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synced 2025-03-04 03:15:37 +05:00
Bug 0020072: GHS3DPRLPLUGIN update. A new patch.
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@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ meshers and thus, work only with definite algorithms.
<li>\subpage netgen_2d_3d_hypo_page</li> - work with NetGen algorithm.
<li>\subpage ghs3d_hypo_page</li> - works with GHS3D algorithm.
<li>\subpage ghs3dprl_hypo_page</li> - works with GHS3DPRL (tepal) algorithm.
<li>\subpage blsurf_hypo_page</li> - works with BLSURF algorithm.
@ -61,4 +62,4 @@ The choice of a hypothesis depends on:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
\page ghs3dprl_hypo_page GHS3DPRL Parameters hypothesis
\n GHS3DPRL Parameters hypothesis works only with <b>Tetrahedron (Tepal with TetMesh-GHS3D)</b> algorithm.
\n This algorithm is a commercial software, its use requires a licence (http://www.distene.com/fr/build/offer.html).
\n The advantage of Tepal is the possibility to generate (for example) a <em>partitioned</em>
200 million tetrahedra mesh on a not-so-big memory computer (2Go RAM)
...in something like 50 hours of <em>one</em> CPU (Xeon, 2008).
This is an alternative to Pluging GHS3D where you should need something like a not-so-common CPU with 64Go RAM
<em>to try</em> to do a one-partitionned 200 million tetrahedra mesh ...in a much less time indeed.
\n Notes:
\n This Plugin <em>doesn't</em> load in Memory the supposed plentiful big resulting meshes.
It's user choice: (in GUI Mesh mode) menu File-Import-MED Files.
\n Beware, to load one 5 millions tetrahedra MED file, GUI Salome needs 2Go RAM.
\n A new true parallel faster version of Tepal, using MPI, is expected in 2009.
\image html ghs3dprl_parameters_basic.png
<b>Name</b> - allows to define the name of the hypothesis (GHS3DPRL Parameters by default).
<b>MED_Name</b> - allows to define the path and the basename of the
generated resulted MED files ("DOMAIN" by default).
Undefined path means environment variable $SALOME_TMP_DIR (or $TMP by default).
<b>Nb_Part</b> - allows to define the number of MED files generated,
the initial skin (triangles) will be meshed (tetrahedra) and partitioned
in Nb_Part by the <i>elementary</i> algorithm implemented in Tepal.<br>
Beware, the (expected) number of total tetrahedra versus this parameter
involves the maximum tepal RAM use.
<b>Keep_Files</b> - if this box is checked, input files of Tepal
(GHS3DPRL.points and GHS3DPRL.faces) are deleted after use (...if no backgrounding).
<b>Tepal_in_Background</b> - if this box is checked, for big meshes,
launch Tepal execution and MED file generation in background,
allows user exiting of Salome. In this case, beware of the
job Tepal is "killSalome.py" <i>independent</i>, sometimes on other host.
<b>To_Mesh_Holes</b> - if this box is checked, force parameter component
of tetmesh-ghs3d to mesh holes.
<h1>Modifying GHS3DPRL Advanced Parameters</h1><br>
GHS3DPRL Plugin launches standalone binary executable tepal2med which launches binary executable tepal.<br>
tepal2med launches tepal, wait for the end of computation, and converts resulting output tepal files in expected MED files.<br>
Some advanced optional parameters are accessibles as arguments.<br>
If keep_files checked you a posteriori can always re-launch tepal2med in a Terminal as a command with yours parameters.<br>Idem for tepal.<br><br>
<b>Advanced tepal2med Parameters</b> - type "tepal2med --help" in a Terminal. <p>
myname@myhost > /export/home/myname/salome_5/GHS3DPRLPLUGIN_5/bin/salome/tepal2med --help
Available options:
--help : produces this help message
--casename : path and name of input tepal2med files which are
- output files of tepal .msg .noboite .faces .points .glo
- output file of GHS3DPRL_Plugin casename_skin.med (optional)
with initial skin and its initial groups
--number : number of partitions
--medname : path and name of output MED files
--limitswap : max size of working cpu memory (Mo) (before swapping on .temp files)
--verbose : trace of execution (0->6)
--test : more tests about joints, before generation of output files
--menu : a GUI menu for option number
--launchtepal : also launch tepal on files casename.faces and casename.points and option number
--meshholes : force parameter component of tetmesh-ghs3d to mesh holes
--background : force background mode from launch tepal and generation of final MED files (big meshes)
--deletegroups : regular expression (see QRegExp) which matches unwanted groups in final MED files
(try --deletegroups="(\bAll_Nodes|\bAll_Faces)"
(try --deletegroups="((\bAll_|\bNew_)(N|F|T))"
tepal2med --casename=/tmp/GHS3DPRL --number=2 --medname=DOMAIN --limitswap=1000
--verbose=0 --test=yes --menu=no --launchtepal=no
<b>Advanced tepal Parameters</b> - type "tepal" in a Terminal. <p>
myname@myhost > tepal
GHS3D-TEPAL 1.4.2 (Dec, 2006) 10-Dec-2008 AT 12:59:48
Distene SAS
Pole Teratec - BARD-1
Domaine du Grand Rue
91680 Bruyeres le Chatel
Phone: +33(0)1-69-26-62-10 Fax: +33(0)1-69-26-90-33
EMail: support@distene.com
USAGE : tepal options
With options in :
--filename name (-f name) :
Basename of the input case (MANDATORY)
--ndom n (-n n) :
Number of subdomains to make (MANDATORY)
--ghs3d ghs3d options (-g ghs3d options) :
Run temesh ghs3d on a previously generated subdomain. (ghs3d options must be "quoted")
--memory m (-m m) :
Max amount of memory (megabytes) allowed for ghs in the cutting process. (default is 0 : unlimited)
--mesh_only (-Z ) :
Only (re)mesh all subdomains and update communications messages
--mesh_call command (-c command) :
Call the user specified command for meshing all the subomains after their skin was generated
--stats_only (-S ) :
Only compute and show some statistics on subdomains
--rebuild (-r ) :
Merge final subdomains skins
--rebuild_tetra (-R ) :
Merge final subdomains skins and tetraedra
--rebuild_iface (-i ) :
Include interfaces in final subdomains merge
--rebuild_retag (-t ) :
Tag vertices, faces (and tetra if selected) with their subdomain number in final subdomains merge (keeps the lowest tag for shared elements)
--rebuild_ensight_parts (-e ) :
Build ensight geom file with parts
--tetmesh_args str (-G str) :
Arguments to pass to Tetmesh during cutting process
GHS3D-TEPAL SOFTWARE 1.4.2 (Dec, 2006)
( Distene SAS
Phone: +33(0)1-69-26-62-10 Fax: +33(0)1-69-26-90-33
EMail: support@distene.com )
<b>Advanced ghs3d Parameters (through tepal's --tetmesh_args)</b> - type "ghs3d -h" in a Terminal. <p>
myname@myhost > ghs3d -h
[-u] [-m memory>] [-M MEMORY] [-f prefix] [-v verbose]
[-c component] [-p0] [-C] [-E count] [-t] [-o level]
[-I filetype] [-a/-b] [-O n m]
-u (-h) : prints this message.
-m memory : launches the software with memory Megabytes of work space.
The default value of this parameter is 64 Megabytes and its
minimum value is 10 Megabytes.
It is also possible to set this parameter with the
environment variable GHS3D_MEMORY by means of an operation
equivalent to:
setenv GHS3D_MEMORY memory,
the value specified in the command line has the priority on
the environment variable.
-M MEMORY : uses the automatic memory adjustment feature.
If MEMORY is zero, the size of the work space is initially
guessed from the input. If MEMORY is not zero, the
software starts with MEMORY Megabytes of work space.
The software then reallocates more and more memory as
The starting value when MEMORY equals 0 is 64 Megabytes,
the maximum is given with memory of the -m option if used
and the actual memory available.
-f prefix : defines the generic prefix of the files.
-v verbose : sets the output level parameter (the verbose parameter
must be in the range 0 to 10).
-c component : chooses the meshed component. If component is
0, all components to be meshed
1, only the main (outermost) component to be meshed
-p0 : disables creation of internal points.
-C : uses alternate boundary recovery version. To be used only
when the boundary recovery of the standard version fails.
-E count : sets the extended output for error messages. If -E is used,
the error messages found will be printed, up to a maximum
count of errors between 1 and 100.
-t : generates an error file prefix.Log
-o level : sets the desired optimisation level.
Valid optimisation levels are:
none, light, medium or standard, strong,
in increasing order of "quality vs speed" ratio.
-I filetype : defines the input mesh format as follows:
-IP input files are ascii files, named prefix.points
and prefix.faces - this is the default
-IPb input files are binary files, named prefix.pointsb
and prefix.facesb
-IM input file is ascii file, named prefix.mesh
where prefix is given with the -f option
-a/-b : selects the output file type:
-a for ascii (the default) and
-b for binary.
-On : saves a NOPO file in addition. NOPO is the mesh data
structure of the Simail and Modulef software packages.
-Om : saves a mesh file in addition.
-Omn : saves both NOPO and mesh files.
TETMESH-GHS3D SOFTWARE 4.0-3 (December, 2006)
( Distene SAS
Phone: +33(0)1-69-26-62-10 Fax: +33(0)1-69-26-90-33
EMail: support@distene.com )
<h1>Saving user's preferred GHS3DPRL Advanced Parameters</h1><br>
GHS3DPRL Plugin launches standalone binary executable tepal2med.<br>
you may rename tepal2med as tepal2med.exe for example, and replace tepal2med by a shell script at your convenience to overriding parameters.<br>... or else $PATH modification... .<br>Idem for tepal.<br><br>
<b>Advanced tepal2med Parameters</b> - overriding parameter deletegroups<p>
#script tepal2med overriding parameter deletegroups
#we have renamed binary executable tepal2med as tepal2med.exe
#echo tepal2med initial parameters are $1 $2 $3 $4 ... or $*
#$0 is ignored
tepal2med.exe $* --deletegroups="(\bAll_Nodes|\bAll_Faces)"
<b>Advanced tepal Parameters</b> - overriding parameter component of ghs3d (to mesh holes). <p>
#script tepal overriding parameter component of tetmesh-ghs3d
#we have renamed binary executable tepal as tepal.exe
#optionnaly we could set licence only for us
DLIM8VAR="dlim8 1:1:29030@is142356/0016175ef08c::a1ba1...etc...e19"
tepal.exe $* --tetmesh_args "-c 0"
<b>Advanced tepal Parameters</b> - overriding launching tepal on other host. <p>
#script tepal overriding launching tepal on other host (tepal run 64 bits only)
#we have renamed binary executable tepal as tepal.exe
#common file system (same path) otherwise scp... on input or result files
#ssh -keygen -t rsa done and files id_rsa et id-rsa.pub move in ~/.ssh
#example of typical command
#tepal -f /home/myname/tmp/GHS3DPRL -n 4 > /home/myname/tmp/tepal.log
#echo parameters $1 $2 $3 $4 ... or $*
#tepal licence ought to be known on otherhost
ssh otherhost "tepal.exe $* > /home/myname/tmp/tepal.log"
#or more and more
#ssh otherhost "tepal.exe $* --tetmesh_args \"-c 0\"" > /home/myname/tmp/tepal.log
<h1>TUI use.</h1><br>
<b>example ex30_tepal.py.</b><p>
import os
import geompy
import smesh
# Parameters
# ----------
results = "/tmp/ZZ"
radius = 50
height = 200
# Build a cylinder
# ----------------
base = geompy.MakeVertex(0, 0, 0)
direction = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(0, 0, 1)
cylinder = geompy.MakeCylinder(base, direction, radius, height)
geompy.addToStudy(cylinder, "Cylinder")
# Define a mesh on a geometry
# ---------------------------
m = smesh.Mesh(cylinder)
# 2D mesh with BLSURF
# -------------------
algo2d = m.Triangle(smesh.BLSURF)
# 3D mesh with tepal
# ------------------
algo3d = m.Tetrahedron(smesh.GHS3DPRL)
# Launch meshers
# --------------
status = m.Compute()
# Test if ok
# ----------
if os.access(results+".xml", os.F_OK):
print "Ok: tepal"
print "KO: tepal"
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import smesh
# Parameters
# ----------
results = "/export/home/wambeke/ZZ"
results = "/tmp/ZZ"
radius = 50
height = 200
@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ algo3d.SetMEDName(results)
# Launch meshers
# --------------
Reference in New Issue
Block a user