2014-01-09 14:20:44 +00:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2020-04-15 17:49:00 +03:00
# Copyright (C) 2014-2020 EDF R&D
2019-02-14 14:55:47 +03:00
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
2014-01-09 14:20:44 +00:00
import os
from blocFissure import gmu
from blocFissure.gmu.geomsmesh import geompy, smesh
import math
import GEOM
import SMESH
#import StdMeshers
#import GHS3DPlugin
#import NETGENPlugin
import logging
from blocFissure.gmu.fissureGenerique import fissureGenerique
from blocFissure.gmu.triedreBase import triedreBase
from blocFissure.gmu.genereMeshCalculZoneDefaut import genereMeshCalculZoneDefaut
from blocFissure.gmu.creeZoneDefautDansObjetSain import creeZoneDefautDansObjetSain
2014-09-08 14:58:52 +02:00
from blocFissure.gmu.construitFissureGenerale import construitFissureGenerale
2014-01-09 14:20:44 +00:00
O, OX, OY, OZ = triedreBase()
class faceGauche(fissureGenerique):
2021-01-21 16:09:37 +01:00
"""problème de fissure non plane, débouchante non normale"""
2014-01-09 14:20:44 +00:00
nomProbleme = "faceGauche"
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
def genereMaillageSain(self, geometriesSaines, meshParams):
logging.info("genereMaillageSain %s", self.nomCas)
([objetSain], status) = smesh.CreateMeshesFromMED(os.path.join(gmu.pathBloc, "materielCasTests/faceGaucheSain.med"))
smesh.SetName(objetSain.GetMesh(), 'objetSain')
return [objetSain, True] # True : maillage hexa
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
def setParamShapeFissure(self):
2014-09-08 14:58:52 +02:00
paramètres de la fissure pour méthode construitFissureGenerale
2014-01-09 14:20:44 +00:00
lgInfluence : distance autour de la shape de fissure a remailler (A ajuster selon le maillage)
rayonPipe : le rayon du pile maillé en hexa autour du fond de fissure
convexe : optionnel True : la face est convexe (vue de l'exterieur) sert si on ne donne pas de point interne
pointIn_x : optionnel coordonnée x d'un point dans le solide sain (pour orienter la face)
logging.info("setParamShapeFissure %s", self.nomCas)
self.shapeFissureParams = dict(lgInfluence = 300,
rayonPipe = 20)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
def genereShapeFissure( self, geometriesSaines, geomParams, shapeFissureParams):
logging.info("genereShapeFissure %s", self.nomCas)
lgInfluence = shapeFissureParams['lgInfluence']
2021-01-14 17:24:32 +01:00
shellFiss = geompy.ImportBREP(os.path.join(gmu.pathBloc, "materielCasTests/faceGaucheFiss.brep"))
2014-01-09 14:20:44 +00:00
fondFiss = geompy.CreateGroup(shellFiss, geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"])
geompy.UnionIDs(fondFiss, [6])
geompy.addToStudy( shellFiss, 'shellFiss' )
geompy.addToStudyInFather( shellFiss, fondFiss, 'fondFiss' )
coordsNoeudsFissure = genereMeshCalculZoneDefaut(shellFiss, 5 ,50)
centre = None
return [shellFiss, centre, lgInfluence, coordsNoeudsFissure, fondFiss]
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
def setParamMaillageFissure(self):
self.maillageFissureParams = dict(nomRep = '.',
nomFicSain = self.nomCas,
nomFicFissure = 'fissure_' + self.nomCas,
nbsegRad = 5,
nbsegCercle = 8,
areteFaceFissure = 1000)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
def genereZoneDefaut(self, geometriesSaines, maillagesSains, shapesFissure, shapeFissureParams, maillageFissureParams):
elementsDefaut = creeZoneDefautDansObjetSain(geometriesSaines, maillagesSains, shapesFissure, shapeFissureParams, maillageFissureParams)
return elementsDefaut
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
def genereMaillageFissure(self, geometriesSaines, maillagesSains,
shapesFissure, shapeFissureParams,
maillageFissureParams, elementsDefaut, step):
2014-09-08 14:58:52 +02:00
maillageFissure = construitFissureGenerale(maillagesSains,
shapesFissure, shapeFissureParams,
maillageFissureParams, elementsDefaut, step)
2014-01-09 14:20:44 +00:00
return maillageFissure
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
def setReferencesMaillageFissure(self):
2021-01-20 19:15:58 +01:00
self.referencesMaillageFissure = dict( \
Entity_Quad_Quadrangle = 3997, \
Entity_Quad_Hexa = 5904, \
Entity_Node = 77735, \
Entity_Quad_Edge = 725, \
Entity_Quad_Triangle = 2176, \
Entity_Quad_Tetra = 32320, \
Entity_Quad_Pyramid = 1156, \
Entity_Quad_Penta = 856 \
2014-01-09 14:20:44 +00:00