mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 18:37:56 +05:00
23256: [CEA 1796] Merge nodes suppresses some elements
This commit is contained in:
@ -7215,76 +7215,52 @@ int SMESH_MeshEditor::SimplifyFace (const vector<const SMDS_MeshNode *>& faceNod
vector<int>& quantities) const
int nbNodes = faceNodes.size();
if (nbNodes < 3)
while ( faceNodes[ 0 ] == faceNodes[ nbNodes-1 ] && nbNodes > 2 )
if ( nbNodes < 3 )
return 0;
size_t prevNbQuant = quantities.size();
set<const SMDS_MeshNode*> nodeSet;
vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* > simpleNodes; simpleNodes.reserve( nbNodes );
map< const SMDS_MeshNode*, int > nodeIndices; // indices within simpleNodes
map< const SMDS_MeshNode*, int >::iterator nInd;
// get simple seq of nodes
vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*> simpleNodes( nbNodes );
int iSimple = 0;
simpleNodes[iSimple++] = faceNodes[0];
for (int iCur = 1; iCur < nbNodes; iCur++) {
if (faceNodes[iCur] != simpleNodes[iSimple - 1]) {
simpleNodes[iSimple++] = faceNodes[iCur];
nodeSet.insert( faceNodes[iCur] );
nodeIndices.insert( make_pair( faceNodes[0], 0 ));
simpleNodes.push_back( faceNodes[0] );
for ( int iCur = 1; iCur < nbNodes; iCur++ )
if ( faceNodes[ iCur ] != simpleNodes.back() )
int index = simpleNodes.size();
nInd = nodeIndices.insert( make_pair( faceNodes[ iCur ], index )).first;
int prevIndex = nInd->second;
if ( prevIndex < index )
// a sub-loop found
int loopLen = index - prevIndex;
if ( loopLen > 2 )
// store the sub-loop
quantities.push_back( loopLen );
for ( int i = prevIndex; i < index; i++ )
poly_nodes.push_back( simpleNodes[ i ]);
simpleNodes.resize( prevIndex+1 );
simpleNodes.push_back( faceNodes[ iCur ]);
int nbUnique = nodeSet.size();
int nbSimple = iSimple;
if (simpleNodes[nbSimple - 1] == simpleNodes[0]) {
if ( simpleNodes.size() > 2 )
quantities.push_back( simpleNodes.size() );
poly_nodes.insert ( poly_nodes.end(), simpleNodes.begin(), simpleNodes.end() );
if (nbUnique < 3)
return 0;
// separate loops
int nbNew = 0;
bool foundLoop = (nbSimple > nbUnique);
while (foundLoop) {
foundLoop = false;
set<const SMDS_MeshNode*> loopSet;
for (iSimple = 0; iSimple < nbSimple && !foundLoop; iSimple++) {
const SMDS_MeshNode* n = simpleNodes[iSimple];
if (!loopSet.insert( n ).second) {
foundLoop = true;
// separate loop
int iC = 0, curLast = iSimple;
for (; iC < curLast; iC++) {
if (simpleNodes[iC] == n) break;
int loopLen = curLast - iC;
if (loopLen > 2) {
// create sub-element
for (; iC < curLast; iC++) {
// shift the rest nodes (place from the first loop position)
for (iC = curLast + 1; iC < nbSimple; iC++) {
simpleNodes[iC - loopLen] = simpleNodes[iC];
nbSimple -= loopLen;
iSimple -= loopLen;
} // for (iSimple = 0; iSimple < nbSimple; iSimple++)
} // while (foundLoop)
if (iSimple > 2) {
for (int i = 0; i < iSimple; i++)
return nbNew;
return quantities.size() - prevNbQuant;
@ -7348,6 +7324,7 @@ void SMESH_MeshEditor::MergeNodes (TListOfListOfNodes & theGroupsOfNodes)
const SMDS_MeshElement* elem = *eIt;
const int nbNodes = elem->NbNodes();
const int aShapeId = FindShape( elem );
SMDSAbs_EntityType entity = elem->GetEntityType();
curNodes.resize( nbNodes );
@ -7373,7 +7350,7 @@ void SMESH_MeshEditor::MergeNodes (TListOfListOfNodes & theGroupsOfNodes)
if ( nnIt_i != nodeNodeMap.end() ) { // n sticks
n = (*nnIt_i).second;
if (!nodesRecur.insert(n).second) {
// error: recursive dependancy
// error: recursive dependency
stopRecur = true;
@ -7397,9 +7374,9 @@ void SMESH_MeshEditor::MergeNodes (TListOfListOfNodes & theGroupsOfNodes)
int nbUniqueNodes = nodeSet.size();
if ( nbNodes != nbUniqueNodes ) // some nodes stick
if (elem->IsPoly()) // Polygons and Polyhedral volumes
if ( elem->IsPoly() ) // Polygons and Polyhedral volumes
if (elem->GetType() == SMDSAbs_Face) // Polygon
if ( elem->GetType() == SMDSAbs_Face ) // Polygon
elemType.Init( elem );
const bool isQuad = elemType.myIsQuad;
@ -7434,7 +7411,7 @@ void SMESH_MeshEditor::MergeNodes (TListOfListOfNodes & theGroupsOfNodes)
elemType.SetPoly(( nbNewNodes / ( elemType.myIsQuad + 1 ) > 4 ));
SMDS_MeshElement* newElem = AddElement( face_nodes, elemType );
SMDS_MeshElement* newElem = AddElement( face_nodes, elemType.SetID(-1));
if ( aShapeId )
aMesh->SetMeshElementOnShape(newElem, aShapeId);
@ -7443,53 +7420,53 @@ void SMESH_MeshEditor::MergeNodes (TListOfListOfNodes & theGroupsOfNodes)
} // Polygon
else if (elem->GetType() == SMDSAbs_Volume) // Polyhedral volume
else if ( elem->GetType() == SMDSAbs_Volume ) // Polyhedral volume
if (nbUniqueNodes < 4) {
if ( nbUniqueNodes < 4 ) {
else {
// each face has to be analyzed in order to check volume validity
const SMDS_VtkVolume* aPolyedre = dynamic_cast<const SMDS_VtkVolume*>( elem );
if (aPolyedre)
if ( aPolyedre )
int nbFaces = aPolyedre->NbFaces();
vector<const SMDS_MeshNode *> poly_nodes;
vector<int> quantities;
vector<int> quantities;
vector<const SMDS_MeshNode *> faceNodes;
for (int iface = 1; iface <= nbFaces; iface++) {
for (int iface = 1; iface <= nbFaces; iface++)
int nbFaceNodes = aPolyedre->NbFaceNodes(iface);
vector<const SMDS_MeshNode *> faceNodes (nbFaceNodes);
for (int inode = 1; inode <= nbFaceNodes; inode++) {
faceNodes.resize( nbFaceNodes );
for (int inode = 1; inode <= nbFaceNodes; inode++)
const SMDS_MeshNode * faceNode = aPolyedre->GetFaceNode(iface, inode);
TNodeNodeMap::iterator nnIt = nodeNodeMap.find(faceNode);
if (nnIt != nodeNodeMap.end()) { // faceNode sticks
if ( nnIt != nodeNodeMap.end() ) // faceNode sticks
faceNode = (*nnIt).second;
faceNodes[inode - 1] = faceNode;
SimplifyFace(faceNodes, poly_nodes, quantities);
if (quantities.size() > 3) {
// to be done: remove coincident faces
if ( quantities.size() > 3 ) {
// TODO: remove coincident faces
if (quantities.size() > 3)
if ( quantities.size() > 3 )
const SMDS_MeshElement* newElem =
aMesh->AddPolyhedralVolume(poly_nodes, quantities);
aMesh->AddPolyhedralVolume( poly_nodes, quantities );
myLastCreatedElems.Append( newElem );
if ( aShapeId && newElem )
aMesh->SetMeshElementOnShape( newElem, aShapeId );
rmElemIds.push_back( elem->GetID() );
else {
rmElemIds.push_back( elem->GetID() );
@ -7501,195 +7478,154 @@ void SMESH_MeshEditor::MergeNodes (TListOfListOfNodes & theGroupsOfNodes)
// Regular elements
// TODO not all the possible cases are solved. Find something more generic?
switch ( nbNodes ) {
case 2: ///////////////////////////////////// EDGE
isOk = false; break;
case 3: ///////////////////////////////////// TRIANGLE
isOk = false; break;
case 4:
if ( elem->GetType() == SMDSAbs_Volume ) // TETRAHEDRON
switch ( entity ) {
case SMDSEntity_Edge: //////// EDGE
case SMDSEntity_Triangle: //// TRIANGLE
case SMDSEntity_Quad_Triangle:
case SMDSEntity_Tetra:
case SMDSEntity_Quad_Tetra: // TETRAHEDRON
isOk = false;
case SMDSEntity_Quad_Edge:
isOk = false; // to linear EDGE ???????
case SMDSEntity_Quadrangle: //////////////////////////////////// QUADRANGLE
if ( nbUniqueNodes < 3 )
isOk = false;
else { //////////////////////////////////// QUADRANGLE
if ( nbUniqueNodes < 3 )
isOk = false;
else if ( nbRepl == 2 && iRepl[ 1 ] - iRepl[ 0 ] == 2 )
isOk = false; // opposite nodes stick
//MESSAGE("isOk " << isOk);
else if ( nbRepl == 1 && curNodes[ iRepl[0]] == curNodes[( iRepl[0]+2 )%4 ])
isOk = false; // opposite nodes stick
case SMDSEntity_Quad_Quadrangle: // Quadratic QUADRANGLE
// 1 5 2
// +---+---+
// | |
// 4+ +6
// | |
// +---+---+
// 0 7 3
if (( nbUniqueNodes == 6 && nbRepl == 2 ) &&
(( iRepl[0] == 1 && iRepl[1] == 4 && curNodes[1] == curNodes[0] ) ||
( iRepl[0] == 2 && iRepl[1] == 5 && curNodes[2] == curNodes[1] ) ||
( iRepl[0] == 3 && iRepl[1] == 6 && curNodes[3] == curNodes[2] ) ||
( iRepl[0] == 3 && iRepl[1] == 7 && curNodes[3] == curNodes[0] )))
isOk = true;
case 6: ///////////////////////////////////// PENTAHEDRON
case SMDSEntity_BiQuad_Quadrangle: // Bi-Quadratic QUADRANGLE
// 1 5 2
// +---+---+
// | |
// 4+ 8+ +6
// | |
// +---+---+
// 0 7 3
if (( nbUniqueNodes == 7 && nbRepl == 2 && iRepl[1] != 8 ) &&
(( iRepl[0] == 1 && iRepl[1] == 4 && curNodes[1] == curNodes[0] ) ||
( iRepl[0] == 2 && iRepl[1] == 5 && curNodes[2] == curNodes[1] ) ||
( iRepl[0] == 3 && iRepl[1] == 6 && curNodes[3] == curNodes[2] ) ||
( iRepl[0] == 3 && iRepl[1] == 7 && curNodes[3] == curNodes[0] )))
isOk = true;
case SMDSEntity_Penta: ///////////////////////////////////// PENTAHEDRON
isOk = false;
if ( nbUniqueNodes == 4 ) {
// ---------------------------------> tetrahedron
if (nbRepl == 3 &&
iRepl[ 0 ] > 2 && iRepl[ 1 ] > 2 && iRepl[ 2 ] > 2 ) {
// all top nodes stick: reverse a bottom
uniqueNodes[ 0 ] = curNodes [ 1 ];
uniqueNodes[ 1 ] = curNodes [ 0 ];
if ( curNodes[3] == curNodes[4] &&
curNodes[3] == curNodes[5] ) {
// top nodes stick
isOk = true;
else if (nbRepl == 3 &&
iRepl[ 0 ] < 3 && iRepl[ 1 ] < 3 && iRepl[ 2 ] < 3 ) {
// all bottom nodes stick: set a top before
else if ( curNodes[0] == curNodes[1] &&
curNodes[0] == curNodes[2] ) {
// bottom nodes stick: set a top before
uniqueNodes[ 3 ] = uniqueNodes [ 0 ];
uniqueNodes[ 0 ] = curNodes [ 3 ];
uniqueNodes[ 0 ] = curNodes [ 5 ];
uniqueNodes[ 1 ] = curNodes [ 4 ];
uniqueNodes[ 2 ] = curNodes [ 5 ];
uniqueNodes[ 2 ] = curNodes [ 3 ];
isOk = true;
else if (nbRepl == 4 &&
iRepl[ 2 ] - iRepl [ 0 ] == 3 && iRepl[ 3 ] - iRepl [ 1 ] == 3 ) {
// a lateral face turns into a line: reverse a bottom
uniqueNodes[ 0 ] = curNodes [ 1 ];
uniqueNodes[ 1 ] = curNodes [ 0 ];
else if (( curNodes[0] == curNodes[3] ) +
( curNodes[1] == curNodes[4] ) +
( curNodes[2] == curNodes[5] ) == 2 ) {
// a lateral face turns into a line
isOk = true;
isOk = false;
else if ( nbUniqueNodes == 5 ) {
// PENTAHEDRON --------------------> 2 tetrahedrons
if ( nbRepl == 2 && iRepl[ 1 ] - iRepl [ 0 ] == 3 ) {
// a bottom node sticks with a linked top one
// 1.
SMDS_MeshElement* newElem =
aMesh->AddVolume(curNodes[ 3 ],
curNodes[ 4 ],
curNodes[ 5 ],
curNodes[ iRepl[ 0 ] == 2 ? 1 : 2 ]);
if ( aShapeId )
aMesh->SetMeshElementOnShape( newElem, aShapeId );
// 2. : reverse a bottom
uniqueNodes[ 0 ] = curNodes [ 1 ];
uniqueNodes[ 1 ] = curNodes [ 0 ];
nbUniqueNodes = 4;
// PENTAHEDRON --------------------> pyramid
if ( curNodes[0] == curNodes[3] )
uniqueNodes[ 0 ] = curNodes[ 1 ];
uniqueNodes[ 1 ] = curNodes[ 4 ];
uniqueNodes[ 2 ] = curNodes[ 5 ];
uniqueNodes[ 3 ] = curNodes[ 2 ];
uniqueNodes[ 4 ] = curNodes[ 0 ];
isOk = true;
if ( curNodes[1] == curNodes[4] )
uniqueNodes[ 0 ] = curNodes[ 0 ];
uniqueNodes[ 1 ] = curNodes[ 2 ];
uniqueNodes[ 2 ] = curNodes[ 5 ];
uniqueNodes[ 3 ] = curNodes[ 3 ];
uniqueNodes[ 4 ] = curNodes[ 1 ];
isOk = true;
if ( curNodes[2] == curNodes[5] )
uniqueNodes[ 0 ] = curNodes[ 0 ];
uniqueNodes[ 1 ] = curNodes[ 3 ];
uniqueNodes[ 2 ] = curNodes[ 4 ];
uniqueNodes[ 3 ] = curNodes[ 1 ];
uniqueNodes[ 4 ] = curNodes[ 2 ];
isOk = true;
isOk = false;
isOk = false;
case 8: {
if(elem->IsQuadratic()) { // Quadratic quadrangle
// 1 5 2
// +---+---+
// | |
// | |
// 4+ +6
// | |
// | |
// +---+---+
// 0 7 3
isOk = false;
if(nbRepl==2) {
MESSAGE("nbRepl=2: " << iRepl[0] << " " << iRepl[1]);
if(nbRepl==3) {
MESSAGE("nbRepl=3: " << iRepl[0] << " " << iRepl[1] << " " << iRepl[2]);
nbUniqueNodes = 6;
if( iRepl[0]==0 && iRepl[1]==1 && iRepl[2]==4 ) {
uniqueNodes[0] = curNodes[0];
uniqueNodes[1] = curNodes[2];
uniqueNodes[2] = curNodes[3];
uniqueNodes[3] = curNodes[5];
uniqueNodes[4] = curNodes[6];
uniqueNodes[5] = curNodes[7];
isOk = true;
if( iRepl[0]==0 && iRepl[1]==3 && iRepl[2]==7 ) {
uniqueNodes[0] = curNodes[0];
uniqueNodes[1] = curNodes[1];
uniqueNodes[2] = curNodes[2];
uniqueNodes[3] = curNodes[4];
uniqueNodes[4] = curNodes[5];
uniqueNodes[5] = curNodes[6];
isOk = true;
if( iRepl[0]==0 && iRepl[1]==4 && iRepl[2]==7 ) {
uniqueNodes[0] = curNodes[1];
uniqueNodes[1] = curNodes[2];
uniqueNodes[2] = curNodes[3];
uniqueNodes[3] = curNodes[5];
uniqueNodes[4] = curNodes[6];
uniqueNodes[5] = curNodes[0];
isOk = true;
if( iRepl[0]==1 && iRepl[1]==2 && iRepl[2]==5 ) {
uniqueNodes[0] = curNodes[0];
uniqueNodes[1] = curNodes[1];
uniqueNodes[2] = curNodes[3];
uniqueNodes[3] = curNodes[4];
uniqueNodes[4] = curNodes[6];
uniqueNodes[5] = curNodes[7];
isOk = true;
if( iRepl[0]==1 && iRepl[1]==4 && iRepl[2]==5 ) {
uniqueNodes[0] = curNodes[0];
uniqueNodes[1] = curNodes[2];
uniqueNodes[2] = curNodes[3];
uniqueNodes[3] = curNodes[1];
uniqueNodes[4] = curNodes[6];
uniqueNodes[5] = curNodes[7];
isOk = true;
if( iRepl[0]==2 && iRepl[1]==3 && iRepl[2]==6 ) {
uniqueNodes[0] = curNodes[0];
uniqueNodes[1] = curNodes[1];
uniqueNodes[2] = curNodes[2];
uniqueNodes[3] = curNodes[4];
uniqueNodes[4] = curNodes[5];
uniqueNodes[5] = curNodes[7];
isOk = true;
if( iRepl[0]==2 && iRepl[1]==5 && iRepl[2]==6 ) {
uniqueNodes[0] = curNodes[0];
uniqueNodes[1] = curNodes[1];
uniqueNodes[2] = curNodes[3];
uniqueNodes[3] = curNodes[4];
uniqueNodes[4] = curNodes[2];
uniqueNodes[5] = curNodes[7];
isOk = true;
if( iRepl[0]==3 && iRepl[1]==6 && iRepl[2]==7 ) {
uniqueNodes[0] = curNodes[0];
uniqueNodes[1] = curNodes[1];
uniqueNodes[2] = curNodes[2];
uniqueNodes[3] = curNodes[4];
uniqueNodes[4] = curNodes[5];
uniqueNodes[5] = curNodes[3];
isOk = true;
if(nbRepl==4) {
MESSAGE("nbRepl=4: " << iRepl[0] << " " << iRepl[1] << " " << iRepl[2] << " " << iRepl[3]);
if(nbRepl==5) {
MESSAGE("nbRepl=5: " << iRepl[0] << " " << iRepl[1] << " " << iRepl[2] << " " << iRepl[3] << " " << iRepl[4]);
case SMDSEntity_Hexa:
//////////////////////////////////// HEXAHEDRON
isOk = false;
SMDS_VolumeTool hexa (elem);
if ( nbUniqueNodes == 4 && nbRepl == 4 ) {
//////////////////////// HEX ---> 1 tetrahedron
//////////////////////// HEX ---> tetrahedron
for ( int iFace = 0; iFace < 6; iFace++ ) {
const int *ind = hexa.GetFaceNodesIndices( iFace ); // indices of face nodes
if (curNodes[ind[ 0 ]] == curNodes[ind[ 1 ]] &&
curNodes[ind[ 0 ]] == curNodes[ind[ 2 ]] &&
curNodes[ind[ 0 ]] == curNodes[ind[ 3 ]] ) {
// one face turns into a point ...
int pickInd = ind[ 0 ];
int iOppFace = hexa.GetOppFaceIndex( iFace );
ind = hexa.GetFaceNodesIndices( iOppFace );
int nbStick = 0;
for ( iCur = 0; iCur < 4 && nbStick < 2; iCur++ ) {
if ( curNodes[ind[ iCur ]] == curNodes[ind[ iCur + 1 ]] )
uniqueNodes.push_back( curNodes[ind[ iCur ]]);
if ( nbStick == 1 ) {
// ... and the opposite one - into a triangle.
// set a top node
ind = hexa.GetFaceNodesIndices( iFace );
uniqueNodes[ 3 ] = curNodes[ind[ 0 ]];
uniqueNodes.push_back( curNodes[ pickInd ]);
isOk = true;
@ -7697,7 +7633,7 @@ void SMESH_MeshEditor::MergeNodes (TListOfListOfNodes & theGroupsOfNodes)
else if ( nbUniqueNodes == 6 && nbRepl == 2 ) {
//////////////////////// HEX ---> 1 prism
//////////////////////// HEX ---> prism
int nbTria = 0, iTria[3];
const int *ind; // indices of face nodes
// look for triangular faces
@ -7712,7 +7648,6 @@ void SMESH_MeshEditor::MergeNodes (TListOfListOfNodes & theGroupsOfNodes)
// check if triangles are opposite
if ( nbTria == 2 && iTria[0] == hexa.GetOppFaceIndex( iTria[1] ))
isOk = true;
// set nodes of the bottom triangle
ind = hexa.GetFaceNodesIndices( iTria[ 0 ]);
vector<int> indB;
@ -7732,11 +7667,12 @@ void SMESH_MeshEditor::MergeNodes (TListOfListOfNodes & theGroupsOfNodes)
uniqueNodes[ iCur + 3 ] = curNodes[ indT[ j ]];
isOk = true;
else if (nbUniqueNodes == 5 && nbRepl == 4 ) {
//////////////////// HEXAHEDRON ---> 2 tetrahedrons
else if (nbUniqueNodes == 5 && nbRepl == 3 ) {
//////////////////// HEXAHEDRON ---> pyramid
for ( int iFace = 0; iFace < 6; iFace++ ) {
const int *ind = hexa.GetFaceNodesIndices( iFace ); // indices of face nodes
if (curNodes[ind[ 0 ]] == curNodes[ind[ 1 ]] &&
@ -7745,139 +7681,61 @@ void SMESH_MeshEditor::MergeNodes (TListOfListOfNodes & theGroupsOfNodes)
// one face turns into a point ...
int iOppFace = hexa.GetOppFaceIndex( iFace );
ind = hexa.GetFaceNodesIndices( iOppFace );
int nbStick = 0;
iUnique = 2; // reverse a tetrahedron 1 bottom
for ( iCur = 0; iCur < 4 && nbStick == 0; iCur++ ) {
for ( iCur = 0; iCur < 4; iCur++ ) {
if ( curNodes[ind[ iCur ]] == curNodes[ind[ iCur + 1 ]] )
else if ( iUnique >= 0 )
uniqueNodes[ iUnique-- ] = curNodes[ind[ iCur ]];
uniqueNodes.push_back( curNodes[ind[ iCur ]]);
if ( nbStick == 0 ) {
if ( uniqueNodes.size() == 4 ) {
// ... and the opposite one is a quadrangle
// set a top node
const int* indTop = hexa.GetFaceNodesIndices( iFace );
uniqueNodes[ 3 ] = curNodes[indTop[ 0 ]];
nbUniqueNodes = 4;
// tetrahedron 2
SMDS_MeshElement* newElem =
aMesh->AddVolume(curNodes[ind[ 0 ]],
curNodes[ind[ 3 ]],
curNodes[ind[ 2 ]],
curNodes[indTop[ 0 ]]);
if ( aShapeId )
aMesh->SetMeshElementOnShape( newElem, aShapeId );
uniqueNodes.push_back( curNodes[indTop[ 0 ]]);
isOk = true;
else if ( nbUniqueNodes == 6 && nbRepl == 4 ) {
////////////////// HEXAHEDRON ---> 2 tetrahedrons or 1 prism
// find indices of quad and tri faces
int iQuadFace[ 6 ], iTriFace[ 6 ], nbQuad = 0, nbTri = 0, iFace;
for ( iFace = 0; iFace < 6; iFace++ ) {
if ( !isOk && nbUniqueNodes > 4 ) {
////////////////// HEXAHEDRON ---> polyhedron
vector<const SMDS_MeshNode *> poly_nodes; poly_nodes.reserve( 6 * 4 );
vector<int> quantities; quantities.reserve( 6 );
for ( int iFace = 0; iFace < 6; iFace++ )
const int *ind = hexa.GetFaceNodesIndices( iFace ); // indices of face nodes
if ( curNodes[ind[0]] == curNodes[ind[2]] ||
curNodes[ind[1]] == curNodes[ind[3]] )
break; // opposite nodes stick
for ( iCur = 0; iCur < 4; iCur++ )
nodeSet.insert( curNodes[ind[ iCur ]] );
nbUniqueNodes = nodeSet.size();
if ( nbUniqueNodes == 3 )
iTriFace[ nbTri++ ] = iFace;
else if ( nbUniqueNodes == 4 )
iQuadFace[ nbQuad++ ] = iFace;
if ( nodeSet.insert( curNodes[ind[ iCur ]] ).second )
poly_nodes.push_back( curNodes[ind[ iCur ]]);
if ( nodeSet.size() < 3 )
poly_nodes.resize( poly_nodes.size() - nodeSet.size() );
quantities.push_back( nodeSet.size() );
if (nbQuad == 2 && nbTri == 4 &&
hexa.GetOppFaceIndex( iQuadFace[ 0 ] ) == iQuadFace[ 1 ]) {
// 2 opposite quadrangles stuck with a diagonal;
// sample groups of merged indices: (0-4)(2-6)
// --------------------------------------------> 2 tetrahedrons
const int *ind1 = hexa.GetFaceNodesIndices( iQuadFace[ 0 ]); // indices of quad1 nodes
const int *ind2 = hexa.GetFaceNodesIndices( iQuadFace[ 1 ]);
int i0, i1d, i2, i3d, i0t, i2t; // d-daigonal, t-top
if (curNodes[ind1[ 0 ]] == curNodes[ind2[ 0 ]] &&
curNodes[ind1[ 2 ]] == curNodes[ind2[ 2 ]]) {
// stuck with 0-2 diagonal
i0 = ind1[ 3 ];
i1d = ind1[ 0 ];
i2 = ind1[ 1 ];
i3d = ind1[ 2 ];
i0t = ind2[ 1 ];
i2t = ind2[ 3 ];
else if (curNodes[ind1[ 1 ]] == curNodes[ind2[ 3 ]] &&
curNodes[ind1[ 3 ]] == curNodes[ind2[ 1 ]]) {
// stuck with 1-3 diagonal
i0 = ind1[ 0 ];
i1d = ind1[ 1 ];
i2 = ind1[ 2 ];
i3d = ind1[ 3 ];
i0t = ind2[ 0 ];
i2t = ind2[ 1 ];
else {
// tetrahedron 1
uniqueNodes[ 0 ] = curNodes [ i0 ];
uniqueNodes[ 1 ] = curNodes [ i1d ];
uniqueNodes[ 2 ] = curNodes [ i3d ];
uniqueNodes[ 3 ] = curNodes [ i0t ];
nbUniqueNodes = 4;
// tetrahedron 2
SMDS_MeshElement* newElem = aMesh->AddVolume(curNodes[ i1d ],
curNodes[ i2 ],
curNodes[ i3d ],
curNodes[ i2t ]);
if ( aShapeId )
if ( quantities.size() >= 4 )
const SMDS_MeshElement* newElem = aMesh->AddPolyhedralVolume( poly_nodes, quantities );
myLastCreatedElems.Append( newElem );
if ( aShapeId && newElem )
aMesh->SetMeshElementOnShape( newElem, aShapeId );
isOk = true;
rmElemIds.push_back( elem->GetID() );
else if (( nbTri == 2 && nbQuad == 3 ) || // merged (0-4)(1-5)
( nbTri == 4 && nbQuad == 2 )) { // merged (7-4)(1-5)
// --------------------------------------------> prism
// find 2 opposite triangles
nbUniqueNodes = 6;
for ( iFace = 0; iFace + 1 < nbTri; iFace++ ) {
if ( hexa.GetOppFaceIndex( iTriFace[ iFace ] ) == iTriFace[ iFace + 1 ]) {
// find indices of kept and replaced nodes
// and fill unique nodes of 2 opposite triangles
const int *ind1 = hexa.GetFaceNodesIndices( iTriFace[ iFace ]);
const int *ind2 = hexa.GetFaceNodesIndices( iTriFace[ iFace + 1 ]);
const SMDS_MeshNode** hexanodes = hexa.GetNodes();
// fill unique nodes
iUnique = 0;
isOk = true;
for ( iCur = 0; iCur < 4 && isOk; iCur++ ) {
const SMDS_MeshNode* n = curNodes[ind1[ iCur ]];
const SMDS_MeshNode* nInit = hexanodes[ind1[ iCur ]];
if ( n == nInit ) {
// iCur of a linked node of the opposite face (make normals co-directed):
int iCurOpp = ( iCur == 1 || iCur == 3 ) ? 4 - iCur : iCur;
// check that correspondent corners of triangles are linked
if ( !hexa.IsLinked( ind1[ iCur ], ind2[ iCurOpp ] ))
isOk = false;
else {
uniqueNodes[ iUnique ] = n;
uniqueNodes[ iUnique + 3 ] = curNodes[ind2[ iCurOpp ]];
} // if ( nbUniqueNodes == 6 && nbRepl == 4 )
MESSAGE("MergeNodes() removes hexahedron "<< elem);
} // case HEXAHEDRON
isOk = false;
@ -7885,7 +7743,7 @@ void SMESH_MeshEditor::MergeNodes (TListOfListOfNodes & theGroupsOfNodes)
} // if ( nbNodes != nbUniqueNodes ) // some nodes stick
if ( isOk ) // the non-poly elem remains valid after sticking nodes
if ( isOk ) // a non-poly elem remains valid after sticking nodes
if ( nbNodes != nbUniqueNodes ||
!aMesh->ChangeElementNodes( elem, & curNodes[0], nbNodes ))
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