* In Geometry module, via **New Entity > Explode** menu.
* In Geometry module, by creation of a group (**New Entity > Group > Create Group** menu).
* In Mesh module, by :ref:`selecting a mesh element <subshape_by_mesh_elem>` generated on a sub-shape of interest. This way is accessible if the mesh is already computed.
* In Mesh module, by clicking **Publish Sub-shape** button in a dialog showing :ref:`meshing errors <meshing_failed_anchor>`.
It allows to define the **Name**, the parent **Mesh** and the **Geometry** (e.g. a face if the parent mesh has been built on box) of the sub-mesh. You can define meshing algorithms and hypotheses in the same way as in :ref:`Create mesh <constructing_meshes_page>` dialog.
Later you can change the applied hypotheses or their parameters in :ref:`Edit mesh/sub-mesh <editing_meshes_page>` dialog. Mesh entities generated using changed hypotheses are automatically removed.
If the parent mesh is already computed, then you can define the **Geometry** by picking mesh elements computed on a sub-shape of interest in the 3D Viewer, i.e. you do not have to extract this sub-shape in Geometry module beforehand. To start element selection, press *Selection* button to the right of **Geometry** label. If this button is already down, then click it to release and then click it again. The following pop-up menu allowing to choose a way of geometry definition will appear.
**Find geometry by mesh element selection** activates the following dialog.
..image:: ../images/find_geom_by_mesh_elem.png
:align: center
In this dialog, **Element Type** defines a kind of element to pick in the Viewer. Instead of picking an element in the Viewer, you can type its ID in **Element ID** field. **Geometry name** field allows defining a name of the sub-shape, with which the sub-shape will appear in the Object Browser (if not yet there).
Sub-mesh in the Object Browser
In the Object Browser the structure of the new sub-mesh will be displayed as follows: