2004-12-01 15:48:31 +05:00
# CEA/LGLS 2004, Francis KLOSS (OCC)
# ==================================
# Import
# ------
from geompy import *
from meshpy import *
# Piece
# -----
# Create the hexahedrical block geometry of a holed parallelepipede.
# The hole has a T form composed by 2 cylinders with different radius, and their axis are normal.
# This piece is meshed in hexahedrical.
gx = 0
gy = 0
gz = 0
g_dx = 250
g_dy = 200
g_dz = 150
g_rayonGrand = 70
g_rayonPetit = 50
g_trim = 1000
# Geometry
# ========
# The parallelepipede
# -------------------
p_boite = MakeBox(gx-g_dx, gy-g_dy, gz-g_dz, gx+g_dx, gy+g_dy, gz+g_dz)
# The great cylinder
# ------------------
g_base = MakeVertex(gx-g_dx, gy, gz)
g_dir = MakeVectorDXDYDZ(1, 0, 0)
g_cyl = MakeCylinder(g_base, g_dir, g_rayonGrand, g_dx*2)
# The first hole
# --------------
b_boite = MakeCut(p_boite , g_cyl)
# Partitioning
# ------------
p_base = MakeVertex(gx, gy, gz)
p_tools = []
p_tools.append(MakePlane(p_base, MakeVectorDXDYDZ(0, 1 , 0 ), g_trim))
p_tools.append(MakePlane(p_base, MakeVectorDXDYDZ(0, g_dz, g_dy), g_trim))
p_tools.append(MakePlane(p_base, MakeVectorDXDYDZ(0, -g_dz, g_dy), g_trim))
p_tools.append(MakePlane(MakeVertex(gx-g_rayonPetit, gy, gz), g_dir, g_trim))
p_tools.append(MakePlane(MakeVertex(gx+g_rayonPetit, gy, gz), g_dir, g_trim))
p_piece = MakePartition([b_boite], p_tools, [], [], ShapeType["SOLID"])
# The small cylinder
# ------------------
c_cyl = MakeCylinder(p_base, MakeVectorDXDYDZ(0, 0, 1), g_rayonPetit, g_dz)
# The second hole
# ---------------
d_element = SubShapeAllSorted(p_piece, ShapeType["SOLID"])
d_element[ 8] = MakeCut(d_element[ 8], c_cyl)
d_element[10] = MakeCut(d_element[10], c_cyl)
# Compound
# --------
2005-01-20 11:25:54 +05:00
comp_all = MakeCompound(d_element)
piece = BlocksOp.RemoveExtraEdges(comp_all)
#piece = MakeCompound(d_element)
2004-12-01 15:48:31 +05:00
# Add piece in study
# ------------------
piece_id = addToStudy(piece, "BoxHoled2Cylinders")
# Meshing
# =======
# Mesh with hexahedrons
# ---------------------
m_hexa=MeshHexa(piece, 4, "BoxHoled2CylindersHexa")
# Compute mesh
# ------------