diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/images/buildcompound.png b/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/images/buildcompound.png
index 79a6073f2..1a5bea166 100755
Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/images/buildcompound.png and b/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/images/buildcompound.png differ
diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/input/building_compounds.doc b/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/input/building_compounds.doc
index 5905565d5..d42f38866 100644
--- a/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/input/building_compounds.doc
+++ b/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/input/building_compounds.doc
@@ -34,6 +34,12 @@ become the elements of Group1 on the Compound_Mesh, or
becomes Group1_2. See \ref grouping_elements_page "Creating Groups"
for more information about groups.
Create common groups for initial meshes checkbox permits to
+automatically create groups of all elements of the same type
+(nodes, edges, faces and volumes) for the resulting mesh from the
+of the initial meshes.
You can simply unite meshes or choose to Merge coincident nodes
and elements, in which case it is possible to define the \b Tolerance
for this operation.
@@ -43,4 +49,4 @@ for this operation.
\image html image160.gif
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/idl/SMESH_Gen.idl b/idl/SMESH_Gen.idl
index 96083e189..362bea45a 100644
--- a/idl/SMESH_Gen.idl
+++ b/idl/SMESH_Gen.idl
@@ -275,6 +275,20 @@ module SMESH
in double theMergeTolerance)
raises ( SALOME::SALOME_Exception );
+ /*!
+ * Concatenate the given meshes into one mesh.
+ * Union groups with the same name and type if
+ * theUniteIdenticalGroups flag is true.
+ * Merge coincident nodes and elements if
+ * theMergeNodesAndElements flag is true.
+ * Create the groups of all elements from initial meshes.
+ */
+ SMESH_Mesh ConcatenateWithGroups(in mesh_array theMeshesArray,
+ in boolean theUniteIdenticalGroups,
+ in boolean theMergeNodesAndElements,
+ in double theMergeTolerance)
+ raises ( SALOME::SALOME_Exception );
* \brief Return id of object, registered in current study context
diff --git a/src/SMESHGUI/SMESHGUI_BuildCompoundDlg.cxx b/src/SMESHGUI/SMESHGUI_BuildCompoundDlg.cxx
index 781959abb..95e918f40 100644
--- a/src/SMESHGUI/SMESHGUI_BuildCompoundDlg.cxx
+++ b/src/SMESHGUI/SMESHGUI_BuildCompoundDlg.cxx
@@ -150,17 +150,21 @@ SMESHGUI_BuildCompoundDlg::SMESHGUI_BuildCompoundDlg( SMESHGUI* theModule)
ComboBoxUnion = new QComboBox(GroupArgs, "ComboBoxUnion");
GroupArgsLayout->addMultiCellWidget(ComboBoxUnion, 1, 1, 3, 3);
+ CheckBoxCommon = new QCheckBox(GroupArgs, "CheckBoxCommon");
+ CheckBoxCommon->setText(tr("CREATE_COMMON_GROUPS" ));
+ GroupArgsLayout->addMultiCellWidget(CheckBoxCommon, 2, 2, 0, 3);
CheckBoxMerge = new QCheckBox(GroupArgs, "CheckBoxMerge");
CheckBoxMerge->setText(tr("MERGE_NODES_AND_ELEMENTS" ));
- GroupArgsLayout->addMultiCellWidget(CheckBoxMerge, 2, 2, 0, 3);
+ GroupArgsLayout->addMultiCellWidget(CheckBoxMerge, 3, 3, 0, 3);
TextLabelTol = new QLabel (GroupArgs, "TextLabelTol");
- GroupArgsLayout->addMultiCellWidget(TextLabelTol, 3, 3, 0, 1);
+ GroupArgsLayout->addMultiCellWidget(TextLabelTol, 4, 4, 0, 1);
SpinBoxTol = new SMESHGUI_SpinBox (GroupArgs, "SpinBoxTol");
SpinBoxTol->RangeStepAndValidator(0.0, COORD_MAX, 0.1, 6);
- GroupArgsLayout->addMultiCellWidget(SpinBoxTol, 3, 3, 2, 3);
+ GroupArgsLayout->addMultiCellWidget(SpinBoxTol, 4, 4, 2, 3);
SMESHGUI_BuildCompoundDlgLayout->addWidget(GroupArgs, 2, 0);
@@ -313,12 +317,18 @@ bool SMESHGUI_BuildCompoundDlg::ClickOnApply()
// concatenate meshes
- SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var aCompoundMesh =
- aSMESHGen->Concatenate(myMeshArray,
- !(ComboBoxUnion->currentItem()),
- CheckBoxMerge->isChecked(),
- SpinBoxTol->GetValue());
+ SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var aCompoundMesh;
+ if(CheckBoxCommon->isChecked())
+ aCompoundMesh = aSMESHGen->ConcatenateWithGroups(myMeshArray,
+ !(ComboBoxUnion->currentItem()),
+ CheckBoxMerge->isChecked(),
+ SpinBoxTol->GetValue());
+ else
+ aCompoundMesh = aSMESHGen->Concatenate(myMeshArray,
+ !(ComboBoxUnion->currentItem()),
+ CheckBoxMerge->isChecked(),
+ SpinBoxTol->GetValue());
SMESH::SetName( SMESH::FindSObject( aCompoundMesh ), LineEditName->text().latin1() );
diff --git a/src/SMESHGUI/SMESHGUI_BuildCompoundDlg.h b/src/SMESHGUI/SMESHGUI_BuildCompoundDlg.h
index c7bc29cda..a3f1c7701 100644
--- a/src/SMESHGUI/SMESHGUI_BuildCompoundDlg.h
+++ b/src/SMESHGUI/SMESHGUI_BuildCompoundDlg.h
@@ -108,6 +108,7 @@ public :
QLineEdit* LineEditMeshes;
QLabel* TextLabelUnion;
QComboBox* ComboBoxUnion;
+ QCheckBox* CheckBoxCommon;
QCheckBox* CheckBoxMerge;
QLabel* TextLabelTol;
SMESHGUI_SpinBox* SpinBoxTol;
diff --git a/src/SMESH_I/SMESH_2smeshpy.cxx b/src/SMESH_I/SMESH_2smeshpy.cxx
index f933abfb7..c9d70e0bf 100644
--- a/src/SMESH_I/SMESH_2smeshpy.cxx
+++ b/src/SMESH_I/SMESH_2smeshpy.cxx
@@ -338,7 +338,8 @@ void _pyGen::Process( const Handle(_pyCommand)& theCommand )
// Concatenate( [mesh1, ...], ... )
- if ( theCommand->GetMethod() == "Concatenate" )
+ if ( theCommand->GetMethod() == "Concatenate" ||
+ theCommand->GetMethod() == "ConcatenateWithGroups")
AddMeshAccessorMethod( theCommand );
diff --git a/src/SMESH_I/SMESH_Gen_i.cxx b/src/SMESH_I/SMESH_Gen_i.cxx
index 4b0f6971d..f4139ed25 100644
--- a/src/SMESH_I/SMESH_Gen_i.cxx
+++ b/src/SMESH_I/SMESH_Gen_i.cxx
@@ -1418,6 +1418,52 @@ SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_ptr SMESH_Gen_i::Concatenate(const SMESH::mesh_array& theMeshe
CORBA::Boolean theMergeNodesAndElements,
CORBA::Double theMergeTolerance)
throw ( SALOME::SALOME_Exception )
+ return ConcatenateCommon(theMeshesArray,
+ theUniteIdenticalGroups,
+ theMergeNodesAndElements,
+ theMergeTolerance,
+ false);
+ * SMESH_Gen_i::ConcatenateWithGroups
+ *
+ * Concatenate the given meshes into one mesh
+ * Create the groups of all elements from initial meshes
+ */
+SMESH_Gen_i::ConcatenateWithGroups(const SMESH::mesh_array& theMeshesArray,
+ CORBA::Boolean theUniteIdenticalGroups,
+ CORBA::Boolean theMergeNodesAndElements,
+ CORBA::Double theMergeTolerance)
+ throw ( SALOME::SALOME_Exception )
+ return ConcatenateCommon(theMeshesArray,
+ theUniteIdenticalGroups,
+ theMergeNodesAndElements,
+ theMergeTolerance,
+ true);
+ * SMESH_Gen_i::ConcatenateCommon
+ *
+ * Concatenate the given meshes into one mesh
+ */
+SMESH_Gen_i::ConcatenateCommon(const SMESH::mesh_array& theMeshesArray,
+ CORBA::Boolean theUniteIdenticalGroups,
+ CORBA::Boolean theMergeNodesAndElements,
+ CORBA::Double theMergeTolerance,
+ CORBA::Boolean theCommonGroups)
+ throw ( SALOME::SALOME_Exception )
typedef map TIDsMap;
typedef list TListOfNewGroups;
@@ -1458,6 +1504,23 @@ SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_ptr SMESH_Gen_i::Concatenate(const SMESH::mesh_array& theMeshe
const SMDS_MeshElement* aNewElem = 0;
int anElemNbNodes = 0;
+ int anNbNodes = 0;
+ int anNbEdges = 0;
+ int anNbFaces = 0;
+ int anNbVolumes = 0;
+ SMESH::long_array_var anIDsNodes = new SMESH::long_array();
+ SMESH::long_array_var anIDsEdges = new SMESH::long_array();
+ SMESH::long_array_var anIDsFaces = new SMESH::long_array();
+ SMESH::long_array_var anIDsVolumes = new SMESH::long_array();
+ if( theCommonGroups ) {
+ anIDsNodes->length( anInitMeshDS->NbNodes() );
+ anIDsEdges->length( anInitMeshDS->NbEdges() );
+ anIDsFaces->length( anInitMeshDS->NbFaces() );
+ anIDsVolumes->length( anInitMeshDS->NbVolumes() );
+ }
for ( int j = 0; itElems->more(); j++) {
anElem = itElems->next();
SMDSAbs_ElementType anElemType = anElem->GetType();
@@ -1474,6 +1537,8 @@ SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_ptr SMESH_Gen_i::Concatenate(const SMESH::mesh_array& theMeshe
if ( nodesMap.find(aNode->GetID()) == nodesMap.end() ) {
aNewNode = aNewMeshDS->AddNode(aNode->X(), aNode->Y(), aNode->Z());
nodesMap.insert( make_pair(aNode->GetID(), aNewNode->GetID()) );
+ if( theCommonGroups )
+ anIDsNodes[anNbNodes++] = aNewNode->GetID();
aNewNode = aNewMeshDS->FindNode( nodesMap.find(aNode->GetID())->second );
@@ -1489,6 +1554,8 @@ SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_ptr SMESH_Gen_i::Concatenate(const SMESH::mesh_array& theMeshe
aNewElem = aNewMeshDS->AddPolyhedralVolume(aNodesArray,
elemsMap.insert(make_pair(anElem->GetID(), aNewElem->GetID()));
+ if( theCommonGroups )
+ anIDsVolumes[anNbVolumes++] = aNewElem->GetID();
else {
@@ -1497,6 +1564,14 @@ SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_ptr SMESH_Gen_i::Concatenate(const SMESH::mesh_array& theMeshe
elemsMap.insert(make_pair(anElem->GetID(), aNewElem->GetID()));
+ if( theCommonGroups ) {
+ if( anElemType == SMDSAbs_Edge )
+ anIDsEdges[anNbEdges++] = aNewElem->GetID();
+ else if( anElemType == SMDSAbs_Face )
+ anIDsFaces[anNbFaces++] = aNewElem->GetID();
+ else if( anElemType == SMDSAbs_Volume )
+ anIDsVolumes[anNbVolumes++] = aNewElem->GetID();
+ }
}//elems loop
@@ -1507,12 +1582,81 @@ SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_ptr SMESH_Gen_i::Concatenate(const SMESH::mesh_array& theMeshe
SMESH::long_array_var anInitIDs = new SMESH::long_array();
SMESH::long_array_var anNewIDs = new SMESH::long_array();
SMESH::SMESH_Group_var aNewGroup;
+ SMESH::ElementType aGroupType;
+ CORBA::String_var aGroupName;
+ if ( theCommonGroups ) {
+ for(aGroupType=SMESH::NODE;aGroupType<=SMESH::VOLUME;aGroupType=(SMESH::ElementType)(aGroupType+1)) {
+ string str = "Gr";
+ SALOMEDS::SObject_var aMeshSObj = ObjectToSObject( myCurrentStudy, anInitMesh );
+ if(aMeshSObj)
+ str += aMeshSObj->GetName();
+ str += "_";
+ int anLen = 0;
+ switch(aGroupType) {
+ case SMESH::NODE:
+ str += "Nodes";
+ anIDsNodes->length(anNbNodes);
+ anLen = anNbNodes;
+ break;
+ case SMESH::EDGE:
+ str += "Edges";
+ anIDsEdges->length(anNbEdges);
+ anLen = anNbEdges;
+ break;
+ case SMESH::FACE:
+ str += "Faces";
+ anIDsFaces->length(anNbFaces);
+ anLen = anNbFaces;
+ break;
+ str += "Volumes";
+ anIDsVolumes->length(anNbVolumes);
+ anLen = anNbVolumes;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if(anLen) {
+ aGroupName = str.c_str();
+ // add a new group in the mesh
+ aNewGroup = aNewImpl->CreateGroup(aGroupType, aGroupName);
+ switch(aGroupType) {
+ case SMESH::NODE:
+ aNewGroup->Add( anIDsNodes );
+ break;
+ case SMESH::EDGE:
+ aNewGroup->Add( anIDsEdges );
+ break;
+ case SMESH::FACE:
+ aNewGroup->Add( anIDsFaces );
+ break;
+ aNewGroup->Add( anIDsVolumes );
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ aListOfNewGroups.clear();
+ aListOfNewGroups.push_back(aNewGroup);
+ aGroupsMap.insert(make_pair( make_pair(aGroupName, aGroupType), aListOfNewGroups ));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // check that current group name and type don't have identical ones in union mesh
for (int i = 0; i < aListOfGroups->length(); i++) {
aGroup = aListOfGroups[i];
- SMESH::ElementType aGroupType = aGroup->GetType();
- CORBA::String_var aGroupName = aGroup->GetName();
+ aGroupType = aGroup->GetType();
+ aGroupName = aGroup->GetName();
TGroupsMap::iterator anIter = aGroupsMap.find(make_pair(aGroupName, aGroupType));
// convert a list of IDs
@@ -1579,7 +1723,11 @@ SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_ptr SMESH_Gen_i::Concatenate(const SMESH::mesh_array& theMeshe
// Update Python script
- aPythonDump << aNewMesh << " = " << this << ".Concatenate(";
+ aPythonDump << aNewMesh << " = " << this;
+ if( !theCommonGroups )
+ aPythonDump << ".Concatenate(";
+ else
+ aPythonDump << ".ConcatenateWithGroups(";
aPythonDump << "[";
for ( int i = 0; i < theMeshesArray.length(); i++) {
if (i > 0) aPythonDump << ", ";
@@ -1587,7 +1735,7 @@ SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_ptr SMESH_Gen_i::Concatenate(const SMESH::mesh_array& theMeshe
aPythonDump << "], ";
aPythonDump << theUniteIdenticalGroups << ", "
- << theMergeNodesAndElements << ", "
+ << theMergeNodesAndElements << ", "
<< theMergeTolerance << ")";
return aNewMesh._retn();
diff --git a/src/SMESH_I/SMESH_Gen_i.hxx b/src/SMESH_I/SMESH_Gen_i.hxx
index d97b6fbf9..f8d43bb9b 100644
--- a/src/SMESH_I/SMESH_Gen_i.hxx
+++ b/src/SMESH_I/SMESH_Gen_i.hxx
@@ -259,6 +259,14 @@ public:
CORBA::Long theElementID)
throw ( SALOME::SALOME_Exception );
+ // Concatenate the given meshes into one mesh
+ SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_ptr ConcatenateCommon(const SMESH::mesh_array& theMeshesArray,
+ CORBA::Boolean theUniteIdenticalGroups,
+ CORBA::Boolean theMergeNodesAndElements,
+ CORBA::Double theMergeTolerance,
+ CORBA::Boolean theCommonGroups)
+ throw ( SALOME::SALOME_Exception );
// Concatenate the given meshes into one mesh
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_ptr Concatenate(const SMESH::mesh_array& theMeshesArray,
CORBA::Boolean theUniteIdenticalGroups,
@@ -266,6 +274,13 @@ public:
CORBA::Double theMergeTolerance)
throw ( SALOME::SALOME_Exception );
+ // Concatenate the given meshes into one mesh
+ // Create the groups of all elements from initial meshes
+ SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_ptr ConcatenateWithGroups(const SMESH::mesh_array& theMeshesArray,
+ CORBA::Boolean theUniteIdenticalGroups,
+ CORBA::Boolean theMergeNodesAndElements,
+ CORBA::Double theMergeTolerance)
+ throw ( SALOME::SALOME_Exception );
// ****************************************************
// Interface inherited methods (from SALOMEDS::Driver)