This functionality allows transforming linear meshes (or sub-meshes) to quadratic and vice versa.
that conversion of a sub-mesh most probably will produce a non-conformal mesh. Elements on the boundary between quadratic and linear sub-meshes become (or remain) quadratic.
See :ref:`adding_quadratic_elements_page` for more information about quadratic meshes.
#. Select a mesh or a sub-mesh in the Object Browser or in the Viewer.
#. From the Modification menu or from the contextual menu in the Object Browser choose **Convert to/from Quadratic Mesh** item, or click *"Convert to/from quadratic"* button |img| in the toolbar.
* If it is necessary to convert a linear mesh to quadratic or a quadratic mesh to linear. **Convert to bi-quadratic** creates some types of quadratic elements with additional central nodes: TRIA7, QUAD9 and HEXA27 elements instead of TRIA6, QUAD8, and HEXA20 elements respectively.
* If it is necessary to place **medium nodes** of the quadratic mesh **on the geometry** (meshed shape). This option is relevant for conversion to quadratic provided that the mesh is based on a geometry (not imported from file).