * _maxId);
_upCellIds.resize(2 * _maxId);
_upCellTypes.resize(2 * _maxId);
void SMDS_Down2D::addUpCell(int cellId, int upCellId, unsigned char aType)
//ASSERT((cellId >=0)&& (cellId < _maxId));
int *vols = &_upCellIds[2 * cellId];
unsigned char *types = &_upCellTypes[2 * cellId];
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
if (vols[i] < 0)
vols[i] = upCellId; // use non affected volume
types[i] = aType;
if ((vols[i] == upCellId) && (types[i] == aType)) // already done
int SMDS_Down2D::getNodeSet(int cellId, int* nodeSet)
for (int i = 0; i < _nbNodes; i++)
nodeSet[i] = _tempNodes[_nbNodes * cellId + i];
return _nbNodes;
int SMDS_Down2D::FindEdgeByNodes(int cellId, ElemByNodesType& edgeByNodes)
int *edges = &_cellIds[_nbDownCells * cellId];
for (int i = 0; i < _nbDownCells; i++)
if ((edges[i] >= 0) && (edgeByNodes.vtkType == _cellTypes[i]))
int nodeSet[3];
int npts = this->_grid->getDownArray(edgeByNodes.vtkType)->getNodeSet(edges[i], nodeSet);
bool found = false;
for (int j = 0; j < npts; j++)
int point = edgeByNodes.nodeIds[j];
found = false;
for (int k = 0; k < npts; k++)
if (nodeSet[k] == point)
found = true;
if (!found)
if (found)
return edges[i];
return -1;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
SMDS_Down3D::SMDS_Down3D(SMDS_UnstructuredGrid *grid, int nbDownCells) :
SMDS_Downward(grid, nbDownCells)
void SMDS_Down3D::allocate(int nbElems)
if (nbElems >= _vtkCellIds.size())
_cellIds.resize(_nbDownCells * (nbElems + SMDS_Mesh::chunkSize), -1);
_vtkCellIds.resize(nbElems + SMDS_Mesh::chunkSize, -1);
void SMDS_Down3D::compactStorage()
// nothing to do, size was known before
int SMDS_Down3D::getNumberOfUpCells(int cellId)
return 0;
const int* SMDS_Down3D::getUpCells(int cellId)
return 0;
const unsigned char* SMDS_Down3D::getUpTypes(int cellId)
return 0;
void SMDS_Down3D::getNodeIds(int cellId, std::set<int>& nodeSet)
int vtkId = this->_vtkCellIds[cellId];
vtkIdType npts = 0;
vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
_grid->GetCellPoints(vtkId, npts, nodes);
for (int i = 0; i < npts; i++)
int SMDS_Down3D::FindFaceByNodes(int cellId, ElemByNodesType& faceByNodes)
int *faces = &_cellIds[_nbDownCells * cellId];
int faceNodeSet[10];
int npoints = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < _nbDownCells; i++)
if ((faces[i] >= 0) && (faceByNodes.vtkType == _cellTypes[i]))
if (npoints == 0)
for (int j = 0; j < faceByNodes.nbNodes; j++)
faceNodeSet[j] = faceByNodes.nodeIds[j];
npoints = faceByNodes.nbNodes;
int nodeSet[10];
int npts = this->_grid->getDownArray(faceByNodes.vtkType)->getNodeSet(faces[i], nodeSet);
if (npts != npoints)
continue; // skip this face
bool found = false;
for (int j = 0; j < npts; j++)
int point = faceByNodes.nodeIds[j];
found = false;
for (int k = 0; k < npts; k++)
if (nodeSet[k] == point)
found = true;
break; // point j is in the 2 faces, skip remaining k values
if (!found)
break; // point j is not in the 2 faces, skip the remaining tests
if (found)
return faces[i];
return -1;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
SMDS_DownEdge::SMDS_DownEdge(SMDS_UnstructuredGrid *grid) :
SMDS_Down1D(grid, 2)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
SMDS_DownQuadEdge::SMDS_DownQuadEdge(SMDS_UnstructuredGrid *grid) :
SMDS_Down1D(grid, 3)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
SMDS_DownTriangle::SMDS_DownTriangle(SMDS_UnstructuredGrid *grid) :
SMDS_Down2D(grid, 3)
_nbNodes = 3;
void SMDS_DownTriangle::computeEdgesWithNodes(int cellId, ListElemByNodesType& edgesWithNodes)
int *nodes = &_tempNodes[_nbNodes * cellId];
edgesWithNodes.nbElems = 3;
edgesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[0] = nodes[0];
edgesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[1] = nodes[1];
edgesWithNodes.elems[0].nbNodes = 2;
edgesWithNodes.elems[0].vtkType = VTK_LINE;
edgesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[0] = nodes[1];
edgesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[1] = nodes[2];
edgesWithNodes.elems[1].nbNodes = 2;
edgesWithNodes.elems[1].vtkType = VTK_LINE;
edgesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[0] = nodes[2];
edgesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[1] = nodes[0];
edgesWithNodes.elems[2].nbNodes = 2;
edgesWithNodes.elems[2].vtkType = VTK_LINE;
void SMDS_DownTriangle::addDownCell(int cellId, int lowCellId, unsigned char aType)
//ASSERT((cellId >=0)&& (cellId < _maxId));
//ASSERT(aType == VTK_LINE);
int *faces = &_cellIds[_nbDownCells * cellId];
for (int i = 0; i < _nbDownCells; i++)
if (faces[i] < 0)
faces[i] = lowCellId;
if (faces[i] == lowCellId)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
SMDS_DownQuadTriangle::SMDS_DownQuadTriangle(SMDS_UnstructuredGrid *grid) :
SMDS_Down2D(grid, 3)
_nbNodes = 6;
void SMDS_DownQuadTriangle::computeEdgesWithNodes(int cellId, ListElemByNodesType& edgesWithNodes)
int *nodes = &_tempNodes[_nbNodes * cellId];
edgesWithNodes.nbElems = 3;
edgesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[0] = nodes[0];
edgesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[1] = nodes[1];
edgesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[2] = nodes[3];
edgesWithNodes.elems[0].nbNodes = 3;
edgesWithNodes.elems[0].vtkType = VTK_QUADRATIC_EDGE;
edgesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[0] = nodes[1];
edgesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[1] = nodes[2];
edgesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[2] = nodes[4];
edgesWithNodes.elems[1].nbNodes = 3;
edgesWithNodes.elems[1].vtkType = VTK_QUADRATIC_EDGE;
edgesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[0] = nodes[2];
edgesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[1] = nodes[0];
edgesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[2] = nodes[5];
edgesWithNodes.elems[2].nbNodes = 3;
edgesWithNodes.elems[2].vtkType = VTK_QUADRATIC_EDGE;
void SMDS_DownQuadTriangle::addDownCell(int cellId, int lowCellId, unsigned char aType)
//ASSERT((cellId >=0)&& (cellId < _maxId));
int *faces = &_cellIds[_nbDownCells * cellId];
for (int i = 0; i < _nbDownCells; i++)
if (faces[i] < 0)
faces[i] = lowCellId;
if (faces[i] == lowCellId)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
SMDS_DownQuadrangle::SMDS_DownQuadrangle(SMDS_UnstructuredGrid *grid) :
SMDS_Down2D(grid, 4)
_nbNodes = 4;
void SMDS_DownQuadrangle::computeEdgesWithNodes(int cellId, ListElemByNodesType& edgesWithNodes)
int *nodes = &_tempNodes[_nbNodes * cellId];
edgesWithNodes.nbElems = 4;
edgesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[0] = nodes[0];
edgesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[1] = nodes[1];
edgesWithNodes.elems[0].nbNodes = 2;
edgesWithNodes.elems[0].vtkType = VTK_LINE;
edgesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[0] = nodes[1];
edgesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[1] = nodes[2];
edgesWithNodes.elems[1].nbNodes = 2;
edgesWithNodes.elems[1].vtkType = VTK_LINE;
edgesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[0] = nodes[2];
edgesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[1] = nodes[3];
edgesWithNodes.elems[2].nbNodes = 2;
edgesWithNodes.elems[2].vtkType = VTK_LINE;
edgesWithNodes.elems[3].nodeIds[0] = nodes[3];
edgesWithNodes.elems[3].nodeIds[1] = nodes[0];
edgesWithNodes.elems[3].nbNodes = 2;
edgesWithNodes.elems[3].vtkType = VTK_LINE;
void SMDS_DownQuadrangle::addDownCell(int cellId, int lowCellId, unsigned char aType)
//ASSERT((cellId >=0)&& (cellId < _maxId));
//ASSERT(aType == VTK_LINE);
int *faces = &_cellIds[_nbDownCells * cellId];
for (int i = 0; i < _nbDownCells; i++)
if (faces[i] < 0)
faces[i] = lowCellId;
if (faces[i] == lowCellId)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
SMDS_DownQuadQuadrangle::SMDS_DownQuadQuadrangle(SMDS_UnstructuredGrid *grid) :
SMDS_Down2D(grid, 4)
_nbNodes = 8;
void SMDS_DownQuadQuadrangle::computeEdgesWithNodes(int cellId, ListElemByNodesType& edgesWithNodes)
int *nodes = &_tempNodes[_nbNodes * cellId];
edgesWithNodes.nbElems = 4;
edgesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[0] = nodes[0];
edgesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[1] = nodes[1];
edgesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[2] = nodes[4];
edgesWithNodes.elems[0].nbNodes = 3;
edgesWithNodes.elems[0].vtkType = VTK_QUADRATIC_EDGE;
edgesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[0] = nodes[1];
edgesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[1] = nodes[2];
edgesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[2] = nodes[5];
edgesWithNodes.elems[1].nbNodes = 3;
edgesWithNodes.elems[1].vtkType = VTK_QUADRATIC_EDGE;
edgesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[0] = nodes[2];
edgesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[1] = nodes[3];
edgesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[2] = nodes[6];
edgesWithNodes.elems[2].nbNodes = 3;
edgesWithNodes.elems[2].vtkType = VTK_QUADRATIC_EDGE;
edgesWithNodes.elems[3].nodeIds[0] = nodes[3];
edgesWithNodes.elems[3].nodeIds[1] = nodes[0];
edgesWithNodes.elems[3].nodeIds[2] = nodes[7];
edgesWithNodes.elems[3].nbNodes = 3;
edgesWithNodes.elems[3].vtkType = VTK_QUADRATIC_EDGE;
void SMDS_DownQuadQuadrangle::addDownCell(int cellId, int lowCellId, unsigned char aType)
//ASSERT((cellId >=0)&& (cellId < _maxId));
int *faces = &_cellIds[_nbDownCells * cellId];
for (int i = 0; i < _nbDownCells; i++)
if (faces[i] < 0)
faces[i] = lowCellId;
if (faces[i] == lowCellId)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
SMDS_DownTetra::SMDS_DownTetra(SMDS_UnstructuredGrid *grid) :
SMDS_Down3D(grid, 4)
2010-12-15 10:13:32 +00:00
void SMDS_DownTetra::getOrderedNodesOfFace(int cellId, std::vector<vtkIdType>& orderedNodes)
2010-11-29 13:20:53 +00:00
set<int> setNodes;
for (int i = 0; i < orderedNodes.size(); i++)
//MESSAGE("cellId = " << cellId);
vtkIdType npts = 0;
vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
_grid->GetCellPoints(this->_vtkCellIds[cellId], npts, nodes);
set<int> tofind;
int ids[12] = { 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 3, 0, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3 };
for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
tofind.insert(nodes[ids[3 * k + i]]);
if (setNodes == tofind)
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
orderedNodes[i] = nodes[ids[3 * k + i]];
MESSAGE("=== Problem volume " << _vtkCellIds[cellId] << " " << _grid->_mesh->fromVtkToSmds(_vtkCellIds[cellId]));
MESSAGE(orderedNodes[0] << " " << orderedNodes[1] << " " << orderedNodes[2]);
MESSAGE(nodes[0] << " " << nodes[1] << " " << nodes[2] << " " << nodes[3]);
void SMDS_DownTetra::addDownCell(int cellId, int lowCellId, unsigned char aType)
//ASSERT((cellId >=0)&& (cellId < _maxId));
int *faces = &_cellIds[_nbDownCells * cellId];
for (int i = 0; i < _nbDownCells; i++)
if (faces[i] < 0)
faces[i] = lowCellId;
if (faces[i] == lowCellId)
/*! Create a list of faces described by a vtk Type and an ordered set of Node Id's
* The linear tetrahedron is defined by four points.
* @see vtkTetra.h in Filtering.
* @param cellId volumeId in vtkUnstructuredGrid
* @param facesWithNodes vector of face descriptors to be filled
void SMDS_DownTetra::computeFacesWithNodes(int cellId, ListElemByNodesType& facesWithNodes)
// --- find point id's of the volume
vtkIdType npts = 0;
vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
_grid->GetCellPoints(cellId, npts, nodes);
// --- create all the ordered list of node id's for each face
facesWithNodes.nbElems = 4;
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[0] = nodes[0];
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[1] = nodes[1];
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[2] = nodes[2];
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nbNodes = 3;
facesWithNodes.elems[0].vtkType = VTK_TRIANGLE;
facesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[0] = nodes[0];
facesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[1] = nodes[1];
facesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[2] = nodes[3];
facesWithNodes.elems[1].nbNodes = 3;
facesWithNodes.elems[1].vtkType = VTK_TRIANGLE;
facesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[0] = nodes[0];
facesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[1] = nodes[2];
facesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[2] = nodes[3];
facesWithNodes.elems[2].nbNodes = 3;
facesWithNodes.elems[2].vtkType = VTK_TRIANGLE;
facesWithNodes.elems[3].nodeIds[0] = nodes[1];
facesWithNodes.elems[3].nodeIds[1] = nodes[2];
facesWithNodes.elems[3].nodeIds[2] = nodes[3];
facesWithNodes.elems[3].nbNodes = 3;
facesWithNodes.elems[3].vtkType = VTK_TRIANGLE;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
SMDS_DownQuadTetra::SMDS_DownQuadTetra(SMDS_UnstructuredGrid *grid) :
SMDS_Down3D(grid, 4)
2010-12-15 10:13:32 +00:00
void SMDS_DownQuadTetra::getOrderedNodesOfFace(int cellId, std::vector<vtkIdType>& orderedNodes)
2010-11-29 13:20:53 +00:00
void SMDS_DownQuadTetra::addDownCell(int cellId, int lowCellId, unsigned char aType)
//ASSERT((cellId >=0)&& (cellId < _maxId));
int *faces = &_cellIds[_nbDownCells * cellId];
for (int i = 0; i < _nbDownCells; i++)
if (faces[i] < 0)
faces[i] = lowCellId;
if (faces[i] == lowCellId)
/*! Create a list of faces described by a vtk Type and an ordered set of Node Id's
* The ordering of the ten points defining the quadratic tetrahedron cell is point id's (0-3,4-9)
* where id's 0-3 are the four tetrahedron vertices;
* and point id's 4-9 are the mid-edge nodes between (0,1), (1,2), (2,0), (0,3), (1,3), and (2,3).
* @see vtkQuadraticTetra.h in Filtering.
* @param cellId volumeId in vtkUnstructuredGrid
* @param facesWithNodes vector of face descriptors to be filled
void SMDS_DownQuadTetra::computeFacesWithNodes(int cellId, ListElemByNodesType& facesWithNodes)
// --- find point id's of the volume
vtkIdType npts = 0;
vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
_grid->GetCellPoints(cellId, npts, nodes);
// --- create all the ordered list of node id's for each face
facesWithNodes.nbElems = 4;
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[0] = nodes[0];
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[1] = nodes[1];
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[2] = nodes[2];
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[3] = nodes[4];
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[4] = nodes[5];
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[5] = nodes[6];
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nbNodes = 6;
facesWithNodes.elems[0].vtkType = VTK_QUADRATIC_TRIANGLE;
facesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[0] = nodes[0];
facesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[1] = nodes[1];
facesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[2] = nodes[3];
facesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[3] = nodes[4];
facesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[4] = nodes[7];
facesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[5] = nodes[8];
facesWithNodes.elems[1].nbNodes = 6;
facesWithNodes.elems[1].vtkType = VTK_QUADRATIC_TRIANGLE;
facesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[0] = nodes[0];
facesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[1] = nodes[2];
facesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[2] = nodes[3];
facesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[3] = nodes[6];
facesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[4] = nodes[7];
facesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[5] = nodes[9];
facesWithNodes.elems[2].nbNodes = 6;
facesWithNodes.elems[2].vtkType = VTK_QUADRATIC_TRIANGLE;
facesWithNodes.elems[3].nodeIds[0] = nodes[1];
facesWithNodes.elems[3].nodeIds[1] = nodes[2];
facesWithNodes.elems[3].nodeIds[2] = nodes[3];
facesWithNodes.elems[3].nodeIds[3] = nodes[5];
facesWithNodes.elems[3].nodeIds[4] = nodes[8];
facesWithNodes.elems[3].nodeIds[5] = nodes[9];
facesWithNodes.elems[3].nbNodes = 6;
facesWithNodes.elems[3].vtkType = VTK_QUADRATIC_TRIANGLE;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
SMDS_DownPyramid::SMDS_DownPyramid(SMDS_UnstructuredGrid *grid) :
SMDS_Down3D(grid, 5)
2010-12-15 10:13:32 +00:00
void SMDS_DownPyramid::getOrderedNodesOfFace(int cellId, std::vector<vtkIdType>& orderedNodes)
2010-11-29 13:20:53 +00:00
void SMDS_DownPyramid::addDownCell(int cellId, int lowCellId, unsigned char aType)
//ASSERT((cellId >=0) && (cellId < _maxId));
int *faces = &_cellIds[_nbDownCells * cellId];
if (aType == VTK_QUAD)
if (faces[0] < 0)
faces[0] = lowCellId;
if (faces[0] == lowCellId)
for (int i = 1; i < _nbDownCells; i++)
if (faces[i] < 0)
faces[i] = lowCellId;
if (faces[i] == lowCellId)
/*! Create a list of faces described by a vtk Type and an ordered set of Node Id's
* The pyramid is defined by the five points (0-4) where (0,1,2,3) is the base of the pyramid which,
* using the right hand rule, forms a quadrilateral whose normal points in the direction of the
* pyramid apex at vertex #4.
* @see vtkPyramid.h in Filtering.
* @param cellId volumeId in vtkUnstructuredGrid
* @param facesWithNodes vector of face descriptors to be filled
void SMDS_DownPyramid::computeFacesWithNodes(int cellId, ListElemByNodesType& facesWithNodes)
// --- find point id's of the volume
vtkIdType npts = 0;
vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
_grid->GetCellPoints(cellId, npts, nodes);
// --- create all the ordered list of node id's for each face
facesWithNodes.nbElems = 5;
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[0] = nodes[0];
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[1] = nodes[1];
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[2] = nodes[2];
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[3] = nodes[3];
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nbNodes = 4;
facesWithNodes.elems[0].vtkType = VTK_QUAD;
facesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[0] = nodes[0];
facesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[1] = nodes[1];
facesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[2] = nodes[4];
facesWithNodes.elems[1].nbNodes = 3;
facesWithNodes.elems[1].vtkType = VTK_TRIANGLE;
facesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[0] = nodes[1];
facesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[1] = nodes[2];
facesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[2] = nodes[4];
facesWithNodes.elems[2].nbNodes = 3;
facesWithNodes.elems[2].vtkType = VTK_TRIANGLE;
facesWithNodes.elems[3].nodeIds[0] = nodes[2];
facesWithNodes.elems[3].nodeIds[1] = nodes[3];
facesWithNodes.elems[3].nodeIds[2] = nodes[4];
facesWithNodes.elems[3].nbNodes = 3;
facesWithNodes.elems[3].vtkType = VTK_TRIANGLE;
facesWithNodes.elems[4].nodeIds[0] = nodes[3];
facesWithNodes.elems[4].nodeIds[1] = nodes[0];
facesWithNodes.elems[4].nodeIds[2] = nodes[4];
facesWithNodes.elems[4].nbNodes = 3;
facesWithNodes.elems[4].vtkType = VTK_TRIANGLE;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
SMDS_DownQuadPyramid::SMDS_DownQuadPyramid(SMDS_UnstructuredGrid *grid) :
SMDS_Down3D(grid, 5)
2010-12-15 10:13:32 +00:00
void SMDS_DownQuadPyramid::getOrderedNodesOfFace(int cellId, std::vector<vtkIdType>& orderedNodes)
2010-11-29 13:20:53 +00:00
void SMDS_DownQuadPyramid::addDownCell(int cellId, int lowCellId, unsigned char aType)
//ASSERT((cellId >=0) && (cellId < _maxId));
int *faces = &_cellIds[_nbDownCells * cellId];
if (faces[0] < 0)
faces[0] = lowCellId;
if (faces[0] == lowCellId)
for (int i = 1; i < _nbDownCells; i++)
if (faces[i] < 0)
faces[i] = lowCellId;
if (faces[i] == lowCellId)
/*! Create a list of faces described by a vtk Type and an ordered set of Node Id's
* The ordering of the thirteen points defining the quadratic pyramid cell is point id's (0-4,5-12)
* where point id's 0-4 are the five corner vertices of the pyramid; followed
* by eight mid-edge nodes (5-12). Note that these mid-edge nodes lie on the edges defined by
* 5(0,1), 6(1,2), 7(2,3), 8(3,0), 9(0,4), 10(1,4), 11(2,4), 12(3,4).
* @see vtkQuadraticPyramid.h in Filtering.
* @param cellId volumeId in vtkUnstructuredGrid
* @param facesWithNodes vector of face descriptors to be filled
void SMDS_DownQuadPyramid::computeFacesWithNodes(int cellId, ListElemByNodesType& facesWithNodes)
// --- find point id's of the volume
vtkIdType npts = 0;
vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
_grid->GetCellPoints(cellId, npts, nodes);
// --- create all the ordered list of node id's for each face
facesWithNodes.nbElems = 5;
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[0] = nodes[0];
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[1] = nodes[1];
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[2] = nodes[2];
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[3] = nodes[3];
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[4] = nodes[5];
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[5] = nodes[6];
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[6] = nodes[7];
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[7] = nodes[8];
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nbNodes = 8;
facesWithNodes.elems[0].vtkType = VTK_QUADRATIC_QUAD;
facesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[0] = nodes[0];
facesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[1] = nodes[1];
facesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[2] = nodes[4];
facesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[3] = nodes[5];
facesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[4] = nodes[9];
facesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[5] = nodes[10];
facesWithNodes.elems[1].nbNodes = 6;
facesWithNodes.elems[1].vtkType = VTK_QUADRATIC_TRIANGLE;
facesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[0] = nodes[1];
facesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[1] = nodes[2];
facesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[2] = nodes[4];
facesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[3] = nodes[6];
facesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[4] = nodes[10];
facesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[5] = nodes[11];
facesWithNodes.elems[2].nbNodes = 6;
facesWithNodes.elems[2].vtkType = VTK_QUADRATIC_TRIANGLE;
facesWithNodes.elems[3].nodeIds[0] = nodes[2];
facesWithNodes.elems[3].nodeIds[1] = nodes[3];
facesWithNodes.elems[3].nodeIds[2] = nodes[4];
facesWithNodes.elems[3].nodeIds[3] = nodes[7];
facesWithNodes.elems[3].nodeIds[4] = nodes[11];
facesWithNodes.elems[3].nodeIds[5] = nodes[12];
facesWithNodes.elems[3].nbNodes = 6;
facesWithNodes.elems[3].vtkType = VTK_QUADRATIC_TRIANGLE;
facesWithNodes.elems[4].nodeIds[0] = nodes[3];
facesWithNodes.elems[4].nodeIds[1] = nodes[0];
facesWithNodes.elems[4].nodeIds[2] = nodes[4];
facesWithNodes.elems[4].nodeIds[3] = nodes[8];
facesWithNodes.elems[4].nodeIds[4] = nodes[9];
facesWithNodes.elems[4].nodeIds[5] = nodes[12];
facesWithNodes.elems[4].nbNodes = 6;
facesWithNodes.elems[4].vtkType = VTK_QUADRATIC_TRIANGLE;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
SMDS_DownPenta::SMDS_DownPenta(SMDS_UnstructuredGrid *grid) :
SMDS_Down3D(grid, 5)
2010-12-15 10:13:32 +00:00
void SMDS_DownPenta::getOrderedNodesOfFace(int cellId, std::vector<vtkIdType>& orderedNodes)
2010-11-29 13:20:53 +00:00
void SMDS_DownPenta::addDownCell(int cellId, int lowCellId, unsigned char aType)
//ASSERT((cellId >=0) && (cellId < _maxId));
int *faces = &_cellIds[_nbDownCells * cellId];
if (aType == VTK_QUAD)
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
if (faces[i] < 0)
faces[i] = lowCellId;
if (faces[i] == lowCellId)
for (int i = 2; i < _nbDownCells; i++)
if (faces[i] < 0)
faces[i] = lowCellId;
if (faces[i] == lowCellId)
/*! Create a list of faces described by a vtk Type and an ordered set of Node Id's.
* A wedge or pentahedron consists of two triangular and three quadrilateral faces
* and is defined by the six points (0-5) where (0,1,2) is the base of the wedge which,
* using the right hand rule, forms a triangle whose normal points outward
* (away from the triangular face (3,4,5)).
* @see vtkWedge.h in Filtering
* @param cellId volumeId in vtkUnstructuredGrid
* @param facesWithNodes vector of face descriptors to be filled
void SMDS_DownPenta::computeFacesWithNodes(int cellId, ListElemByNodesType& facesWithNodes)
// --- find point id's of the volume
vtkIdType npts = 0;
vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
_grid->GetCellPoints(cellId, npts, nodes);
// --- create all the ordered list of node id's for each face
facesWithNodes.nbElems = 5;
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[0] = nodes[0];
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[1] = nodes[2];
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[2] = nodes[5];
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[3] = nodes[3];
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nbNodes = 4;
facesWithNodes.elems[0].vtkType = VTK_QUAD;
facesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[0] = nodes[1];
facesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[1] = nodes[2];
facesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[2] = nodes[5];
facesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[3] = nodes[4];
facesWithNodes.elems[1].nbNodes = 4;
facesWithNodes.elems[1].vtkType = VTK_QUAD;
facesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[0] = nodes[0];
facesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[1] = nodes[1];
facesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[2] = nodes[4];
facesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[3] = nodes[3];
facesWithNodes.elems[2].nbNodes = 4;
facesWithNodes.elems[2].vtkType = VTK_QUAD;
facesWithNodes.elems[3].nodeIds[0] = nodes[0];
facesWithNodes.elems[3].nodeIds[1] = nodes[1];
facesWithNodes.elems[3].nodeIds[2] = nodes[2];
facesWithNodes.elems[3].nbNodes = 3;
facesWithNodes.elems[3].vtkType = VTK_TRIANGLE;
facesWithNodes.elems[4].nodeIds[0] = nodes[3];
facesWithNodes.elems[4].nodeIds[1] = nodes[4];
facesWithNodes.elems[4].nodeIds[2] = nodes[5];
facesWithNodes.elems[4].nbNodes = 3;
facesWithNodes.elems[4].vtkType = VTK_TRIANGLE;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
SMDS_DownQuadPenta::SMDS_DownQuadPenta(SMDS_UnstructuredGrid *grid) :
SMDS_Down3D(grid, 5)
2010-12-15 10:13:32 +00:00
void SMDS_DownQuadPenta::getOrderedNodesOfFace(int cellId, std::vector<vtkIdType>& orderedNodes)
2010-11-29 13:20:53 +00:00
void SMDS_DownQuadPenta::addDownCell(int cellId, int lowCellId, unsigned char aType)
//ASSERT((cellId >=0) && (cellId < _maxId));
int *faces = &_cellIds[_nbDownCells * cellId];
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
if (faces[i] < 0)
faces[i] = lowCellId;
if (faces[i] == lowCellId)
for (int i = 2; i < _nbDownCells; i++)
if (faces[i] < 0)
faces[i] = lowCellId;
if (faces[i] == lowCellId)
/*! Create a list of faces described by a vtk Type and an ordered set of Node Id's
* The quadratic wedge (or pentahedron) is defined by fifteen points.
* The ordering of the fifteen points defining the cell is point id's (0-5,6-14)
* where point id's 0-5 are the six corner vertices of the wedge, followed by
* nine mid-edge nodes (6-14). Note that these mid-edge nodes lie on the edges defined by
* (0,1), (1,2), (2,0), (3,4), (4,5), (5,3), (0,3), (1,4), (2,5).
* @see vtkQuadraticWedge.h in Filtering
* @param cellId volumeId in vtkUnstructuredGrid
* @param facesWithNodes vector of face descriptors to be filled
void SMDS_DownQuadPenta::computeFacesWithNodes(int cellId, ListElemByNodesType& facesWithNodes)
// --- find point id's of the volume
vtkIdType npts = 0;
vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
_grid->GetCellPoints(cellId, npts, nodes);
// --- create all the ordered list of node id's for each face
facesWithNodes.nbElems = 5;
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[0] = nodes[0];
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[1] = nodes[2];
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[2] = nodes[5];
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[3] = nodes[3];
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[4] = nodes[8];
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[5] = nodes[14];
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[6] = nodes[11];
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[7] = nodes[12];
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nbNodes = 8;
facesWithNodes.elems[0].vtkType = VTK_QUADRATIC_QUAD;
facesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[0] = nodes[1];
facesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[1] = nodes[2];
facesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[2] = nodes[5];
facesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[3] = nodes[4];
facesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[4] = nodes[7];
facesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[5] = nodes[14];
facesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[6] = nodes[10];
facesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[7] = nodes[13];
facesWithNodes.elems[1].nbNodes = 8;
facesWithNodes.elems[1].vtkType = VTK_QUADRATIC_QUAD;
facesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[0] = nodes[0];
facesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[1] = nodes[1];
facesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[2] = nodes[4];
facesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[3] = nodes[3];
facesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[4] = nodes[6];
facesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[5] = nodes[13];
facesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[6] = nodes[9];
facesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[7] = nodes[12];
facesWithNodes.elems[2].nbNodes = 8;
facesWithNodes.elems[2].vtkType = VTK_QUADRATIC_QUAD;
facesWithNodes.elems[3].nodeIds[0] = nodes[0];
facesWithNodes.elems[3].nodeIds[1] = nodes[1];
facesWithNodes.elems[3].nodeIds[2] = nodes[2];
facesWithNodes.elems[3].nodeIds[3] = nodes[6];
facesWithNodes.elems[3].nodeIds[4] = nodes[7];
facesWithNodes.elems[3].nodeIds[5] = nodes[8];
facesWithNodes.elems[3].nbNodes = 6;
facesWithNodes.elems[3].vtkType = VTK_QUADRATIC_TRIANGLE;
facesWithNodes.elems[4].nodeIds[0] = nodes[3];
facesWithNodes.elems[4].nodeIds[1] = nodes[4];
facesWithNodes.elems[4].nodeIds[2] = nodes[5];
facesWithNodes.elems[4].nodeIds[3] = nodes[9];
facesWithNodes.elems[4].nodeIds[4] = nodes[10];
facesWithNodes.elems[4].nodeIds[5] = nodes[11];
facesWithNodes.elems[4].nbNodes = 6;
facesWithNodes.elems[4].vtkType = VTK_QUADRATIC_TRIANGLE;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
SMDS_DownHexa::SMDS_DownHexa(SMDS_UnstructuredGrid *grid) :
SMDS_Down3D(grid, 6)
2010-12-15 10:13:32 +00:00
void SMDS_DownHexa::getOrderedNodesOfFace(int cellId, std::vector<vtkIdType>& orderedNodes)
2010-11-29 13:20:53 +00:00
void SMDS_DownHexa::addDownCell(int cellId, int lowCellId, unsigned char aType)
//ASSERT((cellId >=0)&& (cellId < _maxId));
int *faces = &_cellIds[_nbDownCells * cellId];
for (int i = 0; i < _nbDownCells; i++)
if (faces[i] < 0)
faces[i] = lowCellId;
if (faces[i] == lowCellId)
// MESSAGE("-------------------------------------> trop de faces ! " << cellId << " " << lowCellId);
/*! Create a list of faces described by a vtk Type and an ordered set of Node Id's
* The hexahedron is defined by the eight points (0-7), where (0,1,2,3) is the base
* of the hexahedron which, using the right hand rule, forms a quadrilateral whose normal
* points in the direction of the opposite face (4,5,6,7).
* @see vtkHexahedron.h in Filtering
* @param cellId volumeId in vtkUnstructuredGrid
* @param facesWithNodes vector of face descriptors to be filled
void SMDS_DownHexa::computeFacesWithNodes(int cellId, ListElemByNodesType& facesWithNodes)
// --- find point id's of the volume
vtkIdType npts = 0;
vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
_grid->GetCellPoints(cellId, npts, nodes);
// --- create all the ordered list of node id's for each face
facesWithNodes.nbElems = 6;
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[0] = nodes[0];
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[1] = nodes[1];
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[2] = nodes[2];
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[3] = nodes[3];
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nbNodes = 4;
facesWithNodes.elems[0].vtkType = VTK_QUAD;
facesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[0] = nodes[4];
facesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[1] = nodes[5];
facesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[2] = nodes[6];
facesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[3] = nodes[7];
facesWithNodes.elems[1].nbNodes = 4;
facesWithNodes.elems[1].vtkType = VTK_QUAD;
facesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[0] = nodes[0];
facesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[1] = nodes[1];
facesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[2] = nodes[5];
facesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[3] = nodes[4];
facesWithNodes.elems[2].nbNodes = 4;
facesWithNodes.elems[2].vtkType = VTK_QUAD;
facesWithNodes.elems[3].nodeIds[0] = nodes[1];
facesWithNodes.elems[3].nodeIds[1] = nodes[2];
facesWithNodes.elems[3].nodeIds[2] = nodes[6];
facesWithNodes.elems[3].nodeIds[3] = nodes[5];
facesWithNodes.elems[3].nbNodes = 4;
facesWithNodes.elems[3].vtkType = VTK_QUAD;
facesWithNodes.elems[4].nodeIds[0] = nodes[2];
facesWithNodes.elems[4].nodeIds[1] = nodes[6];
facesWithNodes.elems[4].nodeIds[2] = nodes[7];
facesWithNodes.elems[4].nodeIds[3] = nodes[3];
facesWithNodes.elems[4].nbNodes = 4;
facesWithNodes.elems[4].vtkType = VTK_QUAD;
facesWithNodes.elems[5].nodeIds[0] = nodes[3];
facesWithNodes.elems[5].nodeIds[1] = nodes[7];
facesWithNodes.elems[5].nodeIds[2] = nodes[4];
facesWithNodes.elems[5].nodeIds[3] = nodes[0];
facesWithNodes.elems[5].nbNodes = 4;
facesWithNodes.elems[5].vtkType = VTK_QUAD;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
SMDS_DownQuadHexa::SMDS_DownQuadHexa(SMDS_UnstructuredGrid *grid) :
SMDS_Down3D(grid, 6)
2010-12-15 10:13:32 +00:00
void SMDS_DownQuadHexa::getOrderedNodesOfFace(int cellId, std::vector<vtkIdType>& orderedNodes)
2010-11-29 13:20:53 +00:00
void SMDS_DownQuadHexa::addDownCell(int cellId, int lowCellId, unsigned char aType)
//ASSERT((cellId >=0)&& (cellId < _maxId));
int *faces = &_cellIds[_nbDownCells * cellId];
for (int i = 0; i < _nbDownCells; i++)
if (faces[i] < 0)
faces[i] = lowCellId;
if (faces[i] == lowCellId)
/*! Create a list of faces described by a vtk Type and an ordered set of Node Id's
* The ordering of the twenty points defining the quadratic hexahedron cell is point id's (0-7,8-19)
* where point id's 0-7 are the eight corner vertices of the cube, followed by twelve mid-edge nodes (8-19).
* Note that these mid-edge nodes lie on the edges defined by
* (0,1), (1,2), (2,3), (3,0), (4,5), (5,6), (6,7), (7,4), (0,4), (1,5), (2,6), (3,7).
* @see vtkQuadraticHexahedron.h in Filtering
* @param cellId volumeId in vtkUnstructuredGrid
* @param facesWithNodes vector of face descriptors to be filled
void SMDS_DownQuadHexa::computeFacesWithNodes(int cellId, ListElemByNodesType& facesWithNodes)
// --- find point id's of the volume
vtkIdType npts = 0;
vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
_grid->GetCellPoints(cellId, npts, nodes);
// --- create all the ordered list of node id's for each face
facesWithNodes.nbElems = 6;
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[0] = nodes[0];
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[1] = nodes[1];
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[2] = nodes[2];
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[3] = nodes[3];
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[4] = nodes[8];
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[5] = nodes[9];
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[6] = nodes[10];
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nodeIds[7] = nodes[11];
facesWithNodes.elems[0].nbNodes = 8;
facesWithNodes.elems[0].vtkType = VTK_QUADRATIC_QUAD;
facesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[0] = nodes[4];
facesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[1] = nodes[5];
facesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[2] = nodes[6];
facesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[3] = nodes[7];
facesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[4] = nodes[12];
facesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[5] = nodes[13];
facesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[6] = nodes[14];
facesWithNodes.elems[1].nodeIds[7] = nodes[15];
facesWithNodes.elems[1].nbNodes = 8;
facesWithNodes.elems[1].vtkType = VTK_QUADRATIC_QUAD;
facesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[0] = nodes[0];
facesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[1] = nodes[1];
facesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[2] = nodes[5];
facesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[3] = nodes[4];
facesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[4] = nodes[8];
facesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[5] = nodes[17];
facesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[6] = nodes[12];
facesWithNodes.elems[2].nodeIds[7] = nodes[16];
facesWithNodes.elems[2].nbNodes = 8;
facesWithNodes.elems[2].vtkType = VTK_QUADRATIC_QUAD;
facesWithNodes.elems[3].nodeIds[0] = nodes[1];
facesWithNodes.elems[3].nodeIds[1] = nodes[2];
facesWithNodes.elems[3].nodeIds[2] = nodes[6];
facesWithNodes.elems[3].nodeIds[3] = nodes[5];
facesWithNodes.elems[3].nodeIds[4] = nodes[9];
facesWithNodes.elems[3].nodeIds[5] = nodes[18];
facesWithNodes.elems[3].nodeIds[6] = nodes[13];
facesWithNodes.elems[3].nodeIds[7] = nodes[17];
facesWithNodes.elems[3].nbNodes = 8;
facesWithNodes.elems[3].vtkType = VTK_QUADRATIC_QUAD;
facesWithNodes.elems[4].nodeIds[0] = nodes[2];
facesWithNodes.elems[4].nodeIds[1] = nodes[6];
facesWithNodes.elems[4].nodeIds[2] = nodes[7];
facesWithNodes.elems[4].nodeIds[3] = nodes[3];
facesWithNodes.elems[4].nodeIds[4] = nodes[18];
facesWithNodes.elems[4].nodeIds[5] = nodes[14];
facesWithNodes.elems[4].nodeIds[6] = nodes[19];
facesWithNodes.elems[4].nodeIds[7] = nodes[10];
facesWithNodes.elems[4].nbNodes = 8;
facesWithNodes.elems[4].vtkType = VTK_QUADRATIC_QUAD;
facesWithNodes.elems[5].nodeIds[0] = nodes[3];
facesWithNodes.elems[5].nodeIds[1] = nodes[7];
facesWithNodes.elems[5].nodeIds[2] = nodes[4];
facesWithNodes.elems[5].nodeIds[3] = nodes[0];
facesWithNodes.elems[5].nodeIds[4] = nodes[19];
facesWithNodes.elems[5].nodeIds[5] = nodes[15];
facesWithNodes.elems[5].nodeIds[6] = nodes[16];
facesWithNodes.elems[5].nodeIds[7] = nodes[11];
facesWithNodes.elems[5].nbNodes = 8;
facesWithNodes.elems[5].vtkType = VTK_QUADRATIC_QUAD;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------