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synced 2025-03-07 04:35:37 +05:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
This commit is contained in:
@ -1436,6 +1436,7 @@ const SMDS_MeshNode* SMESH_MesherHelper::GetMediumNode(const SMDS_MeshNode* n1,
catch ( Standard_Failure& f )
// issue 22502 / a node is on VERTEX not belonging to E
// issue 22568 / both nodes are on non-connected VERTEXes
return getMediumNodeOnComposedWire(n1,n2,force3d);
@ -1535,67 +1536,108 @@ const SMDS_MeshNode* SMESH_MesherHelper::getMediumNodeOnComposedWire(const SMDS_
const SMDS_MeshNode* n2,
bool force3d)
gp_Pnt middle = 0.5 * XYZ(n1) + 0.5 * XYZ(n2);
SMESH_TNodeXYZ p1( n1 ), p2( n2 );
gp_Pnt middle = 0.5 * p1 + 0.5 * p2;
SMDS_MeshNode* n12 = AddNode( middle.X(), middle.Y(), middle.Z() );
// To find position on edge and 3D position for n12,
// project <middle> to 2 edges and select projection most close to <middle>
double u = 0, distMiddleProj = Precision::Infinite(), distXYZ[4];
int iOkEdge = 0;
TopoDS_Edge edges[2];
TopoDS_Edge bestEdge;
double u = 0, distMiddleProj = Precision::Infinite(), distXYZ[4], f,l;
// get shapes under the nodes
TopoDS_Shape shape[2];
int nbShapes = 0;
for ( int is2nd = 0; is2nd < 2; ++is2nd )
// get an edge
const SMDS_MeshNode* n = is2nd ? n2 : n1;
TopoDS_Shape shape = GetSubShapeByNode( n, GetMeshDS() );
if ( shape.IsNull() || shape.ShapeType() != TopAbs_EDGE )
TopoDS_Shape S = GetSubShapeByNode( n, GetMeshDS() );
if ( !S.IsNull() )
shape[ nbShapes++ ] = S;
// get EDGEs
vector< TopoDS_Shape > edges;
for ( int iS = 0; iS < nbShapes; ++iS )
switch ( shape[iS].ShapeType() ) {
case TopAbs_EDGE:
edges.push_back( shape[iS] );
case TopAbs_VERTEX:
TopoDS_Shape edge;
if ( nbShapes == 2 && iS==0 && shape[1-iS].ShapeType() == TopAbs_VERTEX )
edge = GetCommonAncestor( shape[iS], shape[1-iS], *myMesh, TopAbs_EDGE );
// project to get U of projection and distance from middle to projection
TopoDS_Edge edge = edges[ is2nd ] = TopoDS::Edge( shape );
double node2MiddleDist = middle.Distance( XYZ(n) );
double foundU = GetNodeU( edge, n );
CheckNodeU( edge, n12, foundU, 2*BRep_Tool::Tolerance(edge), /*force=*/true, distXYZ );
if ( distXYZ[0] < node2MiddleDist )
if ( edge.IsNull() )
PShapeIteratorPtr eIt = GetAncestors( shape[iS], *myMesh, TopAbs_EDGE );
while( const TopoDS_Shape* e = eIt->next() )
edges.push_back( *e );
case TopAbs_FACE:
if ( nbShapes == 1 || shape[1-iS].ShapeType() < TopAbs_EDGE )
for ( TopExp_Explorer e( shape[iS], TopAbs_EDGE ); e.More(); e.Next() )
edges.push_back( e.Current() );
// project to get U of projection and distance from middle to projection
for ( size_t iE = 0; iE < edges.size(); ++iE )
const TopoDS_Edge& edge = TopoDS::Edge( edges[ iE ]);
distXYZ[0] = distMiddleProj;
double testU = 0;
CheckNodeU( edge, n12, testU, 2 * BRep_Tool::Tolerance(edge), /*force=*/true, distXYZ );
if ( distXYZ[0] < distMiddleProj )
distMiddleProj = distXYZ[0];
u = foundU;
iOkEdge = is2nd;
u = testU;
bestEdge = edge;
if ( Precision::IsInfinite( distMiddleProj ))
// {
// // both projections failed; set n12 on the edge of n1 with U of a common vertex
// TopoDS_Vertex vCommon;
// if ( TopExp::CommonVertex( edges[0], edges[1], vCommon ))
// u = BRep_Tool::Parameter( vCommon, edges[0] );
// else
// {
// double f,l, u0 = GetNodeU( edges[0], n1 );
// BRep_Tool::Range( edges[0],f,l );
// u = ( fabs(u0-f) < fabs(u0-l) ) ? f : l;
// }
// iOkEdge = 0;
// distMiddleProj = 0;
// }
if ( !bestEdge.IsNull() )
// both projections failed; set n12 on the edge of n1 with U of a common vertex
TopoDS_Vertex vCommon;
if ( TopExp::CommonVertex( edges[0], edges[1], vCommon ))
u = BRep_Tool::Parameter( vCommon, edges[0] );
// move n12 to position of a successfull projection
//double tol = BRep_Tool::Tolerance(edges[ iOkEdge ]);
if ( !force3d /*&& distMiddleProj > 2*tol*/ )
double f,l, u0 = GetNodeU( edges[0], n1 );
BRep_Tool::Range( edges[0],f,l );
u = ( fabs(u0-f) < fabs(u0-l) ) ? f : l;
TopLoc_Location loc;
Handle(Geom_Curve) curve = BRep_Tool::Curve( bestEdge,loc,f,l );
gp_Pnt p = curve->Value( u ).Transformed( loc );
GetMeshDS()->MoveNode( n12, p.X(), p.Y(), p.Z() );
//if ( mySetElemOnShape ) node is not elem!
int edgeID = GetMeshDS()->ShapeToIndex( bestEdge );
if ( edgeID != n12->getshapeId() )
GetMeshDS()->UnSetNodeOnShape( n12 );
GetMeshDS()->SetNodeOnEdge(n12, edgeID, u);
iOkEdge = 0;
distMiddleProj = 0;
// move n12 to position of a successfull projection
double tol = BRep_Tool::Tolerance(edges[ iOkEdge ]);
if ( !force3d && distMiddleProj > 2*tol )
TopLoc_Location loc; double f,l;
Handle(Geom_Curve) curve = BRep_Tool::Curve( edges[iOkEdge],loc,f,l );
gp_Pnt p = curve->Value( u );
GetMeshDS()->MoveNode( n12, p.X(), p.Y(), p.Z() );
//if ( mySetElemOnShape ) node is not elem!
int edgeID = GetMeshDS()->ShapeToIndex( edges[iOkEdge] );
if ( edgeID != n12->getshapeId() )
GetMeshDS()->UnSetNodeOnShape( n12 );
GetMeshDS()->SetNodeOnEdge(n12, edgeID, u);
myTLinkNodeMap.insert( make_pair( SMESH_TLink(n1,n2), n12 ));
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