mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 22:47:54 +05:00
0020982: EDF 1547 SMESH: Creation of non-conformal quadratic pyramids
One more redesign
This commit is contained in:
@ -47,6 +47,271 @@ enum EQuadNature { NOT_QUAD, QUAD, DEGEN_QUAD };
// std-like iterator used to get coordinates of nodes of mesh element
typedef SMDS_StdIterator< SMESH_MeshEditor::TNodeXYZ, SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr > TXyzIterator;
const int Q2TAbs_TmpTriangle = SMDSEntity_Last + 1;
* \brief Temporary face. It's key feature is that it adds itself to an apex node
* as inverse element, so that tmp triangles of a piramid can be easily found
class SMDS_EXPORT Q2TAdaptor_Triangle : public SMDS_MeshFace
const SMDS_MeshNode* _nodes[3];
Q2TAdaptor_Triangle(const SMDS_MeshNode* apexNode,
const SMDS_MeshNode* node2,
const SMDS_MeshNode* node3)
_nodes[0]=0; ChangeApex(apexNode);
~Q2TAdaptor_Triangle() { MarkAsRemoved(); }
void ChangeApex(const SMDS_MeshNode* node)
void MarkAsRemoved()
if ( _nodes[0] )
const_cast<SMDS_MeshNode*>(_nodes[0])->RemoveInverseElement(this), _nodes[0] = 0;
bool IsRemoved() const { return !_nodes[0]; }
virtual int NbNodes() const { return 3; }
virtual const SMDS_MeshNode* GetNode(const int ind) const { return _nodes[ind]; }
virtual SMDSAbs_EntityType GetEntityType() const
return SMDSAbs_EntityType( Q2TAbs_TmpTriangle );
* \brief Return true if two nodes of triangles are equal
bool EqualTriangles(const SMDS_MeshElement* F1,const SMDS_MeshElement* F2)
( F1->GetNode(1)==F2->GetNode(2) && F1->GetNode(2)==F2->GetNode(1) ) ||
( F1->GetNode(1)==F2->GetNode(1) && F1->GetNode(2)==F2->GetNode(2) );
* \brief Merge the two pyramids (i.e. fuse their apex) and others already merged with them
void MergePiramids( const SMDS_MeshElement* PrmI,
const SMDS_MeshElement* PrmJ,
SMESHDS_Mesh* meshDS,
set<const SMDS_MeshNode*> & nodesToMove)
const SMDS_MeshNode* Nrem = PrmJ->GetNode(4); // node to remove
int nbJ = Nrem->NbInverseElements( SMDSAbs_Volume );
SMESH_MeshEditor::TNodeXYZ Pj( Nrem );
// an apex node to make common to all merged pyramids
SMDS_MeshNode* CommonNode = const_cast<SMDS_MeshNode*>(PrmI->GetNode(4));
if ( CommonNode == Nrem ) return; // already merged
int nbI = CommonNode->NbInverseElements( SMDSAbs_Volume );
SMESH_MeshEditor::TNodeXYZ Pi( CommonNode );
gp_XYZ Pnew = ( nbI*Pi + nbJ*Pj ) / (nbI+nbJ);
CommonNode->setXYZ( Pnew.X(), Pnew.Y(), Pnew.Z() );
nodesToMove.insert( CommonNode );
nodesToMove.erase ( Nrem );
// find and remove coincided faces of merged pyramids
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr triItI = CommonNode->GetInverseElementIterator(SMDSAbs_Face);
while ( triItI->more() )
const SMDS_MeshElement* FI = triItI->next();
const SMDS_MeshElement* FJEqual = 0;
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr triItJ = Nrem->GetInverseElementIterator(SMDSAbs_Face);
while ( !FJEqual && triItJ->more() )
const SMDS_MeshElement* FJ = triItJ->next();
if ( EqualTriangles( FJ, FI ))
FJEqual = FJ;
if ( FJEqual )
((Q2TAdaptor_Triangle*) FI)->MarkAsRemoved();
((Q2TAdaptor_Triangle*) FJEqual)->MarkAsRemoved();
// set the common apex node to pyramids and triangles merged with J
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr itJ = Nrem->GetInverseElementIterator();
while ( itJ->more() )
const SMDS_MeshElement* elem = itJ->next();
if ( elem->GetType() == SMDSAbs_Volume ) // pyramid
vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* > nodes( elem->begin_nodes(), elem->end_nodes() );
nodes[4] = CommonNode;
meshDS->ChangeElementNodes( elem, &nodes[0], nodes.size());
else if ( elem->GetEntityType() == Q2TAbs_TmpTriangle ) // tmp triangle
((Q2TAdaptor_Triangle*) elem )->ChangeApex( CommonNode );
ASSERT( Nrem->NbInverseElements() == 0 );
meshDS->RemoveFreeNode( Nrem,
meshDS->MeshElements( Nrem->GetPosition()->GetShapeId()),
* \brief Return true if two adjacent pyramids are too close one to another
* so that a tetrahedron to built between them whoul have too poor quality
bool TooCloseAdjacent( const SMDS_MeshElement* PrmI,
const SMDS_MeshElement* PrmJ,
const bool hasShape)
const SMDS_MeshNode* nApexI = PrmI->GetNode(4);
const SMDS_MeshNode* nApexJ = PrmJ->GetNode(4);
if ( nApexI == nApexJ ||
nApexI->GetPosition()->GetShapeId() != nApexJ->GetPosition()->GetShapeId() )
return false;
// Find two common base nodes and their indices within PrmI and PrmJ
const SMDS_MeshNode* baseNodes[2] = { 0,0 };
int baseNodesIndI[2], baseNodesIndJ[2];
for ( int i = 0; i < 4 ; ++i )
int j = PrmJ->GetNodeIndex( PrmI->GetNode(i));
if ( j >= 0 )
int ind = baseNodes[0] ? 1:0;
if ( baseNodes[ ind ])
return false; // pyramids with a common base face
baseNodes [ ind ] = PrmI->GetNode(i);
baseNodesIndI[ ind ] = i;
baseNodesIndJ[ ind ] = j;
if ( !baseNodes[1] ) return false; // not adjacent
// Get normals of triangles sharing baseNodes
gp_XYZ apexI = SMESH_MeshEditor::TNodeXYZ( nApexI );
gp_XYZ apexJ = SMESH_MeshEditor::TNodeXYZ( nApexJ );
gp_XYZ base1 = SMESH_MeshEditor::TNodeXYZ( baseNodes[0]);
gp_XYZ base2 = SMESH_MeshEditor::TNodeXYZ( baseNodes[1]);
gp_Vec baseVec( base1, base2 );
gp_Vec baI( base1, apexI );
gp_Vec baJ( base1, apexJ );
gp_Vec nI = baseVec.Crossed( baI );
gp_Vec nJ = baseVec.Crossed( baJ );
// Check angle between normals
double angle = nI.Angle( nJ );
bool tooClose = ( angle < 10 * PI180 );
// Check if pyramids collide
bool isOutI, isOutJ;
if ( !tooClose && baI * baJ > 0 )
// find out if nI points outside of PrmI or inside
int dInd = baseNodesIndI[1] - baseNodesIndI[0];
isOutI = ( abs(dInd)==1 ) ? dInd < 0 : dInd > 0;
// find out sign of projection of nJ to baI
double proj = baI * nJ;
tooClose = isOutI ? proj > 0 : proj < 0;
// Check if PrmI and PrmJ are in same domain
if ( tooClose && !hasShape )
// check order of baseNodes within pyramids, it must be opposite
int dInd = baseNodesIndJ[1] - baseNodesIndJ[0];
isOutJ = ( abs(dInd)==1 ) ? dInd < 0 : dInd > 0;
if ( isOutJ == isOutI )
return false; // other domain
// check absence of a face separating domains between pyramids
TIDSortedElemSet emptySet, avoidSet;
int i1, i2;
while ( const SMDS_MeshElement* f =
SMESH_MeshEditor::FindFaceInSet( baseNodes[0], baseNodes[1],
emptySet, avoidSet, &i1, &i2 ))
avoidSet.insert( f );
// face node other than baseNodes
int otherNodeInd = 0;
while ( otherNodeInd == i1 || otherNodeInd == i2 ) otherNodeInd++;
const SMDS_MeshNode* otherFaceNode = f->GetNode( otherNodeInd );
// check if f is a base face of either of pyramids
if ( f->NbCornerNodes() == 4 &&
( PrmI->GetNodeIndex( otherFaceNode ) >= 0 ||
PrmJ->GetNodeIndex( otherFaceNode ) >= 0 ))
continue; // f is a base quadrangle
// check projections of face direction (baOFN) to triange normals (nI and nJ)
gp_Vec baOFN( base1, SMESH_MeshEditor::TNodeXYZ( otherFaceNode ));
( isOutI ? nJ : nI ).Reverse();
if ( nI * baOFN > 0 && nJ * baOFN > 0 )
tooClose = false; // f is between pyramids
return tooClose;
* \brief Merges adjacent pyramids
void MergeAdjacent(const SMDS_MeshElement* PrmI,
SMESH_Mesh& mesh,
set<const SMDS_MeshNode*>& nodesToMove)
TIDSortedElemSet adjacentPyrams, mergedPyrams;
for(int k=0; k<4; k++) // loop on 4 base nodes of PrmI
const SMDS_MeshNode* n = PrmI->GetNode(k);
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr vIt = n->GetInverseElementIterator( SMDSAbs_Volume );
while ( vIt->more() )
const SMDS_MeshElement* PrmJ = vIt->next();
if ( PrmJ->NbCornerNodes() != 5 || !adjacentPyrams.insert( PrmJ ).second )
if ( PrmI != PrmJ && TooCloseAdjacent( PrmI, PrmJ, mesh.HasShapeToMesh() ))
MergePiramids( PrmI, PrmJ, mesh.GetMeshDS(), nodesToMove );
mergedPyrams.insert( PrmJ );
if ( !mergedPyrams.empty() )
for (TIDSortedElemSet::iterator prm = mergedPyrams.begin(); prm != mergedPyrams.end(); ++prm)
MergeAdjacent( *prm, mesh, nodesToMove );
* \brief Constructor
@ -77,10 +342,6 @@ StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor::~StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor()
// TF2PyramMap::iterator itp = myPyram2Trias.begin();
// for(; itp!=myPyram2Trias.end(); itp++)
// cout << itp->second << endl;
if ( myElemSearcher ) delete myElemSearcher;
@ -282,18 +543,6 @@ bool StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor::CheckIntersection (const gp_Pnt& P,
return res;
//function : EqualTriangles
//purpose : Auxilare for Compute()
static bool EqualTriangles(const SMDS_MeshElement* F1,const SMDS_MeshElement* F2)
( F1->GetNode(1)==F2->GetNode(2) && F1->GetNode(2)==F2->GetNode(1) ) ||
( F1->GetNode(1)==F2->GetNode(1) && F1->GetNode(2)==F2->GetNode(2) );
* \brief Prepare data for the given face
@ -432,15 +681,13 @@ int StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor::Preparation(const SMDS_MeshElement* face
bool StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh, const TopoDS_Shape& aShape)
SMESHDS_Mesh * meshDS = aMesh.GetMeshDS();
SMESH_MesherHelper helper(aMesh);
helper.SetElementsOnShape( true );
for (TopExp_Explorer exp(aShape,TopAbs_FACE);exp.More();exp.Next())
const TopoDS_Shape& aShapeFace = exp.Current();
@ -468,11 +715,11 @@ bool StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh, const TopoDS_Shape
// degenerate face
// add triangles to result map
SMDS_FaceOfNodes* NewFace;
SMDS_MeshFace* NewFace;
NewFace = new SMDS_FaceOfNodes( FNodes[0], FNodes[1], FNodes[2] );
NewFace = new Q2TAdaptor_Triangle( FNodes[0], FNodes[1], FNodes[2] );
NewFace = new SMDS_FaceOfNodes( FNodes[0], FNodes[2], FNodes[1] );
NewFace = new Q2TAdaptor_Triangle( FNodes[0], FNodes[2], FNodes[1] );
TTriaList aList( 1, NewFace );
@ -529,13 +776,13 @@ bool StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh, const TopoDS_Shape
// add triangles to result map
TTriaList& triaList = myResMap.insert( make_pair( face, TTriaList() ))->second;
for(i=0; i<4; i++)
triaList.push_back( new SMDS_FaceOfNodes( NewNode, FNodes[i], FNodes[i+1] ));
triaList.push_back( new Q2TAdaptor_Triangle( NewNode, FNodes[i], FNodes[i+1] ));
// create a pyramid
if ( isRev ) swap( FNodes[1], FNodes[3]);
SMDS_MeshVolume* aPyram =
helper.AddVolume( FNodes[0], FNodes[1], FNodes[2], FNodes[3], NewNode );
myPyram2Trias.insert(make_pair(aPyram, & triaList));
} // end loop on elements on a face submesh
@ -553,7 +800,7 @@ bool StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh, const TopoDS_Shape
bool StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh)
SMESH_MesherHelper helper(aMesh);
helper.SetElementsOnShape( true );
@ -588,7 +835,7 @@ bool StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh)
// degenerate face
// add triangles to result map
TTriaList aList;
SMDS_FaceOfNodes* NewFace;
SMDS_MeshFace* NewFace;
// check orientation
double tmp = PN->Value(1).Distance(PN->Value(2)) + PN->Value(2).Distance(PN->Value(3));
@ -651,9 +898,9 @@ bool StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh)
NewFace = new SMDS_FaceOfNodes( FNodes[0], FNodes[1], FNodes[2] );
NewFace = new Q2TAdaptor_Triangle( FNodes[0], FNodes[1], FNodes[2] );
NewFace = new SMDS_FaceOfNodes( FNodes[0], FNodes[2], FNodes[1] );
NewFace = new Q2TAdaptor_Triangle( FNodes[0], FNodes[2], FNodes[1] );
@ -729,11 +976,11 @@ bool StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh)
// add triangles to result map
TTriaList& aList = myResMap.insert( make_pair( face, TTriaList()))->second;
for(i=0; i<4; i++) {
SMDS_FaceOfNodes* NewFace;
SMDS_MeshFace* NewFace;
NewFace = new SMDS_FaceOfNodes( NewNode, FNodes[i], FNodes[i+1] );
NewFace = new Q2TAdaptor_Triangle( NewNode, FNodes[i], FNodes[i+1] );
NewFace = new SMDS_FaceOfNodes( NewNode, FNodes[i+1], FNodes[i] );
NewFace = new Q2TAdaptor_Triangle( NewNode, FNodes[i+1], FNodes[i] );
// create a pyramid
@ -742,7 +989,7 @@ bool StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh)
aPyram = helper.AddVolume( FNodes[0], FNodes[1], FNodes[2], FNodes[3], NewNode );
aPyram = helper.AddVolume( FNodes[0], FNodes[3], FNodes[2], FNodes[1], NewNode );
myPyram2Trias.insert(make_pair(aPyram, & aList));
} // end loop on all faces
@ -757,39 +1004,47 @@ bool StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh)
bool StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor::Compute2ndPart(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh)
SMESHDS_Mesh * meshDS = aMesh.GetMeshDS();
// check intersections between created pyramids
return true;
int k = 0;
// for each pyramid store list of merged pyramids with their faces
typedef map< const SMDS_MeshElement*, list< TPyram2Trias::iterator > > TPyram2Merged;
TPyram2Merged MergesInfo;
SMESHDS_Mesh * meshDS = aMesh.GetMeshDS();
int i, j, k, myShapeID = myPyramids[0]->GetNode(4)->GetPosition()->GetShapeId();
if ( !myElemSearcher )
myElemSearcher = SMESH_MeshEditor(&aMesh).GetElementSearcher();
SMESH_ElementSearcher* searcher = const_cast<SMESH_ElementSearcher*>(myElemSearcher);
// iterate on all pyramids
TPyram2Trias::iterator itPi = myPyram2Trias.begin(), itPEnd = myPyram2Trias.end();
for ( ; itPi != itPEnd; ++itPi )
const SMDS_MeshElement* PrmI = itPi->first;
TPyram2Merged::iterator pMergesI = MergesInfo.find( PrmI );
set<const SMDS_MeshNode*> nodesToMove;
TXyzIterator xyzIt( PrmI->nodesIterator() );
vector<gp_Pnt> PsI( xyzIt, TXyzIterator() );
// check adjacent pyramids
for ( i = 0; i < myPyramids.size(); ++i )
const SMDS_MeshElement* PrmI = myPyramids[i];
MergeAdjacent( PrmI, aMesh, nodesToMove );
// iterate on all pyramids
for ( i = 0; i < myPyramids.size(); ++i )
const SMDS_MeshElement* PrmI = myPyramids[i];
// compare PrmI with all the rest pyramids
bool NeedMove = false;
// collect adjacent pyramids and nodes coordinates of PrmI
set<const SMDS_MeshElement*> checkedPyrams;
vector<gp_Pnt> PsI(5);
for(k=0; k<5; k++) // loop on 4 base nodes of PrmI
const SMDS_MeshNode* n = PrmI->GetNode(k);
PsI[k] = SMESH_MeshEditor::TNodeXYZ( n );
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr vIt = n->GetInverseElementIterator( SMDSAbs_Volume );
while ( vIt->more() )
checkedPyrams.insert( vIt->next() );
bool hasInt = false;
for(k=0; k<4 && !hasInt; k++) // loop on 4 base nodes of PrmI
// check intersection with distant pyramids
for(k=0; k<4; k++) // loop on 4 base nodes of PrmI
gp_Vec Vtmp(PsI[k],PsI[4]);
gp_Pnt Pshift = PsI[k].XYZ() + Vtmp.XYZ() * 0.01; // base node moved a bit to apex
@ -798,25 +1053,23 @@ bool StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor::Compute2ndPart(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh)
vector< const SMDS_MeshElement* > suspectPyrams;
searcher->GetElementsNearLine( line, SMDSAbs_Volume, suspectPyrams);
for ( int j = 0; j < suspectPyrams.size(); ++j )
for ( j = 0; j < suspectPyrams.size(); ++j )
const SMDS_MeshElement* PrmJ = suspectPyrams[j];
if ( PrmJ == PrmI || PrmJ->NbCornerNodes() != 5 ) continue;
TPyram2Trias::iterator itPj = myPyram2Trias.find( PrmJ );
if ( itPj == myPyram2Trias.end() ) continue; // pyramid from other SOLID
// check if two pyramids already merged
TPyram2Merged::iterator pMergesJ = MergesInfo.find( PrmJ );
if ( pMergesJ != MergesInfo.end() &&
find(pMergesJ->second.begin(),pMergesJ->second.end(), itPi )!=pMergesJ->second.end())
if ( PrmJ == PrmI || PrmJ->NbCornerNodes() != 5 )
xyzIt = TXyzIterator( PrmJ->nodesIterator() );
if ( myShapeID != PrmJ->GetNode(4)->GetPosition()->GetShapeId())
continue; // pyramid from other SOLID
if ( PrmI->GetNode(4) == PrmJ->GetNode(4) )
continue; // pyramids PrmI and PrmJ already merged
if ( !checkedPyrams.insert( PrmJ ).second )
continue; // already checked
TXyzIterator xyzIt( PrmJ->nodesIterator() );
vector<gp_Pnt> PsJ( xyzIt, TXyzIterator() );
gp_Pnt Pint;
hasInt =
bool hasInt =
( HasIntersection3( Pshift, PsI[4], Pint, PsJ[0], PsJ[1], PsJ[4]) ||
HasIntersection3( Pshift, PsI[4], Pint, PsJ[1], PsJ[2], PsJ[4]) ||
HasIntersection3( Pshift, PsI[4], Pint, PsJ[2], PsJ[3], PsJ[4]) ||
@ -831,10 +1084,12 @@ bool StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor::Compute2ndPart(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh)
HasIntersection3( Pshift, PsJ[4], Pint, PsI[2], PsI[3], PsI[4]) ||
HasIntersection3( Pshift, PsJ[4], Pint, PsI[3], PsI[0], PsI[4]) );
if ( hasInt ) {
if ( hasInt )
// count common nodes of base faces of two pyramids
int nbc = 0;
for(k=0; k<4; k++)
for (k=0; k<4; k++)
nbc += int ( PrmI->GetNodeIndex( PrmJ->GetNode(k) ) >= 0 );
if ( nbc == 4 )
@ -843,148 +1098,51 @@ bool StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor::Compute2ndPart(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh)
// Merge the two pyramids and others already merged with them
// initialize merge info of pyramids
if ( pMergesI == MergesInfo.end() ) // first merge of PrmI
pMergesI = MergesInfo.insert( make_pair( PrmI, list<TPyram2Trias::iterator >())).first;
pMergesI->second.push_back( itPi );
if ( pMergesJ == MergesInfo.end() ) // first merge of PrmJ
pMergesJ = MergesInfo.insert( make_pair( PrmJ, list<TPyram2Trias::iterator >())).first;
pMergesJ->second.push_back( itPj );
int nbI = pMergesI->second.size(), nbJ = pMergesJ->second.size();
// an apex node to make common to all merged pyramids
SMDS_MeshNode* CommonNode = const_cast<SMDS_MeshNode*>(PrmI->GetNode(4));
CommonNode->setXYZ( ( nbI*PsI[4].X() + nbJ*PsJ[4].X() ) / (nbI+nbJ),
( nbI*PsI[4].Y() + nbJ*PsJ[4].Y() ) / (nbI+nbJ),
( nbI*PsI[4].Z() + nbJ*PsJ[4].Z() ) / (nbI+nbJ) );
NeedMove = true;
const SMDS_MeshNode* Nrem = PrmJ->GetNode(4); // node to remove
list< TPyram2Trias::iterator >& aMergesI = pMergesI->second;
list< TPyram2Trias::iterator >& aMergesJ = pMergesJ->second;
// find and remove coincided faces of merged pyramids
list< TPyram2Trias::iterator >::iterator itPttI, itPttJ;
TTriaList::iterator trI, trJ;
for ( itPttI = aMergesI.begin(); itPttI != aMergesI.end(); ++itPttI )
TTriaList* triaListI = (*itPttI)->second;
for ( trI = triaListI->begin(); trI != triaListI->end(); )
const SMDS_FaceOfNodes* FI = *trI;
for ( itPttJ = aMergesJ.begin(); itPttJ != aMergesJ.end() && FI; ++itPttJ )
TTriaList* triaListJ = (*itPttJ)->second;
for ( trJ = triaListJ->begin(); trJ != triaListJ->end(); )
const SMDS_FaceOfNodes* FJ = *trJ;
if( EqualTriangles(FI,FJ) )
delete FI;
delete FJ;
FI = FJ = 0;
trI = triaListI->erase( trI );
trJ = triaListJ->erase( trJ );
break; // only one triangle of a pyramid can coincide with another pyramid
if ( FI ) ++trI; // increament if triangle not deleted
// set the common apex node to pyramids and triangles merged with J
for ( itPttJ = aMergesJ.begin(); itPttJ != aMergesJ.end(); ++itPttJ )
const SMDS_MeshElement* Prm = (*itPttJ)->first;
TTriaList* triaList = (*itPttJ)->second;
vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* > nodes( Prm->begin_nodes(), Prm->end_nodes() );
nodes[4] = CommonNode;
meshDS->ChangeElementNodes( Prm, &nodes[0], nodes.size());
for ( TTriaList::iterator trIt = triaList->begin(); trIt != triaList->end(); ++trIt )
SMDS_FaceOfNodes* Ftria = const_cast< SMDS_FaceOfNodes*>( *trIt );
const SMDS_MeshNode* NF[3] = { CommonNode, Ftria->GetNode(1), Ftria->GetNode(2)};
Ftria->ChangeNodes(NF, 3);
// join MergesInfo of merged pyramids
for ( k = 0, itPttI = aMergesI.begin(); k < nbI; ++itPttI, ++k )
const SMDS_MeshElement* PrmI = (*itPttI)->first;
list< TPyram2Trias::iterator >& merges = MergesInfo[ PrmI ];
merges.insert( merges.end(), aMergesJ.begin(), aMergesJ.end() );
for ( k = 0, itPttJ = aMergesJ.begin(); k < nbJ; ++itPttJ, ++k )
const SMDS_MeshElement* PrmJ = (*itPttJ)->first;
list< TPyram2Trias::iterator >& merges = MergesInfo[ PrmJ ];
merges.insert( merges.end(), aMergesI.begin(), aMergesI.end() );
// removing node
MergePiramids( PrmI, PrmJ, meshDS, nodesToMove );
else { // nbc==0
// decrease height of pyramids
gp_XYZ PC1(0,0,0), PC2(0,0,0);
gp_XYZ PCi(0,0,0), PCj(0,0,0);
for(k=0; k<4; k++) {
PC1 += PsI[k].XYZ();
PC2 += PsJ[k].XYZ();
PCi += PsI[k].XYZ();
PCj += PsJ[k].XYZ();
PC1 /= 4; PC2 /= 4;
gp_Vec VN1(PC1,PsI[4]);
gp_Vec VI1(PC1,Pint);
gp_Vec VN2(PC2,PsJ[4]);
gp_Vec VI2(PC2,Pint);
PCi /= 4; PCj /= 4;
gp_Vec VN1(PCi,PsI[4]);
gp_Vec VN2(PCj,PsJ[4]);
gp_Vec VI1(PCi,Pint);
gp_Vec VI2(PCj,Pint);
double ang1 = fabs(VN1.Angle(VI1));
double ang2 = fabs(VN2.Angle(VI2));
double h1,h2;
h1 = VI1.Magnitude()/2;
h1 = VI1.Magnitude()*cos(ang1);
h2 = VI2.Magnitude()/2;
h2 = VI2.Magnitude()*cos(ang2);
double coef1 = 0.5;
coef1 -= cos(ang1)*0.25;
double coef2 = 0.5;
coef2 -= cos(ang1)*0.25;
double coef1 = 0.5 - (( ang1<PI/3 ) ? cos(ang1)*0.25 : 0 );
double coef2 = 0.5 - (( ang2<PI/3 ) ? cos(ang2)*0.25 : 0 ); // cos(ang2) ?
// double coef2 = 0.5;
// if(ang2<PI/3)
// coef2 -= cos(ang1)*0.25;
SMDS_MeshNode* aNode1 = const_cast<SMDS_MeshNode*>(PrmI->GetNode(4));
aNode1->setXYZ( PC1.X()+VN1.X(), PC1.Y()+VN1.Y(), PC1.Z()+VN1.Z() );
aNode1->setXYZ( PCi.X()+VN1.X(), PCi.Y()+VN1.Y(), PCi.Z()+VN1.Z() );
SMDS_MeshNode* aNode2 = const_cast<SMDS_MeshNode*>(PrmJ->GetNode(4));
aNode2->setXYZ( PC2.X()+VN2.X(), PC2.Y()+VN2.Y(), PC2.Z()+VN2.Z() );
NeedMove = true;
aNode2->setXYZ( PCj.X()+VN2.X(), PCj.Y()+VN2.Y(), PCj.Z()+VN2.Z() );
nodesToMove.insert( aNode1 );
nodesToMove.insert( aNode2 );
} // end if(hasInt)
} // loop on suspectPyrams
} // loop on 4 base nodes of PrmI
if( NeedMove && !meshDS->IsEmbeddedMode() )
const SMDS_MeshNode* apex = PrmI->GetNode( 4 );
meshDS->MoveNode( apex, apex->X(), apex->Y(), apex->Z() );
} // loop on all pyramids
if( !nodesToMove.empty() && !meshDS->IsEmbeddedMode() )
set<const SMDS_MeshNode*>::iterator n = nodesToMove.begin();
for ( ; n != nodesToMove.end(); ++n )
meshDS->MoveNode( *n, (*n)->X(), (*n)->Y(), (*n)->Z() );
// rebind triangles of pyramids sharing the same base quadrangle to the first
// entrance of the base quadrangle
TQuad2Trias::iterator q2t = myResMap.begin(), q2tPrev = q2t;
@ -993,8 +1151,18 @@ bool StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor::Compute2ndPart(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh)
if ( q2t->first == q2tPrev->first )
q2tPrev->second.splice( q2tPrev->second.end(), q2t->second );
// delete removed triangles
for ( q2t = myResMap.begin(); q2t != myResMap.end(); ++q2t )
TTriaList & trias = q2t->second;
for ( TTriaList::iterator tri = trias.begin(); tri != trias.end(); )
if ( ((const Q2TAdaptor_Triangle*) *tri)->IsRemoved() )
delete *tri, trias.erase( tri++ );
myPyram2Trias.clear(); // no more needed
myPyramids.clear(); // no more needed
delete myElemSearcher;
@ -1009,11 +1177,8 @@ bool StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor::Compute2ndPart(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh)
const list<const SMDS_FaceOfNodes* >* StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor::GetTriangles (const SMDS_MeshElement* aQuad)
const list<const SMDS_MeshFace* >* StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor::GetTriangles (const SMDS_MeshElement* aQuad)
TQuad2Trias::iterator it = myResMap.find(aQuad);
if( it != myResMap.end() ) {
return & it->second;
return 0;
return ( it != myResMap.end() ? & it->second : 0 );
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ public:
bool Compute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh);
const std::list<const SMDS_FaceOfNodes*>* GetTriangles(const SMDS_MeshElement* aFace);
const std::list<const SMDS_MeshFace*>* GetTriangles(const SMDS_MeshElement* aFace);
@ -77,12 +77,13 @@ protected:
bool Compute2ndPart(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh);
typedef std::list<const SMDS_FaceOfNodes* > TTriaList;
typedef std::list<const SMDS_MeshFace* > TTriaList;
typedef std::multimap<const SMDS_MeshElement*, TTriaList > TQuad2Trias;
typedef std::map<const SMDS_MeshElement*, TTriaList *, TIDCompare> TPyram2Trias;
//typedef std::map<const SMDS_MeshElement*, TTriaList *, TIDCompare> TPyram2Trias;
TQuad2Trias myResMap;
TPyram2Trias myPyram2Trias;
//TPyram2Trias myPyram2Trias;
std::vector<const SMDS_MeshElement*> myPyramids;
std::list< const SMDS_MeshNode* > myDegNodes;
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