mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 18:57:55 +05:00
#19887 [CEA] Body fitting missing some faces and generates not-wanted splitted elements
Excess edges removed (nodes still remain)
This commit is contained in:
@ -362,6 +362,9 @@ namespace
gp_XYZ _origin;
gp_Mat _invB; // inverted basis of _axes
// index shift within _nodes of nodes of a cell from the 1st node
int _nodeShift[8];
vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* > _nodes; // mesh nodes at grid nodes
vector< const F_IntersectPoint* > _gridIntP; // grid node intersection with geometry
ObjectPool< E_IntersectPoint > _edgeIntPool; // intersections with EDGEs
@ -427,6 +430,7 @@ namespace
bool IsBoundaryFace( TGeomID face ) const { return _geometry._boundaryFaces.Contains( face ); }
void SetOnShape( const SMDS_MeshNode* n, const F_IntersectPoint& ip, bool unset=false );
bool IsToCheckNodePos() const { return !_toAddEdges && _toCreateFaces; }
bool IsToRemoveExcessEntities() const { return !_toAddEdges; }
void SetCoordinates(const vector<double>& xCoords,
const vector<double>& yCoords,
@ -759,9 +763,13 @@ namespace
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct _Face
SMESH_Block::TShapeID _name;
vector< _OrientedLink > _links; // links on GridLine's
vector< _Link > _polyLinks; // links added to close a polygonal face
vector< _Node* > _eIntNodes; // nodes at intersection with EDGEs
_Face():_name( SMESH_Block::ID_NONE )
bool IsPolyLink( const _OrientedLink& ol )
return _polyLinks.empty() ? false :
@ -789,41 +797,72 @@ namespace
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct _volumeDef // holder of nodes of a volume mesh element
typedef void* _ptr;
struct _nodeDef
const SMDS_MeshNode* _node; // mesh node at hexahedron corner
const B_IntersectPoint* _intPoint;
_nodeDef(): _node(0), _intPoint(0) {}
_nodeDef( _Node* n ): _node( n->_node), _intPoint( n->_intPoint ) {}
const SMDS_MeshNode* Node() const
{ return ( _intPoint && _intPoint->_node ) ? _intPoint->_node : _node; }
const E_IntersectPoint* EdgeIntPnt() const
{ return static_cast< const E_IntersectPoint* >( _intPoint ); }
_ptr Ptr() const { return Node() ? (_ptr) Node() : (_ptr) EdgeIntPnt(); }
vector< _nodeDef > _nodes;
vector< int > _quantities;
_volumeDef* _next; // to store several _volumeDefs in a chain
TGeomID _solidID;
const SMDS_MeshElement* _volume; // new volume
vector< SMESH_Block::TShapeID > _names; // name of side a polygon originates from
_volumeDef(): _next(0), _solidID(0), _volume(0) {}
~_volumeDef() { delete _next; }
_volumeDef( _volumeDef& other ):
_next(0), _solidID( other._solidID ), _volume( other._volume )
{ _nodes.swap( other._nodes ); _quantities.swap( other._quantities ); other._volume = 0; }
void Set( const vector< _Node* >& nodes, const vector< int >& quant = vector< int >() )
{ _nodes.assign( nodes.begin(), nodes.end() ); _quantities = quant; }
{ _nodes.swap( other._nodes ); _quantities.swap( other._quantities ); other._volume = 0;
_names.swap( other._names ); }
void Set( _Node** nodes, int nb )
{ _nodes.assign( nodes, nodes + nb ); }
void SetNext( _volumeDef* vd )
{ if ( _next ) { _next->SetNext( vd ); } else { _next = vd; }}
bool IsEmpty() const { return (( _nodes.empty() ) &&
( !_next || _next->IsEmpty() )); }
struct _linkDef: public std::pair<_ptr,_ptr> // to join polygons in removeExcessSideDivision()
_nodeDef _node1;//, _node2;
mutable /*const */_linkDef *_prev, *_next;
size_t _loopIndex;
_linkDef():_prev(0), _next(0) {}
void init( const _nodeDef& n1, const _nodeDef& n2, size_t iLoop )
_node1 = n1; //_node2 = n2;
_loopIndex = iLoop;
first = n1.Ptr();
second = n2.Ptr();
if ( first > second ) std::swap( first, second );
void setNext( _linkDef* next )
_next = next;
next->_prev = this;
// topology of a hexahedron
int _nodeShift[8];
_Node _hexNodes [8];
_Link _hexLinks [12];
_Face _hexQuads [6];
@ -837,7 +876,7 @@ namespace
// additional nodes created at intersection points
vector< _Node > _intNodes;
// nodes inside the hexahedron (at VERTEXes)
// nodes inside the hexahedron (at VERTEXes) refer to _intNodes
vector< _Node* > _vIntNodes;
// computed volume elements
@ -858,7 +897,7 @@ namespace
Hexahedron(Grid* grid);
int MakeElements(SMESH_MesherHelper& helper,
const map< TGeomID, vector< TGeomID > >& edge2faceIDsMap);
void ComputeElements( const Solid* solid = 0, int solidIndex = -1 );
void computeElements( const Solid* solid = 0, int solidIndex = -1 );
Hexahedron(const Hexahedron& other, size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, int cellID );
@ -893,6 +932,7 @@ namespace
const map< TGeomID, vector< TGeomID > >& edge2faceIDsMap );
void getVolumes( vector< const SMDS_MeshElement* > & volumes );
void getBoundaryElems( vector< const SMDS_MeshElement* > & boundaryVolumes );
void removeExcessSideDivision(const vector< Hexahedron* >& allHexa);
TGeomID getAnyFace() const;
void cutByExtendedInternal( std::vector< Hexahedron* >& hexes,
const TColStd_MapOfInteger& intEdgeIDs );
@ -927,7 +967,7 @@ namespace
TID2Nb::iterator id2nb = id2nbMap.insert( s0 ).first;
}; // class Hexahedron
#ifdef WITH_TBB
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -942,7 +982,7 @@ namespace
for ( size_t i = r.begin(); i != r.end(); ++i )
if ( Hexahedron* hex = _hexVec[ i ] )
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -2089,14 +2129,14 @@ namespace
size_t i101 = i100 + dz;
size_t i011 = i010 + dz;
size_t i111 = i110 + dz;
_nodeShift[ SMESH_Block::ShapeIndex( SMESH_Block::ID_V000 )] = i000;
_nodeShift[ SMESH_Block::ShapeIndex( SMESH_Block::ID_V100 )] = i100;
_nodeShift[ SMESH_Block::ShapeIndex( SMESH_Block::ID_V010 )] = i010;
_nodeShift[ SMESH_Block::ShapeIndex( SMESH_Block::ID_V110 )] = i110;
_nodeShift[ SMESH_Block::ShapeIndex( SMESH_Block::ID_V001 )] = i001;
_nodeShift[ SMESH_Block::ShapeIndex( SMESH_Block::ID_V101 )] = i101;
_nodeShift[ SMESH_Block::ShapeIndex( SMESH_Block::ID_V011 )] = i011;
_nodeShift[ SMESH_Block::ShapeIndex( SMESH_Block::ID_V111 )] = i111;
grid->_nodeShift[ SMESH_Block::ShapeIndex( SMESH_Block::ID_V000 )] = i000;
grid->_nodeShift[ SMESH_Block::ShapeIndex( SMESH_Block::ID_V100 )] = i100;
grid->_nodeShift[ SMESH_Block::ShapeIndex( SMESH_Block::ID_V010 )] = i010;
grid->_nodeShift[ SMESH_Block::ShapeIndex( SMESH_Block::ID_V110 )] = i110;
grid->_nodeShift[ SMESH_Block::ShapeIndex( SMESH_Block::ID_V001 )] = i001;
grid->_nodeShift[ SMESH_Block::ShapeIndex( SMESH_Block::ID_V101 )] = i101;
grid->_nodeShift[ SMESH_Block::ShapeIndex( SMESH_Block::ID_V011 )] = i011;
grid->_nodeShift[ SMESH_Block::ShapeIndex( SMESH_Block::ID_V111 )] = i111;
vector< int > idVec;
// set nodes to links
@ -2112,8 +2152,10 @@ namespace
int interlace[4] = { 0, 3, 1, 2 }; // to walk by links around a face: { u0, 1v, u1, 0v }
for ( int faceID = SMESH_Block::ID_Fxy0; faceID <= SMESH_Block::ID_F1yz; ++faceID )
SMESH_Block::GetFaceEdgesIDs( faceID, idVec );
_Face& quad = _hexQuads[ SMESH_Block::ShapeIndex( faceID )];
quad._name = (SMESH_Block::TShapeID) faceID;
SMESH_Block::GetFaceEdgesIDs( faceID, idVec );
bool revFace = ( faceID == SMESH_Block::ID_Fxy0 ||
faceID == SMESH_Block::ID_Fx1z ||
faceID == SMESH_Block::ID_F0yz );
@ -2141,9 +2183,6 @@ namespace
_polygons.reserve(100); // to avoid reallocation;
// copy topology
for ( int i = 0; i < 8; ++i )
_nodeShift[i] = other._nodeShift[i];
for ( int i = 0; i < 12; ++i )
const _Link& srcLink = other._hexLinks[ i ];
@ -2156,6 +2195,7 @@ namespace
const _Face& srcQuad = other._hexQuads[ i ];
_Face& tgtQuad = this->_hexQuads[ i ];
tgtQuad._name = srcQuad._name;
for ( int j = 0; j < 4; ++j )
@ -2188,8 +2228,8 @@ namespace
_origNodeInd = _grid->NodeIndex( _i,_j,_k );
for ( int iN = 0; iN < 8; ++iN )
_hexNodes[iN]._node = _grid->_nodes [ _origNodeInd + _nodeShift[iN] ];
_hexNodes[iN]._intPoint = _grid->_gridIntP[ _origNodeInd + _nodeShift[iN] ];
_hexNodes[iN]._node = _grid->_nodes [ _origNodeInd + _grid->_nodeShift[iN] ];
_hexNodes[iN]._intPoint = _grid->_gridIntP[ _origNodeInd + _grid->_nodeShift[iN] ];
if ( _hexNodes[iN]._intPoint ) // intersection with a FACE
@ -2348,8 +2388,8 @@ namespace
_hexNodes[iN]._isInternalFlags = 0;
_hexNodes[iN]._node = _grid->_nodes [ _origNodeInd + _nodeShift[iN] ];
_hexNodes[iN]._intPoint = _grid->_gridIntP[ _origNodeInd + _nodeShift[iN] ];
_hexNodes[iN]._node = _grid->_nodes [ _origNodeInd + _grid->_nodeShift[iN] ];
_hexNodes[iN]._intPoint = _grid->_gridIntP[ _origNodeInd + _grid->_nodeShift[iN] ];
if ( _hexNodes[iN]._node && !solid->Contains( _hexNodes[iN]._node->GetShapeID() ))
_hexNodes[iN]._node = 0;
@ -2569,7 +2609,7 @@ namespace
* \brief Compute mesh volumes resulted from intersection of the Hexahedron
void Hexahedron::ComputeElements( const Solid* solid, int solidIndex )
void Hexahedron::computeElements( const Solid* solid, int solidIndex )
if ( !solid )
@ -2583,7 +2623,7 @@ namespace
for ( size_t i = 0; i < nbSolids; ++i )
solid = _grid->GetSolid( solidIDs[i] );
ComputeElements( solid, i );
computeElements( solid, i );
if ( !_volumeDefs._nodes.empty() && i < nbSolids - 1 )
_volumeDefs.SetNext( new _volumeDef( _volumeDefs ));
@ -2648,6 +2688,7 @@ namespace
_polygons.resize( _polygons.size() + 1 );
_Face* polygon = &_polygons.back();
polygon->_polyLinks.reserve( 20 );
polygon->_name = quad._name;
for ( int iE = 0; iE < 4; ++iE ) // loop on 4 sides of a quadrangle
@ -2682,6 +2723,7 @@ namespace
_polygons.resize( _polygons.size() + 1 );
polygon = &_polygons.back();
polygon->_polyLinks.reserve( 20 );
polygon->_name = quad._name;
polygon->_links.push_back( splits[ iS ] );
splits[ iS++ ]._link = 0;
@ -3148,6 +3190,40 @@ namespace
if ( _hasTooSmall )
return false; // too small volume
// Try to find out names of no-name polygons (issue # 19887)
if ( _grid->IsToRemoveExcessEntities() && _polygons.back()._name == SMESH_Block::ID_NONE )
gp_XYZ uvwCenter =
0.5 * ( _grid->_coords[0][_i] + _grid->_coords[0][_i+1] ) * _grid->_axes[0] +
0.5 * ( _grid->_coords[1][_j] + _grid->_coords[1][_j+1] ) * _grid->_axes[1] +
0.5 * ( _grid->_coords[2][_k] + _grid->_coords[2][_k+1] ) * _grid->_axes[2];
for ( size_t i = _polygons.size() - 1; _polygons[i]._name == SMESH_Block::ID_NONE; --i )
_Face& face = _polygons[ i ];
Bnd_Box bb;
gp_Pnt uvw;
for ( size_t iL = 0; iL < face._links.size(); ++iL )
_Node* n = face._links[ iL ].FirstNode();
gp_XYZ p = SMESH_NodeXYZ( n->Node() );
_grid->ComputeUVW( p, uvw.ChangeCoord().ChangeData() );
bb.Add( uvw );
gp_Pnt pMin = bb.CornerMin();
if ( bb.IsXThin( _grid->_tol ))
face._name = pMin.X() < uvwCenter.X() ? SMESH_Block::ID_F0yz : SMESH_Block::ID_F1yz;
else if ( bb.IsYThin( _grid->_tol ))
face._name = pMin.Y() < uvwCenter.Y() ? SMESH_Block::ID_Fx0z : SMESH_Block::ID_Fx1z;
else if ( bb.IsZThin( _grid->_tol ))
face._name = pMin.Z() < uvwCenter.Z() ? SMESH_Block::ID_Fxy0 : SMESH_Block::ID_Fxy1;
// create a classic cell if possible
int nbPolygons = 0;
@ -3168,14 +3244,12 @@ namespace
else if ( nbNodes == 5 && nbPolygons == 5 ) isClassicElem = addPyra ();
if ( !isClassicElem )
for ( size_t iF = 0; iF < _polygons.size(); ++iF )
const size_t nbLinks = _polygons[ iF ]._links.size();
if ( nbLinks == 0 ) continue;
_volumeDefs._quantities.push_back( nbLinks );
_volumeDefs._names.push_back( _polygons[ iF ]._name );
for ( size_t iL = 0; iL < nbLinks; ++iL )
_volumeDefs._nodes.push_back( _polygons[ iF ]._links[ iL ].FirstNode() );
@ -3294,22 +3368,24 @@ namespace
// add elements resulted from hexadron intersection
// compute definitions of volumes resulted from hexadron intersection
#ifdef WITH_TBB
tbb::parallel_for ( tbb::blocked_range<size_t>( 0, intHexa.size() ),
ParallelHexahedron( intHexa ),
tbb::simple_partitioner()); // ComputeElements() is called here
for ( size_t i = 0; i < intHexa.size(); ++i )
if ( Hexahedron * hex = intHexa[ i ] )
nbAdded += hex->addVolumes( helper );
tbb::simple_partitioner()); // computeElements() is called here
for ( size_t i = 0; i < intHexa.size(); ++i )
if ( Hexahedron * hex = intHexa[ i ] )
// add volumes
for ( size_t i = 0; i < intHexa.size(); ++i )
if ( Hexahedron * hex = intHexa[ i ] )
hex->removeExcessSideDivision( allHexa );
nbAdded += hex->addVolumes( helper );
// fill boundaryVolumes with volumes neighboring too small skipped volumes
if ( _grid->_toCreateFaces )
@ -3604,7 +3680,8 @@ namespace
int i = ! ( u < _grid->_tol ); // [0,1]
int iN = link._nodes[ i ] - hex->_hexNodes; // [0-7]
const F_IntersectPoint * & ip = _grid->_gridIntP[ hex->_origNodeInd + _nodeShift[iN] ];
const F_IntersectPoint * & ip = _grid->_gridIntP[ hex->_origNodeInd +
_grid->_nodeShift[iN] ];
if ( !ip )
ip = _grid->_extIntPool.getNew();
@ -3698,8 +3775,8 @@ namespace
for ( size_t iN = 0; iN < 8; ++iN ) // check corners
_hexNodes[iN]._node = _grid->_nodes [ _origNodeInd + _nodeShift[iN] ];
_hexNodes[iN]._intPoint = _grid->_gridIntP[ _origNodeInd + _nodeShift[iN] ];
_hexNodes[iN]._node = _grid->_nodes [ _origNodeInd + _grid->_nodeShift[iN] ];
_hexNodes[iN]._intPoint = _grid->_gridIntP[ _origNodeInd + _grid->_nodeShift[iN] ];
if ( _hexNodes[iN]._intPoint )
for ( size_t iF = 0; iF < _hexNodes[iN]._intPoint->_faceIDs.size(); ++iF )
@ -5005,8 +5082,9 @@ namespace
if ( !faceID )
if ( _grid->IsInternal( faceID ) ||
_grid->IsShared( faceID ) /*||
_grid->IsBoundaryFace( faceID )*/)
_grid->IsShared( faceID ) //||
//_grid->IsBoundaryFace( faceID ) -- commented for #19887
break; // create only if a new face will be used by other 3D algo
@ -5035,6 +5113,159 @@ namespace
* \brief Remove edges and nodes dividing a hexa side in the case if an adjacent
* volume also sharing the dividing edge is missing due to its small side.
* Issue #19887.
void Hexahedron::removeExcessSideDivision(const vector< Hexahedron* >& allHexa)
if ( !_grid->IsToRemoveExcessEntities() || _volumeDefs.IsEmpty() )
if (( _volumeDefs._quantities.empty() ) &&
( !_volumeDefs._next || _volumeDefs._next->_quantities.empty() ))
return; // not a polyhedron
// look for a divided side adjacent to a small hexahedron
int di[6] = { 0, 0, 0, 0,-1, 1 };
int dj[6] = { 0, 0,-1, 1, 0, 0 };
int dk[6] = {-1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
for ( int iF = 0; iF < 6; ++iF ) // loop on 6 sides of a hexahedron
size_t neighborIndex = _grid->CellIndex( _i + di[iF],
_j + dj[iF],
_k + dk[iF] );
if ( neighborIndex >= allHexa.size() ||
!allHexa[ neighborIndex ] ||
!allHexa[ neighborIndex ]->_hasTooSmall )
// check if a side is divided into several polygons
for ( _volumeDef* volDef = &_volumeDefs; volDef; volDef = volDef->_next )
int nbPolygons = 0, nbNodes = 0;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < volDef->_names.size(); ++i )
if ( volDef->_names[ i ] == _hexQuads[ iF ]._name )
nbNodes += volDef->_quantities[ i ];
if ( nbPolygons < 2 )
// construct loops from polygons
typedef _volumeDef::_linkDef TLinkDef;
std::vector< TLinkDef* > loops;
std::vector< TLinkDef > links( nbNodes );
for ( size_t i = 0, iN = 0, iLoop = 0; iLoop < volDef->_quantities.size(); ++iLoop )
size_t nbLinks = volDef->_quantities[ iLoop ];
if ( volDef->_names[ iLoop ] != _hexQuads[ iF ]._name )
iN += nbLinks;
loops.push_back( & links[i] );
for ( size_t n = 0; n < nbLinks-1; ++n, ++i, ++iN )
links[i].init( volDef->_nodes[iN], volDef->_nodes[iN+1], iLoop );
links[i].setNext( &links[i+1] );
links[i].init( volDef->_nodes[iN], volDef->_nodes[iN-nbLinks+1], iLoop );
links[i].setNext( &links[i-nbLinks+1] );
++i; ++iN;
// look for equal links in different loops and join such loops
bool loopsJoined = false;
std::set< TLinkDef > linkSet;
for ( size_t iLoop = 0; iLoop < loops.size(); ++iLoop )
bool joined = false;
TLinkDef* beg = 0;
for ( TLinkDef* l = loops[ iLoop ]; l != beg; l = l->_next ) // walk around the iLoop
std::pair< std::set< TLinkDef >::iterator, bool > it2new = linkSet.insert( *l );
if ( !it2new.second ) // equal found, join loops
const TLinkDef* equal = &(*it2new.first);
if ( equal->_loopIndex == l->_loopIndex )
continue; // error?
// exclude l and equal and join two loops
if ( l->_prev != equal )
l->_prev->setNext( equal->_next );
if ( equal->_prev != l )
equal->_prev->setNext( l->_next );
joined = true;
if ( volDef->_quantities[ l->_loopIndex ] > 0 )
volDef->_quantities[ l->_loopIndex ] *= -1;
if ( volDef->_quantities[ equal->_loopIndex ] > 0 )
volDef->_quantities[ equal->_loopIndex ] *= -1;
if ( loops[ iLoop ] == l )
loops[ iLoop ] = l->_prev->_next;
beg = loops[ iLoop ];
if ( joined )
loops[ iLoop ] = 0;
loopsJoined = true;
// update volDef
if ( loopsJoined )
// set unchanged polygons
std::vector< int > newQuantities; newQuantities.reserve( volDef->_quantities.size() );
std::vector< _volumeDef::_nodeDef > newNodes; newNodes.reserve( volDef->_nodes.size() );
vector< SMESH_Block::TShapeID > newNames; newNames.reserve( volDef->_names.size() );
for ( size_t i = 0, iLoop = 0; iLoop < volDef->_quantities.size(); ++iLoop )
if ( volDef->_quantities[ iLoop ] < 0 )
i -= volDef->_quantities[ iLoop ];
newQuantities.push_back( volDef->_quantities[ iLoop ]);
newNodes.insert( newNodes.end(),
volDef->_nodes.begin() + i,
volDef->_nodes.begin() + i + newQuantities.back() );
newNames.push_back( volDef->_names[ iLoop ]);
i += volDef->_quantities[ iLoop ];
// set joined loops
for ( size_t iLoop = 0; iLoop < loops.size(); ++iLoop )
if ( !loops[ iLoop ] )
newQuantities.push_back( 0 );
TLinkDef* beg = 0;
for ( TLinkDef* l = loops[ iLoop ]; l != beg; l = l->_next, ++newQuantities.back() )
newNodes.push_back( l->_node1 );
beg = loops[ iLoop ];
newNames.push_back( _hexQuads[ iF ]._name );
volDef->_quantities.swap( newQuantities );
volDef->_nodes.swap( newNodes );
volDef->_names.swap( newNames );
} // loop on volDef's
} // loop on hex sides
} // removeExcessSideDivision()
* \brief Set to _hexLinks a next portion of splits located on one side of INTERNAL FACEs
Reference in New Issue
Block a user