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// Copyright (C) 2007-2008 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
// Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// See or email :
// File : StdMeshers_HexaFromSkin_3D.cxx
// Created : Wed Jan 27 12:28:07 2010
// Author : Edward AGAPOV (eap)
#include "StdMeshers_HexaFromSkin_3D.hxx"
#include "SMDS_VolumeOfNodes.hxx"
#include "SMDS_VolumeTool.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Block.hxx"
#include "SMESH_MesherHelper.hxx"
#include "utilities.h"
// Define error message
#ifdef _DEBUG_
#define BAD_MESH_ERR \
error(SMESH_Comment("Can't detect block-wise structure of the input 2D mesh.\n" \
__FILE__ ":" )<<__LINE__)
#define BAD_MESH_ERR \
error(SMESH_Comment("Can't detect block-wise structure of the input 2D mesh"))
// Debug output
#define _DUMP_(msg) // cout << msg << endl
enum EBoxSides //!< sides of the block
const char* SBoxSides[] = //!< names of block sides
enum EQuadEdge //!< edges of quadrangle side
* \brief return true if a node is at block corner
bool isCornerNode( const SMDS_MeshNode* n )
return n && n->NbInverseElements( SMDSAbs_Face ) % 2;
* \brief check element type
bool isQuadrangle(const SMDS_MeshElement* e)
return ( e && e->NbNodes() == ( e->IsQuadratic() ? 8 : 4 ));
* \brief return opposite node of a quadrangle face
const SMDS_MeshNode* oppositeNode(const SMDS_MeshElement* quad, int iNode)
return quad->GetNode( (iNode+2) % 4 );
* \brief Convertor of a pair of integers to a sole index
struct _Indexer
int _xSize, _ySize;
_Indexer( int xSize=0, int ySize=0 ): _xSize(xSize), _ySize(ySize) {}
int size() const { return _xSize * _ySize; }
int operator()(int x, int y) const { return y * _xSize + x; }
* \brief Oriented convertor of a pair of integers to a sole index
class _OrientedIndexer : public _Indexer
enum OriFlags //!< types of block side orientation
_OrientedIndexer( const _Indexer& indexer, const int oriFlags ):
_Indexer( indexer._xSize, indexer._ySize ),
_xSize (indexer._xSize), _ySize(indexer._ySize),
_xRevFun((oriFlags & REV_X) ? & reverse : & lazy),
_yRevFun((oriFlags & REV_Y) ? & reverse : & lazy),
_swapFun((oriFlags & SWAP_XY ) ? & swap : & lazy)
(*_swapFun)( _xSize, _ySize );
//!< Return index by XY
int operator()(int x, int y) const
(*_xRevFun)( x, const_cast<int&>( _xSize ));
(*_yRevFun)( y, const_cast<int&>( _ySize ));
(*_swapFun)( x, y );
return _Indexer::operator()(x,y);
//!< Return index for a corner
int corner(bool xMax, bool yMax) const
int x = xMax, y = yMax, size = 2;
(*_xRevFun)( x, size );
(*_yRevFun)( y, size );
(*_swapFun)( x, y );
return _Indexer::operator()(x ? _Indexer::_xSize-1 : 0 , y ? _Indexer::_ySize-1 : 0);
int xSize() const { return _xSize; }
int ySize() const { return _ySize; }
_Indexer _indexer;
int _xSize, _ySize;
typedef void (*TFun)(int& x, int& y);
TFun _xRevFun, _yRevFun, _swapFun;
static void lazy(int&, int&) {}
static void reverse(int& x, int& size) { x = size - x - 1; }
static void swap(int& x, int& y) { std::swap(x,y); }
* \brief Structure corresponding to the meshed side of block
struct _BlockSide
vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*> _grid;
_Indexer _index;
int _nbBlocksExpected;
int _nbBlocksFound;
#ifdef _DEBUG_
#define _grid_access_(args) args )
#define _grid_access_(args) _grid[ args ]
//!< Return node at XY
const SMDS_MeshNode* getNode(int x, int y) const { return _grid_access_( _index( x, y )); }
//!< Set node at XY
void setNode(int x, int y, const SMDS_MeshNode* n) { _grid_access_( _index( x, y )) = n; }
//!< Return a corner node
const SMDS_MeshNode* getCornerNode(bool isXMax, bool isYMax) const
return getNode( isXMax ? _index._xSize-1 : 0 , isYMax ? _index._ySize-1 : 0 );
const SMDS_MeshElement* getCornerFace(const SMDS_MeshNode* cornerNode) const;
//!< True if all blocks this side belongs to have beem found
bool isBound() const { return _nbBlocksExpected <= _nbBlocksFound; }
//!< Return coordinates of node at XY
gp_XYZ getXYZ(int x, int y) const { return SMESH_MeshEditor::TNodeXYZ( getNode( x, y )); }
//!< Return gravity center of the four corners and the middle node
gp_XYZ getGC() const
gp_XYZ xyz =
getXYZ( 0, 0 ) +
getXYZ( _index._xSize-1, 0 ) +
getXYZ( 0, _index._ySize-1 ) +
getXYZ( _index._xSize-1, _index._ySize-1 ) +
getXYZ( _index._xSize/2, _index._ySize/2 );
return xyz / 5;
//!< Return number of mesh faces
int getNbFaces() const { return (_index._xSize-1) * (_index._ySize-1); }
* \brief _BlockSide with changed orientation
struct _OrientedBlockSide
_BlockSide* _side;
_OrientedIndexer _index;
_OrientedBlockSide( _BlockSide* side=0, const int oriFlags=0 ):
_side(side), _index(side ? side->_index : _Indexer(), oriFlags ) {}
//!< return coordinates by XY
gp_XYZ xyz(int x, int y) const
return SMESH_MeshEditor::TNodeXYZ( _side->_grid_access_( _index( x, y )) );
//!< safely return a node by XY
const SMDS_MeshNode* node(int x, int y) const
int i = _index( x, y );
return ( i < 0 || i >= _side->_grid.size()) ? 0 : _side->_grid[i];
//!< Return a corner node
const SMDS_MeshNode* cornerNode(bool isXMax, bool isYMax) const
return _side->_grid_access_( _index.corner( isXMax, isYMax ));
//!< return its size in nodes
int getHoriSize() const { return _index.xSize(); }
int getVertSize() const { return _index.ySize(); }
//!< True if _side has been initialized
operator bool() const { return _side; }
//! Direct access to _side
const _BlockSide* operator->() const { return _side; }
_BlockSide* operator->() { return _side; }
* \brief Meshed skin of block
struct _Block
_OrientedBlockSide _side[6]; // 6 sides of a sub-block
const _OrientedBlockSide& getSide(int i) const { return _side[i]; }
* \brief Skin mesh possibly containing several meshed blocks
class _Skin
int findBlocks(SMESH_Mesh& mesh);
//!< return i-th block
const _Block& getBlock(int i) const { return _blocks[i]; }
//!< return error description
const SMESH_Comment& error() const { return _error; }
bool fillSide( _BlockSide& side, const SMDS_MeshElement* cornerQuad);
bool fillRowsUntilCorner(const SMDS_MeshElement* quad,
const SMDS_MeshNode* n1,
const SMDS_MeshNode* n2,
vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*>& verRow1,
vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*>& verRow2,
bool alongN1N2 );
_OrientedBlockSide findBlockSide( EBoxSides startBlockSide,
EQuadEdge sharedSideEdge1,
EQuadEdge sharedSideEdge2);
//!< update own data and data of the side bound to block
void setSideBoundToBlock( _BlockSide& side )
if ( side.isBound() )
_corner2sides[ side.getCornerNode(0,0) ].erase( &side );
_corner2sides[ side.getCornerNode(1,0) ].erase( &side );
_corner2sides[ side.getCornerNode(0,1) ].erase( &side );
_corner2sides[ side.getCornerNode(1,1) ].erase( &side );
//!< store reason of error
int error(const SMESH_Comment& reason) { _error = reason; return 0; }
SMESH_Comment _error;
list< _BlockSide > _allSides;
vector< _Block > _blocks;
map< const SMDS_MeshNode*, set< _BlockSide* > > _corner2sides;
* \brief Find and return number of submeshes corresponding to blocks
int _Skin::findBlocks(SMESH_Mesh& mesh)
SMESHDS_Mesh* meshDS = mesh.GetMeshDS();
// Find a node at any block corner
SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr nIt = meshDS->nodesIterator(/*idInceasingOrder=*/true);
if ( !nIt->more() ) return error("Empty mesh");
const SMDS_MeshNode* nCorner = 0;
while ( nIt->more() )
nCorner = nIt->next();
if ( isCornerNode( nCorner ))
nCorner = 0;
if ( !nCorner )
return BAD_MESH_ERR;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Find all block sides starting from mesh faces sharing the corner node
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
int nbFacesOnSides = 0;
TIDSortedElemSet cornerFaces; // corner faces of found _BlockSide's
list< const SMDS_MeshNode* > corners( 1, nCorner );
list< const SMDS_MeshNode* >::iterator corner = corners.begin();
while ( corner != corners.end() )
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr faceIt = (*corner)->GetInverseElementIterator( SMDSAbs_Face );
while ( faceIt->more() )
const SMDS_MeshElement* face = faceIt->next();
if ( !cornerFaces.insert( face ).second )
continue; // already loaded block side
if ( !isQuadrangle( face ))
return error("Non-quadrangle elements in the input mesh");
if ( _allSides.empty() || !_allSides.back()._grid.empty() )
_allSides.push_back( _BlockSide() );
_BlockSide& side = _allSides.back();
if ( !fillSide( side, face ) )
if ( !_error.empty() )
return false;
for ( int isXMax = 0; isXMax < 2; ++isXMax )
for ( int isYMax = 0; isYMax < 2; ++isYMax )
const SMDS_MeshNode* nCorner = side.getCornerNode(isXMax,isYMax );
if ( !isCornerNode( nCorner ))
return BAD_MESH_ERR;
_corner2sides[ nCorner ].insert( &side );
corners.push_back( nCorner );
cornerFaces.insert( side.getCornerFace( nCorner ));
nbFacesOnSides += side.getNbFaces();
// find block sides of other domains if any
if ( corner == corners.end() && nbFacesOnSides < mesh.NbQuadrangles() )
while ( nIt->more() )
nCorner = nIt->next();
if ( isCornerNode( nCorner ))
corner = corners.insert( corner, nCorner );
nbFacesOnSides = mesh.NbQuadrangles();
if ( _allSides.empty() )
return BAD_MESH_ERR;
if ( _allSides.back()._grid.empty() )
// ---------------------------
// Organize sides into blocks
// ---------------------------
// analyse sharing of sides by blocks
int nbBlockSides = 0; // nb of block sides taking into account their sharing
list < _BlockSide >::iterator sideIt = _allSides.begin();
for ( ; sideIt != _allSides.end(); ++sideIt )
_BlockSide& side = *sideIt;
bool isSharedSide = true;
for ( int isXMax = 0; isXMax < 2; ++isXMax )
for ( int isYMax = 0; isYMax < 2; ++isYMax )
if ( _corner2sides[ side.getCornerNode(isXMax,isYMax) ].size() < 5 )
isSharedSide = false;
side._nbBlocksFound = 0;
side._nbBlocksExpected = isSharedSide ? 2 : 1;
nbBlockSides += side._nbBlocksExpected;
// find sides of each block
int nbBlocks = 0;
while ( nbBlockSides >= 6 )
2010-03-02 11:47:35 +05:00
// get any side not bound to all blocks it belongs to
sideIt = _allSides.begin();
while ( sideIt != _allSides.end() && sideIt->isBound())
// start searching for block sides from the got side
bool ok = true;
if ( _blocks.empty() || _blocks.back()._side[B_FRONT] )
_blocks.resize( _blocks.size() + 1 );
_Block& block = _blocks.back();
block._side[B_FRONT] = &(*sideIt);
setSideBoundToBlock( *sideIt );
// edges of neighbour sides of B_FRONT corresponding to front's edges
EQuadEdge edgeOfFront[4] = { Q_BOTTOM, Q_RIGHT, Q_TOP, Q_LEFT };
EQuadEdge edgeToFind [4] = { Q_BOTTOM, Q_LEFT, Q_BOTTOM, Q_LEFT };
for ( int i = Q_BOTTOM; ok && i <= Q_LEFT; ++i )
ok = ( block._side[i] = findBlockSide( B_FRONT, edgeOfFront[i], edgeToFind[i]));
if ( ok )
ok = ( block._side[B_BACK] = findBlockSide( B_TOP, Q_TOP, Q_TOP ));
// count the found sides
for (int i = 0; i < B_UNDEFINED; ++i )
_DUMP_("** Block side "<< SBoxSides[i]);
if ( block._side[ i ] )
if ( ok && i != B_FRONT)
setSideBoundToBlock( *block._side[ i ]._side );
_DUMP_("Corner 0,0 "<< block._side[ i ].cornerNode(0,0));
_DUMP_("Corner 1,0 "<< block._side[ i ].cornerNode(1,0));
_DUMP_("Corner 1,1 "<< block._side[ i ].cornerNode(1,1));
_DUMP_("Corner 0,1 "<< block._side[ i ].cornerNode(0,1));
_DUMP_("Not found"<<endl);
if ( !ok )
block._side[0] = block._side[1] = block._side[2] =
block._side[3] = block._side[4] = block._side[5] = 0;
if ( nbBlocks == 0 && _error.empty() )
return BAD_MESH_ERR;
return nbBlocks;
* \brief Fill block side data starting from its corner quadrangle
bool _Skin::fillSide( _BlockSide& side, const SMDS_MeshElement* cornerQuad)
// Find out size of block side mesured in nodes and by the way find two rows
// of nodes in two directions.
int x, y, nbX, nbY;
const SMDS_MeshElement* firstQuad = cornerQuad;
// get corner node of cornerQuad
const SMDS_MeshNode* nCorner = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < 4 && !nCorner; ++i )
if ( isCornerNode( firstQuad->GetNode(i)))
nCorner = firstQuad->GetNode(i);
if ( !nCorner ) return false;
// get a node on block edge
int iCorner = firstQuad->GetNodeIndex( nCorner );
const SMDS_MeshNode* nOnEdge = firstQuad->GetNode( (iCorner+1) % 4);
// find out size of block side
vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*> horRow1, horRow2, verRow1, verRow2;
if ( !fillRowsUntilCorner( firstQuad, nCorner, nOnEdge, horRow1, horRow2, true ) ||
!fillRowsUntilCorner( firstQuad, nCorner, nOnEdge, verRow1, verRow2, false ))
return false;
nbX = horRow1.size(), nbY = verRow1.size();
// store found nodes
side._index._xSize = horRow1.size();
side._index._ySize = verRow1.size();
side._grid.resize( side._index.size(), NULL );
for ( x = 0; x < horRow1.size(); ++x )
side.setNode( x, 0, horRow1[x] );
side.setNode( x, 1, horRow2[x] );
for ( y = 0; y < verRow1.size(); ++y )
side.setNode( 0, y, verRow1[y] );
side.setNode( 1, y, verRow2[y] );
// Find the rest nodes
y = 1; // y of the row to fill
TIDSortedElemSet emptySet, avoidSet;
while ( ++y < nbY )
// get next firstQuad in the next row of quadrangles
// n2up
// o---o <- y row
// | |
// o---o o o o o <- found nodes
//n1down n2down
int i1down, i2down, i2up;
const SMDS_MeshNode* n1down = side.getNode( 0, y-1 );
const SMDS_MeshNode* n2down = side.getNode( 1, y-1 );
avoidSet.clear(); avoidSet.insert( firstQuad );
firstQuad = SMESH_MeshEditor::FindFaceInSet( n1down, n2down, emptySet, avoidSet,
&i1down, &i2down);
if ( !isQuadrangle( firstQuad ))
return BAD_MESH_ERR;
const SMDS_MeshNode* n2up = oppositeNode( firstQuad, i1down );
avoidSet.clear(); avoidSet.insert( firstQuad );
// find the rest nodes in the y-th row by faces in the row
x = 1;
while ( ++x < nbX )
const SMDS_MeshElement* quad = SMESH_MeshEditor::FindFaceInSet( n2up, n2down, emptySet,
avoidSet, &i2up, &i2down);
if ( !isQuadrangle( quad ))
return BAD_MESH_ERR;
n2up = oppositeNode( quad, i2down );
n2down = oppositeNode( quad, i2up );
avoidSet.clear(); avoidSet.insert( quad );
side.setNode( x, y, n2up );
return true;
* \brief Try to find a block side adjacent to the given side by given edge
_OrientedBlockSide _Skin::findBlockSide( EBoxSides startBlockSide,
EQuadEdge sharedSideEdge1,
EQuadEdge sharedSideEdge2)
_Block& block = _blocks.back();
_OrientedBlockSide& side1 = block._side[ startBlockSide ];
// get corner nodes of the given block edge
bool xMax1=0, yMax1=0, xMax2=1, yMax2=1;
switch( sharedSideEdge1 )
case Q_BOTTOM: yMax2 = 0; break;
case Q_RIGHT: xMax1 = 1; break;
case Q_TOP: yMax1 = 1; break;
case Q_LEFT: xMax2 = 0; break;
error(SMESH_Comment("Internal error at")<<__FILE__<<":"<<__LINE__);
return 0;
const SMDS_MeshNode* n1 = side1.cornerNode( xMax1, yMax1);
const SMDS_MeshNode* n2 = side1.cornerNode( xMax2, yMax2);
set< _BlockSide* >& sidesWithN1 = _corner2sides[ n1 ];
set< _BlockSide* >& sidesWithN2 = _corner2sides[ n2 ];
if ( sidesWithN1.empty() || sidesWithN2.empty() )
_DUMP_("no sides by nodes "<< n1->GetID() << " " << n2->GetID() );
return 0;
// find all sides sharing both nodes n1 and n2
set< _BlockSide* > sidesOnEdge;
set< _BlockSide* >::iterator sideIt;
std::set_intersection( sidesWithN1.begin(), sidesWithN1.end(),
sidesWithN2.begin(), sidesWithN2.end(),
inserter( sidesOnEdge, sidesOnEdge.begin()));
// exclude loaded sides of block from sidesOnEdge
int nbLoadedSides = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < B_UNDEFINED; ++i )
if ( block._side[ i ] )
sidesOnEdge.erase( block._side[ i ]._side );
int nbSidesOnEdge = sidesOnEdge.size();
_DUMP_("nbSidesOnEdge "<< nbSidesOnEdge);
if ( nbSidesOnEdge == 0 )
return 0;
_BlockSide* foundSide = 0;
if ( nbSidesOnEdge == 1 || nbSidesOnEdge == 2 && nbLoadedSides == 1 )
foundSide = *sidesOnEdge.begin();
// Select one of found sides most close to startBlockSide
// gravity center of already loaded block sides
gp_XYZ gc;
for (int i = 0; i < B_UNDEFINED; ++i )
if ( block._side[ i ] )
gc += block._side[ i ]._side->getGC();
gc /= nbLoadedSides;
gp_XYZ p1 ( n1->X(),n1->Y(),n1->Z()), p2 (n2->X(),n2->Y(),n2->Z());
gp_Vec p2p1( p1 - p2 );
const SMDS_MeshElement* face1 = side1->getCornerFace( n1 );
gp_XYZ p1Op = SMESH_MeshEditor::TNodeXYZ( oppositeNode( face1, face1->GetNodeIndex(n1)));
gp_Vec side1Dir( p1, p1Op );
map < double , _BlockSide* > angleOfSide;
for (sideIt = sidesOnEdge.begin(); sideIt != sidesOnEdge.end(); ++sideIt )
_BlockSide* sideI = *sideIt;
const SMDS_MeshElement* faceI = sideI->getCornerFace( n1 );
gp_XYZ p1Op = SMESH_MeshEditor::TNodeXYZ( oppositeNode( faceI, faceI->GetNodeIndex(n1)));
gp_Vec sideIDir( p1, p1Op );
double angle = side1Dir.AngleWithRef( sideIDir, p2p1 );
if ( angle < 0 ) angle += 2 * PI;
angleOfSide.insert( make_pair( angle, sideI ));
gp_Vec gcDir( p1, gc );
double gcAngle = side1Dir.AngleWithRef( gcDir, p2p1 );
foundSide = gcAngle < 0 ? angleOfSide.rbegin()->second : angleOfSide.begin()->second;
// Orient the found side correctly
// corners of found side corresponding to nodes n1 and n2
xMax1= yMax1 = 0; xMax2 = yMax2 = 1;
switch( sharedSideEdge2 )
case Q_BOTTOM: yMax2 = 0; break;
case Q_RIGHT: xMax1 = 1; break;
case Q_TOP: yMax1 = 1; break;
case Q_LEFT: xMax2 = 0; break;
error(SMESH_Comment("Internal error at")<<__FILE__<<":"<<__LINE__);
return 0;
for ( int ori = 0; ori < _OrientedIndexer::MAX_ORI+1; ++ori )
_OrientedBlockSide orientedSide( foundSide, ori );
const SMDS_MeshNode* n12 = orientedSide.cornerNode( xMax1, yMax1);
const SMDS_MeshNode* n22 = orientedSide.cornerNode( xMax2, yMax2);
if ( n1 == n12 && n2 == n22 )
return orientedSide;
error(SMESH_Comment("Failed to orient a block side found by edge ")<<sharedSideEdge1
<< " of side " << startBlockSide
<< " of block " << _blocks.size());
return 0;
* \brief: Fill rows (which are actually columns,if !alongN1N2) of nodes starting
* from the given quadrangle until another block corner encounters.
* n1 and n2 are at bottom of quad, n1 is at block corner.
bool _Skin::fillRowsUntilCorner(const SMDS_MeshElement* quad,
const SMDS_MeshNode* n1,
const SMDS_MeshNode* n2,
vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*>& row1,
vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*>& row2,
const bool alongN1N2 )
const SMDS_MeshNode* corner1 = n1;
// Store nodes of quad in the rows and find new n1 and n2 to get
// the next face so that new n2 is on block edge
int i1 = quad->GetNodeIndex( n1 );
int i2 = quad->GetNodeIndex( n2 );
row1.clear(); row2.clear();
row1.push_back( n1 );
if ( alongN1N2 )
row1.push_back( n2 );
row2.push_back( oppositeNode( quad, i2 ));
row2.push_back( n1 = oppositeNode( quad, i1 ));
row2.push_back( n2 );
row1.push_back( n2 = oppositeNode( quad, i2 ));
row2.push_back( n1 = oppositeNode( quad, i1 ));
// Find the rest nodes
TIDSortedElemSet emptySet, avoidSet;
while ( !isCornerNode( n2 ))
avoidSet.clear(); avoidSet.insert( quad );
quad = SMESH_MeshEditor::FindFaceInSet( n1, n2, emptySet, avoidSet, &i1, &i2 );
if ( !isQuadrangle( quad ))
return BAD_MESH_ERR;
row1.push_back( n2 = oppositeNode( quad, i1 ));
row2.push_back( n1 = oppositeNode( quad, i2 ));
return n1 != corner1;
* \brief Return a corner face by a corner node
const SMDS_MeshElement* _BlockSide::getCornerFace(const SMDS_MeshNode* cornerNode) const
int x, y, isXMax, isYMax, found = 0;
for ( isXMax = 0; isXMax < 2; ++isXMax )
for ( isYMax = 0; isYMax < 2; ++isYMax )
x = isXMax ? _index._xSize-1 : 0;
y = isYMax ? _index._ySize-1 : 0;
found = ( getNode(x,y) == cornerNode );
if ( found ) break;
if ( found ) break;
if ( !found ) return 0;
int dx = isXMax ? -1 : +1;
int dy = isYMax ? -1 : +1;
const SMDS_MeshNode* n1 = getNode(x,y);
const SMDS_MeshNode* n2 = getNode(x+dx,y);
const SMDS_MeshNode* n3 = getNode(x,y+dy);
const SMDS_MeshNode* n4 = getNode(x+dx,y+dy);
return SMDS_Mesh::FindFace(n1, n2, n3, n4 );
//function : StdMeshers_HexaFromSkin_3D
//purpose :
StdMeshers_HexaFromSkin_3D::StdMeshers_HexaFromSkin_3D(int hypId, int studyId, SMESH_Gen* gen)
:SMESH_3D_Algo(hypId, studyId, gen)
_name = "HexaFromSkin_3D";
* \brief Main method, which generates hexaheda
bool StdMeshers_HexaFromSkin_3D::Compute(SMESH_Mesh & aMesh, SMESH_MesherHelper* aHelper)
_Skin skin;
int nbBlocks = skin.findBlocks(aMesh);
if ( nbBlocks == 0 )
return error( skin.error());
vector< vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* > > columns;
int x, xSize, y, ySize, z, zSize;
_Indexer colIndex;
for ( int i = 0; i < nbBlocks; ++i )
const _Block& block = skin.getBlock( i );
// ------------------------------------------
// Fill columns of nodes with existing nodes
// ------------------------------------------
xSize = block.getSide(B_BOTTOM).getHoriSize();
ySize = block.getSide(B_BOTTOM).getVertSize();
zSize = block.getSide(B_FRONT ).getVertSize();
int X = xSize - 1, Y = ySize - 1, Z = zSize - 1;
colIndex = _Indexer( xSize, ySize );
columns.resize( colIndex.size() );
// fill node columns by front and back box sides
for ( x = 0; x < xSize; ++x ) {
vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* >& column0 = columns[ colIndex( x, 0 )];
vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* >& column1 = columns[ colIndex( x, Y )];
column0.resize( zSize );
column1.resize( zSize );
for ( z = 0; z < zSize; ++z ) {
column0[ z ] = block.getSide(B_FRONT).node( x, z );
column1[ z ] = block.getSide(B_BACK) .node( x, z );
// fill node columns by left and right box sides
for ( y = 1; y < ySize-1; ++y ) {
vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* >& column0 = columns[ colIndex( 0, y )];
vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* >& column1 = columns[ colIndex( X, y )];
column0.resize( zSize );
column1.resize( zSize );
for ( z = 0; z < zSize; ++z ) {
column0[ z ] = block.getSide(B_LEFT) .node( y, z );
column1[ z ] = block.getSide(B_RIGHT).node( y, z );
// get nodes from top and bottom box sides
for ( x = 1; x < xSize-1; ++x ) {
for ( y = 1; y < ySize-1; ++y ) {
vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* >& column = columns[ colIndex( x, y )];
column.resize( zSize );
column.front() = block.getSide(B_BOTTOM).node( x, y );
column.back() = block.getSide(B_TOP) .node( x, y );
// ----------------------------
// Add internal nodes of a box
// ----------------------------
// projection points of internal nodes on box subshapes by which
// coordinates of internal nodes are computed
vector<gp_XYZ> pointOnShape( SMESH_Block::ID_Shell );
// projections on vertices are constant
pointOnShape[ SMESH_Block::ID_V000 ] = block.getSide(B_BOTTOM).xyz( 0, 0 );
pointOnShape[ SMESH_Block::ID_V100 ] = block.getSide(B_BOTTOM).xyz( X, 0 );
pointOnShape[ SMESH_Block::ID_V010 ] = block.getSide(B_BOTTOM).xyz( 0, Y );
pointOnShape[ SMESH_Block::ID_V110 ] = block.getSide(B_BOTTOM).xyz( X, Y );
pointOnShape[ SMESH_Block::ID_V001 ] = block.getSide(B_TOP).xyz( 0, 0 );
pointOnShape[ SMESH_Block::ID_V101 ] = block.getSide(B_TOP).xyz( X, 0 );
pointOnShape[ SMESH_Block::ID_V011 ] = block.getSide(B_TOP).xyz( 0, Y );
pointOnShape[ SMESH_Block::ID_V111 ] = block.getSide(B_TOP).xyz( X, Y );
for ( x = 1; x < xSize-1; ++x )
gp_XYZ params; // normalized parameters of internal node within a unit box
params.SetCoord( 1, x / double(X) );
for ( y = 1; y < ySize-1; ++y )
params.SetCoord( 2, y / double(Y) );
// column to fill during z loop
vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* >& column = columns[ colIndex( x, y )];
// projections on horizontal edges
pointOnShape[ SMESH_Block::ID_Ex00 ] = block.getSide(B_BOTTOM).xyz( x, 0 );
pointOnShape[ SMESH_Block::ID_Ex10 ] = block.getSide(B_BOTTOM).xyz( x, Y );
pointOnShape[ SMESH_Block::ID_E0y0 ] = block.getSide(B_BOTTOM).xyz( 0, y );
pointOnShape[ SMESH_Block::ID_E1y0 ] = block.getSide(B_BOTTOM).xyz( X, y );
pointOnShape[ SMESH_Block::ID_Ex01 ] = block.getSide(B_TOP).xyz( x, 0 );
pointOnShape[ SMESH_Block::ID_Ex11 ] = block.getSide(B_TOP).xyz( x, Y );
pointOnShape[ SMESH_Block::ID_E0y1 ] = block.getSide(B_TOP).xyz( 0, y );
pointOnShape[ SMESH_Block::ID_E1y1 ] = block.getSide(B_TOP).xyz( X, y );
// projections on horizontal sides
pointOnShape[ SMESH_Block::ID_Fxy0 ] = block.getSide(B_BOTTOM).xyz( x, y );
pointOnShape[ SMESH_Block::ID_Fxy1 ] = block.getSide(B_TOP) .xyz( x, y );
for ( z = 1; z < zSize-1; ++z ) // z loop
params.SetCoord( 3, z / double(Z) );
// projections on vertical edges
pointOnShape[ SMESH_Block::ID_E00z ] = block.getSide(B_FRONT).xyz( 0, z );
pointOnShape[ SMESH_Block::ID_E10z ] = block.getSide(B_FRONT).xyz( X, z );
pointOnShape[ SMESH_Block::ID_E01z ] = block.getSide(B_BACK).xyz( 0, z );
pointOnShape[ SMESH_Block::ID_E11z ] = block.getSide(B_BACK).xyz( X, z );
// projections on vertical sides
pointOnShape[ SMESH_Block::ID_Fx0z ] = block.getSide(B_FRONT).xyz( x, z );
pointOnShape[ SMESH_Block::ID_Fx1z ] = block.getSide(B_BACK) .xyz( x, z );
pointOnShape[ SMESH_Block::ID_F0yz ] = block.getSide(B_LEFT) .xyz( y, z );
pointOnShape[ SMESH_Block::ID_F1yz ] = block.getSide(B_RIGHT).xyz( y, z );
// compute internal node coordinates
gp_XYZ coords;
SMESH_Block::ShellPoint( params, pointOnShape, coords );
column[ z ] = aHelper->AddNode( coords.X(), coords.Y(), coords.Z() );
#ifdef DEB_GRID
// debug
//cout << "----------------------------------------------------------------------"<<endl;
//for ( int id = SMESH_Block::ID_V000; id < SMESH_Block::ID_Shell; ++id)
// gp_XYZ p = pointOnShape[ id ];
// SMESH_Block::DumpShapeID( id,cout)<<" ( "<<p.X()<<", "<<p.Y()<<", "<<p.Z()<<" )"<<endl;
//cout << "Params: ( "<< params.X()<<", "<<params.Y()<<", "<<params.Z()<<" )"<<endl;
//cout << "coords: ( "<< coords.X()<<", "<<coords.Y()<<", "<<coords.Z()<<" )"<<endl;
// ----------------
// Add hexahedrons
// ----------------
// find out orientation
const SMDS_MeshNode* n000 = block.getSide(B_BOTTOM).cornerNode( 0, 0 );
const SMDS_MeshNode* n100 = block.getSide(B_BOTTOM).cornerNode( 1, 0 );
const SMDS_MeshNode* n010 = block.getSide(B_BOTTOM).cornerNode( 0, 1 );
const SMDS_MeshNode* n110 = block.getSide(B_BOTTOM).cornerNode( 1, 1 );
const SMDS_MeshNode* n001 = block.getSide(B_TOP).cornerNode( 0, 0 );
const SMDS_MeshNode* n101 = block.getSide(B_TOP).cornerNode( 1, 0 );
const SMDS_MeshNode* n011 = block.getSide(B_TOP).cornerNode( 0, 1 );
const SMDS_MeshNode* n111 = block.getSide(B_TOP).cornerNode( 1, 1 );
SMDS_VolumeOfNodes probeVolume (n000,n010,n110,n100,
bool isForw = SMDS_VolumeTool( &probeVolume ).IsForward();
// add elements
for ( x = 0; x < xSize-1; ++x ) {
for ( y = 0; y < ySize-1; ++y ) {
vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* >& col00 = columns[ colIndex( x, y )];
vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* >& col10 = columns[ colIndex( x+1, y )];
vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* >& col01 = columns[ colIndex( x, y+1 )];
vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* >& col11 = columns[ colIndex( x+1, y+1 )];
// bottom face normal of a hexa mush point outside the volume
if ( isForw )
for ( z = 0; z < zSize-1; ++z )
aHelper->AddVolume(col00[z], col01[z], col11[z], col10[z],
col00[z+1], col01[z+1], col11[z+1], col10[z+1]);
for ( z = 0; z < zSize-1; ++z )
aHelper->AddVolume(col00[z], col10[z], col11[z], col01[z],
col00[z+1], col10[z+1], col11[z+1], col01[z+1]);
} // loop on blocks
return true;
* \brief Evaluate nb of hexa
bool StdMeshers_HexaFromSkin_3D::Evaluate(SMESH_Mesh & aMesh,
const TopoDS_Shape & aShape,
MapShapeNbElems& aResMap)
_Skin skin;
int nbBlocks = skin.findBlocks(aMesh);
if ( nbBlocks == 0 )
return error( skin.error());
bool secondOrder = aMesh.NbFaces( ORDER_QUADRATIC );
int entity = secondOrder ? SMDSEntity_Quad_Hexa : SMDSEntity_Hexa;
vector<int>& nbByType = aResMap[ aMesh.GetSubMesh( aShape )];
if ( entity >= nbByType.size() )
nbByType.resize( SMDSEntity_Last, 0 );
for ( int i = 0; i < nbBlocks; ++i )
const _Block& block = skin.getBlock( i );
int nbX = block.getSide(B_BOTTOM).getHoriSize();
int nbY = block.getSide(B_BOTTOM).getVertSize();
int nbZ = block.getSide(B_FRONT ).getVertSize();
int nbHexa = (nbX-1) * (nbY-1) * (nbZ-1);
int nbNodes = (nbX-2) * (nbY-2) * (nbZ-2);
if ( secondOrder )
nbNodes +=
(nbX-2) * (nbY-2) * (nbZ-1) +
(nbX-2) * (nbY-1) * (nbZ-2) +
(nbX-1) * (nbY-2) * (nbZ-2);
nbByType[ entity ] += nbHexa;
nbByType[ SMDSEntity_Node ] += nbNodes;
return true;
* \brief Abstract method must be defined but does nothing
bool StdMeshers_HexaFromSkin_3D::CheckHypothesis(SMESH_Mesh&, const TopoDS_Shape&,
Hypothesis_Status& aStatus)
aStatus = SMESH_Hypothesis::HYP_OK;
return true;
* \brief Abstract method must be defined but just reports an error as this
* algo is not intended to work with shapes
bool StdMeshers_HexaFromSkin_3D::Compute(SMESH_Mesh&, const TopoDS_Shape&)
return error("Algorithm can't work with geometrical shapes");