mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 08:57:54 +05:00
0020982: EDF 1547 SMESH: Creation of non-conformal quadratic pyramids
+ void force3DOutOfBoundary( SMESH_MesherHelper& theHelper, + SMESH_ComputeErrorPtr& theError)
This commit is contained in:
@ -26,13 +26,17 @@
#include "SMESH_MesherHelper.hxx"
#include "SMDS_FacePosition.hxx"
#include "SMDS_EdgePosition.hxx"
#include "SMDS_FaceOfNodes.hxx"
#include "SMDS_FacePosition.hxx"
#include "SMDS_IteratorOnIterators.hxx"
#include "SMDS_VolumeTool.hxx"
#include "SMESH_subMesh.hxx"
#include "SMESH_ProxyMesh.hxx"
#include "SMESH_subMesh.hxx"
#include <BRepAdaptor_Curve.hxx>
#include <BRepAdaptor_Surface.hxx>
#include <BRepClass3d_SolidClassifier.hxx>
#include <BRepTools.hxx>
#include <BRepTools_WireExplorer.hxx>
#include <BRep_Tool.hxx>
@ -403,7 +407,7 @@ void SMESH_MesherHelper::AddTLinks(const SMDS_MeshVolume* volume)
int iN1 = iNodes[i++];
int iN12 = iNodes[i++];
int iN2 = iNodes[i++];
int iN2 = iNodes[i];
if ( iN1 > iN2 ) std::swap( iN1, iN2 );
int linkID = iN1 * vTool.NbNodes() + iN2;
pair< set<int>::iterator, bool > it_isNew = addedLinks.insert( linkID );
@ -3081,18 +3085,349 @@ namespace { // Structures used by FixQuadraticElements()
return _OK;
* \brief Place medium nodes at the link middle for elements whose corner nodes
* are out of geometrical boundary to prevent distorting elements.
* Issue 0020982, note 0013990
void force3DOutOfBoundary( SMESH_MesherHelper& theHelper,
SMESH_ComputeErrorPtr& theError)
SMESHDS_Mesh* meshDS = theHelper.GetMeshDS();
TopoDS_Shape shape = theHelper.GetSubShape().Oriented( TopAbs_FORWARD );
if ( shape.IsNull() ) return;
if ( !theError ) theError = SMESH_ComputeError::New();
gp_XYZ faceNorm;
if ( shape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_FACE ) // 2D
if ( theHelper.GetMesh()->NbTriangles( ORDER_QUADRATIC ) < 1 ) return;
SMESHDS_SubMesh* faceSM = meshDS->MeshElements( shape );
if ( !faceSM ) return;
const TopoDS_Face& face = TopoDS::Face( shape );
Handle(Geom_Surface) surface = BRep_Tool::Surface( face );
TopExp_Explorer edgeIt( face, TopAbs_EDGE );
for ( ; edgeIt.More(); edgeIt.Next() ) // loop on EDGEs of a FACE
// check if the EDGE needs checking
const TopoDS_Edge& edge = TopoDS::Edge( edgeIt.Current() );
if ( BRep_Tool::Degenerated( edge ) )
if ( theHelper.IsRealSeam( edge ) &&
edge.Orientation() == TopAbs_REVERSED )
SMESHDS_SubMesh* edgeSM = meshDS->MeshElements( edge );
if ( !edgeSM ) continue;
double f,l;
Handle(Geom2d_Curve) pcurve = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface( edge, face, f, l );
BRepAdaptor_Curve curve3D( edge );
switch ( curve3D.GetType() ) {
case GeomAbs_Line: continue;
case GeomAbs_Circle:
case GeomAbs_Ellipse:
case GeomAbs_Hyperbola:
case GeomAbs_Parabola:
gp_Vec D1, D2, Du1, Dv1; gp_Pnt p;
curve3D.D2( 0.5 * ( f + l ), p, D1, D2 );
gp_Pnt2d uv = pcurve->Value( 0.5 * ( f + l ) );
surface->D1( uv.X(), uv.Y(), p, Du1, Dv1 );
gp_Vec fNorm = Du1 ^ Dv1;
if ( fNorm.IsParallel( D2, M_PI * 25./180. ))
continue; // face is normal to the curve3D
gp_Vec curvNorm = fNorm ^ D1;
if ( edge.Orientation() == TopAbs_REVERSED ) curvNorm.Reverse();
if ( curvNorm * D2 > 0 )
continue; // convex edge
catch ( Standard_Failure )
// get nodes shared by faces that may be distorted
SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr nodeIt;
if ( edgeSM->NbNodes() > 0 ) {
nodeIt = edgeSM->GetNodes();
else {
SMESHDS_SubMesh* vertexSM = meshDS->MeshElements( theHelper.IthVertex( 0, edge ));
if ( !vertexSM )
vertexSM = meshDS->MeshElements( theHelper.IthVertex( 1, edge ));
if ( !vertexSM ) continue;
nodeIt = vertexSM->GetNodes();
// find suspicious faces
TIDSortedElemSet checkedFaces;
vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* > nOnEdge( 2 );
const SMDS_MeshNode* nOnFace;
while ( nodeIt->more() )
const SMDS_MeshNode* n = nodeIt->next();
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr faceIt = n->GetInverseElementIterator( SMDSAbs_Face );
while ( faceIt->more() )
const SMDS_MeshElement* f = faceIt->next();
if ( !faceSM->Contains( f ) ||
f->NbNodes() != 6 || // check quadratic triangles only
!checkedFaces.insert( f ).second )
// get nodes on EDGE and on FACE of a suspicious face
nOnEdge.clear(); nOnFace = 0;
SMDS_MeshElement::iterator triNode = f->begin_nodes();
for ( int nbN = 0; nbN < 3; ++triNode, ++nbN )
n = *triNode;
if ( n->GetPosition()->GetDim() == 2 )
nOnFace = n;
nOnEdge.push_back( n );
// check if nOnFace is inside the FACE
if ( nOnFace && nOnEdge.size() == 2 )
theHelper.AddTLinks( static_cast< const SMDS_MeshFace* > ( f ));
if ( !SMESH_Algo::FaceNormal( f, faceNorm, /*normalized=*/false ))
gp_XYZ edgeDir = SMESH_TNodeXYZ( nOnEdge[0] ) - SMESH_TNodeXYZ( nOnEdge[1] );
gp_XYZ edgeNorm = faceNorm ^ edgeDir;
n = theHelper.GetMediumNode( nOnEdge[0], nOnEdge[1], true );
gp_XYZ pN0 = SMESH_TNodeXYZ( nOnEdge[0] );
gp_XYZ pMedium = SMESH_TNodeXYZ( n ); // on-edge node location
gp_XYZ pFaceN = SMESH_TNodeXYZ( nOnFace ); // on-face node location
double hMedium = edgeNorm * gp_Vec( pN0, pMedium ).XYZ();
double hFace = edgeNorm * gp_Vec( pN0, pFaceN ).XYZ();
if ( Abs( hMedium ) > Abs( hFace * 0.6 ))
// nOnFace is out of FACE, move a medium on-edge node to the middle
gp_XYZ pMid3D = 0.5 * ( pN0 + SMESH_TNodeXYZ( nOnEdge[1] ));
meshDS->MoveNode( n, pMid3D.X(), pMid3D.Y(), pMid3D.Z() );
MSG( "move OUT of face " << n );
theError->myBadElements.push_back( f );
if ( !theError->myBadElements.empty() )
} // 2D ==============================================================================
if ( shape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_SOLID ) // 3D
if ( theHelper.GetMesh()->NbTetras ( ORDER_QUADRATIC ) < 1 &&
theHelper.GetMesh()->NbPyramids( ORDER_QUADRATIC ) < 1 ) return;
SMESHDS_SubMesh* solidSM = meshDS->MeshElements( shape );
if ( !solidSM ) return;
// check if the SOLID is bound by concave FACEs
vector< TopoDS_Face > concaveFaces;
TopExp_Explorer faceIt( shape, TopAbs_FACE );
for ( ; faceIt.More(); faceIt.Next() ) // loop on FACEs of a SOLID
const TopoDS_Face& face = TopoDS::Face( faceIt.Current() );
if ( !meshDS->MeshElements( face )) continue;
BRepAdaptor_Surface surface( face );
switch ( surface.GetType() ) {
case GeomAbs_Plane: continue;
case GeomAbs_Cylinder:
case GeomAbs_Cone:
case GeomAbs_Sphere:
double u = 0.5 * ( surface.FirstUParameter() + surface.LastUParameter() );
double v = 0.5 * ( surface.FirstVParameter() + surface.LastVParameter() );
gp_Vec Du1, Dv1, Du2, Dv2, Duv2; gp_Pnt p;
surface.D2( u,v, p, Du1, Dv1, Du2, Dv2, Duv2 );
gp_Vec fNorm = Du1 ^ Dv1;
if ( face.Orientation() == TopAbs_REVERSED ) fNorm.Reverse();
bool concaveU = ( fNorm * Du2 > 1e-100 );
bool concaveV = ( fNorm * Dv2 > 1e-100 );
if ( concaveU || concaveV )
concaveFaces.push_back( face );
catch ( Standard_Failure )
concaveFaces.push_back( face );
if ( concaveFaces.empty() )
// fix 2D mesh on the SOLID
for ( faceIt.ReInit(); faceIt.More(); faceIt.Next() ) // loop on FACEs of a SOLID
SMESH_MesherHelper faceHelper( *theHelper.GetMesh() );
faceHelper.SetSubShape( faceIt.Current() );
force3DOutOfBoundary( faceHelper, theError );
// get an iterator over faces on concaveFaces
vector< SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr > faceIterVec( concaveFaces.size() );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < concaveFaces.size(); ++i )
faceIterVec[i] = meshDS->MeshElements( concaveFaces[i] )->GetElements();
typedef SMDS_IteratorOnIterators
< const SMDS_MeshElement*, vector< SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr > > TIterOnIter;
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr faceIter( new TIterOnIter( faceIterVec ));
// a seacher to check if a volume is close to a concave face
std::auto_ptr< SMESH_ElementSearcher > faceSearcher
( SMESH_MeshEditor( theHelper.GetMesh() ).GetElementSearcher( faceIter ));
// classifier
//BRepClass3d_SolidClassifier solidClassifier( shape );
TIDSortedElemSet checkedVols, movedNodes;
for ( faceIt.ReInit(); faceIt.More(); faceIt.Next() ) // loop on FACEs of a SOLID
const TopoDS_Shape& face = faceIt.Current();
SMESHDS_SubMesh* faceSM = meshDS->MeshElements( face );
if ( !faceSM ) continue;
// get nodes shared by volumes (tet and pyra) on the FACE that may be distorted
SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr nodeIt;
if ( faceSM->NbNodes() > 0 ) {
nodeIt = faceSM->GetNodes();
else {
TopExp_Explorer vertex( face, TopAbs_VERTEX );
SMESHDS_SubMesh* vertexSM = meshDS->MeshElements( vertex.Current() );
if ( !vertexSM ) continue;
nodeIt = vertexSM->GetNodes();
// find suspicious volumes adjacent to the FACE
vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* > nOnFace( 4 );
const SMDS_MeshNode* nInSolid;
//vector< const SMDS_MeshElement* > intersectedFaces;
while ( nodeIt->more() )
const SMDS_MeshNode* n = nodeIt->next();
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr volIt = n->GetInverseElementIterator( SMDSAbs_Volume );
while ( volIt->more() )
const SMDS_MeshElement* vol = volIt->next();
int nbN = vol->NbCornerNodes();
if ( ( nbN != 4 && nbN != 5 ) ||
!solidSM->Contains( vol ) ||
!checkedVols.insert( vol ).second )
// get nodes on FACE and in SOLID of a suspicious volume
nOnFace.clear(); nInSolid = 0;
SMDS_MeshElement::iterator volNode = vol->begin_nodes();
for ( int nb = nbN; nb > 0; ++volNode, --nb )
n = *volNode;
if ( n->GetPosition()->GetDim() == 3 )
nInSolid = n;
nOnFace.push_back( n );
if ( !nInSolid || nOnFace.size() != nbN - 1 )
// get size of the vol
SMESH_TNodeXYZ pInSolid( nInSolid ), pOnFace0( nOnFace[0] );
double volLength = pInSolid.SquareDistance( nOnFace[0] );
for ( size_t i = 1; i < nOnFace.size(); ++i )
volLength = Max( volLength, pOnFace0.SquareDistance( nOnFace[i] ));
// check if vol is close to concaveFaces
const SMDS_MeshElement* closeFace =
faceSearcher->FindClosestTo( pInSolid, SMDSAbs_Face );
if ( !closeFace ||
pInSolid.SquareDistance( closeFace->GetNode(0) ) > 4 * volLength )
// check if vol is distorted, i.e. a medium node is much closer
// to nInSolid than the link middle
bool isDistorted = false;
SMDS_FaceOfNodes onFaceTria( nOnFace[0], nOnFace[1], nOnFace[2] );
if ( !SMESH_Algo::FaceNormal( &onFaceTria, faceNorm, /*normalized=*/false ))
theHelper.AddTLinks( static_cast< const SMDS_MeshVolume* > ( vol ));
vector< pair< SMESH_TLink, const SMDS_MeshNode* > > links;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < nOnFace.size(); ++i ) // loop on links between nOnFace
for ( size_t j = i+1; j < nOnFace.size(); ++j )
SMESH_TLink link( nOnFace[i], nOnFace[j] );
TLinkNodeMap::const_iterator linkIt =
theHelper.GetTLinkNodeMap().find( link );
if ( linkIt != theHelper.GetTLinkNodeMap().end() )
links.push_back( make_pair( linkIt->first, linkIt->second ));
if ( !isDistorted ) {
// compare projections of nInSolid and nMedium to face normal
gp_Pnt pMedium = SMESH_TNodeXYZ( linkIt->second );
double hMedium = faceNorm * gp_Vec( pOnFace0, pMedium ).XYZ();
double hVol = faceNorm * gp_Vec( pOnFace0, pInSolid ).XYZ();
isDistorted = ( Abs( hMedium ) > Abs( hVol * 0.5 ));
// move medium nodes to link middle
if ( isDistorted )
for ( size_t i = 0; i < links.size(); ++i )
const SMDS_MeshNode* nMedium = links[i].second;
if ( movedNodes.insert( nMedium ).second )
gp_Pnt pMid3D = 0.5 * ( SMESH_TNodeXYZ( links[i].first.node1() ) +
SMESH_TNodeXYZ( links[i].first.node2() ));
meshDS->MoveNode( nMedium, pMid3D.X(), pMid3D.Y(), pMid3D.Z() );
MSG( "move OUT of solid " << nMedium );
theError->myBadElements.push_back( vol );
} // loop on volumes sharing a node on FACE
} // loop on nodes on FACE
} // loop on FACEs of a SOLID
if ( !theError->myBadElements.empty() )
} // 3D case
} //namespace
* \brief Move medium nodes of faces and volumes to fix distorted elements
* \param error - container of fixed distorted elements
* \param volumeOnly - to fix nodes on faces or not, if the shape is solid
* Issue 0020307: EDF 992 SMESH : Linea/Quadratic with Medium Node on Geometry
void SMESH_MesherHelper::FixQuadraticElements(bool volumeOnly)
void SMESH_MesherHelper::FixQuadraticElements(SMESH_ComputeErrorPtr& error,
bool volumeOnly)
// setenv NO_FixQuadraticElements to know if FixQuadraticElements() is guilty of bad conversion
if ( getenv("NO_FixQuadraticElements") )
@ -3125,7 +3460,7 @@ void SMESH_MesherHelper::FixQuadraticElements(bool volumeOnly)
SMESH_MesherHelper h(*myMesh);
h.SetSubShape( s.Current() );
h.FixQuadraticElements( error, false );
// fix nodes on geom faces
@ -3136,10 +3471,13 @@ void SMESH_MesherHelper::FixQuadraticElements(bool volumeOnly)
MSG("FIX FACE " << nbfaces-- << " #" << GetMeshDS()->ShapeToIndex(fIt.Key()));
SMESH_MesherHelper h(*myMesh);
h.SetSubShape( fIt.Key() );
h.FixQuadraticElements( error, true);
if ( error->myName == EDITERR_NO_MEDIUM_ON_GEOM )
error->myComment = "during conversion to quadratic, "
"some medium nodes were not placed on geometry to avoid distorting elements";
@ -3178,6 +3516,11 @@ void SMESH_MesherHelper::FixQuadraticElements(bool volumeOnly)
TIDSortedNodeSet apexOfPyramid;
const int apexIndex = 4;
// Issue 0020982
// Move medium nodes to the link middle for elements whose corner nodes
// are out of geometrical boundary to fix distorted elements.
force3DOutOfBoundary( *this, error );
if ( elemType == SMDSAbs_Volume )
while ( elemIt->more() ) // loop on volumes
@ -3452,109 +3795,73 @@ void SMESH_MesherHelper::FixQuadraticElements(bool volumeOnly)
} // loop on chains of links
} // loop on 2 directions of propagation from quadrangle
} // loop on faces
} // fix faces and/or volumes
// 4. Move nodes
// -------------
// vector<const SMDS_MeshElement*> vols( 100 );
// vector<double> volSize( 100 );
// int nbVols;
// bool ok;
for ( pLink = links.begin(); pLink != links.end(); ++pLink ) {
if ( pLink->IsMoved() ) {
gp_Pnt p = pLink->MiddlePnt() + pLink->Move();
GetMeshDS()->MoveNode( pLink->_mediumNode, p.X(), p.Y(), p.Z());
// gp_Pnt pNew = pLink->MiddlePnt() + pLink->Move();
// if ( pLink->MediumPos() != SMDS_TOP_3DSPACE )
// {
// // avoid making distorted volumes near boundary
// SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr volIt =
// (*pLink)._mediumNode->GetInverseElementIterator( SMDSAbs_Volume );
// for ( nbVols = 0; volIt->more() && volTool.Set( volIt->next() ); ++nbVols )
// {
// vols [ nbVols ] = volTool.Element();
// volSize[ nbVols ] = volTool.GetSize();
// }
// gp_Pnt pOld = pLink->MediumPnt();
// const_cast<SMDS_MeshNode*>( pLink->_mediumNode )->setXYZ( pNew.X(), pNew.Y(), pNew.Z() );
// ok = true;
// while ( nbVols-- && ok )
// {
// volTool.Set( vols[ nbVols ]);
// ok = ( volSize[ nbVols ] * volTool.GetSize() > 1e-20 );
// }
// if ( !ok )
// {
// const_cast<SMDS_MeshNode*>( pLink->_mediumNode )->setXYZ( pOld.X(), pOld.Y(), pOld.Z() );
// MSG( "Do NOT move \t" << pLink->_mediumNode->GetID()
// << " because of distortion of volume " << vols[ nbVols+1 ]->GetID());
// continue;
// }
// }
// GetMeshDS()->MoveNode( pLink->_mediumNode, pNew.X(), pNew.Y(), pNew.Z() );
// Issue 0020982
// Move the apex of pyramid together with the most curved link.
// TIDSortedNodeSet::iterator apexIt = apexOfPyramid.begin();
// for ( ; apexIt != apexOfPyramid.end(); ++apexIt )
// {
// SMESH_TNodeXYZ apex = *apexIt;
// issue 0020982
// Move the apex of pyramid together with the most curved link
// gp_Vec maxMove( 0,0,0 );
// double maxMoveSize2 = 0;
TIDSortedNodeSet::iterator apexIt = apexOfPyramid.begin();
for ( ; apexIt != apexOfPyramid.end(); ++apexIt )
SMESH_TNodeXYZ apex = *apexIt;
// // shift of node index to get medium nodes between the base nodes
// const int base2MediumShift = 5;
gp_Vec maxMove( 0,0,0 );
double maxMoveSize2 = 0;
// // find maximal movement of medium node
// SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr volIt = apex._node->GetInverseElementIterator( SMDSAbs_Volume );
// vector< const SMDS_MeshElement* > pyramids;
// while ( volIt->more() )
// {
// const SMDS_MeshElement* pyram = volIt->next();
// if ( pyram->GetEntityType() != SMDSEntity_Quad_Pyramid ) continue;
// pyramids.push_back( pyram );
// shift of node index to get medium nodes between the base nodes
const int base2MediumShift = 5;
// for ( int iBase = 0; iBase < apexIndex; ++iBase )
// {
// SMESH_TNodeXYZ medium = pyram->GetNode( iBase + base2MediumShift );
// if ( medium._node->GetPosition()->GetTypeOfPosition() != SMDS_TOP_3DSPACE )
// {
// SMESH_TNodeXYZ n1 = pyram->GetNode( iBase );
// SMESH_TNodeXYZ n2 = pyram->GetNode( ( iBase+1 ) % 4 );
// gp_Pnt middle = 0.5 * ( n1 + n2 );
// gp_Vec move( middle, medium );
// double moveSize2 = move.SquareMagnitude();
// if ( moveSize2 > maxMoveSize2 )
// maxMove = move, maxMoveSize2 = moveSize2;
// }
// }
// }
// find maximal movement of medium node
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr volIt = apex._node->GetInverseElementIterator( SMDSAbs_Volume );
vector< const SMDS_MeshElement* > pyramids;
while ( volIt->more() )
const SMDS_MeshElement* pyram = volIt->next();
if ( pyram->GetEntityType() != SMDSEntity_Quad_Pyramid ) continue;
pyramids.push_back( pyram );
// // move the apex
// if ( maxMoveSize2 > 1e-20 )
// {
// apex += maxMove.XYZ();
// GetMeshDS()->MoveNode( apex._node, apex.X(), apex.Y(), apex.Z());
for ( int iBase = 0; iBase < apexIndex; ++iBase )
SMESH_TNodeXYZ medium = pyram->GetNode( iBase + base2MediumShift );
if ( medium._node->GetPosition()->GetTypeOfPosition() != SMDS_TOP_3DSPACE )
SMESH_TNodeXYZ n1 = pyram->GetNode( iBase );
SMESH_TNodeXYZ n2 = pyram->GetNode( ( iBase+1 ) % 4 );
gp_Pnt middle = 0.5 * ( n1 + n2 );
gp_Vec move( middle, medium );
double moveSize2 = move.SquareMagnitude();
if ( moveSize2 > maxMoveSize2 )
maxMove = move, maxMoveSize2 = moveSize2;
// move the apex
if ( maxMoveSize2 > 1e-20 )
apex += maxMove.XYZ();
GetMeshDS()->MoveNode( apex._node, apex.X(), apex.Y(), apex.Z());
// move medium nodes neighboring the apex to the middle
const int base2MediumShift_2 = 9;
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < pyramids.size(); ++i )
for ( int iBase = 0; iBase < apexIndex; ++iBase )
SMESH_TNodeXYZ base = pyramids[i]->GetNode( iBase );
const SMDS_MeshNode* medium = pyramids[i]->GetNode( iBase + base2MediumShift_2 );
gp_XYZ middle = 0.5 * ( apex + base );
GetMeshDS()->MoveNode( medium, middle.X(), middle.Y(), middle.Z());
// // move medium nodes neighboring the apex to the middle
// const int base2MediumShift_2 = 9;
// for ( unsigned i = 0; i < pyramids.size(); ++i )
// for ( int iBase = 0; iBase < apexIndex; ++iBase )
// {
// SMESH_TNodeXYZ base = pyramids[i]->GetNode( iBase );
// const SMDS_MeshNode* medium = pyramids[i]->GetNode( iBase + base2MediumShift_2 );
// gp_XYZ middle = 0.5 * ( apex + base );
// GetMeshDS()->MoveNode( medium, middle.X(), middle.Y(), middle.Z());
// }
// }
// }
Reference in New Issue
Block a user