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synced 2025-03-03 09:15:37 +05:00
Implementation of new version ExtrusionAlongPath (20003 from Mantis).
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@ -4,13 +4,14 @@
\n In principle, <b>Extrusion along a path</b> works in the same way
as \b Extrusion, the main difference is that we define not a vector,
but a path of extrusion which must be a meshed edge. To get an idea of
how this algorithm works, examine several examples, starting from the
most simple case of extrusion along a straight edge. In all examples
the same mesh will be extruded along different paths and with
different parameters. This sample 2D mesh has two quadrangle faces and
seven edges. Look at the picture, where white digits are the node
numbers and green are the element numbers:
but a path of extrusion which must be a 1D mesh or 1D sub-mesh. To
get an idea of how this algorithm works, examine several examples,
starting from the most simple case of extrusion along a straight edge.
In following examples the meshes will be extruded along different
paths and with different parameters.
This sample 2D mesh has two quadrangle faces and seven edges. Look
at the picture, where white digits are the node numbers and green
are the element numbers:
\image html mesh_for_extr_along_path.png
@ -40,29 +41,15 @@ been selected as <b>Start node</b>.</center>
\image html curvi_angles_after.png
<center>The same, but using angles {45, 45, 45, 0, -45, -45, -45}</center>
<br><center><h2>Extrusion along a sub-mesh</h2></center>
<br><center><h2>Extrusion of 2d face along a mesh builds on wire</h2></center>
In this example the path mesh has been built on a wire (polyline with
six edges). The first edge of the wire was used as <b>Shape (edge)</b>, node
#1 as <b>Start node</b>. The angles have been defined as {10, 10, 10}. The
middle edge (#4) of the initial mesh has been extruded.
In this example the path mesh has been built on a wire contains 3
edges. Node #1 is used as start node. Linear angle variation by 180
degree is applied.
\image html edge_wire_before.png
\image html extr_along_wire_before.png
\image html edge_wire_after.png
<br><center><h2>Extrusion of 2d elements along a sub-mesh</h2></center>
This extrusion bases on the same path mesh as in the previous example
but the third edge of the wire was set as <b>Shape (edge)</b> and node
#4 as <b>Start node</b>. Please note, that the extrusion has been done
in direction from node #4 to node #3, i.e. against the wire
direction. In this example both faces of the initial mesh have been
\image html edge_wire_3d_before.png
\image html edge_wire_3d_after.png
\image html extr_along_wire_after.png
<br><center><h2>Extrusion of 2d elements along a closed path</h2></center>
@ -113,9 +100,8 @@ about filters in the \ref selection_filter_library_page "Selection filter librar
<li>define the Path along which the elements will be extruded,
\n Path definition consists of several elements:
<li>\b Mesh - containing a 1D sub-mesh on the edge, along which proceeds the extrusion</li>
<li><b>Shape (edge)</b> - as the mesh can be complex, the edge is used to define the sub-mesh for the path</li>
<li><b>Start node</b> - the first or the last node on the edge. It is used to define the direction of extrusion </li>
<li><b>Mesh or submesh</b> - 1D mesh or 1D sub-mesh, along which proceeds the extrusion</li>
<li><b>Start node</b> - the start node. It is used to define the direction of extrusion </li>
<li>activate <b>Generate Groups</b> checkbox if it is necessary to copy the groups of
@ -392,6 +392,30 @@ module SMESH
ListOfGroups ExtrusionAlongPathX(in long_array IDsOfElements,
in SMESH_IDSource Path,
in long NodeStart,
in boolean HasAngles,
in double_array Angles,
in boolean LinearVariation,
in boolean HasRefPoint,
in PointStruct RefPoint,
in boolean MakeGroups,
in ElementType ElemType,
out Extrusion_Error Error);
ListOfGroups ExtrusionAlongPathObjX(in SMESH_IDSource theObject,
in SMESH_IDSource Path,
in long NodeStart,
in boolean HasAngles,
in double_array Angles,
in boolean LinearVariation,
in boolean HasRefPoint,
in PointStruct RefPoint,
in boolean MakeGroups,
in ElementType ElemType,
out Extrusion_Error Error);
Extrusion_Error ExtrusionAlongPath(in long_array IDsOfElements,
in SMESH_Mesh PathMesh,
in GEOM::GEOM_Object PathShape,
@ -59,6 +59,7 @@
#include <TopExp_Explorer.hxx>
#include <TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape.hxx>
#include <TopTools_ListOfShape.hxx>
#include <TopTools_SequenceOfShape.hxx>
#include <TopoDS.hxx>
#include <TopoDS_Face.hxx>
#include <gp.hxx>
@ -3732,7 +3733,7 @@ SMESH_MeshEditor::ExtrusionSweep (TIDSortedElemSet & theElems,
return newGroupIDs;
//class : SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint
//purpose : auxiliary class
@ -3776,6 +3777,7 @@ protected:
double myAngle;
double myPrm;
//function : ExtrusionAlongTrack
@ -3787,6 +3789,7 @@ SMESH_MeshEditor::Extrusion_Error
const SMDS_MeshNode* theN1,
const bool theHasAngles,
list<double>& theAngles,
const bool theLinearVariation,
const bool theHasRefPoint,
const gp_Pnt& theRefPoint,
const bool theMakeGroups)
@ -3794,20 +3797,11 @@ SMESH_MeshEditor::Extrusion_Error
// source elements for each generated one
SMESH_SequenceOfElemPtr srcElems, srcNodes;
int j, aNbTP, aNbE, aNb;
double aT1, aT2, aT, aAngle, aX, aY, aZ;
int aNbE;
std::list<double> aPrms;
std::list<double>::iterator aItD;
TIDSortedElemSet::iterator itElem;
Standard_Real aTx1, aTx2, aL2, aTolVec, aTolVec2;
gp_Pnt aP3D, aV0;
gp_Vec aVec;
gp_XYZ aGC;
Handle(Geom_Curve) aC3D;
TopoDS_Edge aTrackEdge;
TopoDS_Vertex aV1, aV2;
@ -3816,11 +3810,6 @@ SMESH_MeshEditor::Extrusion_Error
SMDSAbs_ElementType aTypeE;
TNodeOfNodeListMap mapNewNodes;
TElemOfVecOfNnlmiMap mapElemNewNodes;
TElemOfElemListMap newElemsMap;
// 1. Check data
aNbE = theElements.size();
@ -3831,7 +3820,7 @@ SMESH_MeshEditor::Extrusion_Error
// 1.1 Track Pattern
ASSERT( theTrack );
SMESHDS_SubMesh* pSubMeshDS=theTrack->GetSubMeshDS();
SMESHDS_SubMesh* pSubMeshDS = theTrack->GetSubMeshDS();
aItE = pSubMeshDS->GetElements();
while ( aItE->more() ) {
@ -3842,63 +3831,325 @@ SMESH_MeshEditor::Extrusion_Error
list<SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint> fullList;
const TopoDS_Shape& aS = theTrack->GetSubShape();
// Sub shape for the Pattern must be an Edge
if ( aS.ShapeType() != TopAbs_EDGE )
// Sub shape for the Pattern must be an Edge or Wire
if( aS.ShapeType() == TopAbs_EDGE ) {
aTrackEdge = TopoDS::Edge( aS );
// the Edge must not be degenerated
if ( BRep_Tool::Degenerated( aTrackEdge ) )
TopExp::Vertices( aTrackEdge, aV1, aV2 );
aItN = theTrack->GetFather()->GetSubMesh( aV1 )->GetSubMeshDS()->GetNodes();
const SMDS_MeshNode* aN1 = aItN->next();
aItN = theTrack->GetFather()->GetSubMesh( aV2 )->GetSubMeshDS()->GetNodes();
const SMDS_MeshNode* aN2 = aItN->next();
// starting node must be aN1 or aN2
if ( !( aN1 == theN1 || aN2 == theN1 ) )
aItN = pSubMeshDS->GetNodes();
while ( aItN->more() ) {
const SMDS_MeshNode* pNode = aItN->next();
const SMDS_EdgePosition* pEPos =
static_cast<const SMDS_EdgePosition*>( pNode->GetPosition().get() );
double aT = pEPos->GetUParameter();
aPrms.push_back( aT );
Extrusion_Error err = MakeEdgePathPoints(aPrms, aTrackEdge, (aN1==theN1), fullList);
else if( aS.ShapeType() == TopAbs_WIRE ) {
list< SMESH_subMesh* > LSM;
TopTools_SequenceOfShape Edges;
SMESH_subMeshIteratorPtr itSM = theTrack->getDependsOnIterator(false,true);
while(itSM->more()) {
SMESH_subMesh* SM = itSM->next();
const TopoDS_Shape& aS = SM->GetSubShape();
list< list<SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint> > LLPPs;
int startNid = theN1->GetID();
TColStd_MapOfInteger UsedNums;
int NbEdges = Edges.Length();
int i = 1;
for(; i<=NbEdges; i++) {
int k = 0;
list< SMESH_subMesh* >::iterator itLSM = LSM.begin();
for(; itLSM!=LSM.end(); itLSM++) {
if(UsedNums.Contains(k)) continue;
aTrackEdge = TopoDS::Edge( Edges.Value(k) );
SMESH_subMesh* locTrack = *itLSM;
SMESHDS_SubMesh* locMeshDS = locTrack->GetSubMeshDS();
TopExp::Vertices( aTrackEdge, aV1, aV2 );
aItN = locTrack->GetFather()->GetSubMesh(aV1)->GetSubMeshDS()->GetNodes();
const SMDS_MeshNode* aN1 = aItN->next();
aItN = locTrack->GetFather()->GetSubMesh(aV2)->GetSubMeshDS()->GetNodes();
const SMDS_MeshNode* aN2 = aItN->next();
// starting node must be aN1 or aN2
if ( !( aN1->GetID() == startNid || aN2->GetID() == startNid ) ) continue;
// 2. Collect parameters on the track edge
aItN = locMeshDS->GetNodes();
while ( aItN->more() ) {
const SMDS_MeshNode* pNode = aItN->next();
const SMDS_EdgePosition* pEPos =
static_cast<const SMDS_EdgePosition*>( pNode->GetPosition().get() );
double aT = pEPos->GetUParameter();
aPrms.push_back( aT );
list<SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint> LPP;
Extrusion_Error err = MakeEdgePathPoints(aPrms, aTrackEdge,
(aN1->GetID()==startNid), LPP);
// update startN for search following egde
if( aN1->GetID() == startNid ) startNid = aN2->GetID();
else startNid = aN1->GetID();
list< list<SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint> >::iterator itLLPP = LLPPs.begin();
list<SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint> firstList = *itLLPP;
list<SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint>::iterator itPP = firstList.begin();
for(; itPP!=firstList.end(); itPP++) {
fullList.push_back( *itPP );
SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint PP1 = fullList.back();
for(; itLLPP!=LLPPs.end(); itLLPP++) {
list<SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint> currList = *itLLPP;
itPP = currList.begin();
SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint PP2 = currList.front();
gp_Dir D1 = PP1.Tangent();
gp_Dir D2 = PP2.Tangent();
gp_Dir Dnew( gp_Vec( (D1.X()+D2.X())/2, (D1.Y()+D2.Y())/2,
(D1.Z()+D2.Z())/2 ) );
for(; itPP!=firstList.end(); itPP++) {
fullList.push_back( *itPP );
PP1 = fullList.back();
// if wire not closed
// else ???
else {
aTrackEdge = TopoDS::Edge( aS );
// the Edge must not be degenerated
if ( BRep_Tool::Degenerated( aTrackEdge ) )
return MakeExtrElements(theElements, fullList, theHasAngles, theAngles, theLinearVariation,
theHasRefPoint, theRefPoint, theMakeGroups);
//function : ExtrusionAlongTrack
//purpose :
SMESH_MeshEditor::ExtrusionAlongTrack (TIDSortedElemSet & theElements,
SMESH_Mesh* theTrack,
const SMDS_MeshNode* theN1,
const bool theHasAngles,
list<double>& theAngles,
const bool theLinearVariation,
const bool theHasRefPoint,
const gp_Pnt& theRefPoint,
const bool theMakeGroups)
int aNbE;
std::list<double> aPrms;
TIDSortedElemSet::iterator itElem;
gp_XYZ aGC;
TopoDS_Edge aTrackEdge;
TopoDS_Vertex aV1, aV2;
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr aItE;
SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr aItN;
SMDSAbs_ElementType aTypeE;
TNodeOfNodeListMap mapNewNodes;
// 1. Check data
aNbE = theElements.size();
// nothing to do
if ( !aNbE )
// 1.1 Track Pattern
ASSERT( theTrack );
SMESHDS_Mesh* pMeshDS = theTrack->GetMeshDS();
aItE = pMeshDS->elementsIterator();
while ( aItE->more() ) {
const SMDS_MeshElement* pE = aItE->next();
aTypeE = pE->GetType();
// Pattern must contain links only
if ( aTypeE != SMDSAbs_Edge )
list<SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint> fullList;
const TopoDS_Shape& aS = theTrack->GetShapeToMesh();
// Sub shape for the Pattern must be an Edge or Wire
if( aS.ShapeType() == TopAbs_EDGE ) {
aTrackEdge = TopoDS::Edge( aS );
// the Edge must not be degenerated
if ( BRep_Tool::Degenerated( aTrackEdge ) )
TopExp::Vertices( aTrackEdge, aV1, aV2 );
aItN = theTrack->GetSubMesh( aV1 )->GetSubMeshDS()->GetNodes();
const SMDS_MeshNode* aN1 = aItN->next();
aItN = theTrack->GetSubMesh( aV2 )->GetSubMeshDS()->GetNodes();
const SMDS_MeshNode* aN2 = aItN->next();
// starting node must be aN1 or aN2
if ( !( aN1 == theN1 || aN2 == theN1 ) )
aItN = pMeshDS->nodesIterator();
while ( aItN->more() ) {
const SMDS_MeshNode* pNode = aItN->next();
if( pNode==aN1 || pNode==aN2 ) continue;
const SMDS_EdgePosition* pEPos =
static_cast<const SMDS_EdgePosition*>( pNode->GetPosition().get() );
double aT = pEPos->GetUParameter();
aPrms.push_back( aT );
Extrusion_Error err = MakeEdgePathPoints(aPrms, aTrackEdge, (aN1==theN1), fullList);
else if( aS.ShapeType() == TopAbs_WIRE ) {
list< SMESH_subMesh* > LSM;
TopTools_SequenceOfShape Edges;
TopExp_Explorer eExp(aS, TopAbs_EDGE);
for(; eExp.More(); eExp.Next()) {
TopoDS_Edge E = TopoDS::Edge( eExp.Current() );
if( BRep_Tool::Degenerated(E) ) continue;
SMESH_subMesh* SM = theTrack->GetSubMesh(E);
if(SM) {
list< list<SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint> > LLPPs;
int startNid = theN1->GetID();
TColStd_MapOfInteger UsedNums;
int NbEdges = Edges.Length();
int i = 1;
for(; i<=NbEdges; i++) {
int k = 0;
list< SMESH_subMesh* >::iterator itLSM = LSM.begin();
for(; itLSM!=LSM.end(); itLSM++) {
if(UsedNums.Contains(k)) continue;
aTrackEdge = TopoDS::Edge( Edges.Value(k) );
SMESH_subMesh* locTrack = *itLSM;
SMESHDS_SubMesh* locMeshDS = locTrack->GetSubMeshDS();
TopExp::Vertices( aTrackEdge, aV1, aV2 );
aItN = locTrack->GetFather()->GetSubMesh(aV1)->GetSubMeshDS()->GetNodes();
const SMDS_MeshNode* aN1 = aItN->next();
aItN = locTrack->GetFather()->GetSubMesh(aV2)->GetSubMeshDS()->GetNodes();
const SMDS_MeshNode* aN2 = aItN->next();
// starting node must be aN1 or aN2
if ( !( aN1->GetID() == startNid || aN2->GetID() == startNid ) ) continue;
// 2. Collect parameters on the track edge
aItN = locMeshDS->GetNodes();
while ( aItN->more() ) {
const SMDS_MeshNode* pNode = aItN->next();
const SMDS_EdgePosition* pEPos =
static_cast<const SMDS_EdgePosition*>( pNode->GetPosition().get() );
double aT = pEPos->GetUParameter();
aPrms.push_back( aT );
list<SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint> LPP;
Extrusion_Error err = MakeEdgePathPoints(aPrms, aTrackEdge,
(aN1->GetID()==startNid), LPP);
// update startN for search following egde
if( aN1->GetID() == startNid ) startNid = aN2->GetID();
else startNid = aN1->GetID();
list< list<SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint> >::iterator itLLPP = LLPPs.begin();
list<SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint> firstList = *itLLPP;
list<SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint>::iterator itPP = firstList.begin();
for(; itPP!=firstList.end(); itPP++) {
fullList.push_back( *itPP );
SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint PP1 = fullList.back();
for(; itLLPP!=LLPPs.end(); itLLPP++) {
list<SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint> currList = *itLLPP;
itPP = currList.begin();
SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint PP2 = currList.front();
gp_Pnt P1 = PP1.Pnt();
//cout<<" PP1: Pnt("<<P1.X()<<","<<P1.Y()<<","<<P1.Z()<<")"<<endl;
gp_Pnt P2 = PP2.Pnt();
gp_Dir D1 = PP1.Tangent();
gp_Dir D2 = PP2.Tangent();
gp_Dir Dnew( gp_Vec( (D1.X()+D2.X())/2, (D1.Y()+D2.Y())/2,
(D1.Z()+D2.Z())/2 ) );
for(; itPP!=currList.end(); itPP++) {
fullList.push_back( *itPP );
PP1 = fullList.back();
// if wire not closed
// else ???
else {
return MakeExtrElements(theElements, fullList, theHasAngles, theAngles, theLinearVariation,
theHasRefPoint, theRefPoint, theMakeGroups);
//function : MakeEdgePathPoints
//purpose : auxilary for ExtrusionAlongTrack
SMESH_MeshEditor::MakeEdgePathPoints(std::list<double>& aPrms,
const TopoDS_Edge& aTrackEdge,
bool FirstIsStart,
list<SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint>& LPP)
Standard_Real aTx1, aTx2, aL2, aTolVec, aTolVec2;
double aT1, aT2;
TopoDS_Vertex aV1, aV2;
TopExp::Vertices( aTrackEdge, aV1, aV2 );
aT1=BRep_Tool::Parameter( aV1, aTrackEdge );
aT2=BRep_Tool::Parameter( aV2, aTrackEdge );
aItN = theTrack->GetFather()->GetSubMesh( aV1 )->GetSubMeshDS()->GetNodes();
const SMDS_MeshNode* aN1 = aItN->next();
aItN = theTrack->GetFather()->GetSubMesh( aV2 )->GetSubMeshDS()->GetNodes();
const SMDS_MeshNode* aN2 = aItN->next();
// starting node must be aN1 or aN2
if ( !( aN1 == theN1 || aN2 == theN1 ) )
aNbTP = pSubMeshDS->NbNodes() + 2;
// 1.2. Angles
vector<double> aAngles( aNbTP );
for ( j=0; j < aNbTP; ++j ) {
aAngles[j] = 0.;
if ( theHasAngles ) {
aItD = theAngles.begin();
for ( j=1; (aItD != theAngles.end()) && (j<aNbTP); ++aItD, ++j ) {
aAngle = *aItD;
aAngles[j] = aAngle;
// 2. Collect parameters on the track edge
aPrms.push_back( aT1 );
aPrms.push_front( aT1 );
aPrms.push_back( aT2 );
aItN = pSubMeshDS->GetNodes();
while ( aItN->more() ) {
const SMDS_MeshNode* pNode = aItN->next();
const SMDS_EdgePosition* pEPos =
static_cast<const SMDS_EdgePosition*>( pNode->GetPosition().get() );
aT = pEPos->GetUParameter();
aPrms.push_back( aT );
// sort parameters
if ( aN1 == theN1 ) {
if( FirstIsStart ) {
if ( aT1 > aT2 ) {
@ -3908,48 +4159,100 @@ SMESH_MeshEditor::Extrusion_Error
// 3. Path Points
SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint aPP;
vector<SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint> aPPs( aNbTP );
aC3D = BRep_Tool::Curve( aTrackEdge, aTx1, aTx2 );
aItD = aPrms.begin();
for ( j=0; aItD != aPrms.end(); ++aItD, ++j ) {
aT = *aItD;
Handle(Geom_Curve) aC3D = BRep_Tool::Curve( aTrackEdge, aTx1, aTx2 );
std::list<double>::iterator aItD = aPrms.begin();
for(; aItD != aPrms.end(); ++aItD) {
double aT = *aItD;
gp_Pnt aP3D;
gp_Vec aVec;
aC3D->D1( aT, aP3D, aVec );
aL2 = aVec.SquareMagnitude();
if ( aL2 < aTolVec2 )
gp_Dir aTgt( aVec );
aAngle = aAngles[j];
aPP.SetPnt( aP3D );
aPP.SetTangent( aTgt );
aPP.SetAngle( aAngle );
aPP.SetParameter( aT );
//function : MakeExtrElements
//purpose : auxilary for ExtrusionAlongTrack
SMESH_MeshEditor::MakeExtrElements(TIDSortedElemSet& theElements,
list<SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint>& fullList,
const bool theHasAngles,
list<double>& theAngles,
const bool theLinearVariation,
const bool theHasRefPoint,
const gp_Pnt& theRefPoint,
const bool theMakeGroups)
//cout<<"MakeExtrElements fullList.size() = "<<fullList.size()<<endl;
int aNbTP = fullList.size();
vector<SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint> aPPs(aNbTP);
// Angles
if( theHasAngles && theAngles.size()>0 && theLinearVariation ) {
LinearAngleVariation(aNbTP-1, theAngles);
vector<double> aAngles( aNbTP );
int j = 0;
for(; j<aNbTP; ++j) {
aAngles[j] = 0.;
if ( theHasAngles ) {
double anAngle;;
std::list<double>::iterator aItD = theAngles.begin();
for ( j=1; (aItD != theAngles.end()) && (j<aNbTP); ++aItD, ++j ) {
anAngle = *aItD;
aAngles[j] = anAngle;
// fill vector of path points with angles
j = -1;
list<SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint>::iterator itPP = fullList.begin();
for(; itPP!=fullList.end(); itPP++) {
SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint PP = *itPP;
aPPs[j] = PP;
TNodeOfNodeListMap mapNewNodes;
TElemOfVecOfNnlmiMap mapElemNewNodes;
TElemOfElemListMap newElemsMap;
TIDSortedElemSet::iterator itElem;
double aX, aY, aZ;
int aNb;
SMDSAbs_ElementType aTypeE;
// source elements for each generated one
SMESH_SequenceOfElemPtr srcElems, srcNodes;
// 3. Center of rotation aV0
aV0 = theRefPoint;
gp_Pnt aV0 = theRefPoint;
gp_XYZ aGC;
if ( !theHasRefPoint ) {
aNb = 0;
aGC.SetCoord( 0.,0.,0. );
itElem = theElements.begin();
for ( ; itElem != theElements.end(); itElem++ ) {
const SMDS_MeshElement* elem = *itElem;
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr itN = elem->nodesIterator();
while ( itN->more() ) {
const SMDS_MeshNode* node = static_cast<const SMDS_MeshNode*>( itN->next() );
aX = node->X();
aY = node->Y();
aZ = node->Z();
if ( mapNewNodes.find( node ) == mapNewNodes.end() ) {
list<const SMDS_MeshNode*> aLNx;
mapNewNodes[node] = aLNx;
@ -4008,6 +4311,7 @@ SMESH_MeshEditor::Extrusion_Error
const SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint& aPP0 = aPPs[0];
aP0x = aPP0.Pnt();
aDT0x= aPP0.Tangent();
//cout<<"j = 0 PP: Pnt("<<aP0x.X()<<","<<aP0x.Y()<<","<<aP0x.Z()<<")"<<endl;
for ( j = 1; j < aNbTP; ++j ) {
const SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint& aPP1 = aPPs[j];
@ -4116,6 +4420,56 @@ SMESH_MeshEditor::Extrusion_Error
return EXTR_OK;
//function : LinearAngleVariation
//purpose : auxilary for ExtrusionAlongTrack
void SMESH_MeshEditor::LinearAngleVariation(const int nbSteps,
list<double>& Angles)
int nbAngles = Angles.size();
if( nbSteps > nbAngles ) {
vector<double> theAngles(nbAngles);
list<double>::iterator it = Angles.begin();
int i = -1;
for(; it!=Angles.end(); it++) {
theAngles[i] = (*it);
list<double> res;
double rAn2St = double( nbAngles ) / double( nbSteps );
double angPrev = 0, angle;
for ( int iSt = 0; iSt < nbSteps; ++iSt ) {
double angCur = rAn2St * ( iSt+1 );
double angCurFloor = floor( angCur );
double angPrevFloor = floor( angPrev );
if ( angPrevFloor == angCurFloor )
angle = rAn2St * theAngles[ int( angCurFloor ) ];
else {
int iP = int( angPrevFloor );
double angPrevCeil = ceil(angPrev);
angle = ( angPrevCeil - angPrev ) * theAngles[ iP ];
int iC = int( angCurFloor );
if ( iC < nbAngles )
angle += ( angCur - angCurFloor ) * theAngles[ iC ];
iP = int( angPrevCeil );
while ( iC-- > iP )
angle += theAngles[ iC ];
angPrev = angCur;
it = res.begin();
for(; it!=res.end(); it++)
Angles.push_back( *it );
//function : Transform
//purpose :
@ -85,6 +85,53 @@ struct SMESH_NodeSearcher
virtual const SMDS_MeshNode* FindClosestTo( const gp_Pnt& pnt ) = 0;
* auxiliary class
class SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint {
SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint() {
myPnt.SetCoord(99., 99., 99.);
void SetPnt(const gp_Pnt& aP3D){
void SetTangent(const gp_Dir& aTgt){
void SetAngle(const double& aBeta){
void SetParameter(const double& aPrm){
const gp_Pnt& Pnt()const{
return myPnt;
const gp_Dir& Tangent()const{
return myTgt;
double Angle()const{
return myAngle;
double Parameter()const{
return myPrm;
gp_Pnt myPnt;
gp_Dir myTgt;
double myAngle;
double myPrm;
// ============================================================
* \brief Editor of a mesh
@ -292,6 +339,16 @@ public:
const SMDS_MeshNode* theNodeStart,
const bool theHasAngles,
std::list<double>& theAngles,
const bool theLinearVariation,
const bool theHasRefPoint,
const gp_Pnt& theRefPoint,
const bool theMakeGroups);
Extrusion_Error ExtrusionAlongTrack (TIDSortedElemSet & theElements,
SMESH_Mesh* theTrackPattern,
const SMDS_MeshNode* theNodeStart,
const bool theHasAngles,
std::list<double>& theAngles,
const bool theLinearVariation,
const bool theHasRefPoint,
const gp_Pnt& theRefPoint,
const bool theMakeGroups);
@ -583,6 +640,25 @@ private:
TIDSortedElemSet& elemSet,
const int nbSteps,
SMESH_SequenceOfElemPtr& srcElements);
* auxilary for ExtrusionAlongTrack
Extrusion_Error MakeEdgePathPoints(std::list<double>& aPrms,
const TopoDS_Edge& aTrackEdge,
bool FirstIsStart,
list<SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint>& LPP);
Extrusion_Error MakeExtrElements(TIDSortedElemSet& theElements,
list<SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint>& fullList,
const bool theHasAngles,
list<double>& theAngles,
const bool theLinearVariation,
const bool theHasRefPoint,
const gp_Pnt& theRefPoint,
const bool theMakeGroups);
void LinearAngleVariation(const int NbSteps,
list<double>& theAngles);
SMESH_Mesh * myMesh;
@ -186,15 +186,6 @@ SMESHGUI_ExtrusionAlongPathDlg::SMESHGUI_ExtrusionAlongPathDlg( SMESHGUI* theMod
PathMeshLineEdit = new QLineEdit(PathGrp);
// Controls for path shape selection
QLabel* PathShapeLab = new QLabel(tr("SMESH_PATH_SHAPE"), PathGrp);
SelectPathShapeButton = new QToolButton(PathGrp);
PathShapeLineEdit = new QLineEdit(PathGrp);
// Controls for path starting point selection
QLabel* StartPointLab = new QLabel(tr("SMESH_PATH_START"), PathGrp);
@ -208,12 +199,9 @@ SMESHGUI_ExtrusionAlongPathDlg::SMESHGUI_ExtrusionAlongPathDlg( SMESHGUI* theMod
PathGrpLayout->addWidget(PathMeshLab, 0, 0);
PathGrpLayout->addWidget(SelectPathMeshButton, 0, 1);
PathGrpLayout->addWidget(PathMeshLineEdit, 0, 2);
PathGrpLayout->addWidget(PathShapeLab, 1, 0);
PathGrpLayout->addWidget(SelectPathShapeButton, 1, 1);
PathGrpLayout->addWidget(PathShapeLineEdit, 1, 2);
PathGrpLayout->addWidget(StartPointLab, 2, 0);
PathGrpLayout->addWidget(SelectStartPointButton, 2, 1);
PathGrpLayout->addWidget(StartPointLineEdit, 2, 2);
PathGrpLayout->addWidget(StartPointLab, 1, 0);
PathGrpLayout->addWidget(SelectStartPointButton, 1, 1);
PathGrpLayout->addWidget(StartPointLineEdit, 1, 2);
BasePointGrp = new QGroupBox(tr("SMESH_BASE_POINT"), GroupArguments);
@ -337,7 +325,8 @@ SMESHGUI_ExtrusionAlongPathDlg::SMESHGUI_ExtrusionAlongPathDlg( SMESHGUI* theMod
if (aSmeshGroupFilter) aListOfFilters.append(aSmeshGroupFilter);
myElementsFilter = new SMESH_LogicalFilter (aListOfFilters, SMESH_LogicalFilter::LO_OR);
myPathMeshFilter = new SMESH_TypeFilter (MESH);
//myPathMeshFilter = new SMESH_TypeFilter (MESH);
myPathMeshFilter = new SMESH_TypeFilter(MESHorSUBMESH);
myHelpFileName = "extrusion_along_path_page.html";
@ -357,7 +346,6 @@ SMESHGUI_ExtrusionAlongPathDlg::SMESHGUI_ExtrusionAlongPathDlg( SMESHGUI* theMod
connect(SelectElementsButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SetEditCurrentArgument()));
connect(SelectPathMeshButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SetEditCurrentArgument()));
connect(SelectPathShapeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SetEditCurrentArgument()));
connect(SelectStartPointButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SetEditCurrentArgument()));
connect(SelectBasePointButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SetEditCurrentArgument()));
@ -405,12 +393,10 @@ void SMESHGUI_ExtrusionAlongPathDlg::Init (bool ResetControls)
myMesh = SMESH::SMESH_Mesh::_nil();
myIDSource = SMESH::SMESH_IDSource::_nil();
myMeshActor = 0;
myPathMesh = SMESH::SMESH_Mesh::_nil();
myPathShape = GEOM::GEOM_Object::_nil();
myPath = SMESH::SMESH_IDSource::_nil();
if (ResetControls) {
@ -483,8 +469,10 @@ bool SMESHGUI_ExtrusionAlongPathDlg::ClickOnApply()
if (mySMESHGUI->isActiveStudyLocked())
return false;
if (myMesh->_is_nil() || MeshCheck->isChecked() && myIDSource->_is_nil() ||
!myMeshActor || myPathMesh->_is_nil() || myPathShape->_is_nil())
//if (myMesh->_is_nil() || MeshCheck->isChecked() && myIDSource->_is_nil() ||
// !myMeshActor || myPathMesh->_is_nil() || myPathShape->_is_nil())
if ( myMesh->_is_nil() || MeshCheck->isChecked() && myIDSource->_is_nil() ||
!myMeshActor || myPath->_is_nil() )
return false;
if (!isValid())
@ -563,10 +551,12 @@ bool SMESHGUI_ExtrusionAlongPathDlg::ClickOnApply()
try {
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor_var aMeshEditor = myMesh->GetMeshEditor();
if ( LinearAnglesCheck->isChecked() )
anAngles = aMeshEditor->LinearAnglesVariation( myPathMesh, myPathShape, anAngles );
//if ( LinearAnglesCheck->isChecked() ) {
// anAngles = aMeshEditor->LinearAnglesVariation( myPathMesh, myPathShape, anAngles );
SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor::Extrusion_Error retVal;
if ( MakeGroupsCheck->isEnabled() && MakeGroupsCheck->isChecked() ) {
if( MeshCheck->isChecked() ) {
if( GetConstructorId() == 0 )
@ -608,6 +598,27 @@ bool SMESHGUI_ExtrusionAlongPathDlg::ClickOnApply()
AnglesGrp->isChecked(), anAngles,
BasePointGrp->isChecked(), aBasePoint);
bool NeedGroups = ( MakeGroupsCheck->isEnabled() && MakeGroupsCheck->isChecked() );
SMESH::ElementType ElemType = SMESH::FACE;
if( GetConstructorId() == 0 )
ElemType = SMESH::EDGE;
if( !MeshCheck->isChecked() ) {
SMESH::ListOfGroups_var groups =
aMeshEditor->ExtrusionAlongPathX(anElementsId, myPath, aNodeStart, AnglesGrp->isChecked(),
anAngles, LinearAnglesCheck->isChecked(),
BasePointGrp->isChecked(), aBasePoint,
NeedGroups, ElemType, retVal);
else {
SMESH::ListOfGroups_var groups =
aMeshEditor->ExtrusionAlongPathObjX(myIDSource, myPath, aNodeStart, AnglesGrp->isChecked(),
anAngles, LinearAnglesCheck->isChecked(),
BasePointGrp->isChecked(), aBasePoint,
NeedGroups, ElemType, retVal);
if( retVal == SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor::EXTR_OK )
myMesh->SetParameters( SMESHGUI::JoinObjectParameters(aParameters) );
@ -767,10 +778,11 @@ void SMESHGUI_ExtrusionAlongPathDlg::onTextChange (const QString& theNewText)
if ( SVTK_ViewWindow* aViewWindow = SMESH::GetViewWindow( mySMESHGUI ))
aViewWindow->highlight( anIO, true, true );
} else if (send == StartPointLineEdit &&
else if (send == StartPointLineEdit &&
myEditCurrentArgument == StartPointLineEdit) {
if (!myPathMesh->_is_nil()) {
SMESH_Actor* aPathActor = SMESH::FindActorByObject(myPathMesh);
if (!myPath->_is_nil()) {
SMESH_Actor* aPathActor = SMESH::FindActorByObject(myPath);
SMDS_Mesh* aMesh = 0;
if (aPathActor)
aMesh = aPathActor->GetObject()->GetMesh();
@ -862,57 +874,37 @@ void SMESHGUI_ExtrusionAlongPathDlg::SelectionIntoArgument()
SMESH::GetNameOfSelectedElements(mySelector, IO, aString);
} else if (myEditCurrentArgument == PathMeshLineEdit) {
else if (myEditCurrentArgument == PathMeshLineEdit) {
// we are now selecting path mesh
// reset
myPathMesh = SMESH::SMESH_Mesh::_nil();
myPathShape = GEOM::GEOM_Object::_nil();
myPath = SMESH::SMESH_IDSource::_nil();
// try to get mesh from selection
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) IO = aList.First();
myPathMesh = SMESH::IObjectToInterface<SMESH::SMESH_Mesh>(IO);
myPath = SMESH::IObjectToInterface<SMESH::SMESH_IDSource>(IO);
if( myPath->_is_nil() )
QString aString;
SMESH::GetNameOfSelectedIObjects(mySelectionMgr, aString);
} else if (myEditCurrentArgument == PathShapeLineEdit) {
// we are now selecting path mesh
// reset
myPathShape = GEOM::GEOM_Object::_nil();
// return if path mesh is not yet selected
if (myPathMesh->_is_nil())
// try to get shape from selection
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) IO = aList.First();
myPathShape = SMESH::IObjectToInterface<GEOM::GEOM_Object>(IO);
if (myPathShape->_is_nil())
QString aString;
SMESH::GetNameOfSelectedIObjects(mySelectionMgr, aString);
} else if (myEditCurrentArgument == StartPointLineEdit) {
else if (myEditCurrentArgument == StartPointLineEdit) {
// we are now selecting start point of path
// reset
// return if path mesh or path shape is not yet selected
if (myPathMesh->_is_nil() || myPathShape->_is_nil())
if( myPath->_is_nil() )
// try to get shape from selection
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) IO = aList.First();
SMESH_Actor* aPathActor = SMESH::FindActorByObject(myPathMesh);
SMESH_Actor* aPathActor = SMESH::FindActorByObject(myPath);
if ( !aPathActor )
@ -983,7 +975,6 @@ void SMESHGUI_ExtrusionAlongPathDlg::SetEditCurrentArgument()
QToolButton* send = (QToolButton*)sender();
if (send != SelectElementsButton &&
send != SelectPathMeshButton &&
send != SelectPathShapeButton &&
send != SelectStartPointButton &&
send != SelectBasePointButton)
@ -1027,26 +1018,11 @@ void SMESHGUI_ExtrusionAlongPathDlg::SetEditCurrentArgument (QToolButton* button
else if (button == SelectPathShapeButton) {
myEditCurrentArgument = PathShapeLineEdit;
if ( SVTK_ViewWindow* aViewWindow = SMESH::GetViewWindow( mySMESHGUI ))
if (!myPathMesh->_is_nil()) {
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var aMainShape = myPathMesh->GetShapeToMesh();
SMESH_Actor* aPathActor = SMESH::FindActorByObject(myPathMesh);
if (!aMainShape->_is_nil() && aPathActor)
mySelectionMgr->installFilter(new SMESH_NumberFilter ("GEOM", TopAbs_SHAPE, -1,
TopAbs_EDGE, aMainShape));
else if (button == SelectStartPointButton) {
myEditCurrentArgument = StartPointLineEdit;
if (!myPathMesh->_is_nil()) {
SMESH_Actor* aPathActor = SMESH::FindActorByObject(myPathMesh);
//if (!myPathMesh->_is_nil()) {
if (!myPath->_is_nil()) {
SMESH_Actor* aPathActor = SMESH::FindActorByObject(myPath);
if (aPathActor) {
if ( SVTK_ViewWindow* aViewWindow = SMESH::GetViewWindow( mySMESHGUI ))
@ -94,8 +94,9 @@ private:
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var myMesh;
SMESH_Actor* myMeshActor;
SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_var myIDSource;
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var myPathMesh;
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var myPathShape;
//SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var myPathMesh;
SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_var myPath;
//GEOM::GEOM_Object_var myPathShape;
SUIT_SelectionFilter* myElementsFilter;
SUIT_SelectionFilter* myPathMeshFilter;
int myType;
@ -115,8 +116,8 @@ private:
QGroupBox* PathGrp;
QToolButton* SelectPathMeshButton;
QLineEdit* PathMeshLineEdit;
QToolButton* SelectPathShapeButton;
QLineEdit* PathShapeLineEdit;
//QToolButton* SelectPathShapeButton;
//QLineEdit* PathShapeLineEdit;
QToolButton* SelectStartPointButton;
QLineEdit* StartPointLineEdit;
QCheckBox* LinearAnglesCheck;
@ -3497,7 +3497,7 @@ Please select a groups and try again</translation>
<translation>Mesh or submesh</translation>
@ -34,6 +34,8 @@
#include "SMESH_subMeshEventListener.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Gen_i.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Filter_i.hxx"
#include "SMESH_subMesh_i.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Group_i.hxx"
#include "SMESH_PythonDump.hxx"
#include "utilities.h"
@ -1996,7 +1998,7 @@ SMESH_MeshEditor_i::extrusionAlongPath(const SMESH::long_array & theIDsOfEleme
::SMESH_MeshEditor anEditor( myMesh );
::SMESH_MeshEditor::Extrusion_Error error =
anEditor.ExtrusionAlongTrack( elements, aSubMesh, nodeStart,
theHasAngles, angles,
theHasAngles, angles, false,
theHasRefPoint, refPnt, theMakeGroups );
theError = convExtrError( error );
@ -2011,6 +2013,105 @@ SMESH_MeshEditor_i::extrusionAlongPath(const SMESH::long_array & theIDsOfEleme
return 0;
//function : extrusionAlongPathX
//purpose :
SMESH_MeshEditor_i::extrusionAlongPathX(const SMESH::long_array & IDsOfElements,
SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr Path,
CORBA::Long NodeStart,
CORBA::Boolean HasAngles,
const SMESH::double_array& Angles,
CORBA::Boolean LinearVariation,
CORBA::Boolean HasRefPoint,
const SMESH::PointStruct& RefPoint,
const bool MakeGroups,
const SMDSAbs_ElementType ElementType,
SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor::Extrusion_Error & Error)
SMESH::ListOfGroups* EmptyGr = new SMESH::ListOfGroups;
list<double> angles;
for (int i = 0; i < Angles.length(); i++) {
angles.push_back( Angles[i] );
gp_Pnt refPnt( RefPoint.x, RefPoint.y, RefPoint.z );
int nbOldGroups = myMesh->NbGroup();
if ( Path->_is_nil() ) {
return EmptyGr;
TIDSortedElemSet elements;
arrayToSet(IDsOfElements, GetMeshDS(), elements, ElementType);
::SMESH_MeshEditor anEditor( myMesh );
::SMESH_MeshEditor::Extrusion_Error error;
SMESH_Mesh_i* aMeshImp = SMESH::DownCast<SMESH_Mesh_i*>( Path );
if(aMeshImp) {
// path as mesh
SMDS_MeshNode* aNodeStart =
if ( !aNodeStart ) {
return EmptyGr;
error = anEditor.ExtrusionAlongTrack( elements, &(aMeshImp->GetImpl()), aNodeStart,
HasAngles, angles, LinearVariation,
HasRefPoint, refPnt, MakeGroups );
else {
SMESH_subMesh_i* aSubMeshImp = SMESH::DownCast<SMESH_subMesh_i*>( Path );
if(aSubMeshImp) {
// path as submesh
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_ptr aPathMesh = aSubMeshImp->GetFather();
aMeshImp = SMESH::DownCast<SMESH_Mesh_i*>( aPathMesh );
SMDS_MeshNode* aNodeStart =
if ( !aNodeStart ) {
return EmptyGr;
SMESH_subMesh* aSubMesh =
error = anEditor.ExtrusionAlongTrack( elements, aSubMesh, aNodeStart,
HasAngles, angles, LinearVariation,
HasRefPoint, refPnt, MakeGroups );
else {
SMESH_Group_i* aGroupImp = SMESH::DownCast<SMESH_Group_i*>( Path );
if(aGroupImp) {
// path as group of 1D elements
else {
// invalid path
return EmptyGr;
Error = convExtrError( error );
if ( MakeGroups ) {
list<int> groupIDs = myMesh->GetGroupIds();
list<int>::iterator newBegin = groupIDs.begin();
std::advance( newBegin, nbOldGroups ); // skip old groups
groupIDs.erase( groupIDs.begin(), newBegin );
return getGroups( & groupIDs );
return EmptyGr;
//function : ExtrusionAlongPath
//purpose :
@ -2409,6 +2510,124 @@ ExtrusionAlongPathObject2DMakeGroups(SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr theObject,
return aGroups;
//function : ExtrusionAlongPathObjX
//purpose :
SMESH::ListOfGroups* SMESH_MeshEditor_i::
ExtrusionAlongPathObjX(SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr Object,
SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr Path,
CORBA::Long NodeStart,
CORBA::Boolean HasAngles,
const SMESH::double_array& Angles,
CORBA::Boolean LinearVariation,
CORBA::Boolean HasRefPoint,
const SMESH::PointStruct& RefPoint,
CORBA::Boolean MakeGroups,
SMESH::ElementType ElemType,
SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor::Extrusion_Error& Error)
SMESH::long_array_var anElementsId = Object->GetIDs();
SMESH::ListOfGroups * aGroups = extrusionAlongPathX(anElementsId,
if ( !myPreviewMode ) {
bool isDumpGroups = aGroups && aGroups->length() > 0;
TPythonDump aPythonDump;
if(isDumpGroups) {
aPythonDump << "("<<aGroups;
aPythonDump << ", error)";
aPythonDump <<"error";
aPythonDump << " = " << this << ".ExtrusionAlongPathObjX( "
<< Object << ", "
<< Path << ", "
<< NodeStart << ", "
<< HasAngles << ", "
<< Angles << ", "
<< LinearVariation << ", "
<< HasRefPoint << ", "
<< "SMESH.PointStruct( "
<< ( HasRefPoint ? RefPoint.x : 0 ) << ", "
<< ( HasRefPoint ? RefPoint.y : 0 ) << ", "
<< ( HasRefPoint ? RefPoint.z : 0 ) << " ), "
<< ElemType << " )";
return aGroups;
//function : ExtrusionAlongPathX
//purpose :
SMESH::ListOfGroups* SMESH_MeshEditor_i::
ExtrusionAlongPathX(const SMESH::long_array& IDsOfElements,
SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr Path,
CORBA::Long NodeStart,
CORBA::Boolean HasAngles,
const SMESH::double_array& Angles,
CORBA::Boolean LinearVariation,
CORBA::Boolean HasRefPoint,
const SMESH::PointStruct& RefPoint,
CORBA::Boolean MakeGroups,
SMESH::ElementType ElemType,
SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor::Extrusion_Error& Error)
SMESH::ListOfGroups * aGroups = extrusionAlongPathX(IDsOfElements,
if ( !myPreviewMode ) {
bool isDumpGroups = aGroups && aGroups->length() > 0;
TPythonDump aPythonDump;
if(isDumpGroups) {
aPythonDump << "("<<aGroups;
aPythonDump << ", error)";
aPythonDump <<"error";
aPythonDump << " = " << this << ".ExtrusionAlongPathX( "
<< IDsOfElements << ", "
<< Path << ", "
<< NodeStart << ", "
<< HasAngles << ", "
<< Angles << ", "
<< LinearVariation << ", "
<< HasRefPoint << ", "
<< "SMESH.PointStruct( "
<< ( HasRefPoint ? RefPoint.x : 0 ) << ", "
<< ( HasRefPoint ? RefPoint.y : 0 ) << ", "
<< ( HasRefPoint ? RefPoint.z : 0 ) << " ), "
<< ElemType << " )";
return aGroups;
* \brief Compute rotation angles for ExtrusionAlongPath as linear variation
@ -348,6 +348,31 @@ class SMESH_MeshEditor_i: public POA_SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor
CORBA::Boolean HasRefPoint,
const SMESH::PointStruct& RefPoint,
SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor::Extrusion_Error& Error);
// skl 04.06.2009
SMESH::ListOfGroups* ExtrusionAlongPathObjX(SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr Object,
SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr Path,
CORBA::Long NodeStart,
CORBA::Boolean HasAngles,
const SMESH::double_array& Angles,
CORBA::Boolean LinearVariation,
CORBA::Boolean HasRefPoint,
const SMESH::PointStruct& RefPoint,
CORBA::Boolean MakeGroups,
SMESH::ElementType ElemType,
SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor::Extrusion_Error& Error);
SMESH::ListOfGroups* ExtrusionAlongPathX(const SMESH::long_array& IDsOfElements,
SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr Path,
CORBA::Long NodeStart,
CORBA::Boolean HasAngles,
const SMESH::double_array& Angles,
CORBA::Boolean LinearVariation,
CORBA::Boolean HasRefPoint,
const SMESH::PointStruct& RefPoint,
CORBA::Boolean MakeGroups,
SMESH::ElementType ElemType,
SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor::Extrusion_Error& Error);
SMESH::ListOfGroups* MirrorMakeGroups(const SMESH::long_array& IDsOfElements,
const SMESH::AxisStruct& Mirror,
SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor::MirrorType MirrorType);
@ -534,6 +559,17 @@ private: //!< private methods
const bool MakeGroups,
SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor::Extrusion_Error & Error,
const SMDSAbs_ElementType ElementType=SMDSAbs_All);
SMESH::ListOfGroups* extrusionAlongPathX(const SMESH::long_array & IDsOfElements,
SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr Path,
CORBA::Long NodeStart,
CORBA::Boolean HasAngles,
const SMESH::double_array& Angles,
CORBA::Boolean LinearVariation,
CORBA::Boolean HasRefPoint,
const SMESH::PointStruct& RefPoint,
const bool MakeGroups,
const SMDSAbs_ElementType ElementType,
SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor::Extrusion_Error & theError);
SMESH::ListOfGroups* mirror(const SMESH::long_array & IDsOfElements,
const SMESH::AxisStruct & Axis,
SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor::MirrorType MirrorType,
@ -2733,6 +2733,53 @@ class Mesh:
self.editor.ExtrusionSweepObject2D(theObject, StepVector, NbOfSteps)
return []
## Generates new elements by extrusion of the given elements
# The path of extrusion must be a meshed edge.
# @param Base mesh or list of ids of elements for extrusion
# @param Path - 1D mesh or 1D sub-mesh, along which proceeds the extrusion
# @param NodeStart the start node from Path. Defines the direction of extrusion
# @param HasAngles allows the shape to be rotated around the path
# to get the resulting mesh in a helical fashion
# @param Angles list of angles in radians
# @param LinearVariation forces the computation of rotation angles as linear
# variation of the given Angles along path steps
# @param HasRefPoint allows using the reference point
# @param RefPoint the point around which the shape is rotated (the mass center of the shape by default).
# The User can specify any point as the Reference Point.
# @param MakeGroups forces the generation of new groups from existing ones
# @param ElemType type of elements for extrusion (if param Base is a mesh)
# @return list of created groups (SMESH_GroupBase) and SMESH::Extrusion_Error if MakeGroups=True,
# only SMESH::Extrusion_Error otherwise
# @ingroup l2_modif_extrurev
def ExtrusionAlongPathX(self, Base, Path, NodeStart,
HasAngles, Angles, LinearVariation,
HasRefPoint, RefPoint, MakeGroups, ElemType):
Angles,AnglesParameters = ParseAngles(Angles)
RefPoint,RefPointParameters = ParsePointStruct(RefPoint)
if ( isinstance( RefPoint, geompyDC.GEOM._objref_GEOM_Object)):
RefPoint = self.smeshpyD.GetPointStruct(RefPoint)
Parameters = AnglesParameters + var_separator + RefPointParameters
if isinstance(Base,list):
IDsOfElements = []
if Base == []: IDsOfElements = self.GetElementsId()
else: IDsOfElements = Base
return self.editor.ExtrusionAlongPathX(IDsOfElements, Path, NodeStart,
HasAngles, Angles, LinearVariation,
HasRefPoint, RefPoint, MakeGroups, ElemType)
if isinstance(Base,Mesh):
return self.editor.ExtrusionAlongPathObjX(Base.GetMesh(), Path, NodeStart,
HasAngles, Angles, LinearVariation,
HasRefPoint, RefPoint, MakeGroups, ElemType)
raise RuntimeError, "Invalid Base for ExtrusionAlongPathX"
## Generates new elements by extrusion of the given elements
# The path of extrusion must be a meshed edge.
# @param IDsOfElements ids of elements
@ -2741,7 +2788,7 @@ class Mesh:
# @param NodeStart the first or the last node on the edge. Defines the direction of extrusion
# @param HasAngles allows the shape to be rotated around the path
# to get the resulting mesh in a helical fashion
# @param Angles list of angles
# @param Angles list of angles in radians
# @param HasRefPoint allows using the reference point
# @param RefPoint the point around which the shape is rotated (the mass center of the shape by default).
# The User can specify any point as the Reference Point.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user