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// Copyright (C) 2016-2024 CEA, EDF
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
// File : HexahedronTest.cxx
// Module : SMESH
// Purpose: Implement unit tests for StdMeshers_Cartesian_3D_Hexahedron class to reproduce bugs that manifest in integration tests.
// The main difference between this unit test and integration tests is the fine grained control we have over the class methods and the hability to diagnose/solve bugs before the code goes into production enviroment.
// This test class can be used as reference for the development of future tests in other stdMesh algorithms
# include "StdMeshers_Cartesian_3D_Hexahedron.hxx"
# include "StdMeshers_CartesianParameters3D.hxx"
# include <cppunit/TestAssert.h>
// OCC
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# include <BRep_Builder.hxx>
# include <BRepTools.hxx>
# include <BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox.hxx>
# include <BRepPrimAPI_MakeCylinder.hxx>
# include <BRepPrimAPI_MakeSphere.hxx>
# include <BRepPrimAPI_MakeCone.hxx>
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# include <iostream>
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# include <memory>
// Helper functions!
// Build Grid
// Require building mesh
// Require building shape. For test load shapes from memory in .brep files seems the simplest
* \ brief Mock mesh
struct SMESH_Mesh_Test : public SMESH_Mesh
SMESH_Mesh_Test ( ) {
_isShapeToMesh = ( _id = 0 ) ;
_meshDS = new SMESHDS_Mesh ( _id , true ) ;
} ;
* \ brief Mock Hypothesis
struct CartesianHypo : public StdMeshers_CartesianParameters3D
CartesianHypo ( ) : StdMeshers_CartesianParameters3D ( 0 /*zero hypoId*/ , nullptr /*NULL generator*/ )
} ;
* \ brief Shape loader
void loadBrepShape ( std : : string shapeName , TopoDS_Shape & shape )
BRep_Builder b ;
BRepTools : : Read ( shape , shapeName . c_str ( ) , b ) ;
// Initialize the grid and intesersectors of grid with the geometry
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void GridInitAndIntersectWithShape ( Grid & grid ,
double gridSpacing ,
double theSizeThreshold ,
const TopoDS_Shape theShape ,
std : : map < TGeomID , vector < TGeomID > > & edge2faceIDsMap ,
const int /*numOfThreads*/ )
2024-05-26 13:04:12 +01:00
std : : vector < TopoDS_Shape > faceVec ;
TopTools_MapOfShape faceMap ;
TopExp_Explorer fExp ;
for ( fExp . Init ( theShape , TopAbs_FACE ) ; fExp . More ( ) ; fExp . Next ( ) )
bool isNewFace = faceMap . Add ( fExp . Current ( ) ) ;
if ( ! grid . _toConsiderInternalFaces )
if ( ! isNewFace | | fExp . Current ( ) . Orientation ( ) = = TopAbs_INTERNAL )
// remove an internal face
faceMap . Remove ( fExp . Current ( ) ) ;
faceVec . reserve ( faceMap . Extent ( ) ) ;
faceVec . assign ( faceMap . cbegin ( ) , faceMap . cend ( ) ) ;
vector < FaceGridIntersector > facesItersectors ( faceVec . size ( ) ) ;
Bnd_Box shapeBox ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < faceVec . size ( ) ; + + i )
facesItersectors [ i ] . _face = TopoDS : : Face ( faceVec [ i ] ) ;
facesItersectors [ i ] . _faceID = grid . ShapeID ( faceVec [ i ] ) ;
facesItersectors [ i ] . _grid = & grid ;
shapeBox . Add ( facesItersectors [ i ] . GetFaceBndBox ( ) ) ;
// Canonical axes(i,j,k)
double axisDirs [ 9 ] = { 1. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 1. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 1. } ;
Tools : : GetExactBndBox ( faceVec , axisDirs , shapeBox ) ;
vector < double > xCoords , yCoords , zCoords ;
std : : unique_ptr < CartesianHypo > myHypo ( new CartesianHypo ( ) ) ;
std : : vector < std : : string > grdSpace = { std : : to_string ( gridSpacing ) } ;
std : : vector < double > intPnts ;
myHypo - > SetGridSpacing ( grdSpace , intPnts , 0 ) ; // Spacing in dir 0
myHypo - > SetGridSpacing ( grdSpace , intPnts , 1 ) ; // Spacing in dir 1
myHypo - > SetGridSpacing ( grdSpace , intPnts , 2 ) ; // Spacing in dir 2
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myHypo - > SetSizeThreshold ( theSizeThreshold ) ; // set threshold
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myHypo - > GetCoordinates ( xCoords , yCoords , zCoords , shapeBox ) ;
grid . SetCoordinates ( xCoords , yCoords , zCoords , axisDirs , shapeBox ) ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < facesItersectors . size ( ) ; + + i )
facesItersectors [ i ] . Intersect ( ) ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < facesItersectors . size ( ) ; + + i )
facesItersectors [ i ] . StoreIntersections ( ) ;
grid . ComputeNodes ( * grid . _helper ) ;
grid . GetEdgesToImplement ( edge2faceIDsMap , theShape , faceVec ) ;
// ADD test for parallel intersection of grid with solid
// Reproduce conditions of TBPERF_GRIDS_PERF_SMESH_M1 test to detect and solve segfault in unit test.
bool testNRTM1 ( )
for ( auto numOfThreads : { 1 , 2 , 12 , 16 } )
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i + + )
TopoDS_Shape myShape ;
loadBrepShape ( " data/HexahedronTest/NRTM1.brep " , myShape ) ;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE ( " Could not load the brep shape! " , ! myShape . IsNull ( ) ) ;
std : : unique_ptr < SMESH_Mesh > myMesh ( new SMESH_Mesh_Test ( ) ) ;
myMesh - > ShapeToMesh ( myShape ) ;
SMESH_MesherHelper helper ( * myMesh ) ;
Grid grid ;
grid . _helper = & helper ;
grid . _toAddEdges = false ; grid . _toCreateFaces = false ; grid . _toConsiderInternalFaces = false ; grid . _toUseThresholdForInternalFaces = false ; grid . _toUseQuanta = false ;
grid . _sizeThreshold = 4.0 ;
grid . InitGeometry ( myShape ) ;
std : : map < TGeomID , vector < TGeomID > > edge2faceIDsMap ;
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GridInitAndIntersectWithShape ( grid , 1.0 , 4.0 , myShape , edge2faceIDsMap , numOfThreads ) ;
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Hexahedron hex ( & grid ) ;
int nbAdded = hex . MakeElements ( helper , edge2faceIDsMap , numOfThreads ) ;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE ( " Number of computed elements does not match " , nbAdded = = 1024 ) ;
return true ;
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// Test fitting of the given shape
bool testShape ( const TopoDS_Shape theShape ,
const bool toAddEdges ,
const bool toCreateFaces ,
const double theGridSpacing ,
const double theSizeThreshold ,
const int theNbCreatedExpected )
std : : unique_ptr < SMESH_Mesh > aMesh ( new SMESH_Mesh_Test ( ) ) ;
aMesh - > ShapeToMesh ( theShape ) ;
SMESH_MesherHelper helper ( * aMesh ) ;
Grid grid ;
grid . _helper = & helper ;
grid . _toAddEdges = toAddEdges ;
grid . _toCreateFaces = toCreateFaces ;
grid . _toConsiderInternalFaces = false ;
grid . _toUseThresholdForInternalFaces = false ;
grid . _toUseQuanta = false ;
grid . _sizeThreshold = theSizeThreshold ;
grid . InitGeometry ( theShape ) ;
std : : map < TGeomID , vector < TGeomID > > edge2faceIDsMap ;
GridInitAndIntersectWithShape ( grid , theGridSpacing , theSizeThreshold ,
theShape , edge2faceIDsMap , 1 ) ;
Hexahedron hex ( & grid ) ;
int nbAdded = hex . MakeElements ( helper , edge2faceIDsMap , 1 ) ;
if ( nbAdded ! = theNbCreatedExpected ) {
std : : stringstream buffer ;
buffer < < " Number of computed elements does not match: obtained " < < nbAdded < < " != expected " < < theNbCreatedExpected ;
//CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE(buffer.str().c_str(), nbAdded == theNbCreatedExpected );
std : : cerr < < buffer . str ( ) < < std : : endl ;
return false ;
return true ;
// Test some primitive shapes
bool testPrimitives ( )
bool isOK = true ;
// Test fitting of a box
BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox aMakeBox ( 10 , 20 , 30 ) ;
aMakeBox . Build ( ) ;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE ( " Could not create the box! " , aMakeBox . IsDone ( ) ) ;
TopoDS_Shape aShape = aMakeBox . Shape ( ) ;
// Test exact fitting of a box
if ( ! testShape ( aShape , /*toAddEdges*/ false , /*toCreateFaces*/ false ,
/*gridSpacing*/ 10 , /*theSizeThreshold*/ 4 , /*theNbCreatedExpected*/ 6 ) )
isOK = false ;
if ( ! testShape ( aShape , /*toAddEdges*/ true , /*toCreateFaces*/ false ,
/*gridSpacing*/ 10 , /*theSizeThreshold*/ 4 , /*theNbCreatedExpected*/ 6 ) )
isOK = false ;
// TODO: debug this case
//if (!testShape (aShape, /*toAddEdges*/false, /*toCreateFaces*/true,
// /*gridSpacing*/10, /*theSizeThreshold*/4, /*theNbCreatedExpected*/8))
// isOK = false;
if ( ! testShape ( aShape , /*toAddEdges*/ false , /*toCreateFaces*/ false ,
/*gridSpacing*/ 5 , /*theSizeThreshold*/ 4 , /*theNbCreatedExpected*/ 48 ) )
isOK = false ;
// Test not exact fitting of a box
if ( ! testShape ( aShape , /*toAddEdges*/ false , /*toCreateFaces*/ false ,
/*gridSpacing*/ 7 , /*theSizeThreshold*/ 4 , /*theNbCreatedExpected*/ 12 ) )
isOK = false ;
// Test fitting of a cylinder
gp_Ax2 anAxes ( gp : : Origin ( ) , gp : : DZ ( ) ) ;
BRepPrimAPI_MakeCylinder aMakeCyl ( anAxes , 20. , 30. ) ;
aMakeCyl . Build ( ) ;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE ( " Could not create the cylinder! " , aMakeCyl . IsDone ( ) ) ;
aShape = aMakeCyl . Shape ( ) ;
// test for different threshold values
if ( ! testShape ( aShape , /*toAddEdges*/ false , /*toCreateFaces*/ false ,
/*gridSpacing*/ 10 , /*theSizeThreshold*/ 4 , /*theNbCreatedExpected*/ 48 ) )
isOK = false ;
if ( ! testShape ( aShape , /*toAddEdges*/ false , /*toCreateFaces*/ false ,
/*gridSpacing*/ 10 , /*theSizeThreshold*/ 2 , /*theNbCreatedExpected*/ 36 ) )
isOK = false ;
// Test fitting of a sphere
BRepPrimAPI_MakeSphere aMakeSph ( anAxes , 30. ) ;
aMakeSph . Build ( ) ;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE ( " Could not create the sphere! " , aMakeSph . IsDone ( ) ) ;
aShape = aMakeSph . Shape ( ) ;
// test for different threshold values
if ( ! testShape ( aShape , /*toAddEdges*/ false , /*toCreateFaces*/ false ,
/*gridSpacing*/ 10 , /*theSizeThreshold*/ 4 , /*theNbCreatedExpected*/ 136 ) )
isOK = false ;
if ( ! testShape ( aShape , /*toAddEdges*/ false , /*toCreateFaces*/ false ,
/*gridSpacing*/ 10 , /*theSizeThreshold*/ 2 , /*theNbCreatedExpected*/ 88 ) )
isOK = false ;
// Test fitting of a cone
BRepPrimAPI_MakeCone aMakeCon ( anAxes , 30. , 0. , 40. ) ;
aMakeCon . Build ( ) ;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE ( " Could not create the cone! " , aMakeCon . IsDone ( ) ) ;
aShape = aMakeCon . Shape ( ) ;
// test for different threshold values
if ( ! testShape ( aShape , /*toAddEdges*/ false , /*toCreateFaces*/ false ,
/*gridSpacing*/ 10 , /*theSizeThreshold*/ 100 , /*theNbCreatedExpected*/ 72 ) )
isOK = false ;
if ( ! testShape ( aShape , /*toAddEdges*/ false , /*toCreateFaces*/ false ,
/*gridSpacing*/ 10 , /*theSizeThreshold*/ 4 , /*theNbCreatedExpected*/ 40 ) )
isOK = false ;
if ( ! testShape ( aShape , /*toAddEdges*/ false , /*toCreateFaces*/ false ,
/*gridSpacing*/ 10 , /*theSizeThreshold*/ 1.5 , /*theNbCreatedExpected*/ 32 ) )
isOK = false ;
// truncated cone
aMakeCon = BRepPrimAPI_MakeCone ( anAxes , 30. , 15. , 20. ) ;
aMakeCon . Build ( ) ;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE ( " Could not create the cone! " , aMakeCon . IsDone ( ) ) ;
aShape = aMakeCon . Shape ( ) ;
// test for different threshold values
if ( ! testShape ( aShape , /*toAddEdges*/ false , /*toCreateFaces*/ false ,
/*gridSpacing*/ 10 , /*theSizeThreshold*/ 100 , /*theNbCreatedExpected*/ 56 ) )
isOK = false ;
if ( ! testShape ( aShape , /*toAddEdges*/ false , /*toCreateFaces*/ false ,
/*gridSpacing*/ 10 , /*theSizeThreshold*/ 4 , /*theNbCreatedExpected*/ 36 ) )
isOK = false ;
if ( ! testShape ( aShape , /*toAddEdges*/ false , /*toCreateFaces*/ false ,
/*gridSpacing*/ 10 , /*theSizeThreshold*/ 1.5 , /*theNbCreatedExpected*/ 28 ) )
isOK = false ;
return isOK ;
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// Entry point for test
int main ( )
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bool isOK = testNRTM1 ( ) ;
if ( ! testPrimitives ( ) )
isOK = false ;
return isOK ? 0 : 1 ;