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synced 2025-03-22 11:17:54 +05:00
0021999: EDF 2480 SMESH : Aspect ratio on a flat mesh
1) For badly shaped elements, to prevent division by zero and other FP errors, do not use Presicion::Confusion() but 1e-100 and return 1e+100 if this limit is overcome 2) merge other changes from V6_6_BR
This commit is contained in:
@ -70,7 +70,10 @@
namespace {
const double theEps = 1e-100;
const double theInf = 1e+100;
inline gp_XYZ gpXYZ(const SMDS_MeshNode* aNode )
@ -231,7 +234,11 @@ bool NumericalFunctor::GetPoints(const int theId,
if ( myMesh == 0 )
return false;
return GetPoints( myMesh->FindElement( theId ), theRes );
const SMDS_MeshElement* anElem = myMesh->FindElement( theId );
if ( !anElem || anElem->GetType() != this->GetType() )
return false;
return GetPoints( anElem, theRes );
bool NumericalFunctor::GetPoints(const SMDS_MeshElement* anElem,
@ -239,7 +246,7 @@ bool NumericalFunctor::GetPoints(const SMDS_MeshElement* anElem,
if ( anElem == 0)
if ( anElem == 0 )
return false;
theRes.reserve( anElem->NbNodes() );
@ -424,66 +431,60 @@ SMDSAbs_ElementType Volume::GetType() const
return SMDSAbs_Volume;
Class : MaxElementLength2D
Description : Functor calculating maximum length of 2D element
double MaxElementLength2D::GetValue( const TSequenceOfXYZ& P )
if(P.size() == 0)
return 0.;
double aVal = 0;
int len = P.size();
if( len == 3 ) { // triangles
double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 2 ));
double L2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 3 ));
double L3 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 1 ));
aVal = Max(L1,Max(L2,L3));
else if( len == 4 ) { // quadrangles
double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 2 ));
double L2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 3 ));
double L3 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 4 ));
double L4 = getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 1 ));
double D1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 3 ));
double D2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 4 ));
aVal = Max(Max(Max(L1,L2),Max(L3,L4)),Max(D1,D2));
else if( len == 6 ) { // quadratic triangles
double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 2 )) + getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 3 ));
double L2 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 4 )) + getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 5 ));
double L3 = getDistance(P( 5 ),P( 6 )) + getDistance(P( 6 ),P( 1 ));
aVal = Max(L1,Max(L2,L3));
else if( len == 8 || len == 9 ) { // quadratic quadrangles
double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 2 )) + getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 3 ));
double L2 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 4 )) + getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 5 ));
double L3 = getDistance(P( 5 ),P( 6 )) + getDistance(P( 6 ),P( 7 ));
double L4 = getDistance(P( 7 ),P( 8 )) + getDistance(P( 8 ),P( 1 ));
double D1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 5 ));
double D2 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 7 ));
aVal = Max(Max(Max(L1,L2),Max(L3,L4)),Max(D1,D2));
if( myPrecision >= 0 )
double prec = pow( 10., (double)myPrecision );
aVal = floor( aVal * prec + 0.5 ) / prec;
return aVal;
double MaxElementLength2D::GetValue( long theElementId )
TSequenceOfXYZ P;
if( GetPoints( theElementId, P ) ) {
double aVal = 0;
const SMDS_MeshElement* aElem = myMesh->FindElement( theElementId );
SMDSAbs_ElementType aType = aElem->GetType();
int len = P.size();
switch( aType ) {
case SMDSAbs_Face:
if( len == 3 ) { // triangles
double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 2 ));
double L2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 3 ));
double L3 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 1 ));
aVal = Max(L1,Max(L2,L3));
else if( len == 4 ) { // quadrangles
double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 2 ));
double L2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 3 ));
double L3 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 4 ));
double L4 = getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 1 ));
double D1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 3 ));
double D2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 4 ));
aVal = Max(Max(Max(L1,L2),Max(L3,L4)),Max(D1,D2));
else if( len == 6 ) { // quadratic triangles
double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 2 )) + getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 3 ));
double L2 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 4 )) + getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 5 ));
double L3 = getDistance(P( 5 ),P( 6 )) + getDistance(P( 6 ),P( 1 ));
aVal = Max(L1,Max(L2,L3));
else if( len == 8 || len == 9 ) { // quadratic quadrangles
double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 2 )) + getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 3 ));
double L2 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 4 )) + getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 5 ));
double L3 = getDistance(P( 5 ),P( 6 )) + getDistance(P( 6 ),P( 7 ));
double L4 = getDistance(P( 7 ),P( 8 )) + getDistance(P( 8 ),P( 1 ));
double D1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 5 ));
double D2 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 7 ));
aVal = Max(Max(Max(L1,L2),Max(L3,L4)),Max(D1,D2));
if( myPrecision >= 0 )
double prec = pow( 10., (double)myPrecision );
aVal = floor( aVal * prec + 0.5 ) / prec;
return aVal;
return 0.;
return GetPoints( theElementId, P ) ? GetValue(P) : 0.0;
double MaxElementLength2D::GetBadRate( double Value, int /*nbNodes*/ ) const
@ -496,6 +497,7 @@ SMDSAbs_ElementType MaxElementLength2D::GetType() const
return SMDSAbs_Face;
Class : MaxElementLength3D
Description : Functor calculating maximum length of 3D element
@ -670,7 +672,7 @@ SMDSAbs_ElementType MaxElementLength3D::GetType() const
return SMDSAbs_Volume;
Class : MinimumAngle
Description : Functor for calculation of minimum angle
@ -761,8 +763,8 @@ double AspectRatio::GetValue( const TSequenceOfXYZ& P )
double maxLen = Max( aLen[ 0 ], Max( aLen[ 1 ], aLen[ 2 ] ) );
double half_perimeter = ( aLen[0] + aLen[1] + aLen[2] ) / 2.;
double anArea = getArea( P( 1 ), P( 2 ), P( 3 ) );
if ( anArea <= Precision::Confusion() )
return 0.;
if ( anArea <= theEps )
return theInf;
return alfa * maxLen * half_perimeter / anArea;
else if ( nbNodes == 6 ) { // quadratic triangles
@ -781,8 +783,8 @@ double AspectRatio::GetValue( const TSequenceOfXYZ& P )
double maxLen = Max( aLen[ 0 ], Max( aLen[ 1 ], aLen[ 2 ] ) );
double half_perimeter = ( aLen[0] + aLen[1] + aLen[2] ) / 2.;
double anArea = getArea( P(1), P(3), P(5) );
if ( anArea <= Precision::Confusion() )
return 0.;
if ( anArea <= theEps )
return theInf;
return alfa * maxLen * half_perimeter / anArea;
else if( nbNodes == 4 ) { // quadrangle
@ -825,8 +827,8 @@ double AspectRatio::GetValue( const TSequenceOfXYZ& P )
double C2 = Min( anArea[ 0 ],
Min( anArea[ 1 ],
Min( anArea[ 2 ], anArea[ 3 ] ) ) );
if ( C2 <= Precision::Confusion() )
return 0.;
if ( C2 <= theEps )
return theInf;
return alpha * L * C1 / C2;
else if( nbNodes == 8 || nbNodes == 9 ) { // nbNodes==8 - quadratic quadrangle
@ -869,8 +871,8 @@ double AspectRatio::GetValue( const TSequenceOfXYZ& P )
double C2 = Min( anArea[ 0 ],
Min( anArea[ 1 ],
Min( anArea[ 2 ], anArea[ 3 ] ) ) );
if ( C2 <= Precision::Confusion() )
return 0.;
if ( C2 <= theEps )
return theInf;
return alpha * L * C1 / C2;
return 0;
@ -1288,8 +1290,8 @@ double Warping::ComputeA( const gp_XYZ& thePnt1,
double aLen1 = gp_Pnt( thePnt1 ).Distance( gp_Pnt( thePnt2 ) );
double aLen2 = gp_Pnt( thePnt2 ).Distance( gp_Pnt( thePnt3 ) );
double L = Min( aLen1, aLen2 ) * 0.5;
if ( L < Precision::Confusion())
return 0.;
if ( L < theEps )
return theInf;
gp_XYZ GI = ( thePnt2 + thePnt1 ) / 2. - theG;
gp_XYZ GJ = ( thePnt3 + thePnt2 ) / 2. - theG;
@ -1334,8 +1336,8 @@ double Taper::GetValue( const TSequenceOfXYZ& P )
double J4 = getArea( P( 3 ), P( 4 ), P( 1 ) ) / 2.;
double JA = 0.25 * ( J1 + J2 + J3 + J4 );
if ( JA <= Precision::Confusion() )
return 0.;
if ( JA <= theEps )
return theInf;
double T1 = fabs( ( J1 - JA ) / JA );
double T2 = fabs( ( J2 - JA ) / JA );
@ -1401,8 +1403,8 @@ double Skew::GetValue( const TSequenceOfXYZ& P )
? 0. : fabs( PI2 - v1.Angle( v2 ) );
//BUG SWP12743
if ( A < Precision::Angular() )
return 0.;
if ( A < theEps )
return theInf;
return A * 180. / M_PI;
@ -3529,7 +3531,6 @@ void ManifoldPart::getFacesByLink( const ManifoldPart::Link& theLink,
myMesh = 0;
myType = SMDSAbs_All;
@ -3539,15 +3540,13 @@ ElementsOnSurface::ElementsOnSurface()
myMesh = 0;
void ElementsOnSurface::SetMesh( const SMDS_Mesh* theMesh )
if ( myMesh == theMesh )
myMesh = theMesh;
myMeshModifTracer.SetMesh( theMesh );
if ( myMeshModifTracer.IsMeshModified())
bool ElementsOnSurface::IsSatisfy( long theElementId )
@ -3602,32 +3601,14 @@ void ElementsOnSurface::process()
if ( mySurf.IsNull() )
if ( myMesh == 0 )
if ( !myMeshModifTracer.GetMesh() )
if ( myType == SMDSAbs_Face || myType == SMDSAbs_All )
myIds.ReSize( myMesh->NbFaces() );
SMDS_FaceIteratorPtr anIter = myMesh->facesIterator();
for(; anIter->more(); )
process( anIter->next() );
myIds.ReSize( myMeshModifTracer.GetMesh()->GetMeshInfo().NbElements( myType ));
if ( myType == SMDSAbs_Edge || myType == SMDSAbs_All )
myIds.ReSize( myIds.Extent() + myMesh->NbEdges() );
SMDS_EdgeIteratorPtr anIter = myMesh->edgesIterator();
for(; anIter->more(); )
process( anIter->next() );
if ( myType == SMDSAbs_Node )
myIds.ReSize( myMesh->NbNodes() );
SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr anIter = myMesh->nodesIterator();
for(; anIter->more(); )
process( anIter->next() );
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr anIter = myMeshModifTracer.GetMesh()->elementsIterator( myType );
for(; anIter->more(); )
process( anIter->next() );
void ElementsOnSurface::process( const SMDS_MeshElement* theElemPtr )
@ -3746,26 +3727,7 @@ void ElementsOnShape::SetShape (const TopoDS_Shape& theShape,
if ( !myMesh ) return;
switch (myType)
case SMDSAbs_All:
myIds.ReSize(myMesh->NbEdges() + myMesh->NbFaces() + myMesh->NbVolumes());
case SMDSAbs_Node:
case SMDSAbs_Edge:
case SMDSAbs_Face:
case SMDSAbs_Volume:
myIds.ReSize( myMeshModifTracer.GetMesh()->GetMeshInfo().NbElements( myType ));
@ -162,6 +162,7 @@ namespace SMESH{
class SMESHCONTROLS_EXPORT MaxElementLength2D: public virtual NumericalFunctor{
virtual double GetValue( long theElementId );
virtual double GetValue( const TSequenceOfXYZ& P );
virtual double GetBadRate( double Value, int nbNodes ) const;
virtual SMDSAbs_ElementType GetType() const;
@ -783,7 +784,7 @@ namespace SMESH{
bool isOnSurface( const SMDS_MeshNode* theNode );
const SMDS_Mesh* myMesh;
TMeshModifTracer myMeshModifTracer;
TColStd_MapOfInteger myIds;
SMDSAbs_ElementType myType;
//Handle(Geom_Surface) mySurf;
Reference in New Issue
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