..note:: Algorithms added to the module as plug-ins are described in documentation of the plug-ins (menu **Help / User's Guide / Mesh module / Plugins**).
An algorithm represents either an implementation of a certain meshing technique or an interface to the whole meshing program generating elements of several dimensions.
***Wire Discretization** meshing algorithm - splits an edge into a number of mesh segments following an 1D hypothesis.
***Composite Side Discretization** algorithm - allows to apply a 1D hypothesis to a whole side of a geometrical face even if it is composed of several edges provided that they form C1 curve in all faces of the main shape.
***Hexahedron (i,j,k)** meshing algorithm - solids are split into hexahedral elements thus forming a structured 3D mesh. The algorithm requires that 2D mesh generated on a solid could be considered as a mesh of a box, i.e. there should be eight nodes shared by three quadrangles and the rest nodes should be shared by four quadrangles.
*:ref:`Body Fitting <cartesian_algo_page>` meshing algorithm - solids are split into hexahedral elements forming a Cartesian grid; polyhedra and other types of elements are generated where the geometrical boundary intersects Cartesian cells.
*:ref:`Extrusion 3D <prism_3d_algo_page>` - for meshing prismatic 3D shapes with hexahedra and prisms.
*:ref:`Quadrangle: Medial Axis Projection <quad_from_ma_algo_page>` - for quadrangle meshing of faces with sinuous borders and rings.
***Polygon per Face** meshing algorithm - generates one mesh face (either a triangle, a quadrangle or a polygon) per a geometrical face using all nodes from the face boundary.
***Polyhedron per Solid** meshing algorithm - generates one mesh volume (of a classical type or a polyhedron) per a geometrical solid using all faces of the solid boundary. It does not require that 2D mesh is generated on geometrical faces. It creates one mesh edge per geometrical edges and applies **Polygon per Face** to faces if they are not meshed by optional algorithms of lower dimensions.