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synced 2025-03-19 06:57:55 +05:00
PAL11400. put string literals describing patterns into separate functions
This commit is contained in:
@ -294,6 +294,100 @@ namespace SMESH
<< P.z << " ))";
return *this;
TCollection_AsciiString myLongStringStart( "TPythonDump::LongStringStart" );
TCollection_AsciiString myLongStringEnd ( "TPythonDump::LongStringEnd" );
* \brief Return marker of long string literal beginning
* \param type - a name of functionality producing the string literal
* \retval TCollection_AsciiString - the marker string to be written into
* a raw python script
TCollection_AsciiString TPythonDump::LongStringStart(const char* type)
myLongStringStart +
(Standard_Integer) strlen(type) +
" " +
(char*) type;
* \brief Return marker of long string literal end
* \retval TCollection_AsciiString - the marker string to be written into
* a raw python script
TCollection_AsciiString TPythonDump::LongStringEnd()
return myLongStringEnd;
* \brief Cut out a long string literal from a string
* \param theText - text possibly containing string literals
* \param theFrom - position in the text to search from
* \param theLongString - the retrieved literal
* \param theStringType - a name of functionality produced the literal
* \retval bool - true if a string literal found
* The literal is removed from theText; theFrom points position right after
* the removed literal
bool TPythonDump::CutoutLongString( TCollection_AsciiString & theText,
int & theFrom,
TCollection_AsciiString & theLongString,
TCollection_AsciiString & theStringType)
if ( theFrom < 1 || theFrom > theText.Length() )
return false;
// ...script \ beg marker \ \ type \ literal \ end marker \ script...
// "theText myLongStringStart7 Pattern!!! SALOME Mesh Pattern file myLongStringEndtextEnd"
// 012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
theFrom = theText.Location( myLongStringStart, theFrom, theText.Length() ); // = 09
if ( !theFrom )
return false;
// find where literal begins
int literalBeg = theFrom + myLongStringStart.Length(); // = 26
char* typeLenStr = theText.ToCString() + literalBeg - 1; // = "7 Pattern!!! SALO...."
int typeLen = atoi ( typeLenStr ); // = 7
while ( *typeLenStr != ' ' ) { // look for ' ' after typeLen
literalBeg++; // 26 -> 27
literalBeg += typeLen + 1; // = 35
if ( literalBeg > theText.Length() )
return false;
// where literal ends (i.e. end marker begins)
int literalEnd = theText.Location( myLongStringEnd, literalBeg, theText.Length() ); // = 64
if ( !literalEnd )
literalEnd = theText.Length();
// literal
theLongString = theText.SubString( literalBeg, literalEnd - 1); // "!!! SALOME Mesh Pattern file "
// type
theStringType = theText.SubString( literalBeg - typeLen, literalBeg - 1 ); // "Pattern"
// cut off literal
literalEnd += myLongStringEnd.Length(); // = 79
TCollection_AsciiString textEnd = theText.SubString( literalEnd, theText.Length() ); // "textE..."
theText = theText.SubString( 1, theFrom - 1 ) + textEnd;
return true;
@ -464,6 +558,39 @@ Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfInteger) FindEntries (TCollection_AsciiString& theStri
return aSeq;
namespace {
* \brief Make a string be a valid python name
* \param aName - a string to fix
* \retval bool - true if aName was not modified
bool fixPythonName(TCollection_AsciiString & aName )
const TCollection_AsciiString allowedChars =
bool isValidName = true;
int p=1; // replace not allowed chars with underscore
while (p <= aName.Length() &&
(p = aName.FirstLocationNotInSet(allowedChars, p, aName.Length())))
if ( p == 1 || p == aName.Length() || aName.Value(p-1) == '_')
aName.Remove( p, 1 ); // remove double _ and from the start and the end
aName.SetValue(p, '_');
isValidName = false;
if ( aName.IsIntegerValue() ) { // aName must not start with a digit
aName.Insert( 1, 'a' );
isValidName = false;
return isValidName;
* DumpPython
@ -513,8 +640,8 @@ TCollection_AsciiString SMESH_Gen_i::DumpPython_impl
int beg, end = aSavedTrace.Length(), from = 1;
while ( from < end && ( beg = aSavedTrace.Location( aSmeshCall, from, end ))) {
char charBefore = ( beg == 1 ) ? ' ' : aSavedTrace.Value( beg - 1 );
if ( isspace( charBefore ) || charBefore == '=' ) {
aSavedTrace.Insert( beg + aSmeshCall.Length() - 1, gen );
if ( isspace( charBefore ) || charBefore == '=' ) { // "smesh." is not a part of a long word
aSavedTrace.Insert( beg + aSmeshCall.Length() - 1, gen );// "smesh" -> "smeshgen"
end += gen.Length();
from = beg + aSmeshCall.Length();
@ -550,8 +677,7 @@ TCollection_AsciiString SMESH_Gen_i::DumpPython_impl
TColStd_SequenceOfAsciiString seqRemoved;
Resource_DataMapOfAsciiStringAsciiString mapRemoved;
Standard_Integer objectCounter = 0, aStart = 1, aScriptLength = aScript.Length();
TCollection_AsciiString anUpdatedScript, anEntry, aName, aBaseName("smeshObj_"),
allowedChars ("qwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnmQWERTYUIOPLKJHGFDSAZXCVBNM0987654321_");
TCollection_AsciiString anUpdatedScript, anEntry, aName, aBaseName("smeshObj_");
// Collect names of GEOM objects to exclude same names for SMESH objects
GEOM::string_array_var aGeomNames = geom->GetAllDumpNames();
@ -573,21 +699,7 @@ TCollection_AsciiString SMESH_Gen_i::DumpPython_impl
// The Object is in Study
aName = theObjectNames.Find(anEntry);
// check validity of aName
bool isValidName = true;
int p=1; // replace not allowed chars with underscore
while (p <= aName.Length() &&
(p = aName.FirstLocationNotInSet(allowedChars, p, aName.Length())))
if ( p == 1 || p == aName.Length() || aName.Value(p-1) == '_')
aName.Remove( p, 1 ); // remove double _ and from the start and the end
aName.SetValue(p, '_');
isValidName = false;
if ( aName.IsIntegerValue() ) { // aName must not start with a digit
aName.Insert( 1, 'a' );
isValidName = false;
bool isValidName = fixPythonName( aName );
if (theObjectNames.IsBound(aName) && anEntry != theObjectNames(aName)) {
// diff objects have same name - make a new name by appending a digit
TCollection_AsciiString aName2;
@ -679,6 +791,49 @@ TCollection_AsciiString SMESH_Gen_i::DumpPython_impl
anUpdatedScript += "\n\n\tpass\n";
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// put string literals describing patterns into separate functions
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
TCollection_AsciiString aLongString, aFunctionType;
int where = 1;
set< string > functionNameSet;
while ( SMESH::TPythonDump::CutoutLongString( anUpdatedScript, where, aLongString, aFunctionType ))
// make a python string literal
aLongString.Prepend(":\n\treturn '''\n");
aLongString += "\n\t'''\n\tpass\n";
TCollection_AsciiString functionName;
// check if the function returning this literal is already defined
int posAlready = anUpdatedScript.Location( aLongString, where, anUpdatedScript.Length() );
if ( posAlready ) // already defined
// find the function name
int functBeg = posAlready;
char* script = anUpdatedScript.ToCString() + posAlready - 1; // look at ":" after "def fuction()"
while ( *script != ' ' ) {
functBeg++; // do not take ' '
posAlready--; // do not take ':'
functionName = anUpdatedScript.SubString( functBeg, posAlready );
else // not defined yet
// find a unique function name
fixPythonName( aFunctionType );
Standard_Integer nb = 0;
do functionName = aFunctionType + "_" + ( nb++ ) + "()";
while ( !functionNameSet.insert( functionName.ToCString() ).second );
anUpdatedScript += helper + "\n\ndef " + functionName + aLongString; // define function
anUpdatedScript.InsertBefore( where, functionName ); // call function
aValidScript = true;
return anUpdatedScript;
@ -106,8 +106,21 @@ SMESH_Pattern_i::SMESH_Pattern_i( SMESH_Gen_i* theGen_i ):
CORBA::Boolean SMESH_Pattern_i::LoadFromFile(const char* theFileContents)
// remove some gabage from the end
TCollection_AsciiString patternDescription = (char*) theFileContents;
int pos = patternDescription.Length();
while (! isdigit( patternDescription.Value( pos )))
if ( pos != patternDescription.Length() ) {
patternDescription.Trunc( pos );
// Update Python script
TPythonDump() << "isDone = pattern.LoadFromFile(" << theFileContents << ")";
TPythonDump() << "isDone = pattern.LoadFromFile("
<< TPythonDump::LongStringStart("Pattern")
<< patternDescription
<< TPythonDump::LongStringEnd()
<< ")";
addErrorCode( "LoadFromFile" );
return myPattern.Load( theFileContents );
@ -110,6 +110,35 @@ namespace SMESH
static char* SMESHGenName() { return "smeshgen"; }
static char* MeshEditorName() { return "mesh_editor"; }
* \brief Return marker of long string literal beginning
* \param type - a name of functionality producing the string literal
* \retval TCollection_AsciiString - the marker string to be written into
* a raw python script
static TCollection_AsciiString LongStringStart(const char* type);
* \brief Return marker of long string literal end
* \retval TCollection_AsciiString - the marker string to be written into
* a raw python script
static TCollection_AsciiString LongStringEnd();
* \brief Cut out a long string literal from a string
* \param theText - text possibly containing string literals
* \param theFrom - position in the text to search from
* \param theLongString - the retrieved literal
* \param theStringType - a name of functionality produced the literal
* \retval bool - true if a string literal found
* The literal is removed from theText; theFrom points position right after
* the removed literal
static bool CutoutLongString( TCollection_AsciiString & theText,
int & theFrom,
TCollection_AsciiString & theLongString,
TCollection_AsciiString & theStringType);
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